[Pkg-rust-maintainers] rust-owned-ttf-parser_0.15.2-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Marc Dequènes (duck) duck at duckcorp.org
Sun Oct 30 13:00:54 GMT 2022


On 2022-10-29 00:00, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

> please mention Rob Ashcroft and his font in your debian/copyright.

You're totally right, I missed the fonts directory totally.

I added information for both the Cantarell and Rob Ashcroft's fonts:

Cantarell seems fine even with the "Reserved Font Name" requirement, 
similarly to Mozilla's terms.

Rob Ashcroft's font on the contrary seems problematic: it does not have 
any real licensing information and even if this teacher clearly wants it 
to be used without restriction there is no written indication of this 
and "All rights reserved" (from inside the file itself) is clearly not 
the best way to convey such message (more details in the commit). Now 
I'm not a lawyer and I'll trust your judgment but I would be in favor of 
removing the file since it's only used for tests (and disabling most the 
tests unfortunately).

Rust team, I do not see a way to repack the source using the 
debcargo-conf workflow, is there some undocumented way to do it or 
should I maintain it externally?


Marc Dequènes

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