[Pkg-salt-team] New member and 2015.8.5

Wolodja Wentland w at babilen5.org
Wed Feb 3 17:39:55 UTC 2016

Hi all,

i have recently joined the pkg-salt team and wanted to say hello.

Due to a grave bug in the 2015.8.4 release [0] Saltstack decided to cut
2015.8.5 immediately, which I have repacked and imported into the

I am not sure about the conventions in the team and wanted to clarify if
it is okay if I push the resulting master, upstream and pristine-tar
branch directly. I furthermore plan to get backported packages into the
Saltstack community maintained repositories on debian.saltstack.com
which were formerly maintained by Joe.

There appears to be a #debian-salt channel on OFTC, but it is deserted.
Would you be interested in joining it?

[0] https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/30820
Wolodja <w at babilen5.org>

081C B7CD FF04 2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

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