[DRE-maint] Bug#1078816: ruby-redcloth:FTBFS:build failure(test failed)

Yue Gui yuemeng.gui at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 15:30:30 BST 2024

Source: ruby-redcloth
Version: 4.3.3-1
Severity: serious
Tags: FTBFS, patch
User: debian-riscv at lists.debian.org
Usertags: riscv64
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-riscv at lists.debian.org

Dear ruby-redcloth Maintainer,
The package ruby-redcloth build failed on arch riscv64. The crucial
buildd log below:

  process malicious html without delay (FAILED - 1)
  should keep the generated HTML the same


  1) CVE-2023-31606 process malicious html without delay
     Failure/Error: expect(t2-t1).to be <= 3

       expected: <= 3
            got:    9.708168081
     # ./spec/security/CVE-2023-31606_spec.rb:39:in `block (2 levels)
in <top (required)>'

Deprecation Warnings:

Using `should` from rspec-expectations' old `:should` syntax without
explicitly enabling the syntax is deprecated. Use the new `:expect`
syntax or explicitly enable `:should` with `config.expect_with(:rspec)
{ |c| c.syntax = :should }` instead. Called from
/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/spec/custom_tags_spec.rb:33:in `block (2 levels) in
<top (required)>'.

If you need more of the backtrace for any of these deprecations to
identify where to make the necessary changes, you can configure
`config.raise_errors_for_deprecations!`, and it will turn the
deprecation warnings into errors, giving you the full backtrace.

1 deprecation warning total

Finished in 26.83 seconds (files took 7.57 seconds to load)
5799 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/security/CVE-2023-31606_spec.rb:10 # CVE-2023-31606
process malicious html without delay

--pattern ./spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --format documentation failed
ERROR: Test "ruby3.1" failed. Exiting.
dh_auto_install: error: dh_ruby --install
/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/ruby-redcloth returned exit code 1
make: *** [debian/rules:7: binary-arch] Error 25
dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary-arch subprocess
returned exit status 2
Build finished at 2024-08-15T15:27:31Z


The full buildd log is here:

My solution to this issue:
Judging from the log, the test failed due to excessive time taken to
process HTML (expected: <= 3 seconds, got: 9.708168081 seconds). It is
possible that this processing time is normal when running on RISC-V 64
architecture. In my opinion, we should increase the test threshold for
RISC-V 64. I have tried this solution locally, and it works well. Please
let me know whether this solution is acceptable. The debdiff patch is
attached.The changes are mainly in debian/patches and debian/rules.
Best Regards
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