[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#988945: Bug#988945: rust-http: diff for NMU version 0.1.21-0.1

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre at debian.org
Mon Apr 11 08:34:48 BST 2022

Le 11/04/2022 à 01:14, Jonas Smedegaard a écrit :
> Hi Sylvestre,
> Quoting Sylvestre Ledru (2022-04-10 22:15:47)
>> Maybe you should join the team, commit there and follow the process
>> for our packages?  :)
> Thanks for the suggestion, but I decline the offer:
> I am not interested in joining a team where packages should be tracked
> in one giant git repo.
> If I am mistaken and that's not a policy in the Rust team - or if the
> team might consider changing that policy, then I would gladly join.
It is and it probably won't change (too hard))

I will then have to ask you to stop doing NMU without delays as it will make our
life harder. :(


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