[Pkg-samba-maint] r852 - branches/samba4

Steinar H. Gunderson sesse at costa.debian.org
Tue Jan 3 21:43:25 UTC 2006

Author: sesse
Date: 2006-01-03 21:43:24 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jan 2006)
New Revision: 852

Remove leftover, unused init.d script from debmake.

Modified: branches/samba4/changelog
--- branches/samba4/changelog	2006-01-03 19:19:40 UTC (rev 851)
+++ branches/samba4/changelog	2006-01-03 21:43:24 UTC (rev 852)
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
   * Make samba-client Replaces/Conflicts smbclient.
   * Rename samba-swat to swat, and add a dependency from swat to samba.
   * Change debhelper compatibility level to 5.
+  * Remove leftover, unused init.d script from debmake. 
- -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse at debian.org>  Tue,  3 Jan 2006 18:29:10 +0100
+ -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse at debian.org>  Tue,  3 Jan 2006 22:43:04 +0100
 samba (3.9.0+SVN12395-1) unstable; urgency=low

Deleted: branches/samba4/init.d
--- branches/samba4/init.d	2006-01-03 19:19:40 UTC (rev 851)
+++ branches/samba4/init.d	2006-01-03 21:43:24 UTC (rev 852)
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# This file was automatically customized by debmake on Thu, 13 May 2004 01:38:41 +0200
-# Written by Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels at cistron.nl>.
-# Modified for Debian GNU/Linux by Ian Murdock <imurdock at gnu.org>.
-# Modified for Debian by Christoph Lameter <clameter at debian.org>
-# The following value is extracted by debstd to figure out how to generate
-# the postinst script. Edit the field to change the way the script is
-# registered through update-rc.d (see the manpage for update-rc.d!)
-FLAGS="defaults 50"
-test -f $DAEMON || exit 0
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-    start-stop-daemon --start --verbose --exec $DAEMON
-    ;;
-  stop)
-    start-stop-daemon --stop --verbose --exec $DAEMON
-    ;;
-  #reload)
-    #
-    # If the daemon can reload its config files on the fly
-    # for example by sending it SIGHUP, do it here.
-    #
-    # If the daemon responds to changes in its config file
-    # directly anyway, make this a do-nothing entry.
-    #
-    # start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --verbose --exec $DAEMON
-    # ;;
-  restart|force-reload)
-  #
-  # If the "reload" option is implemented, move the "force-reload"
-  # option to the "reload" entry above. If not, "force-reload" is
-  # just the same as "restart".
-  #
-    start-stop-daemon --stop --verbose --exec $DAEMON
-    sleep 1
-    start-stop-daemon --start --verbose --exec $DAEMON
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/samba {start|stop|restart|force-reload}"
-    exit 1
-    ;;
-exit 0

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