[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#1018859: rutsc: Please update to 1.63.0

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Sun Nov 6 08:11:45 GMT 2022

Hello Fabian,

unfortunately your last email didn't get me, probably it was blocked
somewhere in the great wilderness out there.

Am Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 11:49:40AM +0200 schrieb Fabian Grünbichler:
> 1.61.0 should be in unstable by now and is still waiting for some 
> non-amd64 fixes before we will proceed to 1.62.0.

I noticed the newer version of rustc and so far I can start new build
adventures with thunderbird. :-)
Now I need a newer version of NSS3 to build a recent beta version of
Thunderbird. ;)

> rustc needs to be updated release by release as there are no
> guarantees that release N-X where X > 1 is able to build release N.

I remember somehow about that requirement.

> my plan is to proceed with the next releases one by one at least until 
> the freeze starts, but ironing out all the arch-specific kinks for each 
> release always takes a bit of time.

O.k., sound like a plan, and yes the freeze is coming. It would be nice
if rustc and the other belonging parts could get updates regularly. A
lot of other packages are depending on recent rustc stuff, for me it's
sometimes difficult if I need to postpone working on newer usptream
stuff as this requires later again some time to get to the point were
the I was before.

Anyway, thanks for the updated package!
I'd like to keep this issue open as Debian probably wants to ship a
rustc version that has upstream support for at least some time span of
the bookworm release.
But it's up to you, if you feel you want to close this report feel free
to do so.


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