[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#1057096: rust-rsa: CVE-2023-49092: RUSTSEC-2023-0071: Marvin Attack: potential key recovery through timing sidechannels

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at debian.org
Sat Oct 26 08:12:47 BST 2024

Hi Daniel,

On Sat, Oct 26, 2024 at 02:05:22AM -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> Control: affects 1057096 + rsopv
> On Wed 2023-11-29 17:27:15 +0100, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> > The following vulnerability was published for rust-rsa.
> >
> > CVE-2023-49092[0]:
> My understanding is that we have other instances of the MARVIN attack
> available in debian which have not yet been solved.  Those other
> instances are *not* marked with an RC-critical severity.
> For example, #1065683 is timing leakage for RSA decryption with
> libgcrypt, and #1068418 is timing leakage for RSA decryption with
> rust-openssl.  Both are severity: important, but 1057096 is severity:
> grave, which is keeping rust-rsa from migrating to testing.
> I would also like to see sidechannel-resistant RSA more widely
> available, but i'm not sure what we gain from having the severity of
> this bug elevated beyond the severity of the other issues.  In practice,
> this is also keeping the non-affected parts of rust-rsa from being able
> to migrate.
> For example, this severity means that rsopv (a Rust implementation of
> the signature-verification-only subset of the Stateless OpenPGP CLI)
> cannot migrate into testing. (i've marked this bug as Affects: rsopv to
> make this clear).  rsopv doesn't even implement RSA decryption.
> Salvatore, would you object to setting the severity of this bug from
> "grave" to "important", in line with the other MARVIN-related bug
> reports?
>   --dkg
> PS I note that rust-rsa's upstream is indeed working on fixing this, but
>    it hasn't been released yet, and i don't know when it will be:

Thanks for asking. I can explain. Yes the other are not at RC level,
the reason behind this was, the package is new and was not yet in a
stable release, so aim to have it without the issue in trixie or not
in trixie.

I will not object if you plan to lower the severity, but it would have
been nice to not introduce the package in trixie release once stable
with the issue.


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