[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#1034093: rust-bstr: Please upload newer upstream version (at least 1.0.1)

Peter Green plugwash-urgent at p10link.net
Fri Apr 14 01:15:00 BST 2023

I've uploaded the new version of rust-bstr to experimental, I have also prepared but
not uploaded updates for the reverse dependencies, notes on rdeps below.

assert_cmd - new upstream 2.0.8 prepared and patch dropped in debcargo-conf (even newer upstream releases are available but have new depenency)
coreutils - patch dropped in debcargo-conf
csv - fixed by new upstream release in debcargo-conf (also needs csv-core upload)
globset - fixed by new upstream release in debcargo-conf
grep-cli - fixed by new upstream release in debcargo-conf
grep-regex - fixed by new upstream release in debcargo-conf
grep-searcher - fixed by new upstream release in debcargo-conf (also needs grep-matcher upload)
grep-printer - fixed by new upstream release in debcargo-conf
opener - fixed by new upstream release 0.5.2 in debcargo-conf (upstream has also released 0.6, but that's a semver bump)
ripgrep - dependency bumped upstream but not released, patch in debcargo-conf
sniffglue - dependency bumped by patch in debcargo-conf
sccache, jonas package seems to have an unversion debian dependency on bstr but no cargo dependency builds ok with new bstr installed.
similar - dependency bumped by patch in debcargo-conf

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