[Pkg-samba-maint] Upcoming possible licensing issues kde vs samba

Sune Vuorela Sune at vuorela.dk
Sat Nov 3 23:44:17 UTC 2007

On Saturday 03 November 2007, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Well, I'm anything but a specialist in licensing and legalese, but is
> there really something that prevents a GPLv2 software to be linked
> with a GPLv3 library?

Yes. GPLv2 has a "no additional restrictions"-clause. GPLv3 have a set of 
extra restrictions.

> I would be really surprised if people who hardly worked on GPLv3 never
> thought about that situation which is obviously highly probable in the
> transition phase.

The situation is thought of and documented on for example fsf homepage. FSF 
people are advocating "GPLv2 or later" as the solution.

> Time to put debian-legal in the loop?

Well.. that doesn't change anything.


Man, do you know how may I reconfigure a pin on the jumper?

You cannot install a file for cancelling the Ultra-wide GUI.

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