[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#953668: cargo fails to find default X.509 certificates to validate https on powerpc
Daniel Kahn Gillmor
dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Wed Mar 11 23:06:22 GMT 2020
Package: cargo
Version: 0.40.0-3
Starting from an empty ~/.cargo, by default on the powerpc platform,
cargo fails to find the right X.509 certificates to validate an https
connection to github.com.
But if i explicitly point at the standard CA certificates location, it
all seems to work:
(sid_powerpc-dchroot)dkg at perotto:~$ rm -rf .cargo
(sid_powerpc-dchroot)dkg at perotto:~$ strace -f -o cargo-clean.strace cargo search bindgen
Updating crates.io index
error: failed to update registry `https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index`
Caused by:
failed to fetch `https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index`
Caused by:
the SSL certificate is invalid: 0x08 - The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA; class=Ssl (16); code=Certificate (-17)
(sid_powerpc-dchroot)dkg at perotto:~$ rm -rf ~/.cargo && mkdir ~/.cargo && printf '[http]\ncainfo = "/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"\n' > .cargo/config
(sid_powerpc-dchroot)dkg at perotto:~$ strace -f -o cargo-explicit-http-cainfo.strace cargo search bindgen
Updating crates.io index
bindgen = "0.53.2" # Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries.
libstrophe-sys-bindgen = "2.1.0" # Rust bindings for libstrophe, generated using bindgen
node-bindgen = "0.1.2" # easy way to write nodejs module using rust
near-bindgen = "0.5.0" # Rust library for writing NEAR smart contracts.
wasm-bindgen = "0.2.59" # Easy support for interacting between JS and Rust.
serde-wasm-bindgen = "0.1.3" # Native Serde adapter for wasm-bindgen
swift-bindgen = "0.0.0" # [WIP] Two-way bindings between Swift and Rust.
wasm-bindgen-console-logger = "0.1.1" # A simple backend for the log crate that sends messages to the Web browser's console
jni-bindgen = "0.0.10" # Code generator for binding to JVM APIs from Rust
jni-bindgen-reflection = "0.0.10" # Static reflection APIs for analyzing jars
... and 324 crates more (use --limit N to see more)
(sid_powerpc-dchroot)dkg at perotto:~$
I'm attaching the first cargo-clean.strace from above, and the first
2000 lines of cargo-explicit-http-cainfo.strace as well. If you want to
compare the behaviors.
This might well be a bug in some dependency of cargo, of course. feel
free to reassign the bug report if you can narrow it down.
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