[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#969616: Bug#969615: Bug#969609: rust-zstd: unbuildable, uninstallable, depends on non-existent rust-zstd-safe

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre at debian.org
Sun Oct 4 17:08:34 BST 2020


Le 11/09/2020 à 21:11, Steve Langasek a écrit :
> Ximin,
> So no, I will not stop filing bugs against RC-buggy packages that the Rust
> maintainers are clearly not taking care of.  If you don't want bug reports,
> you have the option to stop uploading packages that are RC buggy from the
> moment they're accepted into the archive.

I am not interested by a long debate but I would like to thank for 
reporting these bugs (same for Lucas's).

They have been very valuable to me as it is hard to identify which packages
regressed or not. I have some private CI to verify that the rust-based 
can still build but I cannot do that on all rust- packages. The 
rust-freeze from FTPmasters doesn't help to keep the
tree in a clean state.

I have been spending a few hours today to fix RC which were clearly 
impacting end user programs.

So, again, thanks!


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