[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#946747: rust-buffered-reader: autopkgtest failure: no matching package named `bzip2` found

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Sun Dec 15 07:29:58 GMT 2019

Source: rust-buffered-reader
Version: 0.11.0-1
Severity: serious
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-ci at lists.debian.org
User: debian-ci at lists.debian.org
Usertags: regression

Dear maintainers,

With a recent upload of rust-buffered-reader you added an autopkgtest to
rust-buffered-reader, great. However, it fails. I copied some of the
output at the bottom of this report.

Currently this regression is blocking the migration to testing [1]. Can
you please investigate the situation and fix it?

More information about this bug and the reason for filing it can be found on


[1] https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=rust-buffered-reader


autopkgtest [03:58:52]: test command5:
/usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo-auto-test buffered-reader 0.12.0
--all-targets --features compression-deflate
autopkgtest [03:58:52]: test command5: [-----------------------
debian cargo wrapper: options, profiles, parallel: ['parallel=2'] [] ['-j2']
debian cargo wrapper: rust_type, gnu_type: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,
debian cargo wrapper: linking /usr/share/cargo/registry/* into
debian cargo wrapper: options, profiles, parallel: ['parallel=2'] [] ['-j2']
debian cargo wrapper: rust_type, gnu_type: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,
debian cargo wrapper: running subprocess (['env', 'RUST_BACKTRACE=1',
'/usr/bin/cargo', '-Zavoid-dev-deps', 'test', '--verbose', '--verbose',
'-j2', '--target', 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', '--all-targets',
'--features', 'compression-deflate'],) {}
error: no matching package named `bzip2` found
location searched: registry `https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index`
required by package `buffered-reader v0.12.0
autopkgtest [03:58:52]: test command5: -----------------------]

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