[Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#424629: [Samba] force group to Unix group in 3.0.25

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at samba.org
Fri May 18 17:38:16 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Christian Perrier wrote:
>> Our bug.  I fixed it last night for next week's 3.0.25a release
>> (http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Release_Planning_for_Samba_3.0).
>> You can either retest against the SAMBA_3_0_25 svn tree or I
>> can send you a patch.
> Jerry, apparently this bug hits Debian's version in etch as it
> appeared after the security fix for CVE-2007-2444. See
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=424629
> As you certainly know, upgrading the version in etch 
> to 3.0.25a is out of question, so we need to patch the
> 3.0.24 version to fix this.
> So, if you have the patch handy, we'd be deeply interested.

Ah yeah.  I didn't think about that.  Attached.

> Is there a bug report for this issue in Samba's BTS? I can't 
> find one.

Note sure.  We went back and forth with David Rankin on it
getting the necessary information.

cheers, jerry
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