[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#796256: Bug#796256: Please consider packaging a Rust version that allows #![feature(...)]

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Wed Feb 10 14:34:21 UTC 2016

I just made these:


The packages were built using this script:


At a later date I'll play with setting up a cron job to update these PPAs regularly, or you can do that if you have time first. :)

I haven't done anything fancy, they will upgrade (overwrite) the existing Debian rustc packages. But they work fine, at least so far for me.

Note that i386 builds are failing everywhere due to #812825.


GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE

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