[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#1031019: sqop verify underdocumented, seems to expect to be verified file on stdin

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at debian.org
Sun Jul 21 22:10:17 BST 2024

Hi Andreas--

On Fri 2023-02-10 15:31:27 +0100, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> According to both manpage and "sqop help verify" sqop verify accepts
> exactly to args (sig and cert) plus two options
> (--not-after/--not-before).
> However this command simply hangs:
> sqop verify gnutls28_3.7.8.orig.tar.xz.asc gnutls-3.7.8/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc
> Reading #969590 I found that the to-be verified tarball needs to be
> passed as third arg on stdin.

Technically this isn't a third argument, it's just stdin.  sqop
implements the standard Stateless OpenPGP Command Line Interface, which
is found at

Hopefully that documentation is clearer than the manpages shipped with

This crate should really create more up-to-date manpages during build,
and the manpages should describe the expectations for stdin/stdout more
clearly. i think that's at least in part an upstream concern:


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