[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#919989: Where is upstream

Geert Stappers geert.stappers at hendrikx-itc.nl
Mon Jan 21 10:57:05 GMT 2019

Package: rust-dhcp4r

Version: 0.1.0-1


Where to find upstream of  rust-dhcp4r?

A websearch did yield https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/rust-dhcp4r

and I hoped to be able to click on Homepage, but is it not stated.


did not reveal an watch file.  The uscan config could have helped me.

The Debian changelog revealed "crates.io", so found

That page has two interresting links:

Documentation:  https://docs.rs/dhcp4r/0.1.0/dhcp4r/

Repository: https://github.com/krolaw/dhcp4r

The git repository seems to be the best candidate for a home page link.

Thank you for uploading dhcp4r to Debian.


Geert Stappers

DevOps Engineer

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