[Pkg-rust-maintainers] rust-compiler-builtins_0.1.23-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Sun Mar 8 22:05:21 GMT 2020

Hi, I have just uploaded a fixed version of this.

Sean Whitton:
> +----------------+
> |   Reasoning    |
> +----------------+
> - you've removed LICENSE.txt from the orig.tar without appending +ds
>   to the version number or documenting that removal; that's quite
>   confusing, and difficult to fix if I ACCEPT this

This is not in the orig tarball anyway (from crates.io). That is what we use for all rust crates as opposed to upstream git where this file does exist, as it is easier to automate.

> - while I believe that you're correct that Sun nor David Schultz holds
>   copyright on the Rust code (since in 1993--2005 Rust did not exist),
>   there is a lot of explanatory plain text in those files upon which
>   Sun presumably does hold copyright, e.g. in src/math/srf.rs.
>   I don't see how that text could be relicensed as MIT/Apache-2.0 by
>   the authors of the rust crate; the custom license text does not seem
>   to permit that.
>   I believe what you want is "License: SunCustom and (Apache-2.0 or
>   Expat)" plus an explanation of which parts of the file SunCustom
>   applies to and which parts the dual-licensing applies to.
>   Similarly for libm/src/math/exp2{f,}.rs, fmaf.rs -- there is
>   explanatory text *may* have come from the original authors and
>   would thus be under a different license.

This is fixed in my latest upload, plus the mention of BSD-2-Clause for David Schultz's comments.

> +----------------+
> | Other comments |
> +----------------+
> +----------------+
> |      N.B.      |
> +----------------+
> This review may not be exhaustive.  Please check your source package
> against your d/copyright and the ftpmaster REJECT-FAQ, throughly,
> before uploading to NEW again.
> ===
> Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why
> your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our
> concerns.
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