[DRE-maint] Bug#891959: redmine: sql_for_field returns bad result for a user lives in different timezone against a server.

Soren Stoutner soren at debian.org
Tue Feb 11 21:49:48 GMT 2025


I sent an email to this bug report a while back, but I just realized I didn’t specifically 
direct it to the submitter, so if you aren’t subscribed to the email you might not have 
seen it.  My previous email is reproduced below.

I am new to the packaging of the Debian Redmine package.  I see that you filed 
this bug 6 years ago.  I apologize that nobody responded in a timely manner.

Can you confirm if this bug still affects the current version of Redmine (5.1.3) in 

Soren Stoutner
soren at debian.org
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