[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Review of debcargo

Vasudev Kamath vasudev at copyninja.info
Sat Jun 24 12:59:07 UTC 2017

Hi Josh,

I've done some changes to debcargo, as mentioned earlier code for my
changes resides in team repository on branch feature/dep5-copyright

Following is brief of my changes.

1. Refactored code to make it easy to follow. debian.rs module models
   debian/control file and changelog file writing.

2. copyright.rs models DEP-5 copyright generation. Most of your logic
   remains there with some changes needed to write dep5 copyrights.
   Where it can't guess copyright it adds "UNKNOWN; FIXME"

3. crates.rs models the Crate related information read from command line
   and collected from crates.io. It abstracts most part and only
   provides function to access needed parts.

Can you please review these changes and provide some inputs?. If
everything is fine please merge changes to master and upload newer
version to crates.io. Currently we can't directly package debcargo as it
has lot of dependencies which are not yet in Debian, and since its
binary package those should be in archive to build binaries.

I'm also working on adding a *depends* subcommand which takes crate and
optional version string to output all dependencies (recursively). I'm
utilizing cargo's resolver API for this. Idea is to get a picture of
what needs to be packaged for a crate to be in Debian.

Also we had a discussion on IRC that update is redundant command and
should be dropped from debcargo. Can you please provide your thoughts on

PS: I'll be traveling from tonight and will be having limited
connectivity. So if possible I will reply through phone if not I will
reply once I'm back next Sunday.


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