[Pkg-rust-maintainers] WHY SO MUCH DELAY

steve grant stevegrant11 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 1 13:37:27 GMT 2021

This is to formally notify you that our agents working at the International Airport, a few hours ago,  intercepted a Consignment being registered and shipped under a shipping bill of RELIANCE SECURITY to you. And this Consignment was declared as an Office Documents but was X-rated and discovered they contain as a valued Cash worth of 60 Million USD without proper Interpol affidavit paper from the originating country. YOU HAVE ONLY 24HOURS TO CONTACT THE SENDER BELOW TO PROVIDE THE REQUESTED DOCUMENTS SO THAT THE CONSIGNMENT CAN be RELEASE AND DELIVER TO YOU IMMEDIATELY. CONTACT Email: gencampbelljohnson29 at gmail.com  NAME: Gen.Campbell S. Johnson

Thanks and God bless
Yours faithfully

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