[DRE-maint] Bug#1034761: ruby-webpacker missing package.json cause rails new to fail

watson at oifans.cn watson at oifans.cn
Sun Apr 23 19:47:46 BST 2023

Version: 5.4.3-2

rails new aaabbbccc aborts, complaining:
No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen -
/home/*/aaabbbccc/bin/rails:5:in `<top (required)>'
/home/*/aaabbbccc/bin/spring:10:in `require'
/home/*/aaabbbccc/bin/spring:10:in `block in <top (required)>'
/home/*/aaabbbccc/bin/spring:7:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => app:template

Copying package.json from the source package to
/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/webpacker-5.4.3/ seems to fix.

Full steps to reproduce:
$ debootstrap --arch=amd64 --variant=minbase sid /sssiiiddd
$ for i in proc dev dev/shm dev/pts ; do mount --bind /$i /sssiiiddd/$i 
; done
$ chroot /sssiiiddd
$ apt --no-install-deps install rails yarnpkg
$ useradd --create-home happy
$ su -l happy
$ rails new --trace aaabbbccc |& tee stdout (attachment)
(copy package.json from source package)
$ rails new --trace dddeeefff |& tee with_package_json (attachment)

This is my second submit to the same bug. I think my last attempt gets 
lost in mail transmit. If I cause duplicate entries or other trouble, I 
give my apology.
-------------- next part --------------
      create  README.md
      create  Rakefile
      create  .ruby-version
      create  config.ru
      create  .gitignore
      create  .gitattributes
      create  Gemfile
         run  git init from "."
      create  package.json
      create  app
      create  app/assets/config/manifest.js
      create  app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
      create  app/channels/application_cable/channel.rb
      create  app/channels/application_cable/connection.rb
      create  app/controllers/application_controller.rb
      create  app/helpers/application_helper.rb
      create  app/javascript/channels/consumer.js
      create  app/javascript/channels/index.js
      create  app/javascript/packs/application.js
      create  app/jobs/application_job.rb
      create  app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
      create  app/models/application_record.rb
      create  app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
      create  app/views/layouts/mailer.html.erb
      create  app/views/layouts/mailer.text.erb
      create  app/assets/images
      create  app/assets/images/.keep
      create  app/controllers/concerns/.keep
      create  app/models/concerns/.keep
      create  bin
      create  bin/rails
      create  bin/rake
      create  bin/setup
      create  bin/spring
      create  bin/yarn
      create  config
      create  config/routes.rb
      create  config/application.rb
      create  config/environment.rb
      create  config/cable.yml
      create  config/puma.rb
      create  config/spring.rb
      create  config/storage.yml
      create  config/environments
      create  config/environments/development.rb
      create  config/environments/production.rb
      create  config/environments/test.rb
      create  config/initializers
      create  config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb
      create  config/initializers/assets.rb
      create  config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
      create  config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb
      create  config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb
      create  config/initializers/cors.rb
      create  config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
      create  config/initializers/inflections.rb
      create  config/initializers/mime_types.rb
      create  config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_1.rb
      create  config/initializers/permissions_policy.rb
      create  config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
      create  config/locales
      create  config/locales/en.yml
      create  config/master.key
      append  .gitignore
      create  config/boot.rb
      create  config/database.yml
      create  db
      create  db/seeds.rb
      create  lib
      create  lib/tasks
      create  lib/tasks/.keep
      create  lib/assets
      create  lib/assets/.keep
      create  log
      create  log/.keep
      create  public
      create  public/404.html
      create  public/422.html
      create  public/500.html
      create  public/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
      create  public/apple-touch-icon.png
      create  public/favicon.ico
      create  public/robots.txt
      create  tmp
      create  tmp/.keep
      create  tmp/pids
      create  tmp/pids/.keep
      create  tmp/cache
      create  tmp/cache/assets
      create  vendor
      create  vendor/.keep
      create  test/fixtures/files
      create  test/fixtures/files/.keep
      create  test/controllers
      create  test/controllers/.keep
      create  test/mailers
      create  test/mailers/.keep
      create  test/models
      create  test/models/.keep
      create  test/helpers
      create  test/helpers/.keep
      create  test/integration
      create  test/integration/.keep
      create  test/channels/application_cable/connection_test.rb
      create  test/test_helper.rb
      create  test/system
      create  test/system/.keep
      create  test/application_system_test_case.rb
      create  storage
      create  storage/.keep
      create  tmp/storage
      create  tmp/storage/.keep
      remove  config/initializers/cors.rb
      remove  config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_1.rb
         run  bundle install --local
Resolving dependencies...
Using rake 13.0.6
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.6
Using minitest 5.15.0
Using builder 3.2.4
Using erubi 1.9.0
Using mini_portile2 2.8.1
Using racc 1.6.2
Using zeitwerk 2.6.1
Using crass 1.0.2
Using rack
Using nio4r 2.5.8
Using marcel 1.0.1
Using mini_mime 1.1.1
Using digest 3.1.0
Using io-wait 0.2.1
Using timeout 0.2.0
Using strscan 3.0.1
Using public_suffix 4.0.6
Using bindex 0.8.1
Using msgpack 1.4.2
Using bundler 2.3.15
Using byebug 11.1.3
Using matrix 0.4.2
Using regexp_parser 2.6.1
Using childprocess 4.1.0
Using ffi 1.15.5
Using method_source 1.0.0
Using thor 1.2.1
Using rexml 3.2.5
Using rubyzip 2.3.2
Using tilt 2.0.11
Using websocket 1.2.9
Using semantic_range 3.0.0
Using spring 2.1.1
Using sqlite3 1.4.2
Using turbolinks-source 5.2.0
Using i18n 1.10.0
Using tzinfo 2.0.5
Using nokogiri 1.13.10
Using websocket-extensions 0.1.5
Using loofah 2.19.1
Using activesupport
Using mail 2.7.1
Using net-protocol 0.1.2
Using addressable 2.8.1
Using bootsnap 1.13.0
Using xpath 3.2.0
Using rb-inotify 0.10.1
Using puma 5.6.5
Using rack-proxy 0.7.4
Using sprockets 3.7.2
Using sassc 2.4.0
Using selenium-webdriver 4.4.0
Using turbolinks 5.2.1
Using websocket-driver 0.6.3
Using rack-test 2.0.2
Using rails-dom-testing 2.0.3
Using rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.4
Using globalid 0.6.0
Using activemodel
Using net-pop 0.1.1
Using net-smtp 0.3.1
Using jbuilder 2.10.0
Using net-imap 0.2.3
Using listen 3.7.0
Using activejob
Using actionview
Using capybara 3.36.0
Using activerecord
Using actionpack
Using activestorage
Using actioncable
Using actionmailer
Using railties
Using sprockets-rails 3.4.1
Using actionmailbox
Using actiontext
Using sassc-rails 2.1.2
Using webpacker 5.4.3
Using web-console 4.2.0
Using rails
Using sass-rails 6.0.0
Bundle complete! 15 Gemfile dependencies, 82 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
         run  bundle binstubs bundler
       rails  webpacker:install
Node.js version is v18.13.0
Yarn version is 1.22.19
      create  config/webpacker.yml
Copying webpack core config
      create  config/webpack
      create  config/webpack/development.js
      create  config/webpack/environment.js
      create  config/webpack/production.js
      create  config/webpack/test.js
Copying postcss.config.js to app root directory
      create  postcss.config.js
Copying babel.config.js to app root directory
      create  babel.config.js
Copying .browserslistrc to app root directory
      create  .browserslistrc
The JavaScript app source directory already exists
       apply  /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/webpacker-5.4.3/lib/install/binstubs.rb
  Copying binstubs
       exist    bin
      create    bin/webpack
      create    bin/webpack-dev-server
      append  .gitignore
Installing all JavaScript dependencies [5.4.3]
         run  yarnpkg add @rails/webpacker at 5.4.3 from "."
yarn add v1.22.19
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
warning @rails/webpacker > compression-webpack-plugin > cacache > @npmcli/move-file at 1.1.2: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar at 2.1.8: Chokidar 2 does not receive security updates since 2019. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x fewer dependencies
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > fsevents at 1.2.13: fsevents 1 will break on node v14+ and could be using insecure binaries. Upgrade to fsevents 2.
warning @rails/webpacker > postcss-preset-env > postcss-color-functional-notation > postcss-values-parser > flatten at 1.0.3: flatten is deprecated in favor of utility frameworks such as lodash.
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > node-libs-browser > url > querystring at 0.2.0: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve at 0.5.3: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated
warning @rails/webpacker > optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin > cssnano > cssnano-preset-default > postcss-svgo > svgo at 1.3.2: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x.
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve > source-map-url at 0.4.1: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-url#deprecated
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve > resolve-url at 0.2.1: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve > urix at 0.1.0: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated
warning @rails/webpacker > optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin > cssnano > cssnano-preset-default > postcss-svgo > svgo > stable at 0.1.8: Modern JS already guarantees Array#sort() is a stable sort, so this library is deprecated. See the compatibility table on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#browser_compatibility
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
success Saved 560 new dependencies.
info Direct dependencies
├─ @rails/actioncable at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/activestorage at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/ujs at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/webpacker at 5.4.3
└─ turbolinks at 5.2.0
info All dependencies
├─ @ampproject/remapping at 2.2.1
├─ @babel/code-frame at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/compat-data at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/core at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/helper-compilation-targets at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/helper-explode-assignable-expression at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/helper-function-name at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/helper-module-transforms at 7.21.2
├─ @babel/helper-plugin-utils at 7.20.2
├─ @babel/helper-replace-supers at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/helper-string-parser at 7.19.4
├─ @babel/helper-validator-identifier at 7.19.1
├─ @babel/helper-wrap-function at 7.20.5
├─ @babel/helpers at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/highlight at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-static-block at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties at 7.12.13
├─ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions at 7.20.0
├─ @babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await at 7.14.5
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-classes at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring at 7.21.3
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-for-of at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-function-name at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-literals at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd at 7.20.11
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs at 7.21.2
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs at 7.20.11
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex at 7.20.5
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-new-target at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-object-super at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-parameters at 7.21.3
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-property-literals at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator at 7.20.5
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-runtime at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-spread at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes at 7.18.10
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/preset-env at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/preset-modules at 0.1.5
├─ @babel/regjsgen at 0.8.0
├─ @babel/runtime at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/template at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/traverse at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/types at 7.21.4
├─ @gar/promisify at 1.1.3
├─ @jridgewell/resolve-uri at 3.1.0
├─ @jridgewell/set-array at 1.1.2
├─ @jridgewell/source-map at 0.3.3
├─ @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec at 1.4.14
├─ @npmcli/fs at 1.1.1
├─ @npmcli/move-file at 1.1.2
├─ @rails/actioncable at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/activestorage at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/ujs at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/webpacker at 5.4.3
├─ @types/json-schema at 7.0.11
├─ @types/node at 18.15.11
├─ @types/parse-json at 4.0.0
├─ @types/q at 1.5.5
├─ @webassemblyjs/floating-point-hex-parser at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/helper-code-frame at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/helper-fsm at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-section at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/wasm-edit at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/wasm-opt at 1.9.0
├─ @xtuc/ieee754 at 1.2.0
├─ acorn at 6.4.2
├─ aggregate-error at 3.1.0
├─ ajv-errors at 1.0.1
├─ ajv-keywords at 3.5.2
├─ ajv at 6.12.6
├─ ansi-regex at 4.1.1
├─ ansi-styles at 3.2.1
├─ anymatch at 3.1.3
├─ argparse at 1.0.10
├─ arr-flatten at 1.1.0
├─ array-buffer-byte-length at 1.0.0
├─ array.prototype.reduce at 1.0.5
├─ asn1.js at 5.4.1
├─ assert at 1.5.0
├─ assign-symbols at 1.0.0
├─ async-each at 1.0.6
├─ atob at 2.1.2
├─ autoprefixer at 9.8.8
├─ babel-loader at 8.3.0
├─ babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node at 2.3.3
├─ babel-plugin-macros at 2.8.0
├─ base at 0.11.2
├─ base64-js at 1.5.1
├─ binary-extensions at 2.2.0
├─ bluebird at 3.7.2
├─ boolbase at 1.0.0
├─ brace-expansion at 1.1.11
├─ braces at 2.3.2
├─ brorand at 1.1.0
├─ browserify-aes at 1.2.0
├─ browserify-cipher at 1.0.1
├─ browserify-des at 1.0.2
├─ browserify-rsa at 4.1.0
├─ browserify-sign at 4.2.1
├─ browserify-zlib at 0.2.0
├─ buffer-xor at 1.0.3
├─ buffer at 4.9.2
├─ builtin-status-codes at 3.0.0
├─ cache-base at 1.0.1
├─ caller-callsite at 2.0.0
├─ caller-path at 2.0.0
├─ callsites at 2.0.0
├─ camelcase at 5.3.1
├─ caniuse-lite at 1.0.30001480
├─ case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin at 2.4.0
├─ chokidar at 3.5.3
├─ chrome-trace-event at 1.0.3
├─ class-utils at 0.3.6
├─ clean-stack at 2.2.0
├─ cliui at 5.0.0
├─ coa at 2.0.2
├─ collection-visit at 1.0.0
├─ color-convert at 1.9.3
├─ color-name at 1.1.3
├─ color-string at 1.9.1
├─ color at 3.2.1
├─ compression-webpack-plugin at 4.0.1
├─ concat-map at 0.0.1
├─ concat-stream at 1.6.2
├─ console-browserify at 1.2.0
├─ constants-browserify at 1.0.0
├─ convert-source-map at 1.9.0
├─ copy-concurrently at 1.0.5
├─ copy-descriptor at 0.1.1
├─ core-js at 3.30.1
├─ core-util-is at 1.0.3
├─ create-ecdh at 4.0.4
├─ create-hmac at 1.1.7
├─ cross-spawn at 6.0.5
├─ crypto-browserify at 3.12.0
├─ css-blank-pseudo at 0.1.4
├─ css-color-names at 0.0.4
├─ css-declaration-sorter at 4.0.1
├─ css-has-pseudo at 0.10.0
├─ css-loader at 3.6.0
├─ css-prefers-color-scheme at 3.1.1
├─ css-select-base-adapter at 0.1.1
├─ css-select at 2.1.0
├─ css-tree at 1.0.0-alpha.37
├─ css-what at 3.4.2
├─ cssdb at 4.4.0
├─ cssnano-preset-default at 4.0.8
├─ cssnano-util-raw-cache at 4.0.1
├─ cssnano-util-same-parent at 4.0.1
├─ cssnano at 4.1.11
├─ csso at 4.2.0
├─ cyclist at 1.0.1
├─ debug at 4.3.4
├─ decamelize at 1.2.0
├─ decode-uri-component at 0.2.2
├─ des.js at 1.0.1
├─ detect-file at 1.0.0
├─ diffie-hellman at 5.0.3
├─ dom-serializer at 0.2.2
├─ domain-browser at 1.2.0
├─ domelementtype at 1.3.1
├─ domutils at 1.7.0
├─ dot-prop at 5.3.0
├─ duplexify at 3.7.1
├─ electron-to-chromium at 1.4.365
├─ emoji-regex at 7.0.3
├─ enhanced-resolve at 4.5.0
├─ entities at 2.2.0
├─ errno at 0.1.8
├─ es-array-method-boxes-properly at 1.0.0
├─ es-set-tostringtag at 2.0.1
├─ es-to-primitive at 1.2.1
├─ escalade at 3.1.1
├─ escape-string-regexp at 1.0.5
├─ eslint-scope at 4.0.3
├─ esprima at 4.0.1
├─ esrecurse at 4.3.0
├─ estraverse at 4.3.0
├─ esutils at 2.0.3
├─ events at 3.3.0
├─ expand-brackets at 2.1.4
├─ expand-tilde at 2.0.2
├─ extglob at 2.0.4
├─ fast-deep-equal at 3.1.3
├─ fast-json-stable-stringify at 2.1.0
├─ file-loader at 6.2.0
├─ fill-range at 4.0.0
├─ findup-sync at 3.0.0
├─ flatted at 3.2.7
├─ flatten at 1.0.3
├─ flush-write-stream at 1.1.1
├─ for-in at 1.0.2
├─ from2 at 2.3.0
├─ fs.realpath at 1.0.0
├─ function.prototype.name at 1.1.5
├─ gensync at 1.0.0-beta.2
├─ get-caller-file at 2.0.5
├─ get-symbol-description at 1.0.0
├─ glob-parent at 5.1.2
├─ global-modules at 2.0.0
├─ global-prefix at 3.0.0
├─ globalthis at 1.0.3
├─ has-bigints at 1.0.2
├─ has-proto at 1.0.1
├─ has-value at 1.0.0
├─ hash.js at 1.1.7
├─ hex-color-regex at 1.1.0
├─ hmac-drbg at 1.0.1
├─ hsl-regex at 1.0.0
├─ hsla-regex at 1.0.0
├─ https-browserify at 1.0.0
├─ ieee754 at 1.2.1
├─ immutable at 4.3.0
├─ import-cwd at 2.1.0
├─ import-fresh at 2.0.0
├─ import-from at 2.1.0
├─ import-local at 2.0.0
├─ indent-string at 4.0.0
├─ infer-owner at 1.0.4
├─ inflight at 1.0.6
├─ ini at 1.3.8
├─ internal-slot at 1.0.5
├─ interpret at 1.4.0
├─ is-absolute-url at 2.1.0
├─ is-accessor-descriptor at 1.0.0
├─ is-array-buffer at 3.0.2
├─ is-arrayish at 0.2.1
├─ is-bigint at 1.0.4
├─ is-binary-path at 2.1.0
├─ is-boolean-object at 1.1.2
├─ is-callable at 1.2.7
├─ is-color-stop at 1.1.0
├─ is-core-module at 2.12.0
├─ is-data-descriptor at 1.0.0
├─ is-date-object at 1.0.5
├─ is-descriptor at 1.0.2
├─ is-directory at 0.3.1
├─ is-extglob at 2.1.1
├─ is-fullwidth-code-point at 2.0.0
├─ is-glob at 4.0.3
├─ is-negative-zero at 2.0.2
├─ is-number-object at 1.0.7
├─ is-obj at 2.0.0
├─ is-plain-obj at 1.1.0
├─ is-plain-object at 2.0.4
├─ is-resolvable at 1.1.0
├─ is-shared-array-buffer at 1.0.2
├─ is-string at 1.0.7
├─ is-symbol at 1.0.4
├─ is-weakref at 1.0.2
├─ is-windows at 1.0.2
├─ is-wsl at 1.1.0
├─ isarray at 1.0.0
├─ isexe at 2.0.0
├─ jest-worker at 26.6.2
├─ js-tokens at 4.0.0
├─ jsesc at 2.5.2
├─ json-parse-better-errors at 1.0.2
├─ json-parse-even-better-errors at 2.3.1
├─ json-schema-traverse at 0.4.1
├─ json5 at 2.2.3
├─ kind-of at 3.2.2
├─ klona at 2.0.6
├─ last-call-webpack-plugin at 3.0.0
├─ lines-and-columns at 1.2.4
├─ loader-runner at 2.4.0
├─ locate-path at 3.0.0
├─ lodash.debounce at 4.0.8
├─ lodash.get at 4.4.2
├─ lodash.has at 4.5.2
├─ lodash.memoize at 4.1.2
├─ lodash.uniq at 4.5.0
├─ lodash at 4.17.21
├─ make-dir at 3.1.0
├─ map-visit at 1.0.0
├─ mdn-data at 2.0.4
├─ memory-fs at 0.4.1
├─ merge-stream at 2.0.0
├─ micromatch at 3.1.10
├─ miller-rabin at 4.0.1
├─ mini-css-extract-plugin at 0.9.0
├─ minimatch at 3.1.2
├─ minimist at 1.2.8
├─ minipass-collect at 1.0.2
├─ minipass-flush at 1.0.5
├─ minipass-pipeline at 1.2.4
├─ minizlib at 2.1.2
├─ mississippi at 3.0.0
├─ mixin-deep at 1.3.2
├─ mkdirp at 0.5.6
├─ move-concurrently at 1.0.1
├─ ms at 2.1.2
├─ nanomatch at 1.2.13
├─ neo-async at 2.6.2
├─ nice-try at 1.0.5
├─ node-libs-browser at 2.2.1
├─ node-releases at 2.0.10
├─ normalize-path at 3.0.0
├─ normalize-range at 0.1.2
├─ normalize-url at 1.9.1
├─ nth-check at 1.0.2
├─ num2fraction at 1.2.2
├─ object-assign at 4.1.1
├─ object-copy at 0.1.0
├─ object-inspect at 1.12.3
├─ object.assign at 4.1.4
├─ object.getownpropertydescriptors at 2.1.5
├─ object.values at 1.1.6
├─ optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin at 5.0.8
├─ os-browserify at 0.3.0
├─ p-limit at 2.3.0
├─ p-locate at 3.0.0
├─ p-map at 4.0.0
├─ p-try at 2.2.0
├─ pako at 1.0.11
├─ parallel-transform at 1.2.0
├─ parent-module at 1.0.1
├─ parse-asn1 at 5.1.6
├─ parse-json at 4.0.0
├─ parse-passwd at 1.0.0
├─ pascalcase at 0.1.1
├─ path-browserify at 0.0.1
├─ path-complete-extname at 1.0.0
├─ path-dirname at 1.0.2
├─ path-exists at 3.0.0
├─ path-is-absolute at 1.0.1
├─ path-key at 2.0.1
├─ path-parse at 1.0.7
├─ path-type at 4.0.0
├─ picomatch at 2.3.1
├─ pify at 2.3.0
├─ pnp-webpack-plugin at 1.7.0
├─ posix-character-classes at 0.1.1
├─ postcss-attribute-case-insensitive at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-calc at 7.0.5
├─ postcss-color-functional-notation at 2.0.1
├─ postcss-color-gray at 5.0.0
├─ postcss-color-hex-alpha at 5.0.3
├─ postcss-color-mod-function at 3.0.3
├─ postcss-color-rebeccapurple at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-colormin at 4.0.3
├─ postcss-convert-values at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-custom-media at 7.0.8
├─ postcss-custom-properties at 8.0.11
├─ postcss-custom-selectors at 5.1.2
├─ postcss-dir-pseudo-class at 5.0.0
├─ postcss-discard-comments at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-discard-duplicates at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-discard-empty at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-discard-overridden at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-double-position-gradients at 1.0.0
├─ postcss-env-function at 2.0.2
├─ postcss-flexbugs-fixes at 4.2.1
├─ postcss-focus-visible at 4.0.0
├─ postcss-focus-within at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-font-variant at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-gap-properties at 2.0.0
├─ postcss-image-set-function at 3.0.1
├─ postcss-import at 12.0.1
├─ postcss-initial at 3.0.4
├─ postcss-lab-function at 2.0.1
├─ postcss-load-config at 2.1.2
├─ postcss-loader at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-logical at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-media-minmax at 4.0.0
├─ postcss-merge-longhand at 4.0.11
├─ postcss-merge-rules at 4.0.3
├─ postcss-minify-font-values at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-minify-gradients at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-minify-params at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-minify-selectors at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-modules-extract-imports at 2.0.0
├─ postcss-modules-local-by-default at 3.0.3
├─ postcss-modules-scope at 2.2.0
├─ postcss-modules-values at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-nesting at 7.0.1
├─ postcss-normalize-charset at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-normalize-display-values at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-positions at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-repeat-style at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-string at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-timing-functions at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-unicode at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-normalize-url at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-normalize-whitespace at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-ordered-values at 4.1.2
├─ postcss-overflow-shorthand at 2.0.0
├─ postcss-page-break at 2.0.0
├─ postcss-place at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-preset-env at 6.7.1
├─ postcss-pseudo-class-any-link at 6.0.0
├─ postcss-reduce-initial at 4.0.3
├─ postcss-reduce-transforms at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-replace-overflow-wrap at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-safe-parser at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-selector-matches at 4.0.0
├─ postcss-selector-not at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-svgo at 4.0.3
├─ postcss-unique-selectors at 4.0.1
├─ prepend-http at 1.0.4
├─ process-nextick-args at 2.0.1
├─ process at 0.11.10
├─ prr at 1.0.1
├─ public-encrypt at 4.0.3
├─ pump at 3.0.0
├─ pumpify at 1.5.1
├─ punycode at 1.4.1
├─ q at 1.5.1
├─ query-string at 4.3.4
├─ querystring-es3 at 0.2.1
├─ querystring at 0.2.0
├─ randomfill at 1.0.4
├─ read-cache at 1.0.0
├─ readable-stream at 2.3.8
├─ readdirp at 3.6.0
├─ regenerate-unicode-properties at 10.1.0
├─ regenerator-runtime at 0.13.11
├─ regenerator-transform at 0.15.1
├─ regexp.prototype.flags at 1.4.3
├─ regexpu-core at 5.3.2
├─ regjsparser at 0.9.1
├─ remove-trailing-separator at 1.1.0
├─ repeat-element at 1.1.4
├─ require-directory at 2.1.1
├─ require-main-filename at 2.0.0
├─ resolve-cwd at 2.0.0
├─ resolve-dir at 1.0.1
├─ resolve-url at 0.2.1
├─ resolve at 1.22.3
├─ ret at 0.1.15
├─ rgb-regex at 1.0.1
├─ rgba-regex at 1.0.0
├─ run-queue at 1.0.3
├─ safe-regex-test at 1.0.0
├─ safer-buffer at 2.1.2
├─ sass-loader at 10.1.1
├─ sass at 1.62.0
├─ sax at 1.2.4
├─ semver at 6.3.0
├─ set-blocking at 2.0.0
├─ set-value at 2.0.1
├─ setimmediate at 1.0.5
├─ shebang-command at 1.2.0
├─ shebang-regex at 1.0.0
├─ side-channel at 1.0.4
├─ simple-swizzle at 0.2.2
├─ snapdragon-node at 2.1.1
├─ snapdragon-util at 3.0.1
├─ sort-keys at 1.1.2
├─ source-list-map at 2.0.1
├─ source-map-js at 1.0.2
├─ source-map-resolve at 0.5.3
├─ source-map-support at 0.5.21
├─ source-map-url at 0.4.1
├─ spark-md5 at 3.0.2
├─ split-string at 3.1.0
├─ sprintf-js at 1.0.3
├─ ssri at 8.0.1
├─ stable at 0.1.8
├─ static-extend at 0.1.2
├─ stream-browserify at 2.0.2
├─ stream-each at 1.2.3
├─ stream-http at 2.8.3
├─ strict-uri-encode at 1.1.0
├─ string_decoder at 1.3.0
├─ string.prototype.trim at 1.2.7
├─ string.prototype.trimend at 1.0.6
├─ string.prototype.trimstart at 1.0.6
├─ strip-ansi at 5.2.0
├─ style-loader at 1.3.0
├─ stylehacks at 4.0.3
├─ supports-color at 6.1.0
├─ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag at 1.0.0
├─ svgo at 1.3.2
├─ tar at 6.1.13
├─ terser-webpack-plugin at 4.2.3
├─ terser at 5.16.9
├─ through2 at 2.0.5
├─ timers-browserify at 2.0.12
├─ timsort at 0.3.0
├─ to-arraybuffer at 1.0.1
├─ to-fast-properties at 2.0.0
├─ to-object-path at 0.3.0
├─ to-regex-range at 2.1.1
├─ ts-pnp at 1.2.0
├─ tty-browserify at 0.0.0
├─ turbolinks at 5.2.0
├─ typed-array-length at 1.0.4
├─ typedarray at 0.0.6
├─ unbox-primitive at 1.0.2
├─ unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript at 2.0.0
├─ unicode-match-property-ecmascript at 2.0.0
├─ unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript at 2.1.0
├─ unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript at 2.1.0
├─ union-value at 1.0.1
├─ unique-slug at 2.0.2
├─ unquote at 1.1.1
├─ unset-value at 1.0.0
├─ upath at 1.2.0
├─ update-browserslist-db at 1.0.11
├─ uri-js at 4.4.1
├─ urix at 0.1.0
├─ url at 0.11.0
├─ use at 3.1.1
├─ util-deprecate at 1.0.2
├─ util.promisify at 1.0.1
├─ util at 0.11.1
├─ v8-compile-cache at 2.3.0
├─ vendors at 1.0.4
├─ vm-browserify at 1.1.2
├─ watchpack-chokidar2 at 2.0.1
├─ watchpack at 1.7.5
├─ webpack-assets-manifest at 3.1.1
├─ webpack-cli at 3.3.12
├─ webpack at 4.46.0
├─ which-boxed-primitive at 1.0.2
├─ which-module at 2.0.0
├─ which-typed-array at 1.1.9
├─ which at 1.3.1
├─ worker-farm at 1.7.0
├─ wrap-ansi at 5.1.0
├─ xtend at 4.0.2
├─ yaml at 1.10.2
├─ yargs-parser at 13.1.2
├─ yargs at 13.3.2
└─ yocto-queue at 0.1.0
Done in 37.46s.
rails aborted!
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/webpacker-5.4.3/lib/install/../../package.json
/home/happy/aaabbbccc/bin/rails:5:in `<top (required)>'
/home/happy/aaabbbccc/bin/spring:10:in `require'
/home/happy/aaabbbccc/bin/spring:10:in `block in <top (required)>'
/home/happy/aaabbbccc/bin/spring:7:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => app:template
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
-------------- next part --------------
      create  README.md
      create  Rakefile
      create  .ruby-version
      create  config.ru
      create  .gitignore
      create  .gitattributes
      create  Gemfile
         run  git init from "."
      create  package.json
      create  app
      create  app/assets/config/manifest.js
      create  app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
      create  app/channels/application_cable/channel.rb
      create  app/channels/application_cable/connection.rb
      create  app/controllers/application_controller.rb
      create  app/helpers/application_helper.rb
      create  app/javascript/channels/consumer.js
      create  app/javascript/channels/index.js
      create  app/javascript/packs/application.js
      create  app/jobs/application_job.rb
      create  app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
      create  app/models/application_record.rb
      create  app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
      create  app/views/layouts/mailer.html.erb
      create  app/views/layouts/mailer.text.erb
      create  app/assets/images
      create  app/assets/images/.keep
      create  app/controllers/concerns/.keep
      create  app/models/concerns/.keep
      create  bin
      create  bin/rails
      create  bin/rake
      create  bin/setup
      create  bin/spring
      create  bin/yarn
      create  config
      create  config/routes.rb
      create  config/application.rb
      create  config/environment.rb
      create  config/cable.yml
      create  config/puma.rb
      create  config/spring.rb
      create  config/storage.yml
      create  config/environments
      create  config/environments/development.rb
      create  config/environments/production.rb
      create  config/environments/test.rb
      create  config/initializers
      create  config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb
      create  config/initializers/assets.rb
      create  config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
      create  config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb
      create  config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb
      create  config/initializers/cors.rb
      create  config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
      create  config/initializers/inflections.rb
      create  config/initializers/mime_types.rb
      create  config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_1.rb
      create  config/initializers/permissions_policy.rb
      create  config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
      create  config/locales
      create  config/locales/en.yml
      create  config/master.key
      append  .gitignore
      create  config/boot.rb
      create  config/database.yml
      create  db
      create  db/seeds.rb
      create  lib
      create  lib/tasks
      create  lib/tasks/.keep
      create  lib/assets
      create  lib/assets/.keep
      create  log
      create  log/.keep
      create  public
      create  public/404.html
      create  public/422.html
      create  public/500.html
      create  public/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
      create  public/apple-touch-icon.png
      create  public/favicon.ico
      create  public/robots.txt
      create  tmp
      create  tmp/.keep
      create  tmp/pids
      create  tmp/pids/.keep
      create  tmp/cache
      create  tmp/cache/assets
      create  vendor
      create  vendor/.keep
      create  test/fixtures/files
      create  test/fixtures/files/.keep
      create  test/controllers
      create  test/controllers/.keep
      create  test/mailers
      create  test/mailers/.keep
      create  test/models
      create  test/models/.keep
      create  test/helpers
      create  test/helpers/.keep
      create  test/integration
      create  test/integration/.keep
      create  test/channels/application_cable/connection_test.rb
      create  test/test_helper.rb
      create  test/system
      create  test/system/.keep
      create  test/application_system_test_case.rb
      create  storage
      create  storage/.keep
      create  tmp/storage
      create  tmp/storage/.keep
      remove  config/initializers/cors.rb
      remove  config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_1.rb
         run  bundle install --local
Resolving dependencies...
Using rake 13.0.6
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.6
Using minitest 5.15.0
Using builder 3.2.4
Using erubi 1.9.0
Using mini_portile2 2.8.1
Using racc 1.6.2
Using crass 1.0.2
Using rack
Using nio4r 2.5.8
Using websocket-extensions 0.1.5
Using zeitwerk 2.6.1
Using mini_mime 1.1.1
Using digest 3.1.0
Using io-wait 0.2.1
Using timeout 0.2.0
Using strscan 3.0.1
Using public_suffix 4.0.6
Using marcel 1.0.1
Using bindex 0.8.1
Using bundler 2.3.15
Using byebug 11.1.3
Using matrix 0.4.2
Using regexp_parser 2.6.1
Using childprocess 4.1.0
Using ffi 1.15.5
Using method_source 1.0.0
Using thor 1.2.1
Using rexml 3.2.5
Using rubyzip 2.3.2
Using tilt 2.0.11
Using websocket 1.2.9
Using semantic_range 3.0.0
Using spring 2.1.1
Using sqlite3 1.4.2
Using turbolinks-source 5.2.0
Using i18n 1.10.0
Using tzinfo 2.0.5
Using nokogiri 1.13.10
Using rack-test 2.0.2
Using puma 5.6.5
Using rack-proxy 0.7.4
Using sprockets 3.7.2
Using websocket-driver 0.6.3
Using mail 2.7.1
Using net-protocol 0.1.2
Using addressable 2.8.1
Using msgpack 1.4.2
Using activesupport
Using loofah 2.19.1
Using net-imap 0.2.3
Using net-pop 0.1.1
Using net-smtp 0.3.1
Using xpath 3.2.0
Using rb-inotify 0.10.1
Using sassc 2.4.0
Using selenium-webdriver 4.4.0
Using turbolinks 5.2.1
Using rails-dom-testing 2.0.3
Using rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.4
Using globalid 0.6.0
Using activemodel
Using bootsnap 1.13.0
Using capybara 3.36.0
Using jbuilder 2.10.0
Using listen 3.7.0
Using actionview
Using activejob
Using actionpack
Using actioncable
Using actionmailer
Using railties
Using sprockets-rails 3.4.1
Using activerecord
Using sassc-rails 2.1.2
Using webpacker 5.4.3
Using web-console 4.2.0
Using activestorage
Using sass-rails 6.0.0
Using actionmailbox
Using actiontext
Using rails
Bundle complete! 15 Gemfile dependencies, 82 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
         run  bundle binstubs bundler
       rails  webpacker:install
Node.js version is v18.13.0
Yarn version is 1.22.19
      create  config/webpacker.yml
Copying webpack core config
      create  config/webpack
      create  config/webpack/development.js
      create  config/webpack/environment.js
      create  config/webpack/production.js
      create  config/webpack/test.js
Copying postcss.config.js to app root directory
      create  postcss.config.js
Copying babel.config.js to app root directory
      create  babel.config.js
Copying .browserslistrc to app root directory
      create  .browserslistrc
The JavaScript app source directory already exists
       apply  /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/webpacker-5.4.3/lib/install/binstubs.rb
  Copying binstubs
       exist    bin
      create    bin/webpack
      create    bin/webpack-dev-server
      append  .gitignore
Installing all JavaScript dependencies [5.4.3]
         run  yarnpkg add @rails/webpacker at 5.4.3 from "."
yarn add v1.22.19
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
warning @rails/webpacker > compression-webpack-plugin > cacache > @npmcli/move-file at 1.1.2: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar at 2.1.8: Chokidar 2 does not receive security updates since 2019. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x fewer dependencies
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > fsevents at 1.2.13: fsevents 1 will break on node v14+ and could be using insecure binaries. Upgrade to fsevents 2.
warning @rails/webpacker > postcss-preset-env > postcss-color-gray > postcss-values-parser > flatten at 1.0.3: flatten is deprecated in favor of utility frameworks such as lodash.
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > node-libs-browser > url > querystring at 0.2.0: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve at 0.5.3: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated
warning @rails/webpacker > optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin > cssnano > cssnano-preset-default > postcss-svgo > svgo at 1.3.2: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x.
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve > resolve-url at 0.2.1: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve > source-map-url at 0.4.1: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-url#deprecated
warning @rails/webpacker > webpack > micromatch > snapdragon > source-map-resolve > urix at 0.1.0: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated
warning @rails/webpacker > optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin > cssnano > cssnano-preset-default > postcss-svgo > svgo > stable at 0.1.8: Modern JS already guarantees Array#sort() is a stable sort, so this library is deprecated. See the compatibility table on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#browser_compatibility
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
success Saved 560 new dependencies.
info Direct dependencies
├─ @rails/actioncable at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/activestorage at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/ujs at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/webpacker at 5.4.3
└─ turbolinks at 5.2.0
info All dependencies
├─ @ampproject/remapping at 2.2.1
├─ @babel/code-frame at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/compat-data at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/core at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/helper-compilation-targets at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/helper-explode-assignable-expression at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/helper-function-name at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/helper-module-transforms at 7.21.2
├─ @babel/helper-plugin-utils at 7.20.2
├─ @babel/helper-replace-supers at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/helper-string-parser at 7.19.4
├─ @babel/helper-validator-identifier at 7.19.1
├─ @babel/helper-wrap-function at 7.20.5
├─ @babel/helpers at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/highlight at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-static-block at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties at 7.12.13
├─ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions at 7.20.0
├─ @babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await at 7.14.5
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-classes at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring at 7.21.3
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-for-of at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-function-name at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-literals at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd at 7.20.11
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs at 7.21.2
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs at 7.20.11
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex at 7.20.5
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-new-target at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-object-super at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-parameters at 7.21.3
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-property-literals at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator at 7.20.5
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-runtime at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-spread at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol at 7.18.9
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes at 7.18.10
├─ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex at 7.18.6
├─ @babel/preset-env at 7.21.4
├─ @babel/preset-modules at 0.1.5
├─ @babel/regjsgen at 0.8.0
├─ @babel/runtime at 7.21.0
├─ @babel/template at 7.20.7
├─ @babel/traverse at 7.21.4
├─ @gar/promisify at 1.1.3
├─ @jridgewell/resolve-uri at 3.1.0
├─ @jridgewell/set-array at 1.1.2
├─ @jridgewell/source-map at 0.3.3
├─ @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec at 1.4.14
├─ @npmcli/fs at 1.1.1
├─ @npmcli/move-file at 1.1.2
├─ @rails/actioncable at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/activestorage at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/ujs at 6.1.7
├─ @rails/webpacker at 5.4.3
├─ @types/json-schema at 7.0.11
├─ @types/node at 18.15.11
├─ @types/parse-json at 4.0.0
├─ @types/q at 1.5.5
├─ @webassemblyjs/floating-point-hex-parser at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/helper-code-frame at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/helper-fsm at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-section at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/wasm-edit at 1.9.0
├─ @webassemblyjs/wasm-opt at 1.9.0
├─ @xtuc/ieee754 at 1.2.0
├─ acorn at 6.4.2
├─ aggregate-error at 3.1.0
├─ ajv-errors at 1.0.1
├─ ajv-keywords at 3.5.2
├─ ajv at 6.12.6
├─ ansi-regex at 4.1.1
├─ ansi-styles at 3.2.1
├─ anymatch at 3.1.3
├─ argparse at 1.0.10
├─ arr-flatten at 1.1.0
├─ array-buffer-byte-length at 1.0.0
├─ array.prototype.reduce at 1.0.5
├─ asn1.js at 5.4.1
├─ assert at 1.5.0
├─ assign-symbols at 1.0.0
├─ async-each at 1.0.6
├─ atob at 2.1.2
├─ autoprefixer at 9.8.8
├─ babel-loader at 8.3.0
├─ babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node at 2.3.3
├─ babel-plugin-macros at 2.8.0
├─ base at 0.11.2
├─ base64-js at 1.5.1
├─ binary-extensions at 2.2.0
├─ bluebird at 3.7.2
├─ boolbase at 1.0.0
├─ brace-expansion at 1.1.11
├─ braces at 2.3.2
├─ brorand at 1.1.0
├─ browserify-aes at 1.2.0
├─ browserify-cipher at 1.0.1
├─ browserify-des at 1.0.2
├─ browserify-rsa at 4.1.0
├─ browserify-sign at 4.2.1
├─ browserify-zlib at 0.2.0
├─ buffer-xor at 1.0.3
├─ buffer at 4.9.2
├─ builtin-status-codes at 3.0.0
├─ cache-base at 1.0.1
├─ caller-callsite at 2.0.0
├─ caller-path at 2.0.0
├─ callsites at 2.0.0
├─ camelcase at 5.3.1
├─ caniuse-lite at 1.0.30001480
├─ case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin at 2.4.0
├─ chokidar at 3.5.3
├─ chrome-trace-event at 1.0.3
├─ class-utils at 0.3.6
├─ clean-stack at 2.2.0
├─ cliui at 5.0.0
├─ coa at 2.0.2
├─ collection-visit at 1.0.0
├─ color-convert at 1.9.3
├─ color-name at 1.1.3
├─ color-string at 1.9.1
├─ color at 3.2.1
├─ compression-webpack-plugin at 4.0.1
├─ concat-map at 0.0.1
├─ concat-stream at 1.6.2
├─ console-browserify at 1.2.0
├─ constants-browserify at 1.0.0
├─ convert-source-map at 1.9.0
├─ copy-concurrently at 1.0.5
├─ copy-descriptor at 0.1.1
├─ core-js at 3.30.1
├─ core-util-is at 1.0.3
├─ create-ecdh at 4.0.4
├─ create-hmac at 1.1.7
├─ cross-spawn at 6.0.5
├─ crypto-browserify at 3.12.0
├─ css-blank-pseudo at 0.1.4
├─ css-color-names at 0.0.4
├─ css-declaration-sorter at 4.0.1
├─ css-has-pseudo at 0.10.0
├─ css-loader at 3.6.0
├─ css-prefers-color-scheme at 3.1.1
├─ css-select-base-adapter at 0.1.1
├─ css-select at 2.1.0
├─ css-tree at 1.0.0-alpha.37
├─ css-what at 3.4.2
├─ cssdb at 4.4.0
├─ cssnano-preset-default at 4.0.8
├─ cssnano-util-raw-cache at 4.0.1
├─ cssnano-util-same-parent at 4.0.1
├─ cssnano at 4.1.11
├─ csso at 4.2.0
├─ cyclist at 1.0.1
├─ debug at 4.3.4
├─ decamelize at 1.2.0
├─ decode-uri-component at 0.2.2
├─ des.js at 1.0.1
├─ detect-file at 1.0.0
├─ diffie-hellman at 5.0.3
├─ dom-serializer at 0.2.2
├─ domain-browser at 1.2.0
├─ domelementtype at 1.3.1
├─ domutils at 1.7.0
├─ dot-prop at 5.3.0
├─ duplexify at 3.7.1
├─ electron-to-chromium at 1.4.365
├─ emoji-regex at 7.0.3
├─ enhanced-resolve at 4.5.0
├─ entities at 2.2.0
├─ errno at 0.1.8
├─ es-array-method-boxes-properly at 1.0.0
├─ es-set-tostringtag at 2.0.1
├─ es-to-primitive at 1.2.1
├─ escalade at 3.1.1
├─ escape-string-regexp at 1.0.5
├─ eslint-scope at 4.0.3
├─ esprima at 4.0.1
├─ esrecurse at 4.3.0
├─ estraverse at 4.3.0
├─ esutils at 2.0.3
├─ events at 3.3.0
├─ expand-brackets at 2.1.4
├─ expand-tilde at 2.0.2
├─ extglob at 2.0.4
├─ fast-deep-equal at 3.1.3
├─ fast-json-stable-stringify at 2.1.0
├─ file-loader at 6.2.0
├─ fill-range at 4.0.0
├─ findup-sync at 3.0.0
├─ flatted at 3.2.7
├─ flatten at 1.0.3
├─ flush-write-stream at 1.1.1
├─ for-in at 1.0.2
├─ from2 at 2.3.0
├─ fs.realpath at 1.0.0
├─ function.prototype.name at 1.1.5
├─ gensync at 1.0.0-beta.2
├─ get-caller-file at 2.0.5
├─ get-symbol-description at 1.0.0
├─ glob-parent at 5.1.2
├─ global-modules at 2.0.0
├─ global-prefix at 3.0.0
├─ globalthis at 1.0.3
├─ has-bigints at 1.0.2
├─ has-proto at 1.0.1
├─ has-value at 1.0.0
├─ hash.js at 1.1.7
├─ hex-color-regex at 1.1.0
├─ hmac-drbg at 1.0.1
├─ hsl-regex at 1.0.0
├─ hsla-regex at 1.0.0
├─ https-browserify at 1.0.0
├─ icss-utils at 4.1.1
├─ ieee754 at 1.2.1
├─ immutable at 4.3.0
├─ import-cwd at 2.1.0
├─ import-fresh at 2.0.0
├─ import-from at 2.1.0
├─ import-local at 2.0.0
├─ indent-string at 4.0.0
├─ infer-owner at 1.0.4
├─ inflight at 1.0.6
├─ ini at 1.3.8
├─ internal-slot at 1.0.5
├─ interpret at 1.4.0
├─ is-absolute-url at 2.1.0
├─ is-accessor-descriptor at 1.0.0
├─ is-array-buffer at 3.0.2
├─ is-arrayish at 0.2.1
├─ is-bigint at 1.0.4
├─ is-binary-path at 2.1.0
├─ is-boolean-object at 1.1.2
├─ is-callable at 1.2.7
├─ is-color-stop at 1.1.0
├─ is-core-module at 2.12.0
├─ is-data-descriptor at 1.0.0
├─ is-date-object at 1.0.5
├─ is-descriptor at 1.0.2
├─ is-directory at 0.3.1
├─ is-extglob at 2.1.1
├─ is-fullwidth-code-point at 2.0.0
├─ is-glob at 4.0.3
├─ is-negative-zero at 2.0.2
├─ is-number-object at 1.0.7
├─ is-obj at 2.0.0
├─ is-plain-obj at 1.1.0
├─ is-plain-object at 2.0.4
├─ is-resolvable at 1.1.0
├─ is-shared-array-buffer at 1.0.2
├─ is-string at 1.0.7
├─ is-symbol at 1.0.4
├─ is-weakref at 1.0.2
├─ is-windows at 1.0.2
├─ is-wsl at 1.1.0
├─ isarray at 1.0.0
├─ isexe at 2.0.0
├─ jest-worker at 26.6.2
├─ js-tokens at 4.0.0
├─ jsesc at 2.5.2
├─ json-parse-better-errors at 1.0.2
├─ json-parse-even-better-errors at 2.3.1
├─ json-schema-traverse at 0.4.1
├─ json5 at 2.2.3
├─ kind-of at 3.2.2
├─ klona at 2.0.6
├─ last-call-webpack-plugin at 3.0.0
├─ lines-and-columns at 1.2.4
├─ loader-runner at 2.4.0
├─ locate-path at 3.0.0
├─ lodash.debounce at 4.0.8
├─ lodash.get at 4.4.2
├─ lodash.has at 4.5.2
├─ lodash.memoize at 4.1.2
├─ lodash.uniq at 4.5.0
├─ lodash at 4.17.21
├─ make-dir at 3.1.0
├─ map-visit at 1.0.0
├─ mdn-data at 2.0.4
├─ memory-fs at 0.4.1
├─ merge-stream at 2.0.0
├─ micromatch at 3.1.10
├─ miller-rabin at 4.0.1
├─ mini-css-extract-plugin at 0.9.0
├─ minimatch at 3.1.2
├─ minimist at 1.2.8
├─ minipass-collect at 1.0.2
├─ minipass-flush at 1.0.5
├─ minipass-pipeline at 1.2.4
├─ minizlib at 2.1.2
├─ mississippi at 3.0.0
├─ mixin-deep at 1.3.2
├─ mkdirp at 0.5.6
├─ move-concurrently at 1.0.1
├─ ms at 2.1.2
├─ nanomatch at 1.2.13
├─ neo-async at 2.6.2
├─ nice-try at 1.0.5
├─ node-libs-browser at 2.2.1
├─ node-releases at 2.0.10
├─ normalize-path at 3.0.0
├─ normalize-range at 0.1.2
├─ normalize-url at 1.9.1
├─ nth-check at 1.0.2
├─ num2fraction at 1.2.2
├─ object-assign at 4.1.1
├─ object-copy at 0.1.0
├─ object-inspect at 1.12.3
├─ object.assign at 4.1.4
├─ object.getownpropertydescriptors at 2.1.5
├─ object.values at 1.1.6
├─ optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin at 5.0.8
├─ os-browserify at 0.3.0
├─ p-limit at 2.3.0
├─ p-locate at 3.0.0
├─ p-map at 4.0.0
├─ p-try at 2.2.0
├─ pako at 1.0.11
├─ parallel-transform at 1.2.0
├─ parent-module at 1.0.1
├─ parse-asn1 at 5.1.6
├─ parse-json at 4.0.0
├─ parse-passwd at 1.0.0
├─ pascalcase at 0.1.1
├─ path-browserify at 0.0.1
├─ path-complete-extname at 1.0.0
├─ path-dirname at 1.0.2
├─ path-exists at 3.0.0
├─ path-is-absolute at 1.0.1
├─ path-key at 2.0.1
├─ path-parse at 1.0.7
├─ path-type at 4.0.0
├─ picomatch at 2.3.1
├─ pify at 2.3.0
├─ pnp-webpack-plugin at 1.7.0
├─ posix-character-classes at 0.1.1
├─ postcss-attribute-case-insensitive at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-calc at 7.0.5
├─ postcss-color-functional-notation at 2.0.1
├─ postcss-color-gray at 5.0.0
├─ postcss-color-hex-alpha at 5.0.3
├─ postcss-color-mod-function at 3.0.3
├─ postcss-color-rebeccapurple at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-colormin at 4.0.3
├─ postcss-convert-values at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-custom-media at 7.0.8
├─ postcss-custom-properties at 8.0.11
├─ postcss-custom-selectors at 5.1.2
├─ postcss-dir-pseudo-class at 5.0.0
├─ postcss-discard-comments at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-discard-duplicates at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-discard-empty at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-discard-overridden at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-double-position-gradients at 1.0.0
├─ postcss-env-function at 2.0.2
├─ postcss-flexbugs-fixes at 4.2.1
├─ postcss-focus-visible at 4.0.0
├─ postcss-focus-within at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-font-variant at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-gap-properties at 2.0.0
├─ postcss-image-set-function at 3.0.1
├─ postcss-import at 12.0.1
├─ postcss-initial at 3.0.4
├─ postcss-lab-function at 2.0.1
├─ postcss-load-config at 2.1.2
├─ postcss-loader at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-logical at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-media-minmax at 4.0.0
├─ postcss-merge-longhand at 4.0.11
├─ postcss-merge-rules at 4.0.3
├─ postcss-minify-font-values at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-minify-gradients at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-minify-params at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-minify-selectors at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-modules-extract-imports at 2.0.0
├─ postcss-modules-local-by-default at 3.0.3
├─ postcss-modules-scope at 2.2.0
├─ postcss-modules-values at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-nesting at 7.0.1
├─ postcss-normalize-charset at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-normalize-display-values at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-positions at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-repeat-style at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-string at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-timing-functions at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-normalize-unicode at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-normalize-url at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-normalize-whitespace at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-ordered-values at 4.1.2
├─ postcss-overflow-shorthand at 2.0.0
├─ postcss-page-break at 2.0.0
├─ postcss-place at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-preset-env at 6.7.1
├─ postcss-pseudo-class-any-link at 6.0.0
├─ postcss-reduce-initial at 4.0.3
├─ postcss-reduce-transforms at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-replace-overflow-wrap at 3.0.0
├─ postcss-safe-parser at 4.0.2
├─ postcss-selector-matches at 4.0.0
├─ postcss-selector-not at 4.0.1
├─ postcss-svgo at 4.0.3
├─ postcss-unique-selectors at 4.0.1
├─ prepend-http at 1.0.4
├─ process-nextick-args at 2.0.1
├─ process at 0.11.10
├─ prr at 1.0.1
├─ public-encrypt at 4.0.3
├─ pump at 3.0.0
├─ pumpify at 1.5.1
├─ punycode at 1.4.1
├─ q at 1.5.1
├─ query-string at 4.3.4
├─ querystring-es3 at 0.2.1
├─ querystring at 0.2.0
├─ randomfill at 1.0.4
├─ read-cache at 1.0.0
├─ readable-stream at 2.3.8
├─ readdirp at 3.6.0
├─ regenerate-unicode-properties at 10.1.0
├─ regenerator-runtime at 0.13.11
├─ regenerator-transform at 0.15.1
├─ regexp.prototype.flags at 1.4.3
├─ regexpu-core at 5.3.2
├─ regjsparser at 0.9.1
├─ remove-trailing-separator at 1.1.0
├─ repeat-element at 1.1.4
├─ require-directory at 2.1.1
├─ require-main-filename at 2.0.0
├─ resolve-cwd at 2.0.0
├─ resolve-dir at 1.0.1
├─ resolve-url at 0.2.1
├─ resolve at 1.22.3
├─ ret at 0.1.15
├─ rgb-regex at 1.0.1
├─ rgba-regex at 1.0.0
├─ run-queue at 1.0.3
├─ safe-regex-test at 1.0.0
├─ safer-buffer at 2.1.2
├─ sass-loader at 10.1.1
├─ sass at 1.62.0
├─ sax at 1.2.4
├─ semver at 6.3.0
├─ set-blocking at 2.0.0
├─ set-value at 2.0.1
├─ setimmediate at 1.0.5
├─ shebang-command at 1.2.0
├─ shebang-regex at 1.0.0
├─ side-channel at 1.0.4
├─ simple-swizzle at 0.2.2
├─ snapdragon-node at 2.1.1
├─ snapdragon-util at 3.0.1
├─ sort-keys at 1.1.2
├─ source-list-map at 2.0.1
├─ source-map-js at 1.0.2
├─ source-map-resolve at 0.5.3
├─ source-map-support at 0.5.21
├─ source-map-url at 0.4.1
├─ spark-md5 at 3.0.2
├─ split-string at 3.1.0
├─ sprintf-js at 1.0.3
├─ ssri at 8.0.1
├─ stable at 0.1.8
├─ static-extend at 0.1.2
├─ stream-browserify at 2.0.2
├─ stream-each at 1.2.3
├─ stream-http at 2.8.3
├─ strict-uri-encode at 1.1.0
├─ string_decoder at 1.3.0
├─ string.prototype.trim at 1.2.7
├─ string.prototype.trimend at 1.0.6
├─ string.prototype.trimstart at 1.0.6
├─ strip-ansi at 5.2.0
├─ style-loader at 1.3.0
├─ stylehacks at 4.0.3
├─ supports-color at 6.1.0
├─ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag at 1.0.0
├─ svgo at 1.3.2
├─ tar at 6.1.13
├─ terser-webpack-plugin at 4.2.3
├─ terser at 5.16.9
├─ through2 at 2.0.5
├─ timers-browserify at 2.0.12
├─ timsort at 0.3.0
├─ to-arraybuffer at 1.0.1
├─ to-fast-properties at 2.0.0
├─ to-object-path at 0.3.0
├─ to-regex-range at 2.1.1
├─ ts-pnp at 1.2.0
├─ tty-browserify at 0.0.0
├─ turbolinks at 5.2.0
├─ typed-array-length at 1.0.4
├─ typedarray at 0.0.6
├─ unbox-primitive at 1.0.2
├─ unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript at 2.0.0
├─ unicode-match-property-ecmascript at 2.0.0
├─ unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript at 2.1.0
├─ unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript at 2.1.0
├─ union-value at 1.0.1
├─ unique-slug at 2.0.2
├─ unquote at 1.1.1
├─ unset-value at 1.0.0
├─ upath at 1.2.0
├─ update-browserslist-db at 1.0.11
├─ uri-js at 4.4.1
├─ urix at 0.1.0
├─ url at 0.11.0
├─ use at 3.1.1
├─ util-deprecate at 1.0.2
├─ util.promisify at 1.0.1
├─ util at 0.11.1
├─ v8-compile-cache at 2.3.0
├─ vendors at 1.0.4
├─ vm-browserify at 1.1.2
├─ watchpack-chokidar2 at 2.0.1
├─ watchpack at 1.7.5
├─ webpack-assets-manifest at 3.1.1
├─ webpack-cli at 3.3.12
├─ webpack at 4.46.0
├─ which-boxed-primitive at 1.0.2
├─ which-module at 2.0.0
├─ which-typed-array at 1.1.9
├─ which at 1.3.1
├─ worker-farm at 1.7.0
├─ wrap-ansi at 5.1.0
├─ xtend at 4.0.2
├─ yaml at 1.10.2
├─ yargs-parser at 13.1.2
├─ yargs at 13.3.2
└─ yocto-queue at 0.1.0
Done in 39.60s.
Installing webpack and webpack-cli as direct dependencies
         run  yarnpkg add webpack@^4.46.0 webpack-cli@^3.3.12 from "."
yarn add v1.22.19
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved 0 new dependencies.
Done in 12.41s.
Installing dev server for live reloading
         run  yarnpkg add --dev webpack-dev-server from "."
yarn add v1.22.19
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
success Saved 99 new dependencies.
info Direct dependencies
└─ webpack-dev-server at 4.13.3
info All dependencies
├─ @leichtgewicht/ip-codec at 2.0.4
├─ @types/body-parser at 1.19.2
├─ @types/bonjour at 3.5.10
├─ @types/connect-history-api-fallback at 1.3.5
├─ @types/connect at 3.4.35
├─ @types/express-serve-static-core at 4.17.33
├─ @types/express at 4.17.17
├─ @types/http-proxy at 1.17.10
├─ @types/mime at 3.0.1
├─ @types/range-parser at 1.2.4
├─ @types/retry at 0.12.0
├─ @types/serve-index at 1.9.1
├─ @types/serve-static at 1.15.1
├─ @types/sockjs at 0.3.33
├─ @types/ws at 8.5.4
├─ accepts at 1.3.8
├─ ansi-html-community at 0.0.8
├─ array-flatten at 1.1.1
├─ batch at 0.6.1
├─ body-parser at 1.20.1
├─ bonjour-service at 1.1.1
├─ compressible at 2.0.18
├─ compression at 1.7.4
├─ connect-history-api-fallback at 2.0.0
├─ content-disposition at 0.5.4
├─ cookie-signature at 1.0.6
├─ cookie at 0.5.0
├─ default-gateway at 6.0.3
├─ define-lazy-prop at 2.0.0
├─ detect-node at 2.1.0
├─ dns-equal at 1.0.0
├─ dns-packet at 5.5.0
├─ ee-first at 1.1.1
├─ eventemitter3 at 4.0.7
├─ execa at 5.1.1
├─ express at 4.18.2
├─ faye-websocket at 0.11.4
├─ finalhandler at 1.2.0
├─ follow-redirects at 1.15.2
├─ forwarded at 0.2.0
├─ fs-monkey at 1.0.3
├─ get-stream at 6.0.1
├─ handle-thing at 2.0.1
├─ hpack.js at 2.1.6
├─ html-entities at 2.3.3
├─ http-deceiver at 1.2.7
├─ http-parser-js at 0.5.8
├─ http-proxy-middleware at 2.0.6
├─ http-proxy at 1.18.1
├─ human-signals at 2.1.0
├─ ipaddr.js at 2.0.1
├─ is-docker at 2.2.1
├─ is-plain-obj at 3.0.0
├─ is-stream at 2.0.1
├─ launch-editor at 2.6.0
├─ media-typer at 0.3.0
├─ memfs at 3.5.0
├─ merge-descriptors at 1.0.1
├─ methods at 1.1.2
├─ mime-db at 1.52.0
├─ mime-types at 2.1.35
├─ mime at 1.6.0
├─ mimic-fn at 2.1.0
├─ multicast-dns at 7.2.5
├─ negotiator at 0.6.3
├─ node-forge at 1.3.1
├─ npm-run-path at 4.0.1
├─ obuf at 1.1.2
├─ on-headers at 1.0.2
├─ onetime at 5.1.2
├─ open at 8.4.2
├─ p-retry at 4.6.2
├─ path-key at 3.1.1
├─ path-to-regexp at 0.1.7
├─ proxy-addr at 2.0.7
├─ raw-body at 2.5.1
├─ require-from-string at 2.0.2
├─ requires-port at 1.0.0
├─ retry at 0.13.1
├─ select-hose at 2.0.0
├─ selfsigned at 2.1.1
├─ serve-index at 1.9.1
├─ serve-static at 1.15.0
├─ shell-quote at 1.8.1
├─ signal-exit at 3.0.7
├─ sockjs at 0.3.24
├─ spdy-transport at 3.0.0
├─ spdy at 4.0.2
├─ strip-final-newline at 2.0.0
├─ thunky at 1.1.0
├─ toidentifier at 1.0.1
├─ utils-merge at 1.0.1
├─ uuid at 8.3.2
├─ wbuf at 1.7.3
├─ webpack-dev-middleware at 5.3.3
├─ webpack-dev-server at 4.13.3
├─ websocket-driver at 0.7.4
├─ websocket-extensions at 0.1.4
└─ ws at 8.13.0
Done in 27.01s.
Webpacker successfully installed 🎉 🍰

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