[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#858153: cargo: stage0 build fails
peter green
plugwash at p10link.net
Wed Mar 22 12:50:52 UTC 2017
tags 858153 +patch
On 19/03/17 00:45, peter green wrote:
> It seems that trying to do a "stage0" build of cargo no longer works.
After a lot of hacking I managed to get a successful stage0 build in raspbian stretch. I attach the patch I used to do so, I have not tested said patch in Debian.
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nru cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/bootstrap.py cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/bootstrap.py
--- cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/bootstrap.py 2016-11-25 23:11:55.000000000 +0000
+++ cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/bootstrap.py 2017-03-20 23:06:07.000000000 +0000
@@ -471,7 +471,8 @@
return Semver(str(int(major) + 1) + '.0.0')
# ^0.0 means >=0.0.0 and <0.1.0
- return Semver(major + '.' + str(int(minor) + 1) + '.0')
+ # HACK: change limit to +3 to work around "url" failure
+ return Semver(major + '.' + str(int(minor) + 3) + '.0')
# ^0.0.1 means >=0.0.1 and <0.0.2
# ^0.1.2 means >=0.1.2 and <0.2.0
@@ -646,18 +647,24 @@
#dbg(' env: %s' % env)
#dbg(' cwd: %s' % self._cwd)
envstr = ''
+ env['DEP_OPENSSL_VERSION'] = '102'
+ envsanitised = {}
for k, v in env.iteritems():
envstr += ' %s="%s"' % (k, v)
+ envsanitised[k] = str(v)
if self._cwd is not None:
dbg('cd %s && %s %s' % (self._cwd, envstr, ' '.join(cmd)))
dbg('%s %s' % (envstr, ' '.join(cmd)))
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env,
+ print('about to call subprocess.popen envsanitised='+repr(envsanitised))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=envsanitised,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
out, err = proc.communicate()
+ print('subprocess.communicate complete')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
for lo in out.split('\n'):
if len(lo) > 0:
@@ -803,6 +810,7 @@
svr = SemverRange(d['req'])
+ print('d[''req'']: '+repr(d['req']))
print ''
deps = []
dbg('Looking up info for %s %s' % (d['name'], str(svr)))
@@ -1233,15 +1241,21 @@
for l in lines:
+ print('svr: '+repr(svr))
passed = {}
for info in dep_infos:
+ print('info: '+repr(info))
if 'vers' not in info:
sv = Semver(info['vers'])
+ print('sv: '+repr(sv))
if svr.compare(sv):
passed[sv] = info
keys = sorted(passed.iterkeys())
+ print('keys: '+repr(keys))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
best_match = keys.pop()
dbg('best match is %s-%s' % (name, best_match))
best_info = passed[best_match]
diff -Nru cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/cargo-vendor-pack.py cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/cargo-vendor-pack.py
--- cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/cargo-vendor-pack.py 2016-11-25 23:11:55.000000000 +0000
+++ cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/cargo-vendor-pack.py 2017-03-20 23:06:07.000000000 +0000
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
indexdict = OrderedDict()
for crate in os.listdir(depsdir):
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(depsdir, crate)) and not crate.startswith('.'):
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(depsdir, crate)) and (not crate.startswith('.')) and (crate.find('-') >= 0):
(name, ver) = string.rsplit(crate, '-', 1)
print("Found %s ver. %s (at %s)" % (name, ver, os.path.join(depsdir, crate)))
destdir=(os.path.join(cachedir, name, ver))
diff -Nru cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/changelog cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/changelog
--- cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/changelog 2016-11-25 23:30:03.000000000 +0000
+++ cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/changelog 2017-03-20 23:06:07.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+cargo (0.15.0~dev-1+rpi1) stretch-staging; urgency=medium
+ * Hack around bootsrap failure to find crates-io by copying files
+ * Add more debug info to bootstrap script
+ * Make bootstrap script less strict on versioning
+ * Fix clean target
+ * Make bootstrap script ensure environment is strings
+ * Add bootstrapping patch for upstream source, applied only during bootstrapping
+ + comment out fs::remove_dir_all(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); in deps/libgit2-sys-0.6.2/build.rs , it seems to destroy the whole "deps" tree when invoked from the bootstrap script.
+ + Remove optional flag from miniz-sys dependency in /cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/deps/flate2-0.2.14/Cargo.toml
+ + Move libc dependency in deps/net2-0.2.26/Cargo.toml from unix section to general section.
+ + Move openssl dependency in Cargo.toml from unix section to general section.
+ * Force DEP_OPENSSL_VERSION to 102 during bootstrap.
+ * Use seperate cargo-vendor-pack invocations for bootstrap and main build
+ * Make cargo-vendor-pack ignore directories without - in their name
+ -- Peter Michael Green <plugwash at raspbian.org> Mon, 20 Mar 2017 23:06:07 +0000
cargo (0.15.0~dev-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream snapshot (git 1877f59d6b2cb057f7ef6c6b34b926fd96a683c1)
diff -Nru cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/patches/bootstrap-hacks.patch cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/patches/bootstrap-hacks.patch
--- cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/patches/bootstrap-hacks.patch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/patches/bootstrap-hacks.patch 2017-03-20 23:06:07.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Description: bootstrap hacks
+ Patch for any bootstrapping related hacks made to "upstream" source as part of my attempts to bootstrap rust for raspbian.
+ * comment out fs::remove_dir_all(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); in deps/libgit2-sys-0.6.2/build.rs , it seems to destroy the whole "deps" tree when invoked from the bootstrap script.
+ * Remove optional flag from miniz-sys dependency in /cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/deps/flate2-0.2.14/Cargo.toml
+ * Move libc dependency in deps/net2-0.2.26/Cargo.toml from unix section to general section.
+ * Move openssl dependency in Cargo.toml from unix section to general section.
+Author: Peter Michael Green <plugwash at raspbian.org>
+Index: cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/deps/libgit2-sys-0.6.2/build.rs
+--- cargo-0.15.0~dev.new.orig/deps/libgit2-sys-0.6.2/build.rs
++++ cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/deps/libgit2-sys-0.6.2/build.rs
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ fn main() {
+ cfg.define("CURL", "OFF");
+ }
+- let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
++ // let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
+ t!(fs::create_dir_all(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()));
+ let dst = cfg.define("BUILD_SHARED_LIBS", "OFF")
+Index: cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/deps/flate2-0.2.14/Cargo.toml
+--- cargo-0.15.0~dev.new.orig/deps/flate2-0.2.14/Cargo.toml
++++ cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/deps/flate2-0.2.14/Cargo.toml
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ streams.
+ [dependencies]
+ libc = "0.2"
+-miniz-sys = { path = "miniz-sys", version = "0.1.7", optional = true }
++miniz-sys = { path = "miniz-sys", version = "0.1.7" }
+ libz-sys = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
+ [dev-dependencies]
+Index: cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/deps/net2-0.2.26/Cargo.toml
+--- cargo-0.15.0~dev.new.orig/deps/net2-0.2.26/Cargo.toml
++++ cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/deps/net2-0.2.26/Cargo.toml
+@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ ws2_32-sys = "0.2"
+ winapi = "0.2"
+ kernel32-sys = "0.2"
+-libc = "0.2.14"
+ # Compat with older Cargo versions temporarily
+ [target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.dependencies]
+ libc = "0.2.14"
+@@ -31,6 +28,7 @@ libc = "0.2.14"
+ [dependencies]
+ cfg-if = "0.1"
++libc = "0.2.14"
+ [features]
+ nightly = []
+Index: cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/Cargo.toml
+--- cargo-0.15.0~dev.new.orig/Cargo.toml
++++ cargo-0.15.0~dev.new/Cargo.toml
+@@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ term = "0.4.4"
+ toml = "0.2"
+ url = "1.1"
+ #winapi = "0.2"
+ openssl = "0.9"
+ #[dev-dependencies]
diff -Nru cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/rules cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/rules
--- cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/rules 2016-11-25 23:30:03.000000000 +0000
+++ cargo-0.15.0~dev/debian/rules 2017-03-20 23:06:07.000000000 +0000
@@ -25,11 +25,17 @@
cp -a $(CURDIR)/Cargo.lock $(CURDIR)/.Cargo.lock.orig
- # Prepare a fake registry by packing all deps
- ./debian/cargo-vendor-pack.py
ifneq ($(filter stage0,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES)),)
+ #workaround failure to find crates-io in bootstrap script
+ cp -a src/crates-io deps/crates-io-0.4.0
+ mkdir deps/crates-io-0.4.0/src
+ mv deps/crates-io-0.4.0/*.rs deps/crates-io-0.4.0/src
+ # Apply bootstrapping hacks to upstream source
+ patch -p1 < debian/patches/bootstrap-hacks.patch
+ # Prepare a fake registry by packing all deps
+ ./debian/cargo-vendor-pack.py
# Bootstrap cargo stage0
./debian/bootstrap.py \
--no-clean \
@@ -41,11 +47,20 @@
--target-dir $(DEPSDIR)/ \
--host=$(DEB_HOST_RUST_TYPE) \
+ # Remove bootstrapping hacks again
+ patch -p1 -R < debian/patches/bootstrap-hacks.patch
+ #cleanup our crates-io hack
+ rm -rf deps/crates-io-0.4.0
+ rm -rf $(VENDORDIR)
+ # Prepare a fake registry by packing all deps
+ ./debian/cargo-vendor-pack.py
# Workaround for https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/1423
mv $(DEPSDIR) $(CURDIR)/.deps
ln -s `find $(CURDIR)/.deps -name 'cargo-*' -type f -executable` $(CURDIR)/cargo-stage0
ln -s `which cargo` $(CURDIR)/cargo-stage0
+ # Prepare a fake registry by packing all deps
+ ./debian/cargo-vendor-pack.py
# Workaround for https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/1423
mv $(DEPSDIR) $(CURDIR)/.deps
@@ -82,6 +97,16 @@
$(CURDIR)/cargo-stage0 \
+ #cleanup our crates-io hack
+ rm -rf deps/crates-io-0.4.0
+ #cleanup leftover files/dirs
+ rm -f config.tmp deps/aho_corasick_dot-0_5_3 deps/docopt_wordlist-0_6_86
+ rm -rf deps/lib deps/build deps/include
+ find . -name '*.a' -delete
+ find . -name '*.c.o' -delete
+ find . -name '*.bin' -delete
+ find . -name '*.d' -delete
# We pick stuff directly from target/
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