[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Packaging software written in Rust

Josh Triplett josh at joshtriplett.org
Mon Jul 18 00:45:50 UTC 2016

I've just released git-series
(https://github.com/git-series/git-series), a git tool written in Rust.
git-series tracks the "history of history", tracking changes to a patch
series over time through rebases and other non-fast-forwarding changes.
I wrote git-series to help with the maintenance of distribution
packages, backports, patch series for submission (PATCHv2, PATCHv3,
...), and other development processes that may want to rewrite history.
In particular, git-series avoids having to pull patches out of git and
into something like quilt in order to version them.

I'm interested in packaging git-series (and its dependencies) for

We previously discussed the process of packaging Rust software for
Debian.  Since then, Alex Crichton wrote a new version of cargo support
for "local registries" and "directory registries" (see
https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/2857), which I think should
support the approach of packaging libraries as source.  In addition,
https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/2811 adds a flag to cause Cargo
to fail if it would access the network.

Other than those Cargo pull requests, what would need to happen to make
it possible to package software written in Rust for Debian?  And how can
I help?

- Josh Triplett

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