[Pkg-rust-maintainers] state of the rust ecosystem (and particularly rust-cbindgen) in Debian

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre at debian.org
Sun Apr 12 13:19:57 BST 2020

Le 12/04/2020 à 12:45, peter green a écrit :
> On 10/04/2020 18:17, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
>> Le 10/04/2020 à 18:47, peter green a écrit :
>>> (note: these are my observations as a maintainer of a derivative)
>>>> The rust ecosystem in Debian
>>>> recently had (and I expect still has) trouble to properly migrate to
>>>> testing
>>> Indeed there are still issues, most notablly IMO that firefox-esr's build-dependencies have been unsatisfiable in testing for over 7 months because rust-cbindgen has not been able to migrate to testing.
>> yeah, it is a shame :(
>> Especially when cbindgen's testsuite is fully green.
>> I think running autopkgtest for every crates is a bit overkill.
>> Thanks for spending time to build that list. I would appreciate help to deal with this!
> What kind of help you are looking for? I can look at packages and propose courses of action, possiblly even prepare patches, but not being a rust guy I would be quite reluctant to upload stuff that had not been checked over by someone else.
Actually, I started :) but the CI queue is pretty long

if you want to try with something easy, you could do the necessary sources upload.
in the debcargo-conf repo, just run ./update.sh <crate>
git commit
./release.sh <crate>
cd build &&  ./build.sh <crate>


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