[DRE-maint] Bug#701918: ruby-build: Includes definitions for unbuildable versions

Piper McCorkle contact at piperswe.me
Wed Aug 14 08:13:10 BST 2024

severity 1022164 wishlist
severity 701918 wishlist
merge 701918 1022164
tag 701918 upstream


On Thursday, 28 February 2013 12:29:39 CDT you wrote:
> I would suggest that ruby definitions which are known not to be
> buildable on wheezy be removed from /usr/share/ruby-build/.  However I
> would also suggest that a way be found to support this specific version
> of MRI, since it's the version in squeeze.

I don't necessarily think we should remove non-buildable rubies. Upstream 
keeps them around, so I don't know why we'd go through the trouble of removing 
them in the Debian package.

Marking as wishlist since this is a design flaw (of sorts) in ruby-build. Also 
merging in a similar bug.

Apologies for the necro, just trying to clear through the bugs for this 
package. You probably haven't thought about this issue in over a decade

Piper McCorkle (~pmc)
contact at piperswe.me

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