[Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#409987: Can't upgrade samba-common

Justin Hartman justin at japroductions.co.za
Wed Feb 7 00:34:43 CET 2007

> Ok, then why is /etc/rc2.d/K09samba a dangling symlink?  Sorry, I assumed
> this was because the init script was missing, but of course there could be
> other explanations.  Still, that error message is the root problem you need
> to address, and it's not a samba bug.

The problem as it would appear was not with the actual init script but
rather the symlink.

I ran the following and it solved my problem:

debian:/home/justin# cd /etc/rc2.d/
debian:/etc/rc2.d# ln -sf ../init.d/samba K09samba
debian:/etc/rc2.d# apt-get -f install

Thanks for your help Steve.
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