[DRE-maint] Bug#1019632: ruby-ice-cube: FTBFS with ruby3.1: ERROR: Test "ruby3.1" failed: Failure/Error: expect(YAML.load(symbol_yaml)).to eq(YAML.load(string_yaml))
Antonio Terceiro
terceiro at debian.org
Tue Sep 13 01:55:11 BST 2022
Source: ruby-ice-cube
Version: 0.16.4-1
Severity: important
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: bookworm sid ftbfs
User: debian-ruby at lists.debian.org
Usertags: ruby3.1
We are about to start the ruby3.1 transition in unstable. While trying to
rebuild ruby-ice-cube with ruby3.1 enabled, the build failed.
Relevant part of the build log (hopefully):
> Failure/Error: expect(YAML.load(symbol_yaml)).to eq(YAML.load(string_yaml))
> Psych::DisallowedClass:
> Tried to load unspecified class: Time
> # ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:315:in `block (2 levels) in <module:IceCube>'
> # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:68:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
> # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:67:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
> Finished in 1.01 seconds (files took 0.36923 seconds to load)
> 1076 examples, 48 failures
> Failed examples:
> rspec ./spec/examples/active_support_spec.rb:48 # IceCube::Schedule using ActiveSupport can round trip TimeWithZone to YAML
> rspec ./spec/examples/hourly_rule_spec.rb:61 # IceCube::HourlyRule should produce the correct days for @interval = 3
> rspec ./spec/examples/ice_cube_spec.rb:449 # IceCube::Schedule should be able to specify an end date and go to/from yaml
> rspec ./spec/examples/minutely_rule_spec.rb:58 # IceCube::MinutelyRule should produce the correct days for @interval = 3
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:1:5]' # IceCube::Schedule in America/Anchorage should not choke on parsing [#26]
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:1:6]' # IceCube::Schedule in America/Anchorage should parse an old schedule properly
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:1:13]' # IceCube::Schedule in America/Anchorage should not hang next_time on DST boundary [#98]
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:1:14]' # IceCube::Schedule in America/Anchorage should still include date over DST boundary [#98]
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:2:5]' # IceCube::Schedule in Europe/London should not choke on parsing [#26]
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:2:6]' # IceCube::Schedule in Europe/London should parse an old schedule properly
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:2:13]' # IceCube::Schedule in Europe/London should not hang next_time on DST boundary [#98]
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:2:14]' # IceCube::Schedule in Europe/London should still include date over DST boundary [#98]
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:3:5]' # IceCube::Schedule in Pacific/Auckland should not choke on parsing [#26]
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:3:6]' # IceCube::Schedule in Pacific/Auckland should parse an old schedule properly
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:3:13]' # IceCube::Schedule in Pacific/Auckland should not hang next_time on DST boundary [#98]
> rspec './spec/examples/regression_spec.rb[1:3:14]' # IceCube::Schedule in Pacific/Auckland should still include date over DST boundary [#98]
> rspec ./spec/examples/serialization_spec.rb:19 # IceCube::Schedule::dump(schedule) with ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone serializes time as a Hash
> rspec ./spec/examples/serialization_spec.rb:41 # IceCube::Schedule::load(yaml) creates a new object from a YAML string
> rspec ./spec/examples/serialization_spec.rb:48 # IceCube::Schedule::load(yaml) with ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone deserializes time from Hash
> rspec './spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb[1:1]' # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should make a yearly round trip with to_yaml [#47]
> rspec './spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb[1:2]' # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should make a monthly round trip with to_yaml [#47]
> rspec './spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb[1:3]' # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should make a weekly round trip with to_yaml [#47]
> rspec './spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb[1:4]' # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should make a daily round trip with to_yaml [#47]
> rspec './spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb[1:5]' # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should make a hourly round trip with to_yaml [#47]
> rspec './spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb[1:6]' # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should make a minutely round trip with to_yaml [#47]
> rspec './spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb[1:7]' # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should make a secondly round trip with to_yaml [#47]
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:19 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to let rules take round trips to yaml
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:34 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round-trip to YAML
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:48 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round-trip to YAML with .day
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:59 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round-trip to YAML with .day_of_month
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:70 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round-trip to YAML with .day_of_week
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:81 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round-trip to YAML with .day_of_year
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:92 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round-trip to YAML with .hour_of_day
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:103 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round-trip to YAML with .minute_of_hour
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:114 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round-trip to YAML with .month_of_year
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:125 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round-trip to YAML with .second_of_minute
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:149 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to roll forward times and get back times in an array - TimeWithZone
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:159 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to roll forward times and get back times in an array - Time
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:169 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to go back and forth to yaml and then call occurrences
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:179 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to make a round trip with an exception time
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:186 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml crazy shit
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:212 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to roll forward and back in time
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:218 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be backward compatible with old yaml Time format
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:260 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to bring a Rule to_yaml and back with a timezone
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:275 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to bring a Rule to_yaml and back with an until Date
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:281 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to bring a Rule to_yaml and back with an until Time
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:288 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to bring a Rule to_yaml and back with an until TimeWithZone
> rspec ./spec/examples/to_yaml_spec.rb:308 # IceCube::Schedule to_yaml should be able to bring in a schedule with a rule from hash with symbols or strings
> /usr/bin/ruby3.1 -I/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-support-3.10.3/lib:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.10.1/lib /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.10.1/exe/rspec --pattern ./spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --format documentation failed
> ERROR: Test "ruby3.1" failed:
The full build log is available from:
To reproduce this, you need to install ruby-all-dev >= 1:3.0+2. Depending on
when you try this, it might mean installing ruby-all-dev from experimental, or
if the transition has already started, a normal build on unstable will be
enough. If you fail to reproduce, please provide a build log and diff it with
mine so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.
A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!
If you reassign this bug to another package, please marking it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control#affects
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