[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Reminder: IRC meeting Wed 2020-08-26T19:00:00Z

Wolfgang Silbermayr wolfgang at silbermayr.at
Sun Aug 23 07:23:54 BST 2020

Hi Debian-Rust,

Our next IRC meeting in the #debian-rust channel on irc.oftc.net will be held
on Wed 2020-08-26T19:00:00Z.

I hope I'll remember and find the time to send out a reminder with an agenda
on both IRC and this mailing list on the day before.

If there are any topics that you would like to see discussed, please answer to
this message (on- or off-list), or ping me (silwol) on IRC, and I'll put them
on the agenda wiki page [0]. If you have permission, you can also directly
edit the agenda wiki page.

You can read the protocol of previous meetings on meetbot's logging page [1].

See you there,


[0] https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/wikis/IRC-Meeting-Agenda
[1] http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-rust/

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