[Pkg-salt-team] zeromq3

Alessandro Ghedini ghedo at debian.org
Mon May 13 11:04:23 UTC 2013

On lun, mag 13, 2013 at 12:45:10 +0200, Julian Taylor wrote:
> As zeromq3 has two RC bugs it won't migrate to testing.
> What is the status on these issues?

I have looked into this briefly just now, and: the kfreebsd failures are kind of
hopeless since I can't reproduce them in the Debian porterboxes, while the s390
failures are reproducible, but may take some time to get fixed (and I don't have
much myself right now).

The short-term solution would be to ask removal of zeromq3 from both kfreebsd
(which wouldn't affect pyzmq, since it never built there anyway) and on
s390/s390x (along with reverse deps).


perl -E '$_=q;$/= @{[@_]};and s;\S+;<inidehG ordnasselA>;eg;say~~reverse'
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