[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#929337: rust-string-cache-shared debian/copyright is malformed

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Tue May 21 23:41:14 BST 2019

On Tue 2019-05-21 17:29:23 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> I think this particular patch to debcargo-conf is what you want:
> --- a/src/string-cache-shared/debian/copyright
> +++ b/src/string-cache-shared/debian/copyright
> @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
> +Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
> +Upstream-Name: string_cache_shared
> +Upstream-Contact: The Servo Project Developers
> +Source: https://github.com/servo/string-cache
> +
>  Files: ./lib.rs
>  Copyright: 2015 The Servo Project Developers
>  License: MIT or Apache-2.0

I've just uploaded an NMU to fix this, with the attached debdiff.  It's
also in salsa as:


> However, when i try to rebuild string-cache-shared from debcargo-conf
> with this patch, i get a failure:
>     Something failed: ErrorMessage { msg: "Couldn\'t find any crate matching string-cache-shared *\n Try `debcargo update` to update the crates.io index." }
>     ./build.sh: abort: couldn't find crate string-cache-shared
> I don't know what this error message means exactly, but it seems like
> maybe string-cache-shared went away upstream.  If that means we can't
> build it in the expected way any more, even to fix problems like this,
> that's pretty frustrating.

Looking at this a bit deeper than just this superficial fix, it seems to
me that this is actually shipped from the same source git repository as
string-cache, but that package is at 0.7.3 in debian, not 0.3.0.
Shouldn't these two source packages be collapsed somehow?

anyway, i don't understand the debian rust packaging approach well
enough to know how to stitch together the two string-cache packages
safely, so i guess that's a different issue, but if anyone has pointers
i'd be happy to learn.



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