[DRE-maint] Bug#1093922: ruby-file-validators: FTBFS: Failure/Error: require 'mimemagic'

Santiago Vila sanvila at debian.org
Fri Jan 24 00:59:49 GMT 2025

Package: src:ruby-file-validators
Version: 3.0.0-2
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs trixie sid

Dear maintainer:

During a rebuild of all packages in unstable, your package failed to build:

 debian/rules clean
dh clean --buildsystem=ruby --with ruby
   dh_auto_clean -O--buildsystem=ruby
	dh_ruby --clean
W: XS-Ruby-Versions is deprecated, and will be ignored
   dh_autoreconf_clean -O--buildsystem=ruby
   dh_clean -O--buildsystem=ruby
 debian/rules binary
dh binary --buildsystem=ruby --with ruby
   dh_update_autotools_config -O--buildsystem=ruby
   dh_autoreconf -O--buildsystem=ruby
   dh_auto_configure -O--buildsystem=ruby
	dh_ruby --configure
   dh_auto_build -O--buildsystem=ruby

[... snipped ...]

      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdb4a35550 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than=>10240}>
    as a proc
      is expected to allow file size 9216 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdb49b0f80 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:le...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:107 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdb49dbf78 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:le...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:107 (lambda)>}>
  with :greater_than and :less_than option
    as a number
      is expected to allow file size 7168 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdb433c668 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 5120 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdb4363510 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdb42e6470 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>
    as a proc
      is expected to allow file size 7168 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdb426f640 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:126 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 5120 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdb429b1a0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:126 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdaffc9098 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:126 (lambda)>}>
  with :message option
    is expected not to allow file size 11264, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdb42512d0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240, :message=>"is invalid. (Between %{min} and %{max} please.)"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar is invalid. (Between 5 KB and 10 KB please.)"}
    is expected to allow file size 7168, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdaffb7050 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240, :message=>"is invalid. (Between %{min} and %{max} please.)"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar is invalid. (Between 5 KB and 10 KB please.)"}
  default error message
    given :in options
      is expected not to allow file size 11264, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdaff79570 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be between 5 KB and 10 KB"}
      is expected not to allow file size 4096, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdaff4d2e0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be between 5 KB and 10 KB"}
    given :greater_than and :less_than options
      is expected not to allow file size 11264, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdaff71050 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be less than 10 KB"}
      is expected not to allow file size 4096, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdaff40130 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be greater than 5 KB"}
    given :greater_than_or_equal_to and :less_than_or_equal_to options
      is expected not to allow file size 11264, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdaff19c10 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than_or_equal_to=>5120, :less_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be less than or equal to 10 KB"}
      is expected not to allow file size 4096, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdafeea2a8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than_or_equal_to=>5120, :less_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be greater than or equal to 5 KB"}
  exceptional file size
    is expected to allow file size 0 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdafebc740 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than=>3072}>
    is expected not to allow file size nil and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007fcdafecd838 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than=>3072}>
  using the helper
    adds the validator to the class
  given options
    raises argument error if no required argument was given
    does not raise argument error if :less_than is numeric or a proc
    raises error if :less_than is neither a number nor a proc
    does not raise argument error if :less_than_or_equal_to is numeric or a proc
    raises error if :less_than_or_equal_to is neither a number nor a proc
    does not raise argument error if :greater_than is numeric or a proc
    raises error if :greater_than is neither a number nor a proc
    does not raise argument error if :greater_than_or_equal_to is numeric or a proc
    raises error if :greater_than_or_equal_to is neither a number nor a proc
    does not raise argument error if :in is a range or a proc
    raises error if :in is neither a range nor a proc

Finished in 0.60114 seconds (files took 0.26352 seconds to load)
191 examples, 0 failures

/usr/bin/ruby3.3 /usr/bin/gem2deb-test-runner

│ Checking Rubygems dependency resolution on ruby3.3                           │

RUBYLIB=. GEM_PATH=/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/ruby-file-validators/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all:/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/.debhelper/generated/_source/home/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.3.0:/var/lib/gems/3.3.0:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ruby/gems/3.3.0:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/3.3.0:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/rubygems-integration/3.3.0 ruby3.3 -e gem\ \"file_validators\"

│ Run tests for ruby3.3 from debian/ruby-tests.rake                            │

RUBYLIB=. GEM_PATH=/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/ruby-file-validators/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all:/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/.debhelper/generated/_source/home/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.3.0:/var/lib/gems/3.3.0:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ruby/gems/3.3.0:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/3.3.0:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/rubygems-integration/3.3.0 ruby3.3 -S rake --rakelibdir /gem2deb-nonexistent -f debian/ruby-tests.rake
/usr/bin/ruby3.3 -I/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-support-3.13.1/lib:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/exe/rspec --pattern ./spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --format documentation

Combined File Validators integration with ActiveModel
  without helpers
    with an allowed type
      is expected to be valid
    with a disallowed type
      invalidates jpeg image file having size bigger than the allowed size
      invalidates png image file
      invalidates text file
  with helpers
    with an allowed type
      is expected to be valid
    with a disallowed type
      invalidates jpeg image file having size bigger than the allowed size
      invalidates png image file
      invalidates text file

File Content Type integration with ActiveModel
  :allow option
    a string
      with an allowed type
        is expected to be valid
      with a disallowed type
        is expected not to be valid
    as a regex
      with an allowed types
        validates jpeg image file
        validates png image file
      with a disallowed type
        is expected not to be valid
    as a list
      with allowed types
        validates jpeg
        validates text file
      with a disallowed type
        is expected not to be valid
    as a proc
      with allowed types
        validates jpeg
        validates text file
      with a disallowed type
        is expected not to be valid
  :exclude option
    a string
      with an allowed type
        is expected to be valid
      with a disallowed type
        is expected not to be valid
    as a regex
      with an allowed type
        is expected to be valid
      with a disallowed types
        invalidates jpeg image file
        invalidates png image file
    as a list
      with an allowed type
        is expected to be valid
      with a disallowed types
        invalidates jpeg
        invalidates text file
    as a proc
      with an allowed type
        is expected to be valid
      with a disallowed types
        invalidates jpeg image file
  :allow and :exclude combined
    with an allowed type
      is expected to be valid
    with a disallowed type
      is expected not to be valid
  :tool option
    with valid file
      validates the file
    with spoofed file
      invalidates the file
  :mode option
    strict mode
      with valid file
        validates the file
      with spoofed file
        invalidates the file
    relaxed mode
      with valid file
        validates the file
      with spoofed file
        validates the file
    default mode
      with valid file
        validates the file
      with spoofed file
        invalidates the file
  image data as json string
    for invalid content type
      is expected not to be valid
    for valid content type
      is expected to be valid
    empty json string
      is expected to be valid
    empty string
      is expected to be valid
    invalid json string
      is expected not to be valid
  image data as hash
    for invalid content type
      is expected not to be valid
    for valid content type
      is expected to be valid
    empty hash
      is expected to be valid
  image data as array
    for one invalid content type
      is expected not to be valid
    for two invalid content types
      is invalid and adds just one error
    for valid content type
      is expected to be valid
    empty array
      is expected to be valid

File Size Validator integration with ActiveModel
  :in option
    as a range
      when file size is out of range
        is expected not to be valid
      when file size is out of range
        is expected not to be valid
      when file size within range
        is expected to be valid
    as a proc
      when file size is out of range
        is expected not to be valid
      when file size is out of range
        is expected not to be valid
      when file size within range
        is expected to be valid
  :greater_than and :less_than option
    as numbers
      when file size is out of range
        is expected not to be valid
      when file size is out of range
        is expected not to be valid
      when file size within range
        is expected to be valid
    as procs
      when file size is out of range
        is expected not to be valid
      when file size is out of range
        is expected not to be valid
      when file size within range
        is expected to be valid
  :less_than_or_equal_to option
    when file size is greater than the specified size
      is expected not to be valid
    when file size within the specified size
      is expected to be valid
  :greater_than_or_equal_to option
    when file size is less than the specified size
      is expected not to be valid
    when file size within the specified size
      is expected to be valid
  :less_than option
    when file size is greater than the specified size
      is expected not to be valid
    when file size within the specified size
      is expected to be valid
  :greater_than option
    when file size is less than the specified size
      is expected not to be valid
    when file size within the specified size
      is expected to be valid
  image data as json string
    when file size is less than the specified size
      is expected not to be valid
    when file size within the specified size
      is expected to be valid
    empty json string
      is expected to be valid
    empty string
      is expected to be valid
    invalid json string
      is expected not to be valid
  image data as hash
    when file size is less than the specified size
      is expected not to be valid
    when file size within the specified size
      is expected to be valid
    empty hash
      is expected to be valid
  image data as array
    when size of one file is less than the specified size
      is expected not to be valid
    when size of all files is within the specified size
      is invalid and adds just one error
    when size of all files is less than the specified size
      is expected to be valid
    one file
      when file size is out of range
        is expected not to be valid
      when file size within range
        is expected to be valid
    empty array
      is expected to be valid

  rises error when tool is invalid
  :file analyzer
    determines MIME type from file contents
    returns text/plain for unidentified MIME types
    is able to determine MIME type for spoofed files
    is able to determine MIME type for non-files
    returns nil for empty IOs
    raises error if file command is not found
  :fastimage analyzer
    extracts MIME type of any IO
    returns nil for unidentified MIME types
    returns nil for empty IOs
  :mimemagic analyzer
    extracts MIME type of any IO (FAILED - 1)
    returns nil for unidentified MIME types (FAILED - 2)
    returns nil for empty IOs (FAILED - 3)
  :marcel analyzer
    extracts MIME type of any IO
    returns application/octet-stream for unidentified MIME types
    returns nil for empty IOs
  :mime_types analyzer
    extract MIME type from the file extension
    extracts MIME type from file extension when IO is empty
    returns nil on unknown extension
    returns nil when input is not a file
  :mini_mime analyzer
    extract MIME type from the file extension
    extracts MIME type from file extension when IO is empty
    returns nil on unkown extension
    returns nil when input is not a file

  whitelist format
    with an allowed type
      as a string
        is expected to allow file content type "image/jpg" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabcc41040 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:allow=>"image/jpg"}>
      as an regexp
        is expected to allow file content type "image/png" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabca411a0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:allow=>/^image\/.*/}>
      as a list
        is expected to allow file content type "image/png" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabca54278 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:allow=>["image/png", "image/jpg", "image/jpeg"]}>
      as a proc
        is expected to allow file content type "image/png" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabca69290 @attributes=[:avatar], @optio...idators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_content_type_validator_spec.rb:34 (lambda)>}>
    with a disallowed type
      as a string
        is expected not to allow file content type "image/jpeg" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc9aabd8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:allow=>"image/png"}>
      as a regexp
        is expected not to allow file content type "image/png" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc9ef468 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:allow=>/^text\/.*/}>
      as a proc
        is expected not to allow file content type "image/png" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabca0cc70 @attributes=[:avatar], @optio...idators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_content_type_validator_spec.rb:51 (lambda)>}>
      with :message option
        without interpolation
          is expected not to allow file content type "image/jpeg", #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc80e8d8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:allow=>"image/png", :message=>"should be a PNG image"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar should be a PNG image"}
        with interpolation
          is expected not to allow file content type "image/jpeg", #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc82c400 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:allow=>"image/png", :message=>"should have content type %{types}"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar should have content type image/png"}
          is expected to allow file content type "image/png", #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc77fe80 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:allow=>"image/png", :message=>"should have content type %{types}"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar should have content type image/png"}
      default message
        is expected not to allow file content type "image/jpeg", #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc773ef0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:allow=>"image/png"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file should be one of image/png"}
  blacklist format
    with an allowed type
      as a string
        is expected to allow file content type "image/png" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc7cd400 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:exclude=>"image/gif"}>
      as an regexp
        is expected to allow file content type "image/png" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc7c2668 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:exclude=>/^text\/.*/}>
      as a list
        is expected to allow file content type "image/gif" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc678ff0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:exclude=>["image/png", "image/jpg", "image/jpeg"]}>
      as a proc
        is expected to allow file content type "image/gif" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc670350 @attributes=[:avatar], @optio...dators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_content_type_validator_spec.rb:123 (lambda)>}>
    with a disallowed type
      as a string
        is expected not to allow file content type "image/gif" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc735240 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:exclude=>"image/gif"}>
      as an regexp
        is expected not to allow file content type "text/plain" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc75b238 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:exclude=>/^text\/.*/}>
      as an proc
        is expected not to allow file content type "text/plain" and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc7fd0d8 @attributes=[:avatar], @optio...dators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_content_type_validator_spec.rb:140 (lambda)>}>
      with :message option
        without interpolation
          is expected not to allow file content type "image/png", #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc7f07e8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:exclude=>"image/png", :message=>"should not be a PNG image"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar should not be a PNG image"}
        with interpolation
          is expected not to allow file content type "image/png", #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabc960ce0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:exclude=>"image/png", :message=>"should not have content type %{types}"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar should not have content type image/png"}
          is expected to allow file content type "image/jpeg", #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabca1a348 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:exclude=>"image/png", :message=>"should not have content type %{types}"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar should not have content type image/jpeg"}
      default message
        is expected not to allow file content type "image/png", #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator:0x00007feabca3c358 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:exclude=>"image/png"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file cannot be image/png"}
  using the helper
    adds the validator to the class
  given options
    raises argument error if no required argument was given
    does not raise error if :allow is string, array, regexp or a proc
    raises argument error if :allow is neither a string, array, regexp nor proc
    does not raise error if :exclude is string, array, regexp or a proc
    raises argument error if :exclude is neither a string, array, regexp nor proc

  with :in option
    as a range
      is expected to allow file size 7168 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabccf4b18 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 4096 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabcd31d38 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 11264 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca838c0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240}>
    as a proc
      is expected to allow file size 7168 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabcc01eb8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:38 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 4096 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabcc21150 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:38 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 11264 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca3b1d8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:38 (lambda)>}>
  with :greater_than_or_equal_to option
    as a number
      is expected to allow file size 11264 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca47050 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>
      is expected to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca5d878 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 9216 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca537b0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>
    as a proc
      is expected to allow file size 11264 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc981490 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:56 (lambda)>}>
      is expected to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc9a8400 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:56 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 9216 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc9ef918 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:56 (lambda)>}>
  with :less_than_or_equal_to option
    as a number
      is expected to allow file size 9216 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc7cc960 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>
      is expected to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc7c4d00 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 11264 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc7fd240 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>
    as a proc
      is expected to allow file size 9216 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc7f11e8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:le...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:74 (lambda)>}>
      is expected to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc8089d8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:le...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:74 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 11264 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc67deb0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:le...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:74 (lambda)>}>
  with :greater_than option
    as a number
      is expected to allow file size 11264 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc6742c0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc73e200 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>10240}>
    as a proc
      is expected to allow file size 11264 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc733738 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:91 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc75b990 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...file-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:91 (lambda)>}>
  with :less_than option
    as a number
      is expected to allow file size 9216 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc77c5f0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than=>10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc774288 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than=>10240}>
    as a proc
      is expected to allow file size 9216 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc7baf80 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:le...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:107 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc82c900 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:le...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:107 (lambda)>}>
  with :greater_than and :less_than option
    as a number
      is expected to allow file size 7168 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc8221d0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 5120 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc8488a8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>
      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca0dd00 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>
    as a proc
      is expected to allow file size 7168 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca1f898 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:126 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 5120 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca15e60 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:126 (lambda)>}>
      is expected not to allow file size 10240 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca86d40 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:gr...ile-validators-3.0.0/spec/lib/file_validators/validators/file_size_validator_spec.rb:126 (lambda)>}>
  with :message option
    is expected not to allow file size 11264, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabcc08880 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240, :message=>"is invalid. (Between %{min} and %{max} please.)"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar is invalid. (Between 5 KB and 10 KB please.)"}
    is expected to allow file size 7168, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabcc49ba0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240, :message=>"is invalid. (Between %{min} and %{max} please.)"}>, and {:message=>"Avatar is invalid. (Between 5 KB and 10 KB please.)"}
  default error message
    given :in options
      is expected not to allow file size 11264, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca38dc0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be between 5 KB and 10 KB"}
      is expected not to allow file size 4096, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabca41268 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:in=>5120..10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be between 5 KB and 10 KB"}
    given :greater_than and :less_than options
      is expected not to allow file size 11264, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc84dba0 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be less than 10 KB"}
      is expected not to allow file size 4096, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc980c20 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than=>5120, :less_than=>10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be greater than 5 KB"}
    given :greater_than_or_equal_to and :less_than_or_equal_to options
      is expected not to allow file size 11264, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc7bec70 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than_or_equal_to=>5120, :less_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be less than or equal to 10 KB"}
      is expected not to allow file size 4096, #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc7c77f8 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:greater_than_or_equal_to=>5120, :less_than_or_equal_to=>10240}>, and {:message=>"Avatar file size must be greater than or equal to 5 KB"}
  exceptional file size
    is expected to allow file size 0 and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc7f6f08 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than=>3072}>
    is expected not to allow file size nil and #<ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator:0x00007feabc67cd80 @attributes=[:avatar], @options={:less_than=>3072}>
  using the helper
    adds the validator to the class
  given options
    raises argument error if no required argument was given
    does not raise argument error if :less_than is numeric or a proc
    raises error if :less_than is neither a number nor a proc
    does not raise argument error if :less_than_or_equal_to is numeric or a proc
    raises error if :less_than_or_equal_to is neither a number nor a proc
    does not raise argument error if :greater_than is numeric or a proc
    raises error if :greater_than is neither a number nor a proc
    does not raise argument error if :greater_than_or_equal_to is numeric or a proc
    raises error if :greater_than_or_equal_to is neither a number nor a proc
    does not raise argument error if :in is a range or a proc
    raises error if :in is neither a range nor a proc


  1) FileValidators::MimeTypeAnalyzer :mimemagic analyzer extracts MIME type of any IO
     Failure/Error: require 'mimemagic'

       cannot load such file -- mimemagic
     # ./lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer.rb:66:in `extract_with_mimemagic'
     # ./lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer.rb:16:in `call'
     # ./spec/lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer_spec.rb:68:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

  2) FileValidators::MimeTypeAnalyzer :mimemagic analyzer returns nil for unidentified MIME types
     Failure/Error: require 'mimemagic'

       cannot load such file -- mimemagic
     # ./lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer.rb:66:in `extract_with_mimemagic'
     # ./lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer.rb:16:in `call'
     # ./spec/lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer_spec.rb:72:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

  3) FileValidators::MimeTypeAnalyzer :mimemagic analyzer returns nil for empty IOs
     Failure/Error: require 'mimemagic'

       cannot load such file -- mimemagic
     # ./lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer.rb:66:in `extract_with_mimemagic'
     # ./lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer.rb:16:in `call'
     # ./spec/lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer_spec.rb:76:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.34201 seconds (files took 0.24721 seconds to load)
191 examples, 3 failures

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer_spec.rb:67 # FileValidators::MimeTypeAnalyzer :mimemagic analyzer extracts MIME type of any IO
rspec ./spec/lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer_spec.rb:71 # FileValidators::MimeTypeAnalyzer :mimemagic analyzer returns nil for unidentified MIME types
rspec ./spec/lib/file_validators/mime_type_analyzer_spec.rb:75 # FileValidators::MimeTypeAnalyzer :mimemagic analyzer returns nil for empty IOs

/usr/bin/ruby3.3 -I/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-support-3.13.1/lib:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/exe/rspec --pattern ./spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --format documentation failed
ERROR: Test "ruby3.3" failed. Exiting.
dh_auto_install: error: dh_ruby --install /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/ruby-file-validators returned exit code 1
make: *** [debian/rules:7: binary] Error 25
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary subprocess returned exit status 2

The above is just how the build ends and not necessarily the most relevant part.
If required, the full build log is available here:


About the archive rebuild: The build was made on virtual machines from AWS,
using sbuild and a reduced chroot with only build-essential packages.

If you could not reproduce the bug please contact me privately, as I
am willing to provide ssh access to a virtual machine where the bug is
fully reproducible.

If this is really a bug in one of the build-depends, please use
reassign and add an affects on src:ruby-file-validators, so that this is still
visible in the BTS web page for this package.


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