[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#942487: Bug#942487: Bug#942487: rust-web-sys: Provides header is more than 256K long and it breaks reprepro...

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Thu Oct 17 17:31:00 BST 2019

Raphael Hertzog:
> On Thu, 17 Oct 2019, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> Can you please explain why 256 KB provides field is "abuse"?
> Because that's the amount of metadata required for 250 common packages.

So? There are some Debian packages that have much more than 250 times the data of common packages. No tools break with that, nor are there suggestions that those big packages "suck".

>> Do you have some concrete suggestions on how to improve the tool to reduce this "abuse"?
> Yes, I gave you one.

It doesn't work.

>> BTW, the tool is run not at build time but to generate the source
>> package. So it can't use these "foo.cargo" files, because you don't need
>> to install all of the dependencies in order to use the tool.
> If you run a tool to generate the source package, you can include
> whatever call you want during your source package build. i.e. you
> control debian/rules too. And you can process the source package
> and/or the binary package built to create those meta-information
> and also to use the existing meta-information on the system.

This isn't a concrete suggestion, it's a generic vacuous statement about how package builds work, and is true for what already happens. The existing tool already "processes the source package [..] to create those meta-information", namely Provides fields corresponding to what's needed according to what's defined by upstream.

>> It is 2019. If a tool can't handle 256 KB of data, I'd say the tool is
>> at fault and not the 256 KB of data.
> You are being arrogant. Replying in the same tone, I would say that the
> design of your tool suck.

That's cool, and it really doesn't persuade me to have any sympathy towards your issue. Note that the next time this package is automatically regenerated, your "fixes" will be undone.

Please be a bit more self-critical about your own opinion. Have you considered the possibility that it is the reading tool (reprepro in this case) that "sucks" and not the writing tool?


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