[DRE-maint] Bug#1049343: need a solution

Bardi Laurent laurent.bardi at ipbs.fr
Tue Aug 15 10:21:27 BST 2023

hi to all

thanks for your comments and helps, i just need a working solution. I 
was thinking that with deb12 it will be more stable/up2date.

I m surprised that in a fresh install (ie with no modification to the 
system ) it won t work.

Perhaps, in the future, will it be better to split the whole package in 
multiple packages to avoid a "full not working" instead of a "partial 
not working" ?

What is your advice ? Wait for a solution with deb12 ? Try in deb11 ? 
Use the script from gitlab  ?

Many thanks in advance for your help, ideas and your time.


  Laurent Bardi


Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale

+33 5 61 17 59 05 | +33 6 23 46 06 28 | Laurent.Bardi at ipbs.fr

UMR5089 | CNRS – UT3 | 205 Route de Narbonne BP 64182 – 31077 Toulouse 
Cedex 4

ipbs.fr <https://www.ipbs.fr>

J'étais indéniablement misanthrope.
Je voulus traverser à gué un marigot infesté d'imbéciles.
Quand j'atteignis l'autre rive, j'étais devenu philanthrope.
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