[Pkg-samba-maint] r1586 - trunk/samba

vorlon at alioth.debian.org vorlon at alioth.debian.org
Wed Nov 21 17:44:34 UTC 2007

Author: vorlon
Date: 2007-11-21 17:44:34 +0000 (Wed, 21 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 1586

merge upstream 3.0.27a into svn

Copied: trunk/samba/COPYING (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/COPYING)
--- trunk/samba/COPYING	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/samba/COPYING	2007-11-21 17:44:34 UTC (rev 1586)
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+                          675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) 19yy  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

Copied: trunk/samba/MAINTAINERS (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/MAINTAINERS)
--- trunk/samba/MAINTAINERS	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/samba/MAINTAINERS	2007-11-21 17:44:34 UTC (rev 1586)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+## List of current Samba Maintainers 
+This file contains a list of developers responsible for 
+portions of the Samba 3.0 code.  It also lists developers
+responsible for 3rd party projects that work with Samba
+(e.g. vfs modules).
+Note that this list is for your benefit, but please do not
+abuse it by constantly emailing a stream of help questions
+to the maintainers.  Some are more open to direct 
+communication than others and some struggle with enormous
+amounts of email every day.
+All bug reports for code that is maintained *within* the 
+Samba subversion tree should be filed at https://bugzilla.samba.org/.
+Feature/Function	Developer
+----------------	---------
+documentation 		John Terpstra <jht at samba.org>
+libmsrpc		Chris Nichols <skel at samba.org>
+libsmbclient		Derrell Lipman <derrell at samba.org>
+pdb_*sql		Wilco Baan Hofman <synnack at users.sf.net>
+			Florian Effenberger <floeff at users.sf.net>
+			http://pdbsql.sourceforge.net/
+printing		Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+samba-vscan		Rainer Link <rainer at openantivirus.org>
+Please report any errors in this file to <samba-technical at samba.org>

Copied: trunk/samba/Manifest (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/Manifest)
--- trunk/samba/Manifest	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/samba/Manifest	2007-11-21 17:44:34 UTC (rev 1586)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Copyright (C) 1997-2003 - Samba-Team
+The Samba package you have just unpacked contains the following:
+Directory	Notes:
+=========	======
+docs		(Samba Documentation):
+----		----------------------
+	All the Samba documentation for the 3.0 release have been converted to
+	docbook format. Because of this the man pages are now available 
+	in both traditional man page format (in the docs/manpages directory) 
+	and in HTML format (in the docs/htmldocs directory).
+	The Samba HOWTO Collection has undergone some rather large changes 
+	and covers all parts of configuration now. It is available 
+	as PDF (docs/Samba3-HOWTO.pdf) or in HTML format (in 
+	the docs/htmldocs directory). Those with the docbook utilities installed 
+	can generate PostScript and text versions of the HOWTO as well.
+	The Samba FAQ is still a work in progress, but can be found in 
+	HTML format in docs/htmldocs.
+examples	(Example configuration files):
+--------	------------------------------
+	Please pay close attention to the reference smb.conf file
+	smb.conf.default that has now been included as the master guide.
+	Do read the smb.conf manual page in considering what settings are
+	appropriate for your site.
+packaging	(Only for those wishing to build binary distributions):
+---------	-------------------------------------------------------
+	Currently support is included for the following Linux Distributions :
+		RedHat and SuSE.
+	In addition, packaging support is available for SGI and Solaris systems.
+	We hope that other Unix OS vendors will contribute their binary
+	distribution packaging control files - and we hope to make their binary
+	packages available on the master ftp site under:
+		ftp://samba.org/pub/samba/Binary_Packages/"OS_Vendor"
+source		(The official Samba source files - expect more of these!):
+------		----------------------------------------------------------
+	To build your own binary files you will need a suitable ansi C
+	compiler.
+	Samba uses the GNU autoconf system. In
+	order to build a default Samba for your platform cd into
+	the source/ directory and then type :
+		./configure
+	followed by :
+		make
+	To install the binaries built by the above type :
+		make install
+	then set up your configuration files.
+	NOTE: OS Vendors who provide Samba binary packages will generally
+	integrate all Samba files into their preferred directory locations.
+	These may differ from the default location ALWAYS used by the Samba
+	sources. Please be careful when upgrading a vendor provided binary
+	distribution from files you have built yourself.

Copied: trunk/samba/README (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/README)
--- trunk/samba/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/samba/README	2007-11-21 17:44:34 UTC (rev 1586)
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+This is the release version of Samba, the free SMB and CIFS client and
+server for UNIX and other operating systems. Samba is maintained by
+the Samba Team, who support the original author, Andrew Tridgell.
+>>>> Please read THE WHOLE of this file as it gives important information
+>>>> about the configuration and use of Samba.
+NOTE: Installation instructions may be found in 
+      docs/htmldocs/Samba3-HOWTO/install.html
+This software is freely distributable under the GNU public license, a
+copy of which you should have received with this software (in a file
+called COPYING). 
+This is a big question. 
+The very short answer is that it is the protocol by which a lot of
+PC-related machines share files and printers and other information
+such as lists of available files and printers. Operating systems that
+support this natively include Windows 9x, Windows NT (and derivatives), 
+OS/2, Mac OS X and Linux.  Add on packages that achieve the same 
+thing are available for DOS, Windows 3.1, VMS, Unix of all kinds, 
+MVS, and more.  Some Web Browsers can speak this protocol as well 
+(smb://).  Alternatives to SMB include Netware, NFS, Appletalk, 
+Banyan Vines, Decnet etc; many of these have advantages but none are 
+both public specifications and widely implemented in desktop machines 
+by default.
+The Common Internet File system (CIFS) is what the new SMB initiative
+is called. For details watch http://samba.org/cifs.
+1. Many people want to integrate their Microsoft desktop clients
+   with their Unix servers.
+2. Others want to integrate their Microsoft (etc) servers with Unix
+   servers. This is a different problem to integrating desktop 
+   clients.
+3. Others want to replace protocols like NFS, DecNet and Novell NCP,
+   especially when used with PCs.
+Please refer to the WHATSNEW.txt included with this README for
+a list of features in the latest Samba release.
+Here is a very short list of what samba includes, and what it does. 
+For many networks this can be simply summarized by "Samba provides 
+a complete replacement for Windows NT, Warp, NFS or Netware servers."
+- a SMB server, to provide Windows NT and LAN Manager-style file and print 
+  services to SMB clients such as Windows 95, Warp Server, smbfs and others.
+- a Windows NT 4.0 Domain Controller replacement.
+- a file/print server that can act as a member of a Windows NT 4.0
+  or Active Directory domain.
+- a NetBIOS (rfc1001/1002) nameserver, which amongst other things gives 
+  browsing support. Samba can be the master browser on your LAN if you wish.
+- a ftp-like SMB client so you can access PC resources (disks and
+  printers) from UNIX, Netware, and other operating systems
+- a tar extension to the client for backing up PCs
+- limited command-line tool that supports some of the NT administrative
+  functionality, which can be used on Samba, NT workstation and NT server.
+For a much better overview have a look at the web site at
+http://samba.org/samba, and browse the user survey.
+Related packages include:
+- smbfs, a Linux-only filesystem allowing you to mount remote SMB
+filesystems from PCs on your Linux box. This is included as standard with
+Linux 2.0 and later.
+- cifsvfs, a more advanced Linux-only filesystem allowing you to mount 
+remote SMB filesystems from PCs on your Linux box. This is included 
+as standard with Linux 2.5 and later.
+If you want to contribute to the development of the software then
+please join the mailing list. The Samba team accepts patches
+(preferably in "diff -u" format, see http://samba.org/samba/devel/ 
+for more details) and are always glad to receive feedback or 
+suggestions to the address samba at lists.samba.org.  More information
+on the various Samba mailing lists can be found at http://lists.samba.org/.
+You can also get the Samba sourcecode straight from the Subversion tree - see
+You could also send hardware/software/money/jewelry or pre-paid pizza
+vouchers directly to Andrew. The pizza vouchers would be especially
+welcome, in fact there is a special field in the survey for people who
+have paid up their pizza :-)
+If you like a particular feature then look through the Subversion change-log
+(on the web at http://websvn.samba.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi) and see
+who added it, then send them an email.
+Remember that free software of this kind lives or dies by the response
+we get. If no one tells us they like it then we'll probably move onto
+something else. However, as you can see from the user survey quite a lot of 
+people do seem to like it at the moment :-)
+There is quite a bit of documentation included with the package,
+including man pages, and lots of .html files with hints and useful
+info. This is also available from the web page. There is a growing
+collection of information under docs/.
+A list of Samba documentation in languages other than English is
+available on the web page.
+If you would like to help with the documentation, please coodinate 
+on the samba at samba.org mailing list.  See the next section for details 
+on subscribing to samba mailing lists.
+Please do NOT send subscription/unsubscription requests to the lists!
+There is a mailing list for discussion of Samba.  For details go to
+<http://lists.samba.org/> or send mail to <samba-subscribe at lists.samba.org>
+There is also an announcement mailing list where new versions are
+announced.  To subscribe go to <http://lists.samba.org/> or send mail
+to <samba-announce-subscribe at lists.samba.org>.  All announcements also
+go to the samba list, so you only need to be on one.
+For details of other Samba mailing lists and for access to archives, see
+A few tips when submitting to this or any mailing list.
+1. Make your subject short and descriptive. Avoid the words "help" or
+   "Samba" in the subject. The readers of this list already know that
+   a) you need help, and b) you are writing about samba (of course,
+   you may need to distinguish between Samba PDC and other file
+   sharing software). Avoid phrases such as "what is" and "how do
+   i". Some good subject lines might look like "Slow response with
+   Excel files" or "Migrating from Samba PDC to NT PDC".
+2. If you include the original message in your reply, trim it so that
+   only the relevant lines, enough to establish context, are
+   included. Chances are (since this is a mailing list) we've already
+   read the original message.
+3. Trim irrelevant headers from the original message in your
+   reply. All we need to see is a) From, b) Date, and c) Subject. We
+   don't even really need the Subject, if you haven't changed
+   it. Better yet is to just preface the original message with "On
+   [date] [someone] wrote:".
+4. Please don't reply to or argue about spam, spam filters or viruses
+   on any Samba lists. We do have a spam filtering system that is
+   working quite well thank you very much but occasionally unwanted
+   messages slip through. Deal with it.
+5. Never say "Me too." It doesn't help anyone solve the
+   problem. Instead, if you ARE having the same problem, give more
+   information. Have you seen something that the other writer hasn't
+   mentioned, which may be helpful?
+6. If you ask about a problem, then come up with the solution on your
+   own or through another source, by all means post it. Someone else
+   may have the same problem and is waiting for an answer, but never
+   hears of it.
+7. Give as much *relevant* information as possible such as Samba
+   release number, OS, kernel version, etc...
+8. RTFM. Google. groups.google.com.
+You might also like to look at the usenet news group comp.protocols.smb 
+as it often contains lots of useful info and is frequented by lots of 
+Samba users. The newsgroup was initially setup by people on the Samba 
+mailing list. It is not, however, exclusive to Samba, it is a forum for 
+discussing the SMB protocol (which Samba implements). The samba list 
+is gatewayed to this newsgroup.
+A Samba WWW site has been setup with lots of useful info. Connect to:
+As well as general information and documentation, this also has searchable 
+archives of the mailing list and a user survey that shows who else is using
+this package. Have you registered with the survey yet? :-)

Copied: trunk/samba/README.Coding (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/README.Coding)
--- trunk/samba/README.Coding	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/samba/README.Coding	2007-11-21 17:44:34 UTC (rev 1586)
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+## Coding conventions in the Samba 3.0 tree
+Quick Start
+Coding style guidelines are about reducing the number of unnecessary
+reformatting patches and making things easier developers to work together.
+You don't have to like them or even agree with them, but once put in place
+we all have to abide by them (or vote to change them).  However, coding
+style should never outweigh coding itself and so the the guidelines
+described here are hopefully easier enough to follow as they are very
+common and supported by tools and editors.
+The basic style, also mentioned in the SAMBA_4_0/prog_guide.txt is the
+Linux kernel coding style (See Documentation/CodingStyle in the kernel
+source tree).  The closely matches what most Samba developers use already
+But to save you the trouble of reading the Linux kernel style guide, here
+are the highlights.
+* Maximum Line Width is 80 Characters
+  The reason is not for people with low-res screens but rather sticking
+  to 80 columns prevents you from easily nesting more than one level of
+  if statements or other code blocks.  Use source/script/count_80_col.pl
+  to check your changes.
+* Use 8 Space Tabs to Indent
+  No whitespace filler.
+* No Trailing Whitespace
+  Use source/script/strip_trail_ws.pl to clean you files before committing.
+* Follow the K&R guidelines.  We won't go throw them all here.  You have
+  a copy of "The C Programming Language" anyways right?  You can also use
+  the format_indent.sh script found in source/script/ if all else fails.
+Editor Hints
+Add the follow to your $HOME/.emacs file:
+  (add-hook 'c-mode-hook
+	(lambda ()
+		(c-set-style "linux")
+		(c-toggle-auto-state)))
+(Thanks to SATOH Fumiyasu <fumiyas at osstech.jp> for these hints):
+For the basic vi editor including with all variants of *nix, add the 
+following to $HOME/.exrc:
+  set tabstop=8
+  set shiftwidth=8
+For Vim, the following settings in $HOME/.vimrc will also deal with 
+displaying trailing whitespace:
+  if has("syntax") && (&t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running"))
+	syntax on
+	function! ActivateInvisibleCharIndicator()
+		syntax match TrailingSpace "[ \t]\+$" display containedin=ALL
+		highlight TrailingSpace ctermbg=Red
+	endf
+	autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * call ActivateInvisibleCharIndicator()
+  endif
+FAQ & Statement Reference
+Comments should always use the standard C syntax.  I.e. /* ... */.  C++ 
+style comments are not currently allowed.
+Indention & Whitespace & 80 columns
+To avoid confusion, indentations are to be 8 character with tab (not 
+8 ' ' characters.  When wrapping parameters for function calls, 
+alignment parameter list with the first parameter on the previous line.
+Use tabs to get as close as possible and then fill in the final 7 
+characters or less with whitespace.  For example,
+	var1 = foo(arg1, arg2,
+		   arg3);
+The previous example is intended to illustrate alignment of function 
+parameters across lines and not as encourage for gratuitous line 
+splitting.  Never split a line before columns 70 - 79 unless you
+have a really good reason.  Be smart about formatting.
+If, switch, & Code blocks
+Always follow an 'if' keyword with a space but don't include additional
+spaces following or preceding the parentheses in the conditional.
+This is good:
+	if (x == 1)
+This is bad:
+	if ( x == 1 )
+Yes we have a lot of code that uses the second form and we are trying 
+to clean it up without being overly intrusive.
+Note that this is a rule about parentheses following keywords and not
+functions.  Don't insert a space between the name and left parentheses when 
+invoking functions.
+Braces for code blocks used by for, if, switch, while, do..while, etc...
+should begin on the same line as the statement keyword and end on a line 
+of their own.  NOTE: Functions are different and the beginning left brace
+should begin on a line of its own.
+If the beginning statement has to be broken across lines due to length,
+the beginning brace should be on a line of its own.
+The exception to the ending rule is when the closing brace is followed by 
+another language keyword such as else or the closing while in a do..while 
+Good examples:
+	if (x == 1) {
+		printf("good\n");
+	}
+	for (x=1;
+	     x<10;
+	     x++)
+	{
+		print("%d\n", x);
+	}
+	do {
+		printf("also good\n");
+	} while (1);
+Bad examples:
+	while (1)
+	{
+		print("I'm in a loop!\n"); }
+While many people have been academically taught that goto's are fundamentally
+evil, then can greatly enhance readability and reduce memory leaks when used
+as the single exit point from a function.  But in no Samba world what so ever 
+is a goto outside of a function or block of code a good idea.
+Good Examples:
+int function foo(int y)
+	int *z = NULL;
+	int ret = 0;
+	if ( y < 10 ) {
+		z = malloc(sizeof(int)*y);
+		if (!z) {
+			ret = 1;
+			goto done;
+		}
+	}
+	print("Allocated %d elements.\n", y);
+ done: 
+	if (z)
+		free(z);
+	return ret;
+Checking Pointer Values
+When invoking functions that return pointer values, either of the following 
+are acceptable.  Use you best judgement and choose the more readable option.
+Remember that many other people will review it.
+	if ((x = malloc(sizeof(short)*10)) == NULL ) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to alloc memory!\n");
+	}
+	x = malloc(sizeof(short)*10);
+	if (!x) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to alloc memory!\n");
+	}

Copied: trunk/samba/REVISION (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/REVISION)

Copied: trunk/samba/Read-Manifest-Now (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/Read-Manifest-Now)

Copied: trunk/samba/Roadmap (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/Roadmap)
--- trunk/samba/Roadmap	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/samba/Roadmap	2007-11-21 17:44:34 UTC (rev 1586)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Samba-Team
+The Samba-Team are committed to an aggressive program to deliver quality
+controlled software to a well defined roadmap.
+The current Samba series of Samba 3.0.0 is called the "Domain Integration"
+The following development objectives for future releases
+are in progress:
+Samba-3.0.20	The release that is focussing on scalability and domain
+				integration and migration. See the WHATSNEW.txt file for
+				update notes.
+Samba-3.0.x		Improvements in Management and Migration tools, &
+				general code stabilization work. It is recommended to use
+				only stable releases in production environments. You have
+				been duly warned!
+Samba-3.1.x		The test bed for all new developments. Do NOT use in any
+				production environment.
+Samba-4			Danger Will Robinson, a big code clean up with major
+			system redesign. More will be announced as this work
+			starts to take shape.
+Note that it is a given that the Samba-Team will continue to track
+Windows (NT/200x) update releases, ensuring that Samba will work
+well with whatever "Beta" releases Redmond throws our way :-).
+You may also note that the release numbers get fuzzier the
+further into the future the objectives get. This is intentional
+as we cannot commit to exact timeframes.

Copied: trunk/samba/WHATSNEW.txt (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/WHATSNEW.txt)
--- trunk/samba/WHATSNEW.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/samba/WHATSNEW.txt	2007-11-21 17:44:34 UTC (rev 1586)
@@ -0,0 +1,8633 @@
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.27a
+                             Nov 20, 2007
+                   ===============================
+Samba 3.0.27a is a bug fix release and is the current release
+for production servers running the Samba 3.0 series.
+Important fixes in 3.0.27a include:
+  o A crash bug regression experienced by smbfs clients caused
+    by the fix for CVE-2007-4572.
+Changes since 3.0.27
+o   Michael Adam <obnox at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4308: Add missing become_root/unbecome_root around calls of 
+      add_aliases.  Add same changes in create_token_from_username()
+      surrounding the call to getsampwsid().
+    * BUG 5083: Make solarisacl_sys_acl_get_fd() return a result when 
+      there is one (thereby fixing a memleak).
+    * BUG 5023: Fix smbd's interaction with NFSv4 ACL compatible VFS 
+      plugins such as GPFS and ZFS.
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4978: Ensure that DOS attributes are copied with folders.
+    * Fix bug where tdb lock call interrupted with an alarm sig would 
+      not terminate and could lead to runaway smbd processes.
+    * Fix smbd crash bug which resulted from a regression in the patch
+      for CVE-2007-4572 patch.
+    * Prevent nmbd from adding non-initialized name to IP address
+      mappings to it's WINS database.
+o   Dmitry Butskoy <buc at odusz.so-cdu.ru>
+    * Properly catch errors in the query_user() callback to avoid
+      generated struct passwd replies with zero length usernames.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Prevent segv in winbindd running on a DC using the "idmap
+      backend" syntax.
+o   Steve Langasek <vorlon at debian.org>
+    * BUG 4781: Allow cleaning of /etc/mtab by canonicalizing mountpoint.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4028: Fix message popup sent via "smbclient -M".
+    * BUG 4984: Filename unix_convert() fixes for WinNT 4.0 clients.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>
+    * Fix crash bug in pidl generated client code caused by
+      [in,out,unique] pointers.
+    * Fix crash bug in the group mapping code.
+o   Heinrich Mislik <Heinrich.Mislik at univie.ac.at>
+    * Fixes for AIX quota support.
+o   Tomasz Ostrowski <tometzky at batory.org.pl>
+    * BUG 4393: Prevent smbclient from dropping 0 bytes files from tar 
+      archives.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Fixes for internal idmap domain list when "winbind trusted
+      domains only" is enabled.
+    * Fix 32/64-bit compatibility issues in the winbind request/response
+      structures.
+o   Martin Zielinski <mz at seh.de>
+    * Error code path fix for get_mydnsdomname().
+Release notes for older releases follow:
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.27
+                            Nov 15, 2007
+                   ==============================
+Samba 3.0.27 is a security release in order to address the following
+  o CVS-2007-4572
+    Stack buffer overflow in nmbd's logon request processing.
+  o CVE-2007-5398
+    Remote code execution in Samba's WINS server daemon (nmbd) 
+    when processing name registration followed name query requests.
+The original security announcement for this and past advisories can 
+be found http://www.samba.org/samba/security/
+Changes since 3.0.26a
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix for CVS-2007-4572.
+    * Fix for CVE-2007-5398.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Additional fixes for CVS-2007-4572.
+Release notes for older releases follow:
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.26a
+                             Sep 11, 2007
+                   ===============================
+Major bug fixes included in Samba 3.0.26a are:
+  o Memory leaks in Winbind's IDMap manager.
+Changes since 3.0.26
+o   Michael Adam <obnox at samba.org>
+    * Fix read_sock() semantics in wb_common.c to address "invalid
+      request size" errors in winbindd logs.
+    * Fix use of pwrite() in tdb IO code paths.
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix logic error in timeout of blocking lock processing.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Fix error code in the msrpc EnumerateDomainGroups() Winbind
+      method when a memory allocation fails.
+    * Fix Winbind initialization storms when contacting an older Samba DC.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix compile failure in NFSv4 VFS module.
+    * Fix compile failures on True64.
+    * Fix compile failure in unmaintained python bindings.
+    * BUG 4917: Fix memory leaks in Winbind's idmap_ldap and
+      idmap_cache backends.
+    * Coverity fixes in the group mapping code.
+o   Derrell Lipman <derrell at samba.org>
+    * Remove NetBIOS keepalives from libsmbclient and consolidate on
+      the use of getpeername() when checking connection health.
+    * Use formal syntax for invoking function pointers in
+      libsmbclient.
+o   Lars Mueller <lars at samba.org>
+    * Fixes for Winbind's AD site support when the host is not
+      configured in any site or nor DC's are present within the host's
+      configured site.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Debian packaging updates for 3.0.25c.
+    * Add sanity checks for "smb ports" values.
+    * Fix compile issues related to the VFS "open" method and newer
+      glibc implementations.
+    * Fix a segv in smbldap_set_creds() when using an anonymous
+      connection.
+    * BUG 4772: Fix us of ldap_base_dn for the idmap_ldap plugin.
+Release notes for older releases follow:
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.26
+                             Sep 11, 2007
+                   ==============================
+This is a security release of Samba 3.0 to address
+  o CVE-2007-4138
+	Versions: All Samba 3.0.25 releases
+	Incorrect primary group assignment for
+	domain users using the rfc2307 or sfu
+	winbind nss info plugin.
+The original security announcement for this and past advisories
+can be found http://www.samba.org/samba/security/
+Changes since 3.0.25c
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fix CVE-2007-4138 in the "winbind nss info = {sfu | rfc2307}"
+      plugin (idmap_ad.c)
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.25c
+                             Aug 20, 2007
+                   ===============================
+Major bug fixes included in Samba 3.0.25c are:
+  o File sharing with Widows 9x clients.
+  o Winbind running out of file descriptors due to stalled 
+    child processes.
+  o MS-DFS inter-operability issues.
+Changes since 3.0.25b
+o   Michael Adam <obnox at samba.org>
+    * Fix incorrect log messages in tdbbackup.
+    * Fix a bug in pwrite error detection in tdb_expand_file().
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4711: Make cli_connect() return NT_STATUS codes.
+    * Ensure we obey Unicode consortium restrictions.  Based on 
+      patch from MORIYAMA Masayuki.
+    * BUG 3204: Cope with stalled winbindd child processes and 
+      prevent the parent winbindd process from running out of file  
+      descriptors.
+    * Fix realloc leak on failure case from Jim Meyering.
+    * BUG 4759: Fix crash in ber_printf() caused invalid tag.
+    * BUG 4763: Limit notify responses to client max buf size.      
+    * BUG 4777: Doing a DFS traverse through a deep link could fail
+      (not using explorer).
+    * BUG 4779: Setting the allocation size updates the modified 
+      time as a write does.
+    * BUG 4308: Fix interaction with MS Excel and POSIX ACLs.
+    * Fix POSIX unlink bug found by the Linux CIFS fs client.
+    * Stop counting locks if we get a POSIX lock request.
+    * Fix interaction between Linux CIFS fs client and Windows
+      clients when the former tries to remove a file opened by the 
+      latter.
+    * Fix incorrect mapping of invalid resume names in FindNext 
+      commands.
+    * Cope with dead entries in the locking database tied to 
+      non-existent processes (merge from 3.2-ctdb).
+    * Fix MS-DFS related renaming bug in smbclient.
+    * Fix for write cache corruption bug.
+    * Fix invalid vuid from being returned by a failed call to
+      cli_session_setup_spnego.().
+    * Fixes for error mappings from NT_STATUS to the appropriate DOS
+      error codes in reply_opeNXXX() calls.
+o   Ofir Azoulay <Ofir.Azoulay at expand.com>
+    * Only look at errno set by SMB_VFS_CLOSE() if the call actually 
+      failed.
+o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab at samba.org>
+    * Fix vfs_readahead: transparent modules should always pass 
+      through.
+o   David S. Collier-Brown <davecb at spamcop.net>
+    * BUG 4897: Fix Solaris xattr misdeclarations.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Remove redundant pointer checks when freeing memory in winbindd.
+    * BUG 4408: Remove last traces of Heimdal KCM support.
+    * Fix bug in user Krb5 ticket refresh feature in winbindd.
+    * Fix Heimdal path in the krb5 renew routine.
+    * Unused code cleanup in winbindd.
+o   SATOH Fumiyasu <fumiyas at osstech.co.jp>
+    * BUG 4750: smbc_telldir_ctx() was not returning a value useful 
+      to smbc_lseekdir_ctx().
+o   Bjoern Jacke <bj at sernet.de>
+    * Add support for Extended Attributes on Solaris.
+o   Matthijs Kooijman <matthijs at stdin.nl>
+    * BUG 4836: Fix incorrect log message in the nss_info 
+      plugin init call.
+    * BUG 4849: Fix "net ads dns register" usage text.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Port cli_connect() NT_STATUS fixes to smbmount.
+    * Add notes about smbfs/cifs to usage() in smb[u]mount.
+    * BUG 4792: Fix pidfile name bug.
+    * Fix missing END_PROFILE() call in the SMBunlink reply.
+    * Coverity fixes.
+    * Correct logic error in change notify code that would result in 
+      an endless loop.
+    * Fix uninitialized reads in the spoolss GetPrinterData() replies.
+    * Fix file overwrites from Windows 9x clients.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Unused code cleanup.
+    * Avoid a crash in "net rpc info" when no username has 
+      been specified.
+    * Remove biconv detection on *BSD.
+o   Derrell Lipman <derrell at samba.org>
+    * Get/Set ACL fixes in libsmbclient.
+o   Jan Martin <Jan.Martin at rwedea.com>
+    * BUG 4860: Patches for fixing MS-DFS links with trailing 
+      back slashes.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * BUG 4719: "Must change password" is not set from usrmgr.exe.
+o   Atsushi Nakabayashi <nakabayashi at miraclelinux.com>
+    * Ensure proper exit when nmbd is unable to reopen the wins.tdb.
+    * Fix error path memleaks in the messaging subsystem.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.25b
+                             June 26, 2007
+                   ===============================
+Major bug fixes included in Samba 3.0.25b are:
+  o Offline caching of files with Windows XP/Vista clients.
+  o Improper cleanup of expired or invalid byte range locks 
+    on files.
+  o Crashes is idmap_ldap and idmap_rid.
+Changes to 'net idmap dump'
+A change in command line syntax and behavior was introduced in the
+3.0.25 release series where the command 
+  $ net idmap dump /.../path/to/idmap.tdb
+would overwrite the tdb instead of dumping its contents to standard 
+output as was the case in releases prior to Samba 3.0.25.  The 
+changed has been reverted in 3.0.25b and the semantics from 3.0.24
+and earlier releases have been restored.  
+Changes since 3.0.25a
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4655: Fix client parsing bug in spoolss EnumPrinterDataEx().
+    * Ensure that proper oplock break requests occur during file open
+      and performing internal checks for compatible open modes.
+    * Fix offline file caching with Windows XP/Vista clients.
+    * Coverity fixes.
+    * Ensure that winbindd reports the correct client connection
+      details in response to a SIGUSR2.
+    * Fix timespec_current() to return the correct nano-second time.
+    * Fix lock logic inconsistencies in tdb_traverse().
+    * Remove restriction on string length for rpcclient commands.
+    * BUG 4683: Fix LSA crash bug.
+    * BUG 3204: Fix file descriptor leak in the parent winbindd when
+      child processes hang.
+    * Avoid calling rename_open_files() when the old and new names 
+      are identical.
+    * BUG 4689: Fix bug in new change notify code caused by not
+      ignoring the max_params_return value and as a resulting
+      returning truncated names.
+    * Fix sync_file() to return NTSTATUS and return this on failure in
+      the write reply path.
+    * BUG 4678,4697: Fix token creation for clear text logins.  
+    * BUG 4725: Don't crash when no eventlog names are defined in
+      smb.conf.
+    * Ensure we will always release any timeout handler on fsp close 
+      or removal of oplock.
+o   Jacob Berkman <jberkman at novell.com>
+    * BUG 4566: Pass password data to krb5_prompter.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4579: Fix "wbinfo -t" when running winbindd on a Samba DC.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4657: Fix compilation and linking of pam_smbpass.so.
+    * Add more netlogon GetDcName() client calls.
+    * Fix event based krb5 ticket refreshing in winbindd.
+o   SATOH Fumiyasu <fumiyas at osstech.co.jp>
+    * BUG 4720: Fix smbclient connections to share names containing 
+      multibyte characters.
+o   Steve Langasek <vorlon at debian.org>
+    * Allow SIGTERM to cause nmbd to exit on awaiting an interface 
+      to come up.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix record state check error when reviewing entries in nmbd's
+      WINS database.
+    * Revert 'net idmap dump' behavior to 3.0.24 behavior to fix change 
+      in command line syntax that would overwrite winbindd_idmap.tdb.
+o   Justin Maggard <jmaggard at infrant.com>
+    * Don't expire a password if it's explicitly set as ACB_PWNOTREQ.
+o   <mnix at wanm.com.au>
+    * Fix old old bug in cli_smbwrite() (not incrementing data 
+      being sent).
+o   Jens Nissen <jens.nissen at gmx.net>
+    * BUG 4537: Fix smbtorture deny test2.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at apple.com>
+    * Fix structure types in the vfs_catia NT_ACL operations.
+o   Doug Rudoff <doug_rudoff at isilon.com>
+    * Ensure that the the lck struct for invalid locks are correctly
+      saved and therefore cleaned up.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Updates for the packaging/Debian directory.
+    * Add missing 'c' character to the list of shell safe characters.
+    * BUG 4667 (partial): Fix crash bug in idmap_ldap.c.
+    * Fix inconsistencies between creating machine and user accounts.
+    * Fix bug deleting LDAP user accounts that used the account 
+      objectclass as its structural basis.
+    * BUG 2319: Ensure that smbspool correctly decodes %-encoded
+      characters.
+    * BUG 4624: Fix crashes in idmap_rid.
+Release notes for older releases follow:
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.25a
+                             May 25, 2007
+                   ===============================
+Major bug fixes included in Samba 3.0.25a are:
+  o Missing supplementary Unix group membership when using "force 
+    group".
+  o Premature expiration of domain user passwords when using a 
+    Samba domain controller.
+  o Failure to open the Windows object picker against a server
+    configured to use "security = domain".
+  * Authentication failures when using security = server.
+Changes to MS-DFS Root Share Behavior
+Please be aware that the initial value for the "msdfs root" share 
+parameter was changed in the 3.0.25 release series and that this 
+option is now disabled by default.  Windows clients frequently require 
+a reboot in order to clear any cached information about MS-DFS
+root shares on a server and you may experience failures accessing
+file services on Samba 3.0.25 servers until the client reboot 
+is performed.  Alternately, you may explicitly re-enable the 
+parameter in smb.conf.   Please refer to the smb.conf(5) man page
+for more details.
+Changes since 3.0.25
+o   Michael Adam <obnox at samba.org>
+    * Fix logic in detection of the need to replace dlopen, et. al.
+    * Add HP-UX ACL VFS module.
+    * Fix build of Tru64 ACL VFS module.
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4622: Fix authentication failures in security = server.
+    * Fix pointer marshalling in srvsvc parsing code.
+    * BUG 4630: Fix conversion of 8 byte time_t and NT_TIME values.
+    * Ensure that if we're blocked on a POSIX lock we know nothing
+      about that we retry the lock every 10 seconds instead of waiting
+      for the standard select timeout.
+    * BUG 4637: Fix samlogon reply regression that broke domain logons.
+    * Fix rename on open files and improved delete-on-close semantics.
+    * Fix POSIX setfilepathinfo to use lstat.
+o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab at samba.org>
+    * Add -pie support to Python's setup.py.
+    * Strip STYPE_TEMPORARY and STYPE_HIDDEN when printing share
+      listing from 'net rap shares".
+    * Fix argument parsing in "net rap server domain".
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4616: Don't return a dns or forest name when replying to the
+      DsGetPrimaryRoleInfo() and configured for security = domain.
+    * Trim noise by removing redundant WARNING log message that would 
+      flood at log level 2. 
+    * Fix truncation of supplementary Unix groups when using "force group".
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Always fallback to NTLM authentication in pam_winbind when the 
+      user's account has UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set.
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com> 
+    * Valgrind fixes in mount.cifs.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix crash bug in the Solaria ACL VFS module caused by
+      uninitialized variables.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Update connection structure definition for tdbtool display
+      output.
+o   Derrell Lipman <derrell at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4601: Fix smbc_getxattr() to properly return the required
+      size of the buffer needed to contain the extended attributes.
+    * BUG 4599: Fix failure when setting attributes.
+    * BUG 4634: Type of the size parameter to getpeername in
+      libsmbclient code was wrong.
+    * Fix libsmbclient interaction with links on Vista and properly
+      detect non-NTSTATUS errors.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * BUG 4630: Fix special case of unix_to_nt_time() for TIME_T_MAX
+      and the output from http_timestring().
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>
+    * Merge gdb_backtrace script changes form SAMBA_4_0.
+o   Lars Mueller <lars at samba.org>
+    * Allow idmap_ldap to be built as a shared lib.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at apple.com>
+    * BUG 4426: Move FAM libraries from smbd to vfs_fam_notify.
+    * BUG 2287: Replace unnecessary AC_TRY_RUN with AC_TRY_LINK.
+    * BUG 4589: Fix typo in pdbedit output.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Short circuit Unix Users and Unix Groups Domain SID checks 
+      in smbd to avoid unnecessary calls to winbindd.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.25
+                            May 14, 2007
+                   ==============================
+The 3.0.25 release is an upgrade release over the 3.0.23/3.0.24 
+series which means that a substantial amount of development has 
+occurred and many new features have been added since the last
+Samba production release.  We would like to thank everyone in 
+the Samba community that help to test the preview snapshots and 
+release candidates.  We believe that the this production release 
+is in much better shape due to your help.  
+Major features included in the 3.0.25 code base include:
+  o Significant improvements in the winbind off-line logon support.
+  o Support for secure DDNS updates as part of the 'net ads join' 
+    process.
+  o Rewritten IdMap interface which allows for TTL based caching and 
+    per domain backends.
+  o New plug-in interface for the "winbind nss info" parameter.
+  o New file change notify subsystem which is able to make use of 
+    inotify on Linux.
+  o Support for passing Windows security descriptors to a VFS 
+    plug-in allowing for multiple Unix ACL implements to running side 
+    by side on the Same server.
+  o Improved compatibility with Windows Vista clients including 
+    improved read performance with Linux servers.
+  o Man pages for IdMap and VFS plug-ins.
+Security Fixes included in the Samba 3.0.25 release are:
+  o CVE-2007-2444
+	Versions: Samba 3.0.23d - 3.0.25pre2
+	Local SID/Name translation bug can result in
+	user privilege elevation
+  o CVE-2007-2446
+	Versions: Samba 3.0.0 - 3.0.24
+	Multiple heap overflows allow remote code execution
+  o CVE-2007-2447
+	Versions: Samba 3.0.0 - 3.0.24
+	Unescaped user input parameters are passed as
+	arguments to /bin/sh allowing for remote command
+	execution
+Off-line Logons and AD Site Support
+Winbind's capability to support offline logons has been greatly
+improved with the 3.0.25 release including support for locating 
+domain controllers asynchronously using Active Directory Site
+New IdMap Interface for Winbindd
+The 3.0.25 release of Samba includes a rewritten IdMap interface
+for winbindd which replaces the "idmap backend" parameter.  Please 
+refer to the "idmap domains" description in the smb.conf(5) man 
+page for more details.
+Dynamic DNS Updates
+The "net ads join" command is now able to register the host's DNS A
+records with Windows 2000 SP4 and 2003 DNS servers.  This 
+feature must be enabled at compile time using the --with-dnsupdate 
+when running the ./configure script.  There is also a related "net ads 
+dns" command for refreshing a host's records which could be launched
+from a dhcp client script when a new IP address is obtained.
+Support for Additional ACL Modules
+Samba's POSIX ACL support has been moved inside of the VFS layer 
+which means it is now possible to support multiple ACL implementations
+on the same server including NFSv4 and GPFS ACLs.
+VFS ReadAhead Plugin
+Windows Vista introduces pipe-lined read support for improved 
+performance when transferring files.  The new vfs_readahead plugin
+allows Linux file servers to utilize additional Kernel buffers
+for caching files in order to avoid Disk I/O wait time when serving
+Vista clients.  If you experience poor read performance between 
+Linux servers and Vista clients, please test the vfs_readahead
+module by adding the following lines to the share definition
+in smb.conf:
+	vfs objects = readahead
+Note that this plugin will result in additional RAM requirements
+due to the increased amount of kernel buffer caches used by smbd.
+Please refer to vfs_readahead(8) for more information.
+Windows Vista, Office 2007, and Offline Files
+Research surrounding offline files, Windows Vista, and Microsoft 
+Office 2007 has revealed a incompatibility between these 
+applications and the "map acl inherit = no" setting in smb.conf.  
+Users requiring support client side caching (csc) and offline 
+files are encouraged to enable the "map acl inherit" for any 
+affected share definitions in the server's configuration.
+Future versions of Samba will enable this setting by default.
+Please refer to the smb.conf(5) man page for more details on 
+"map acl inherit".
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name                      Description     Default
+    --------------                      -----------     -------
+    change notify timeout		Removed 	n/a
+    change notify			New		Yes
+    debug prefix timestamp              New             No
+    fam change notify			Removed		n/a
+    idmap domains			New		""
+    idmap alloc backend			New		""
+    idmap cache time			New             900
+    idmap negative cache time           New             120
+    kernel change notify		Per share	Yes
+    lock spin count                     Removed         n/a
+    max stat cache size 		Modified 	1024KB
+    msdfs root                          Modified	no
+    printjob username			New		%U
+    winbind normalize names		New		no
+Changes since 3.0.25rc3
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix memory corruption bug during string processing.
+    * Instantiate idiom that malloc/tallocs of array of 0 elements
+      returns NULL.
+    * Fix marshalling bugs in samr code based on incorrect
+      assumptions.
+    * Fix DFS MS-RPC enumeration reply when we have no DFS shares.
+    * Fix memory corruption when enumerating accounts in the 
+      LsaPrivilege database.
+    * Fixes for CVE-2007-2444, CVE-2007-2446, and CVE-2007-2447.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fix memory corruption when adding/removing members from Local 
+      Groups.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Prevent leaking on full NET_USER_INFO_3 structure memory on each
+      cached login.
+    * Plug memory leak in client SPNEGO session setup code.
+    * Don't clear cached U/SID and UG/SID entries when we want to 
+      logon offline.
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com> 
+    * Allow prepaths in mount.cifs.
+    * Don't prompt for a password in mount.cifs when sec=none has been 
+      specified.
+o   Steve Langasek <vorlon at debian.org>
+    * BUG 4600: Fix compilation of --with-python.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix memory corruption bug in string_replace().
+    * Fix valgrind error in parse_domain_user().
+    * Fix compilation of explicit --without-winbind.
+    * Fix an uninitialized variable and other compiler warnings.
+    * Fix memory leak in smbd's claim session code.
+    * BUG 4613: Fix incorrect password expiration caused by stomping on 
+      the time values in the NET_USER_INFO_3 for remote users.
+    * Fixes for CVE-2007-2446.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>
+    * Add AC_GNU_SOURCE macro in libreplace for systems which don't have it.
+    * Fix libreplace compiler warnings.
+o   Jens Nissen <jens.nissen at gmx.net>
+    * Fix memory leak on the file/directory ACL processing code.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Memory allocation cleanups and sanity checks after the malloc(0)
+      == NULL crusade.
+    * Fix socket leak in idmap_ldap.c.
+    * Fix failure in "net idmap restore".
+    * Fix crash bug in idmap_ldap's get_credentials() code.
+    * Fixes for CVE-2007-2446.
+o   Alison Winters <alisonw at sgi.com>
+    * Add missing return calls in sendfilereadbraw.
+Changes since 3.0.24
+o   Michael Adam <ma at sernet.de>
+    * Patch to lib/sysquotas_linux.c replacing some "get"s by "set"s.  
+      This makes the difference between the get and set calls for
+    * Prevent collision from config.h created by stand alone component
+      builds.
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix CIFS POSIX unlink behavior.
+    * Change POSIX_UNLINK to allow clients to differentiate between 
+      unlink/rmdir calls.
+    * Add smbclient implementations of POSIX open/mkdir/unlink/rmdir.
+    * Refactor MS-DFS server and client code.
+    * Support deep MS-DFS referrals in Samba client applications.
+    * Change the VFS interface to use struct timespec for utimes.
+    * Fix build failures on *BSD platforms caused by introduction of 
+      memalign().
+    * Optimize exit path in the byte-range locking code in smbd to 
+      only read the locking db if there are outstanding lock requests.
+    * Fix long-standing bug in our chain processing code.
+    * BUG 4384: Fix bug in old search code.
+    * Add support for the UNIX_INFO2 info level.
+    * Add in the "create info" field to the reply from POSIX_OPEN 
+      and POSIX_MKDIR.
+    * Refactor the sessionsetupX code a little to allow us to return 
+      a NT_STATUS_TIME_DIFFERENCE_AT_DC error to a client.
+    * Fix memory leaks in the LDAP sasl bind code.
+    * Fix crash in vfs audit/full audit modules caused by API changes.
+    * Fix connection problem between pre-3.0.25 smbclient and new DFS
+      server code.
+    * Fix valgrind errors in credentials.c.
+    * Fix logic error in CIFS POSIX extensions for open() and mkdir().
+    * Fix if logic error when checking for password resets of machine
+      trust accounts in Samba's passdb.
+    * Ensure we use the same technique to pull the share mode data out
+      that locking.c does.
+    * Fixes buffer parsing in the server side Lanman and RAP calls.
+    * Fix GetPrinter() info level 3 to fix displaying and setting
+      security descriptors on printers from WinXP x86_64 clients.
+    * Return correct error code to the trans2 GetDfsReferral() request
+      from Vista clients (fixes listing share contents in the Vista
+      explorer.exe).
+    * BUG 4486: Fix the exclude_dir parameter in the VFS recycle
+      plugin.
+    * Consolidate the become_root_uid_only() calls to only use
+      become_root().
+    * Add vfs_readahead module to deal with the pipe-lined reads 
+      from Vista clients.
+    * BUG 4404: Fix server SMB/CIFS protocol bugs that broke Vista
+      clients trying to utilize offline file support.
+    * BUG 4494: Make sure to fail immediately if sendfile fails and
+      don't continue on to call chain_reply() (based on report from
+      Kevin Jamieson).
+    * Remove tdb.h from the libsmbsharemodes.so header file.
+    * BUG 3634: Fix crash in nmbd caused by a bad "interfaces" include
+      in smb.conf.
+    * Add initial version to winbindd_cache.tdb file.  Automatically
+      delete existing non-versioned cache files.
+    * Fix the storage size of time_t in winbindd_cache.tdb to be 8
+      bytes.
+    * Cope with signature errors on sessionsetupX logins where the
+      server just reflects our signature back to us. Allow the upper 
+      layer to see the real error.  
+    * BUG 4512: Limit the volume label for a share to 32 UNICODE
+      characters.
+    * Allow arbitrary bases in int and ulong parsing in smb.conf.
+    * Fix off-by-one error in tconX parsing.
+    * Winbind off-line logon fixes.
+    * Support for AD sites when locating domain controllers.
+    * Fix libsmbclient bug with Konqueror and NetApp filers that need 
+      a leading / in OpenAndX calls. 
+    * BUG 4187: Possible crash in signing on/off code.
+    * Fix memory leaks in pam_winbind.c.
+    * Fix a bug in the sequence number store/fetch routines in
+      winbindd_cache.tdb.
+    * Fix the problem with Linux clients requesting O_WRONLY on write-only
+      files.
+    * Fix a class of memory allocation bugs in the handling of user tokens.
+    * Fix crash bug in winbindd caused by a bug in the messaging dispatch
+      code.
+    * Fix memory bloat in trans calls caused by talloc()'ing memory off the
+      wrong context.
+    * Fix wildcard renames with SMBmv.
+    * Fixes for pathname handling code.
+    * Add in the wdel smbclient command to perform wildcard deletes.
+    * Fix a bug that causes smbd to 'hang' intermittently while updating
+      the trusted domain cache.
+    * Cleanup error path processing in reduce_name().
+    * Fixes for smbtorture tests (BASE-DELETE, ...)
+    * Delete on close fixes ("I completely understand it this time").
+    * Remove unneeded checks on incoming uid/gid for mknod (fifo) Unix
+      extensions code.
+    * More fixes for Unix Extensions include support for POSIX locking.
+    * NTLMv2 fixes for Vista clients.
+    * Add an optimized lookup for Domain Users and only report the current
+      user (which is generally what the calling application wants to know 
+      anyways).
+    * Fixes for supporting the Vista backup utility based on work by Joe
+      Meadows <jameadows at webopolis.com>.
+    * Fix 4377: Fix rename of "foo" -> "Foo".
+    * BUG 4188: Fix for Vista delete directory bug.
+    * BUG 4400: Add support for processing large Krb5 tickets in SMB
+      sesssetup&X.  Based on work by <todd.stecher at isilon.com>.
+    * Fix trans2 file size reporting for Linux CIFS client.
+    * Allow Well-Known and Local Groups to be stored in POSIX ACLs
+      as long as there is a SID/gid mapping entry available.
+    * Fix memory corruption bug in the CIFS POSIX open/mkdir.
+    * BUG 4536: Correctly delete symlinks pointing to a directory.
+o   Danilo Almeida <dalmeida at centeris.com>
+    * Add additional debug support for pam_winbind.
+    * Add support for listing multiple groups in pam_winbind's 
+      require-membership-of option which act as a logical OR.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Ensure debug messages from tools print the correct config file 
+      location if the file was defined as a command line option.
+o   Andrew Benham <andrew.benham at thus.net>
+    * BUG 4290: Properly compute time to password expiration in message
+      from pam_winbind.
+o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab at samba.org>
+    * Ensure nfsv4 chown logic is controlled by "nfs4:chown=[yes|no]".
+    * Add GPFS-provided DMAPI support
+o   Kai Blin <kai.blin at gmail.com>
+    * Match Windows NTLMSSP flags.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Implement pluggable "winbind nss info" interface.
+    * Removal of unmaintained smbwrapper utility.
+    * Fix server affinity bugs in the 'net ads join' code to include
+      support for AD sites.
+    * Implement DDNS update client code.
+    * Upper case the host/sAMAccountName in the keytab file.
+    * Fix lookupname call in winbindd when joined to a child domain and
+      trying to resolve a SID in a sibling domain.
+    * Fix password changes against a Windows 2000 DC using pam_winbind.
+    * Fix crash in "pdbedit -L -w"
+    * Add "winbind normalize names" option.
+    * BUG 4093: Make %a resolve correctly for Windows Vista and Windows 
+      XP 64bit clients.
+    * Printing fixes for Windows Vista.
+    * Protect the sasl bind against a NULL principal string in the 
+      SPNEGO negTokenInit
+    * Fix some "cannot access LDAP when no root" bugs.
+    * NSS and PAM fixes on AIX.
+    * Cached credentials and Krb5 ticket renewal fixes in winbindd.
+    * Fix server affinity bug in Winbind's ADS connection handling.
+    * Fix crash when enumerating local group membership in usrmgr.exe
+      on a Samba DC.
+    * Rework parsing for NetFileEnum() and NetSessionEnum()
+    * Add server stub for NetFileClose()
+    * Return correct information for sessions and open files
+      including session duration, number of open files, and open pipes.
+    * Fixes for "winbind normalize names" functionality: 
+      - Fix getgroups() call called using a normalized name
+      - Fix some more name mappings that could cause for example
+        a user to be unable to unlock the screen as the username
+        would not match in the PAM authenticate call.
+     * Blacklist BUILTIN and MACHINE domains from the idmap domains as 
+       these should only be handled by the winbindd_passdb.c backend.
+     * Allow the alloc init to fail for backwards compatible 
+       configurations such as with idmap_ad.
+     * Remove the deprecated flags from idmap backend, et. al. These 
+       are mutually exclusive with the "idmap domains".
+     * Add the osname and osver options to 'net ads join'
+    * Ensure winbindd honors the "idmap domains" option and not 
+      default to idmap_tdb.
+    * Fix memory corruption caused by calling free() on talloc()'d
+      memory when adding and removing users from local groups.
+    * BUG 4501 (partial): Fix crash bugs in idmap_ad plugin by adding
+      the schema_mode option when using "winbind nss info = template".
+    * BUG 4491, 4501 (partial): Disable attempts to allocate a uid/gid if no
+      idmap alloc backend has been defined.  Do not defined a default
+      alloc backend.
+    * Fix "make install" to include creating the links between
+      idmap_ad and the nss_info_rfc2307 and nss_info_sfu plugins.
+    * Enable the --with-dnsupdate in the Fedora/RHEL RPM packaging
+      files.
+    * BUG 4508: Remove potential loops in the idmap API by requiring
+      the caller defined the SID type rather than having the idmap layer
+      call back up to determine the SID type when allocating
+      uids/gids.
+    * Don't inherit the offline flag for winbindd_domains that have
+      not been initialized yet.
+    * Fix a crash in idmap_ldap caused by a NULL pointer dereference.
+    * Fix deadlock and timeout conditions in idmap_rid.
+o   Steven Danneman <steven.danneman at isilon.com>
+    * Memory leak fixes.
+    * Fix core dump when config file in same directory.
+o   Mathias Dietz <mdietz at de.ibm.com>
+    * Initial implementation of the GPFS VFS module.
+    * Work on NFSv4 ACL VFS plugin.
+    * Add support for share modes to the GPFS VFS plugin.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Winbind off-line logon fixes.
+    * Support for AD sites when locating domain controllers.
+    * Various fixes for 'net ads' user management functions.
+    * Add an CLDAP client written in Perl.
+    * Cleanups to the Krb5 ticket refresh code in winbindd.
+    * Fixes for various error messages from pam_winbind when password
+      policies are being enforced.
+    * Implement grace logons for offline authentications in pam_winbind.
+    * Fixes for idmap_ad.
+    * Memory leak fixes.
+    * BUG 4009: Fixes leaking file descriptors (CLOSE_WAIT) in winbindd
+      with short lived service tickets
+    * Implement basic AD group policy library
+    * Adding experimental krb5 lib locator plugin.
+    * Ensure that Samba clients are correctly reported by the %a 
+      smb.conf as "Samba" and not "Vista".
+    * Prevent a user from issuing a PAM_DELETE_CREDS request in 
+      pam_close_session() for another user.
+    * Fix tdb keynames in netsamlogon_clear_cached_user().
+    * Add missing proto_exists dependency for the Winbind NSS target
+      in the Makefile.
+    * Build fixes when linking against Heimdal 0.8 Kerberos libraries.
+    * Build fixes when using older Heimdal Krb5 libs (e.g. 0.6.3).
+    * Memory allocation error checks in libgpo.
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com> 
+    * Fix mount.cifs compile on old libc missing bind mount #define.
+o   SATOH Fumiyasu <fumiyas at osstech.co.jp>
+    * Fix memory leaks in the error paths used by winbindd's credential 
+      cache code.
+    * BUG 4409: Add minsize parameter to the vfs_recycle plugin.
+    * BUG 3319: Ensure that 'hide unreadable' does not filter MS-DFS links.
+o   Krishna Ganugapati <krishnag at centeris.com>
+    * Implement DDNS update client code.
+o   YAMASAKI Hiroyuki <h-yamasaki at pd.jp.nec.com>
+    * BUG 4346: Fix type reported for hidden shares via MS-RPC.
+o   David Hu <david.hu at hp.com>
+    * BUG 4267: Fix memory leaks in ldapsam.
+o   Bjoern Jacke <bj at sernet.de>
+    * BUG 4244: Limit stat cache to a default of 1MB.
+o   William Jojo <jojowil at hvcc.edu>
+    * BUG 3713: Re-add reporting what the profiles tool does (-v).
+    * BUG 3632: Fix for EISCON in open_any_socket_out() on AIX.
+    * BUG 4447: Fix compile failure on AIX 5.2.
+o   Taj Khattra <taj.khattra at gmail.com>
+    * Fix missing lock count release in transaction cancel.
+o   Zack Kirsch <zack.kirsch at isilon.com>
+    * Fix memory leaks on some error paths.
+    * Memory leak fixes on error paths in various places.
+o   Derrell Lipman <derrell at samba.org>
+    * BUG 4115: Fix for using kerberos logins in libsmbclient.so.
+    * BUG 4309: Prevent netbios keepalive on port 445 which causes
+      Vista to disconnect Samba clients.
+    * Ensure that the libsmbclient example programs link with the
+      libsmbclient library that's part of the current tree.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Replace snum references with a structure based array.
+    * Allow changing of the hashsize when running tdbbackup.
+    * Implement secure DDNS update code
+    * Klocwork, Coverity, and IBM Checker fixes.
+    * BUG 4273: Fix crash in 'net rpc vampire'
+    * Refactor older SMB file serving code.
+    * Refactor open directory file serving code.
+    * Implement support for inotify when serving CIFS change notification
+      requests (includes merge work from SAMBA_4_0).
+    * Fixes to allow Samba 3.0 to pass various smbtorture tests (RAW-OPEN,
+      RAW-UNLINK, RAW-CLOSE, ...)
+    * Refactor delete on close file server code.
+    * MS-DFS fixes for Vista clients.
+    * BUG 4372: Long timeout in LDAP setup when accessing files after 
+      10 secs.
+    * Change the static array for the in-memory mirrors of the hash chain
+      locks to a dynamically allocated one.
+    * Use inotify for file change notification on Linux.
+    * Revert "msdfs root" to default to "no".
+    * Refactor AIO code.
+    * Fix memory leaks when returning user lists to clients via SAMR calls.
+    * BUG 4365: Fix NTLMv2 implementation on Samba member servers not 
+      running winbindd.
+    * Reduce contention on the tdb free list by periodic reclamation
+      of dead tdb records into groups
+    * Split tdb free lists per hash chain.
+    * Coverity fixes.
+    * Add winbindd_priv_request_response() request that kills the 
+      existing winbind pipe connection if it's not privileged to prevent
+      race conditions during the challenge/response authentication sequence.
+    * BUG 4460: Fix compile error in winbind_nss_irix.c.
+    * Fix Coverity bug reports.
+    * Fixes buffer parsing in the server side Lanman and RAP calls.
+o   David Leonard <dleonard at vintela.com>.
+    * Fix file descriptor leak from an error path in winbindd.
+    * BUG 4369: Fix smbclient's showacls on files in subdirectories.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Cleanups to sharesec utility.
+    * Compiler warning cleanups.
+    * Compiler warning fixes.
+    * Allow smbcontrol to use POPT_COMMON_SAMBA options to allow setting
+      debug level.
+    * Add "debug prefix timestamp" to allow syslog type timestamps to be 
+      added in the Samba log files.
+    * Fix compile error in nmbd_incomingdgrams.c.
+    * Allow profiling level to be set on startup.
+o   Ying Li <ying.li2 at hp.com>
+    * Use the default tdb idmap plugin when neither idmap domains
+      nor idmap backend have been defined.
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * Various compile warning fixes. 
+    * Initial patch set for strptime() in libreplace.
+o   Don McCall <don.mccall at hp.com>
+    * Fix compile bug in vfs_default on platforms without utimes().
+    * HP-UX compile fixes.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Bug fixes for GPFS VFS module.
+    * Fix "password never expires" policy which would be incorrectly 
+      require all users to change their password at login time.
+    * Fix the GPFS VFS module to pass the POSIX ACL tests (Thanks to
+      Gomati Mohanan).
+    * Fix crate_user() access checks when setting the "User Cannot 
+      Change Password" flag.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>
+    * POSIX ACL compile warning fixes.
+    * Fix --with-fhs, where confdir is set to \${sysconfdir} but
+      sysconfdir wasn't defined in the Makefile.
+    * Add localstatedir to configure.in for completeness.
+    * BUG 4496: Fix libreplace failure on ulibc systems.    
+    * Merge numerous libreplace fixes from the SAMBA_4_0 code base 
+      (stdint.h, stdbool.h, unsetenv, strptime(), strtoll(), et. al.).
+    * Move ZERO_*, ARRAY_SIZE and PTR_DIFF macros into libreplace.
+    * Portability fixes for dlopen() (merge from SAMBA_4_0)
+    * Sync libreplace (merge from SAMBA_4_0)
+o   Heinrich Mislik <Heinrich.Mislik at univie.ac.at>
+    * AIX quota fixes.
+o   Gomati Mohanan <gomati.mohanan at in.ibm.com>
+    * Work on NFSv4 ACL VFS plugin.
+o   Lars Mueller <lars at samba.org>
+    * Provide better feedback about deprecated use of multiple passdb
+      backends.  Use the first backend to have at least this one working.
+    * Fix make install to include smbmount, et. al. docs.
+    * Merge more proto_exists dependency fixes from SAMBA_3_0.
+    * Makefile cleanups.
+    * Log the reason for failures when not creating a core file on a
+      crash due to restrictive permissions on the log file directory.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at apple.com>
+    * Replace exit_server with exit_server_cleanly where appropriate.
+    * Add docs for VFS modules.
+    * Portability fixes for autoconf and character set modules on 
+      OS X.
+    * Only attempt to reload the config file after the fork point 
+      if we are in daemon mode.
+    * Support the SMB_QUERY_POSIX_WHOAMI info level on QueryFsInfo.
+    * Changing the FindFirst response for the UNIX_INFO2 level to
+      include a length field before the name.
+    * Add call to chflags(2) in the default VFS module.
+o   Andy Polyakov <appro at fy.chalmers.se>
+    * Pull the CUPS comment and location attributes when not overridden 
+      by values stored in Samba's ntprinters.tdb.
+    * BUG 3275: Allow upload of x64 printer drivers by relaxing the COFF 
+      header parsing code in smbd.
+o   J Raynor <raynorj at mn.rr.com>
+    * Make sure we are privileged when doing DMAPI operations on systems
+      that don't have capability support.
+o   Jorge Santos <jorge_a_santos at hotmail.com>
+    * BUG 4500: Fix compile bug in quota.c.
+o   Jiri Sasek <jiri.sasek at sun.com>
+    * Fix incorrect Krb5 linking on Solaris.
+    * Fix possible NULL dereference in adt_tree.c
+o   Karolin Seeger <ks at sernet.de> 
+    * Fix a compile problem in shadow_copy_test.c.
+    * Add 'net sam policy' commands.
+    * Fixes for "net usershare" and "guest_ok=y"
+o   Robert Shearman <rob at codeweavers.com>
+    * Allow NULL domain and username in the form of user at domain to be 
+      interpreted correctly by ntlm_auth for use by Wine applications.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Remove redundant log messages from idmap_ad.c.
+    * BUG 3974: Fix ambiguity between the -N option and the -T
+      tar options.
+    * Fix linking flags used when creating shared libraries.
+    * Offline logon fixes in the idmap backend manager.
+    * Cleanup initialization code in the sfu and rfc2307 nss_info
+      plugins to protect against a crash if called before the idmap_ad
+      module has been initialized.
+    * Protect against crashes in get_dc_name() in the idmap_ad code
+      when we are working offline.
+    * BUG 4438, 4440: Fix bugs in "net sam provision".
+    * Initial implementation of new IdMap interface.
+    * Fix crash in pam_winbind caused by referencing a pointer after the 
+      memory had been freed.
+    * Implement escaping function for ldap RDN values.
+o   Peter Somogyi <SOMOGYI at de.ibm.com>
+    * Work on NFSv4 ACL VFS plugin.
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Fix an integer overflow in the ndr library code used by PIDL.
+o   Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
+    * Implement support for IDL autogenerated code to
+      handle the MS-RPC parsing functions.
+o   Don Watson <dwwatson at us.ibm.com>
+    * Fixes for 'net rpc vampire' and the guest account
+o   Martin Zielinski <mz at seh.de>
+    * Printing fixes for Windows Vista clients.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.24
+                             Feb 5, 2007
+                   ==============================
+Important issues addressed in 3.0.24 include:
+  o Fixes for the following security advisories:
+    - CVE-2007-0452 (Potential Denial of Service bug in smbd)
+    - CVE-2007-0453 (Buffer overrun in NSS host lookup Winbind
+      NSS library on Solaris)
+    - CVE-2007-0454 (Format string bug in afsacl.so VFS plugin)
+Changes since 3.0.23d
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix for CVE-2007-0452 & CVE-2007-0454
+o   Olivier Gay <ouah at ouah.org>
+    * Fix for CVE-2007-0453
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix for CVE-2007-0452
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.23d
+                             Nov 14, 2006
+                   ===============================
+This is the latest stable release of Samba. This is the version 
+that production Samba servers should be running for all current 
+bug-fixes.  Please read the changes in this section and for the 
+original 3.0.23 release regarding new features and difference 
+in behavior from previous releases.
+Important issues addressed in 3.0.23d include:
+  o Stability fixes for winbindd
+  o Portability fixes on FreeBSD and Solaris operating systems.
+Changes since 3.0.23c
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Changes to ntlm_auth to better support Firefox's NTLM 
+      authentication.
+    * Make the "max usershares" parameter an advisory limit.
+    * BUG 4095: Cleanup bad substitution causing the username 
+      to be translated to domain\user twice in spnego path. 
+    * BUG 4097: Ensure all pdb_XXX calls are wrapped in 
+      [un]become_root() pairs.
+    * Ensure we always return the canonicalized name 
+    * Add in fixes to mangling dir code.
+    * Do not assume that gencache can always be opened for RW access.
+      Fall back to RO.
+    * Always initialize variables in winbindd request/response 
+      structure.
+    * Fix libsmbclient bug with Konqueror and NetApp filers that 
+      need a leading / in OpenAndX calls. 
+    * Added showacls toggle in the smbclient code.
+    * Add a suffix to the pidfile's program name if this is a process
+      with a non-default configuration file name.
+    * Fix protection from invalid struct tm values.
+    * BUG 4187: Possible crash in signing on/off code.
+    * BUG 4214: Fix crash bug in find_forced_group().
+    * BUG 4224: Fix enforcement of the deadtime parameter.
+o   Timur Bakeyev <timur at com.bat.ru>
+    * BUG 3856: Set the nss soname version on FreeBSD.
+    * BUG 4109: Fix bug causing smbd to turn off winbindd and 
+      fail to disable the _NO_WINBIND environment.
+    * BUG 3868: Prevent --with-aio-support from trimming the 
+      $LIBS variable in configure.in.
+o   Dmitry Butskoy <dmitry at butskoy.name>
+    * BUG 4075: Allow smbd to use winbindd to lookup uids/gids 
+      outside the idmap range if 'winbind trusted domains 
+      only = yes'.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fix primary group lookup failures.  Use the Get_Pwnam_alloc() 
+      call to ensure it finds the Unix user first.
+    * Only grant privs to Administrators if privileges are enabled 
+      to avoid bogus error messages in the logs.
+o   Alex Deiter <tiamat at komi.mts.ru>
+    * BUG 3524: Fix for quota support on Solaris.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Close socket when the CLDAP request has failed.
+    * Memory leak fixes in the libads/ldap.c code.
+    * Printer publishing fixes for "net ads".
+    * Fix error code returns in the CLDAP client code.
+    * Do not anonymously query for AD schema items in winbindd.
+    * Protect against storing null-sids in the winbind cache.
+    * Fallback to non-paging LDAP searches for anonymous bound 
+      connections.
+    * More workarounds when nscd.
+    * Fix error code typoe in the GetDcName() netlogon call  
+      (including two new error codes).
+    * Fix valgrind warnings in pam_winbind
+    * Add two missing refresh_sequence_number calls where they are 
+      missing just before writing to the winbind cache tdb.
+    * Attempt to locate a valid domain controller before prompting
+      for credentials in "net ads".
+    * Set 35 second timeout in winbindd's netlogon code when sending 
+      a GETDC request.
+    * Stop "net ads {user,group} delete" from doing funny things.
+    * Fix container handling for "net ads user" and "net ads group" 
+      functions.
+    * Fix various memleaks and seg faults in "net ads {user,group}".
+o   Udo Eberhardt <udo.eberhardt at thesycon.de>
+    * BUG 4100: Fix crash in the server spooler code by initializing 
+      values for smb_io_notify_info_data_strings.
+o   Olaf Flebbe <o.flebbe at science-computing.de>
+    * BUG 4133: pam_winbind.c compile fix on AIX 5.1.
+o   David Hu <david.hu at hp.com>
+    * BUG 4212: Fix memleak in the default_ou_string handling.
+o   Mikhail Kshevetskiy <kl at laska.dorms.spbu.ru>
+    * BUG 4229: Compile fix for systems without kerberos.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * NTLMSSP LanMan session key fixes.
+    * Various potential seg fault fixes.
+    * Extra logic in share access checks for bad smb.conf parameter 
+      settings.
+    * Fixes to allow smbclient to connect to Vista RC1 workstations.
+    * Fix bad search filter in ldapsam when enumerating group 
+      members.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Correctly handle the password expiration policy on Samba DCs.
+o   Nils Nordman <nils.nordman at nordman.org>
+    * BUG 4085: Allow smbpasswd to change expired passwords on 
+      remote servers.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Merge uid2sid and gid2sid async calls for SAMBA_3_0.
+    * Better fqdn handling when parsing the /etc/hosts file.
+    * Fix crash bug in pam_winbind.
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Fix string alignment problem in password change code.
+o   Jim Wang
+    * BUG 4211: Logic error when enforcing "acl group control"
+      behavior.
+Release Notes for older release follow:
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.23c
+                             Aug 30, 2006
+                   ===============================
+We would like to thank the developers of the Saturn code analysis 
+tool from Stanford University (http://glide.stanford.edu/saturn).
+This release includes several code fixes based on its reports.
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.23c include:
+  o Authentication failures in pam_winbind when the AD domain
+    policy is set to not expire passwords.
+  o Authorization failures when using smb.conf options such
+    as "valid users" with the smbpasswd passdb backend.
+RID Algorithms & Passdb
+Starting with the 3.0.23c release, the officially supported passdb 
+backends (smbpasswd, tdbsam, and ldapsam) now operate identically
+with regards to the historical RID algorithm for unmapped users 
+and groups (i.e. accounts not in the passdb or group mapping table).
+The resulting behavior is that all unmapped users are resolved 
+to a SID in the S-1-22-1 domain and all unmapped groups resolve
+to a SID in the S-1-22-2 domain.  Previously, when using the 
+smbpasswd passdb, such users and groups would resolve to an 
+algorithmic SID in the machine's own domain (S-1-5-XX-XX-XX).
+However, the smbpasswd backend still utilizes the RID algorithm
+when creating new user accounts or allocating a RID for a new 
+group mapping entry.
+With the changes in the 3.0.23c release, it is now possible to 
+resolve a uid/gid, name, or SID in any direction and always obtain
+a symmetric mapping.  This is important so that values for smb.conf 
+parameters such as "valid users" resolve to the same SIDs as those 
+included  in the local user's initial token.
+Most installations will notice no change.  However, because
+an unmapped account's SID will now change even when using 
+smbpasswd it is possible that any security descriptors on files
+previously copied from a Samba host to a Windows NTFS partition
+may now fail to give access. The workaround is to either manually
+map all affect groups (or add impacted users to the server's 
+passdb) or to manually reset the file's ACL.
+Changes since 3.0.23b
+o   Michael Adam <ma at sernet.de>
+    * Fix incorrect logic in internal_resolve_name() caused by if 
+      statement.
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Don't store a NULL SID in winbindd's offline cache.
+    * Ensure we store the offline password hash in the correct format.
+    * OS/2 fixes for large Extended Attributes data.
+    * Fix nmbd crashes caused by miscalculation in pushing 
+      announcements.
+    * Handle times consistently across all client utils including
+      libsmbclient.
+    * Fix a file descriptor leak in nmbd sync DNS lookup code.
+    * Fix inconsistency found in checking for NULL in DLIST_REMOVE
+      macro.
+    * Pointer dereference fixes based on the Saturn analysis tool.
+    * Fix memory leak in the AD DC lookup code.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * RHEL4  and Fedora packaging updates.
+    * Remove RID algorithm support for unmapped users and groups
+      when using an smbpasswd backend.
+    * Extend the NT token for local users' with the S-1-22-2 
+      SID for each supplementary group
+    * BUG 3969: Fix unsigned time comparison with expiration 
+      policy from AD DC.
+    * Merge Guenther's fixes from the SuSE SLES10 tree to ensure 
+      that winbindd talks to the correct DC when servicing PAM 
+      authentication requests.
+    * Do not use the generic IP address sort routines for AD DCs
+      since the SRV lookup include a sorting algorithm based
+      on priority and weight. 
+    * Fix our DNS SRV lookup code to deal with multi-homed hosts.
+    * More changes to ensure that the primary group SID for 
+      a local user is based on the primary Unix group and not the
+      primaryGroupSID passdb attribute.
+    * Disable storing SIDs in the S-1-22-1 and S-1-22-2 domain 
+      to the SID<->uid/gid cache.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Fix msdfs RPC client and server management RPCs.
+    * Align idmap_ad with the current idmap_methods interface.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Re-add support for "username level" when looking up the 
+      matching Unix user for an smbpasswd entry.
+    * snprintf() fixes.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Let innetgr() work without binding its use to a 
+      NIS domain to support netgroups in local files.
+o   Ben Winslow <rain at bluecherry.net>
+    * Allow client smb signing to be turned off correctly.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.23b
+                             Aug 7, 2006
+                   ===============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.23b include:
+  o Ambiguity with unqualified names in smb.conf parameters
+    such as "force user" and "valid users".
+  o Errors in 'net ads join' caused by bad IP address in the list
+    of domain controllers.
+  o SMB signing errors in the client and server code.
+  o Domain join failures when using smbpasswd on a Samba PDC.
+Member servers, domain accounts, and smb.conf
+Since Samba 3.0.8, it has been recommended that all domain accounts 
+listed in smb.conf on a member server be fully qualified with the 
+domain name.  This is now a requirement.  All unqualified names are 
+assumed to be local to the Unix host, either as part of the server's 
+local passdb or in the local system list of accounts (e.g. /etc/passwd 
+or /etc/group).
+The reason for this change is that smbd has transitioned from
+access checks based on string comparisons to token based
+authorization.  All names are resolved to a SID and then verified
+against the logged on user's NT user token.  Local names will
+resolve to a local SID, while qualified domain names will resolve
+to the appropriate domain SID.  
+If the member server is not running winbindd at all, domain 
+accounts will be implicitly mapped to local accounts and their
+tokens will be modified appropriately to reflect the local 
+SID and group membership.
+For example, the following share will restrict access to the
+domain group "Linux Admins" and the local group srvadmin.
+	path = /data
+	valid users = +"DOMAIN\Linux Admins" +srvadmin
+Note that to restrict the [homes] share on a member server to the 
+owner of that directory, it is necessary to prefix the %S value 
+to "valid users".
+	security = {domain,ads}
+	workgroup = DOM
+	winbind separator = +
+	valid users = DOM+%S
+Changes since 3.0.23a
+o   Michael Adams <ma at sernet.de>
+    * Fix memory leaks on error paths in 'net ads join'.
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3962: Fix memory leak when enumerating print jobs.
+    * Fix file access flags for the Linux CIFS fs client.
+    * Fix memory leaks in the smbclient DFS code.
+    * BUG 3967: Fix SMB signing client bug in trans calls.
+    * BUG 3985: Ensure in msdfs we check for our NetBIOS aliases.
+    * Added lookup_name_smbconf() to be called when looking up names 
+      from smb.conf.  Unqualified names are assumed to be local.
+    * BUG 4003: Fix SMB signing server error in NTcancel reply.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fix a few "smbldap_open(): Cannot open when not root" bugs when 
+      viewing or modifying local group membership.
+    * Make LsaLookupSids() reply include the full SID of unresolved 
+      SIDs.
+    * BUG 3957: Prevent returning strange DC IP addresses by zeroing 
+      memory in the SRV hostlist in case there is not an A record for 
+      each SRV name.
+    * BUG 3964: normalize the case of usernames prior to getpwnam() 
+      call in the smbpasswd backend.
+    * Cleanup the 'net ads help join' output and document createupn 
+      and createcomputer options.
+    * Fix a regression in the ldapsam URI syntax.  Allow multiple 
+      LDAP URIs to be grouped by  "".
+o   William Charles <william at charles.name>
+    * BUG 3959: Remove rand() from SRV RR comparison to fix crashes 
+      in qsort().
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Fix memory leaks in pam_winbind.
+    * Save the logon script path from the info3 in the PAM session 
+      allowing other PAM modules to pick it up from there.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3991: Fix problem with user tokens on standalone systems
+      configured to use a username map.
+    * Fix bug where qualified user or group names in smb.conf
+      were assumed to use the '\' character as the winbind separator.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.23a
+                             Jul 21, 2006
+                   ===============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.23a include:
+  o Failure to strip the domain name from groups when 'winbind 
+    use default domain = yes'
+  o Failure in pam_winbind to correctly parse arguments.
+  o Bad token creation of local users on member servers not 
+    running winbindd.
+  o Failure to add users or groups to ACLs using the Windows
+    object picker.
+  o Failure in file serving code when 'kernel oplocks = yes'.
+New features in 3.0.23a include:
+  o New "createupn" option to "net ads join"
+  o Rewritten Kerberos keytab generation when 'use kerberos 
+    keytab = yes'
+Changes since 3.0.23
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix memory leaks in the POSIX locking for for the Linux CIFS fs 
+      client.
+    * Fix memory leaks in the AD schema parsing code.
+    * Fixed bug in interaction with Linux kernel oplocks.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Rewrite the detection of the correct DES salting principal name
+      when joining an Active Directory Domain.
+    * Rewrite the keytab generation code based on existing SPN, 
+      UPN, and sAMAccountName attributes in the AD machine object.
+    * Cleanup of dead code from idmap_ad.
+    * Fix Winbind 32bit/64bit portability issues.
+    * Fail 'net ads join' and disable the machine account if we cannot 
+      set any SPNs for ourselves.
+    * Make sure to lower case all usernames before calling the create, 
+      delete, or rename hooks.
+    * Preserve case for usernames in passdb
+    * Flush the getpwnam cache after renaming a user
+    * Add become/unbecome root block in _samr_delete_dom_user() when 
+      trying to verify the account's existence.
+    * Changed 'net ads join' syntax for specifying an alternate 
+      OU.  New syntax is createcomputer=<ou path top to bottom>.
+    * Add createupn=[UPN] option to 'net ads join' for setting the
+      userPrincipalName attribute.
+    * Bug 3920: Restore winbind use default domain behavior for domain 
+      groups.  This break local users and 'winbind nested groups' on 
+      domain members.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Don't clear the cache when starting winbindd in off line mode.
+    * Fix errno reporting in pam_winbind debug messages.
+    * BUG 3937: Fix segv in libnss_wins.so.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix memory leaks in the in error paths out of the CLDAP 
+      request code.
+    * AIX portability fixes for DNS client code.
+    * BUG 3811, 3948: Fix alignment bug in on lsaquery. 
+    * BUG 3949: Fixed authorization issue on domain member 
+      servers not running winbindd.
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Fixed a bug which caused resolve_ads() to spin forever if 
+      one of the DCs isn't resolvable in DNS.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Debian packaging fixes.
+o   Dietrich Streifert <dietrich.streifert at visionet.de>
+    * BUG 3916: Fix error parsing pam_winbind config arguments.
+Release Notes for older release follow:
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.23
+                            Jul 10, 2006
+                   ==============================
+There has been a substantial amount of cleanup work done during 
+this development cycle.  We would like to thank both Coverity 
+(http://www.coverity.com/) and Klocwork (http://www.klocwork.com/)
+for analyzing the Samba source code. As a result, this release 
+includes fixes for over 400 defects.  The coverage was approximately 
+even with over 200 defects reported by each tool.
+Thanks very much to those people who spent time testing the 
+release candidates and reported their findings.  We would like to 
+especially thank Thomas Bork <tombork at web.de> for his numerous 
+reports.  We believe that the final release is in much better shape 
+in large part due to his efforts.
+New features in 3.0.23 include:
+   o Improved 'make test'
+   o New offline mode in winbindd.
+   o New Kerberos support for pam_winbind.so.
+   o New handling of unmapped users and groups. 
+   o New non-root share management tools.
+   o Improved support for local and BUILTIN groups.
+   o Winbind IDMAP integration with RFC2307 schema objects supported 
+     by Windows 2003 R2.
+   o Rewritten 'net ads join' to mimic Windows XP without requiring 
+     administrative rights to join a domain.
+User and Group changes
+The user and group internal management routines have been 
+rewritten to prevent overlaps of assigned Relative Identifiers 
+(RIDs).  In the past the has been a potential problem when either 
+manually mapping Unix groups with the 'net groupmap' command or 
+when migrating a Windows domain to a Samba domain using 'net rpc 
+Unmapped users are now assigned a SID in the S-1-22-1 domain and 
+unmapped groups are assigned a SID in the S-1-22-2 domain. 
+Previously they were assign a RID within the SAM on the Samba 
+server.  For a DC this would have been under the authority of the 
+domain SID where as on a member server or standalone host, this 
+would have been under the authority of the local SAM (hint: net 
+The result is that any unmapped users or groups on an upgraded 
+Samba domain controller may be assigned a new SID.  Because the 
+SID rather than a name is stored in Windows security descriptors, 
+this can cause a user to no longer have access to a resource for 
+example if a file was copied from a Samba file server to a local 
+NTFS partition.  Any files stored on the Samba server itself will 
+continue to be accessible because Unix stores the Unix gid and not 
+the SID for authorization checks.
+A further example will help illustrate the change.  Assume that a 
+group named 'developers' exists with a Unix gid of 782 but this 
+user does not exist in Samba's group mapping table. it would be 
+perfectly normal for this group to be appear in an ACL editor.  
+Prior to 3.0.23, the group SID might appear as 
+S-1-5-21-647511796-4126122067-3123570092-2565. With 3.0.23, the 
+group SID would be reported as S-1-22-2-782. Any security 
+descriptors associated with files stored on an NTFS disk partition 
+would not allow access based on the group permissions if the user 
+was not a member of the 
+S-1-5-21-647511796-4126122067-3123570092-2565 group. Because this 
+group SID not reported in a user's token is S-1-22-2-782, Windows 
+would fail the authorization check even though both SIDs in some 
+respect referred to the same Unix group.
+The current workaround is to create a manual domain group mapping 
+entry for the group 'developers' to point at the 
+S-1-5-21-647511796-4126122067-3123570092-2565 SID.
+Passdb Changes
+The "passdb backend" parameter no long accepts multiple backends 
+in a chaining configuration.  Also be aware that the SQL and XML 
+based passdb modules have been removed in this release.  More 
+information of external support for a SQL passdb module can be 
+found at http://pdbsql.sourceforge.net/.
+Group Mapping Changes
+The default mapping entries for groups such as "Domain Admins" are 
+no longer created when using an smbpasswd file or a tdbsam passdb 
+backend.  This means that it is necessary to use 'net groupmap 
+add' rather than 'net groupmap modify' to set these entries.  
+This change has no effect on winbindd's IDmap functionality for 
+domain groups.
+LDAP Changes
+There has also been a minor update the Samba LDAP schema file. A 
+substring matching rule has been added to the sambaSID attribute 
+definition.  For OpenLDAP servers, this will require the addition 
+of 'index sambaSID sub' to the slapd.conf configuration file.  It 
+will be necessary to run slapindex after making this change. There 
+has been no change to actual data storage schema.
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name                      Description	  Default
+    --------------                      -----------	  -------
+    acl group control			Deprecated	  No
+    add port command			New		  ""
+    change notify timeout		Changed Scope
+    dmapi support			New		  No
+    dos filemode			Modified	  No
+    enable asu support			Changed default	  No
+    enable core files			New               Yes
+    enable privileges			Changed default	  Yes
+    enable rid algorithm		Removed
+    fam change notify			New		  Yes
+    hosts equiv 			Removed
+    host msdfs				Changed default	  Yes
+    msdfs root				Changed default	  Yes
+    open files database hash size	New		  10007
+    passdb expand explicit		Changed default   No
+    strict locking			Changed default	  auto
+    usershare allow guests		New               No
+    usershare max shares		New		  0
+    usershare owner only		New		  Yes
+    usershare path			New		  ${lockdir}
+    usershare prefix allow list		New		  ""
+    usershare prefix deny list		New		  ""
+    usershare template share		New		  ""
+    winbind enum users			Changed default	  No
+    winbind enum groups			Changed default	  No
+    winbind nested groups		Changed default	  Yes
+    winbind offline logon		New		  No
+    winbind refresh tickets		New		  No
+    winbind max idle children		Removed
+    wins partners			Removed
+Changes since 3.0.22
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fixes for various Klocwork defect reports.
+    * Cleanup pdb_get_XXX() methods and ensure that a failure
+      to allocate memory for a samu user structure is reported 
+      as a failure to the calling function.
+    * Fix memleak in printing gencache contents.
+    * Fix warnings reported by gcc4 -O6 on 64-bit systems 
+    * Fix naming conflicts with 'net usershare' structures and 
+      Solaris header files.
+    * Fix memleaks on error paths from the ASN.1 parsing code.
+    * Add uid to share_mode_entry structure so we can report who 
+      opened the file.
+    * Ensure we use sys_write in password chats so we're not 
+      interrupted.
+    * Ensure all new rid allocation goes through the same pdb_ldap 
+      interface.
+    * BUG 3308: Stop us returning duplicate mid replies on path 
+      based set-EOF trans2 calls.
+    * Pass RAW-OPLOCK with kernel oplocks off.
+    * Fix bug in OS/2 Warp - it doesn't set the ff_last offset 
+      correctly when doing info level 1 directory scans.
+    * Add Samba4 replacement for timegm() to work on Solaris.
+    * Remove extra add-byte in the trans2 UNIX_BASIC infolevel.
+    * BUG 3592: Ignore a file in the tar output from smbclient if the 
+      read failed (e.g. due to ACCESS_DENIED).  (Based on ideas from
+      Justin Best <justinb at pdxmission.org>).
+    * BUG 3668: Workaround issues in Windows server code with LARGE_READX.
+    * Push/Pull Kerberos principal and realm names to/from UTF-8.
+    * Fix incorrect boolean in assert to make POSIX lock tests
+      pass with CIFSFS.
+    * Don't ever set O_SYNC on open unless "strict sync = yes".
+    * Remove dead printing code.
+    * Allow configurable guest access to Samba's usershare functionality.
+    * BUG 3587: Make byte-range locking tdb self-cleaning.
+    * Ensure every exit error path in the session setup code calls 
+      nt_status_squash().
+    * Use portable wrapper functions instead of seteuid directly in 
+      winbindd.
+    * Make "change notify timeout" a per-share parameter.
+    * Fix regression in SAMBA_4_0's smbtorture DENY tests.
+    * Fix valgrind-spotted issue in BASE-DELETE test.
+    * Fix early termination condition in winbindd when trying to 
+      connect to a remote DC.
+    * Instruct winbindd to ignore fd_set when select() returns -1.
+    * BUG 3779: Make nmbd udp sockets non-blocking to prevent problem
+      with select returning true but no data being available.
+    * Back port talloc_steal() fixes from SAMBA_4_0 (original fixes by 
+      Andrew Tridgell).
+    * BUG 3467: Fix delete on close semantics needed by WinXP Media 
+      Center Ed. for simultaneous recording and playback (thanks to 
+      Jason Qian for the debugging assistance).
+    * BUG 3347: Save the Unix user token used to set the 
+      delete-on-close flag.
+    * Fix parsing of SAMR_Q_CONNECT_ANON.
+    * Add in support for userinfo26 structure and re-enable 
+      userinfo25 
+    * Schannel server fixes.  Fix the credentials chaining across 
+      \netlogon pipe disconnects.
+    * Replace ubqix code in nmbd with an internal tdb.
+    * Fix struct timespec checks in configure.in.
+    * Add in server support for the NetSamLogonEx().
+    * Add support for LsaLookupSids2() and LsaLookupSids3().
+    * Add LsaLookupNames[2-4]().
+    * Add support for 'net usershare'.
+    * BUG 3522: Fix error code return on SMBmkdir(foo) when foo 
+      already exists (thanks to Sandeep Tamhankar).
+    * BUG 3510: Fix 'net rpc join' against a server when 
+      schannel is disabled.
+    * Get rid of poor errno mapping table. Bounce through NTSTATUS 
+      instead.
+    * Check for SeMachineAccountPrivilege when deleting machine 
+      accounts.
+    * Fix a logic bug with multiple oplock contention.
+    * Add the replacements for opendir/readdir etc from SAMBA_4_0.
+      Attempt to fix the broken directory handling in the *BSD.
+    * Allow run time tuning of the locking tdb hash size for
+      very busy servers.
+    * BUG 3642: Ensure we don't call FD_SET on read with 
+      fd == -1.
+    * BUG 3569: Work around linear posix locking issue on AIX
+      which was causing high loads due to the tdb CLEAR_IF_FIRST
+      flag (based on work from William JoJo).
+    * Fix OS/2 directory delete bug found by kukks.
+    * Match the Windows 2003 NTLMSSP signature.
+    * Performance tuning work in core read & write file serving 
+      paths.
+    * Change default to 'strict locking' to better reflect 
+      real world clients.
+    * Fix error return on session setup. Ensure no data blob is 
+      added if the logon call failed so that Windows clients 
+      interpret the NT_STATUS code correctly.
+    * Teach Samba the difference between exclusive and batch 
+      oplocks.
+    * BUG 3592: Ignore a file in a smbtar output if the first 
+      read fails (inspired by Justin Best).
+    * BUG 3668: Workaround Windows bug with LARGE_READX where if 
+      you ask for exactly 64k bytes it returns 0.
+    * BUG 3858: Ensure that all files are removed by a wildcard 
+      delete when 'hide unreadable = yes'.
+    * Fix various issues raised by the Klocwork code analyzer.
+    * Fix nmbd WINS serving bug causing duplicate IPs in the *<1b> 
+      query reply ("enhanced browsing = yes").
+    * Fix SMB signing failures in client tools.
+    * BUG 3909: Avoid EA lookups on MS-DFS links.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Work around abort() in the OpenLDAP client libs caused by a NULL 
+      msg pointer.
+o   Timur Bakeyev <timur at com.bat.ru>
+    * BUG 2961: Fix compile warnings for pam_smbpass.
+    * BUG 2746, 3763: Fix compile warnings in pam_winbind.
+o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab at samba.org>
+    * Fix 'smbcontrol shutdown' messages for nmbd and winbindd.
+    * Fix absolute symlinks in the installbin.sh script.
+o   Max N. Boyarov <m.boyarov at sam-solutions.net>
+    * Fix crash bug in perfmon daemon example code.
+o   Nicholas Brealey <nick at brealey.org>
+    * Compile fix for pam_winbind.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fix 'make install' problem when building outside source/.
+    * Fix 'net ads join' when the workgroup is set incorrectly in 
+      smb.conf.
+    * Re-add code to include the BUILTIN\Administrators SID when
+      winbindd is not running, but the user's token includes the 
+      Domain Admin SID.  Fixes access problem for managing Services.
+    * Only call the printer publishing calls if 'security = ads'.
+    * Normalize printing keys when deleting.
+    * Only store LANMAN passwords on a change if 'lanman auth = yes'.
+    * Look at the NT password (not lanman one) when determining if 'smbpasswd 
+      -e' should probably for a password.
+    * Default eventlog tdbs to mode 0660 to allow easier access by 
+      BUILTIN\Administrators.
+    * Remove extra call to create_user on member servers without winbindd.
+    * Replace the use of OpenLDAP's ldap_domain2hostlist() for locating 
+      AD DC's with out own DNS SRV queries.
+    * Fix compile error on HP-UX reported by Ryan Novosielski.
+    * Rewrite 'net ads join' to share common code with 'net rpc join' 
+      and behave more like a Windows XP client.
+    * Remove --with-ldapsam option from configure (only used for 
+      backwards compatibility for 2.2 smb.conf files).
+    * Remove 'wins partners' and 'hosts equiv' smb.conf parameters.
+    * Remove rhosts authentication module.
+    * Reimplement 'net ads leave' to disable the machine account in the 
+      domain rather than removing it.
+    * Rewrite of tdbsam file descriptor handling.
+    * Add server affinity support when selecting a remote 
+      domain controller.
+    * Remove chaining of passdb modules.
+    * Generate a local users primary group SID based on his 
+      or her primary Unix group rather than storing the attribute 
+      in the passdb entry.
+    * Default primary group SID to 'Domain Users' if the real Unix 
+      primary group maps to the S-1-22-2 domain.
+    * Refactor memory management in passdb user objects.
+    * RHEL and Fedora packaging fixes.
+    * Implement XcvDataPort() spooler call and supporting 'add 
+      port command'.
+    * BUG 3534: Ignore lines in the username map file with no right 
+      hand list.
+    * Add support for the experimental %(DomainSID) smb.conf 
+      variable.
+    * Add support for parsing SIDs in smb.conf value lists.
+    * Fix vuid allocation in Kerberos SMBsesssetup reply. 
+    * Ensure that local group membership is included in the 
+      getgroups() NSS reply.
+    * Automatically create a BUILTIN\{Administrators,Users} if
+      winbindd is running.
+    * Automatically grant all privileges to members of the local 
+      Administrators group.
+    * Protect against NULL cli_state* pointers in 
+      cli_rpc_pipe_open().
+    * Add a SUBSTR matching rule the the Samba LDAP schema 
+      file for the sambaSID attribute.  This will allow for 
+      Searching group mapping entries within a given domain
+      without reorganizing the directory namespace.  Also 
+      requires 'index sambaSID sub' in slapd.conf.
+    * Fix parsing of 'idmap uid/gid' values that broke when
+      the range included any whitespace.
+    * Support renaming local groups (protect against renaming 
+      BUILTIN groups).
+    * Do not allow the root account to be deleted via MS-RPC.
+    * Fix RID allocation to skip over RIDs that resolve in our
+      own domain (work around upgraded users and groups).
+    * Store the name/ip address combination when we do a reverse 
+      look up in case future forward lookups would fail.
+      Fixes cases where a DC name could not be resolved via 
+      NetBIOS queries,
+    * Allow winbindd to run on standalone servers in order to
+      provide support for local groups.
+    * Deprecate 'acl group control' and replace it with added 
+      functionality to 'dos filemode'.
+    * Ensure that all global memory is freed from pam_winbind 
+      when unloading the shared library (based on work from Arkady 
+      Glabek).
+    * Fix 32-bit/64-bit portability issues between PAM & NSS winbind 
+      libraries and winbindd.
+    * Add defensive checks about create local accounts (i.e. calling
+      'add user script') on domain member servers when winbindd
+      is running but having problems.
+    * Use system provided killproc() in RedHat init scripts for 
+      more robust shutdown.
+    * Fix a crash in the printer publishing code when adding a 
+      new printer via the APW.
+    * Fix broken compile of unsupported smbwrapper utility.
+    * BUG 3905: Fix smbd startup failure caused by a failure to
+      create an NT token for the guest account.
+    * BUG 3908: Fix RPC bind authentication failure which broke
+      user password changes.
+    * Ensure that "net ads join" reports failure correctly if
+      it cannot set the machine account password.
+o   Mathias Dietz <MDIETZ at de.ibm.com>
+    * EPERM can be a valid return from getting an xattr. 
+      Don't disable if we get it.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Fix memleaks in winbindd ads searches.
+    * Fix timestamp bug in pam_winbindd which forced users to change
+      passwords prematurely.
+    * Small debug message cleanups.
+    * Small fixes for 'net ads password'.
+    * BUG 3843: Allow to set passwords directly when creating users 
+      via "net rpc user add" 
+    * Add "rpc shell" to the usage text for the net command.
+    * Winbindd user aliases lookup fixes for large domains.
+    * Fix memleak in the CLDAP processing code.
+    * Enable AD features in winbindd's PAM support only when 
+      communicating with an AD domain controller.
+    * Set our internal domains to "online" by default in winbindd.
+    * BUG 3800: Fill the password_policy method in winbindd for 
+      winbindd_passdb.
+    * Fix memory leak when LDAP POSIX attribute queries fail.
+    * Honor the krb5 principal name change (of the new ads join code) 
+      in the kerberized winbind pam_auth.
+    * Correctly handle the case when there is no configuration file 
+      for pam_winbind.
+    * Adding "own-domain" switch to wbinfo which is handy from time 
+      to time.
+    * BUG 3823: Fix in-forest domain trust enumeration in winbindd.
+    * Fix winbindd group enumeration for groups with no members.
+    * Correct "net ads changetrustpw" to use the sAMAccountName.
+    * Fix winbindd in ADS domains by removing code using the 
+      UPN and rely upon the sAMAccountName.
+    * Fix a eDir related memory leak.
+    * Don't try to add the sn attribute twice to an LDAP 
+      inetOrgPerson + samSamAccount entry.
+    * Fix winbind function table typo.
+    * Attempt to send the correct warning from pam_winbind when a password 
+      change was attempted too early.
+    * Don't use cached credentials when changing passwords.
+    * Correctly disallow unauthorized access when logging on with the
+      kerberized pam_winbind and workstation restrictions are in effect.
+    * Save useless round trips in pam_winbind's auth calls.
+    * Make the existence of the /etc/security/pam_winbind.conf file
+      non-critical and fallback to only parse the argv options in that 
+      case.
+    * Add winbind debug class to the main winbindd process.
+    * Be consistent between rpc and ads winbind backend: let the 
+      ads backend query the samlogon cache first as well.
+    * Ignore BUILTIN groups when searching AD for group memberships.
+    * Fix KRB5KDC_ERR_POLICY -> NTSTATUS mapping.
+    * Cleanup credential caches from winbind's linked list.
+    * Fix 'winbindd -n' for new persistent caches.
+    * Fix searching by SID in winbindd.
+    * Add "smbcontrol winbind onlinestatus" for debugging purpose.
+    * Prefer to use the indexed objectCategory attribute (instead of
+      objectClass which is not indexed on AD) in LDAP queries.
+    * Free LDAP result in ads_get_attrname_by_oid().
+    * Prevent unnecessary storing of password in a WINBINDD_CCACHE_ENTRY.
+    * Prevent passwords of winbindd's list of credential caches from 
+      being swapped to disk using mlock().
+    * BUG 3345: Expand the "winbind nss info" to also take "rfc2307" to 
+      support the plain posix attributes LDAP schema from win2k3-r2
+      (based on patches from Howard Wilkinson and Bob Gautier).
+    * Add more robust code for fallback when lookup_usergroups() fails.
+    * Fix 'net rpc join' for winbindd running on a Samba DC.
+    * Add help text for new 'net rpc audit' utility.
+    * Add net ads search SID.
+    * samrQueryDomainInfo level 5 should return the domain name, not our 
+      NetBIOS name when we are a DC.
+    * Add some more client rpc for the querydominfo calls (from samba4 idl).
+    * Process all the supported info levels in the samr_query_domain_info2 
+      call.
+    * Wrap the samr_query_domain_info2() call around 
+      samr_query_domain_info().
+    * Fix segv in smbctool.
+    * Honor the time_offset also when verifying Kerberos tickets.
+    * Prevent unnecessary longstanding LDAP connection to eDirectory.
+    * Fix segv in smbspool.
+    * BUG 1914: Allow to store 24 password history entries in ldapsam.
+    * Enhancements to various commands in rpcclient 
+    * Don't force 'Administrator' to change an expired password on 
+      logon.
+    * Add support for offline mode in winbindd.
+    * Provide support in pam_winbind for initializing a user's 
+      ticket cache.
+    * Implement samr_chgpasswd_user3 server-side.
+    * Make pam_winbind more robust when detecting domain users.
+    * Add client side support for SAMR_GET_USRDOM_PWINFO.
+    * Re-enable strict checking on C++ reserved keywords since Heimdal 
+      0.7.2 has been released.
+    * Allow renaming of machine accounts in a Samba domain.
+    * BUG 3539: Let winbindd try to obtain the gecos field from 
+      the msSFU30Gecos attribute when "winbind nss info = sfu" is 
+      set. 
+    * Correctly handle acb_info/acct_flags as uint32 not as uint16.
+    * Return the real ACB-flags in the SamLogon() reply.
+    * Some client side cleanup for the samr set security object 
+      functions.
+    * Make sure we always reset the userAccountControl bits when 
+      re-joining (net ads join) with an existing account.
+    * Document some more MSV1_0 bits and their behavior.
+    * Only set the last rebind timestamp when we did rebind 
+      after a update LDAP operation to avoid the ldap replication 
+      sleep period.
+    * Fix incorrect error checking in winbindd for domains with 
+      no trusts.
+    * Consolidate the parsing of the Krb5 PAC and NET_USER_INFO3 
+      structure.
+    * Work around crash bug in MIT krb5 libs when reading a 
+      keytab file.  Stop trying to decrypt a ticket as soon as 
+      we have a clear indication that the ticket is bad.
+    * Merge DCERPC_FAULT constants from the SAMBA_4_0 tree.
+    * Adding client side samr querygroup infolevels 2 & 5.
+    * Make smbpasswd -a root work for eDirectory where there 
+      is no "account" structural objectclass.
+    * Make sure we only send out a CLDAP request (net ads) to 
+      an connected AD server.
+    * Fix a broken LDAP search filter when looking for groups.
+    * Add in-tree version of iniparser library from 
+      http://ndevilla.free.fr/iniparser/ for use by pam_winbind
+      (rather than linking in loadparm.c).  Settings are now stored
+      in /etc/security/pam_winbind.conf.
+    * Fix different extended_dn handling in adssearch.pl
+      (Thanks to Frederic Brin at Novell).
+    * Fix a memleak in winbindd's credentials cache.
+    * Protect against crashes in CLDAP request processing.
+    * Remove incomplete DfsEnum() info level to avoid an smbd crash.
+o   Aleksey Fedoseev <fedoseev at ru.ibm.com>
+    * Fix parameter type for 'acl compatibility'.
+    * Fixes for msgtest torture tool.
+    * Fix crash bug in the file locking code.
+o   Arek Glabek <aglabek at centeris.com>
+    *  Fix parsing error on input parameters in eventlogadm.
+o   Paul Green <paulg at samba.org>
+    * Properly rebuild time limit on systems with executable extensions.
+    * Fix build on platforms that do not support shared libs.
+    * Remove dead code in the auth_script module. 
+o   Bjoern Jacke <samba at j3e.de>.
+    * Fix DMAPI compile failures on AIX and True64.
+    * Fix AIX PIC suffix (use .o instead of .po).
+    * Fall back to less-preferred clocks until we find one that we 
+      can use if clock_gmtime() is not available at run-time.
+    * Fix EA support on AIX platforms.
+    * Automatically disable file shares with no explicit path set.
+    * Remove the local hack to set the RO bit on directories in 
+      user profiles when profile acls = yes.  Rely on EAs instead.
+    * Compile fixes for Solaris LDAP client libs.
+    * Add DMAPI/XDSM support for AIX.
+    * Find JFS DMAPI libs on Linux when only they are available.
+o   William Jojo <jojowil at hvcc.edu>
+    * Fixes for the winbind NSS library on AIX.
+    * Fix VFS builds on AIX platforms.
+    * Fixes for the AIX version of libnss_winbind.so
+o   Leonid Kabanov <lkabanov at mail.ru> 
+    * BUG 3711: Shell portability fixes for 'make test'.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fixes for various Klocwork defect reports.
+    * Fixes for various Coverity defect reports.
+    * BUG 3848: Fix WinXP join error in a Samba domain using ldapsam.
+    * Fix more potential seg-faults when something on our way to a 
+      DC connection fails.
+    * Never fall back to using the IP address for a DC's name in RPC 
+      connections.
+    * Implement recycle:subdir_mode.
+    * Activate RPC-AUTHCONTEXT in "make test".
+    * Portability fixes for 'make test'.
+    * Correctly set the group RID in init_sam_from_buffer.
+    * Fix missing prompt in smbclient.
+    * Return correct error code upon success from _net_srv_pwset().
+    * Fix Windows XP joins to a Samba domain.
+    * Fix 'valid users = +unixgroup' which was failing with smbpasswd
+      when mapped to a non-algorithmic rid.
+    * Fix regression which upper-cased machine names passed to the
+      'add machine script'.
+    * Correct parsing error in parse_net.c for user's with no group
+      membership.
+    * Fix off by one error in client SPNEGO code and other klocwork
+      bug fixes.
+    * Memory leak fixes in 'net sam'.
+    * BUG 3720: Fix uninitialized error return variable.
+    * Default "passdb expand explicit" to no.
+    * BUG 3741: Re-enable algorithmic SID mapping in one critical place.
+    * Fix user NT token creation when utilizing a username map.
+    * More coverity fixes.
+    * Fix a VUID bug in 'security = share'.
+    * Correctly fill in the gid for local users.
+    * Fix some warnings on True64.
+    * Add special close handling for fake files.
+    * BUG 3788: Fix nss_winbind's getgrouplist() call on AIX.
+    * BUG 3435: Fix 'msdfs root = yes' in [homes].
+    * Instruct winbindd to find a trusted DC on its own when running on 
+      a Samba DC.
+    * Fix segv in child winbindd processes caused by a failed tconX 
+      to the DC.
+    * Dynamically compute the maximum password age based no the 
+      last change time rather than reading the must change time 
+      from the passdb record.
+    * Rewrite mechanisms for handling lookup_{name,sid} resolution.
+    * Assign unmapped users to the S-1-22-1 domain and unmapped 
+      groups to the S-1-22-2 domain
+    * Disable algorithmic mapping for RIDs in tdbsam & ldapsam
+    * Remove sql passdb backends.
+    * Implement rpccli_samr_set_domain_info()
+    * Add initial support for 'net sam' command.
+    * BUG 2413: Remove anonymous connections in 'net rpc info'.
+    * Implement asynchronous support for trans2 calls.
+    * Make smbclient -L use RPC to list shares, fall back to RAP.
+    * Ensure that the global SAM SID is initialized before any
+      dependent routines are called.
+    * Enhance consistency checks on local configuration when joining
+      a domain.
+    * Fix a memleak in the server registry code for enumeration 
+      shares.
+    * Fix an invalid munlock() call in winbindd's credentials cache.
+    * Fix compile warnings when passing NULL to snprintf().
+    * BUG 3915: Fall back to a pure unix user with S-1-22 SIDs in the
+      token in case anything weird is going on with the 'force user'.
+    * CVE-2006-3403: Fix minor memory exhaustion DoS in smbd.
+o   Derrell Lipman <derrell at samba.org>
+    [libsmbclient]
+    * BUG 3814: Only set the DFS capability flag in client requests
+      if the share is a DFS root.
+    * Fix bug causing previous settings to be re-initialized 
+      when parsing new configuration files.
+    * BUG 3446: Don't ignore the authentication domain when parsing 
+      the SMB URI.
+    * Fix cli_setpathinfo() to actually do what it's supposed to.
+    * Fix libsmbclient to make correct use of the new "one connection
+      per server feature".
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * Numerous compiler warning fixes.
+o   John E. Malmberg <wb8tyw at qsl.net>
+    * Make smbldap obey config tests.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Fixes for 'make test' on AIX.
+    * Ensure we do a wildcard search for SID's starting with the global SAM 
+      sid, not an exact search (from John Janosik).
+    * Adapt smbclient fix to smbtree to enable long share names.
+    * Prevent machines and users with no home directory from 
+      getting the previous entries home path when migrating via 
+      'net rpc vampire' (based on a patch from Richard Renard).
+    * Remove hard-coded LDIF names when dumping a migrated 
+      domain's users and groups.
+    * BUG 1374: Can't join an OU with name that contains '#'.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>
+    * Add more tests to 'make test'.
+    * Try to make timelimit.c more portable.
+    * Fix linking of smbmount tools with --enable-socket-wrapper.
+    * Pass 'target:samba3=yes' to samba4's smbtorture when running 
+      samba3's make test.
+    * Miscellaneous fixes for 'make test'.
+    * Add improved support for 'make test' including making 
+      use of smbtorture from SAMBA_4_0.
+    * Add --no-process-group to all server programs 
+      (e.g. timelimit 20000 bin/nmbd -F -S --no-process-group).
+    * Add configure tests --with-selftest-prefix=/tmp/samba-test
+o   Lars Müller <lmuelle at samba.org>
+    * Fix lock calls in the python tdb bindings.
+    * Add -k switch to tdbdump for accessing a single key.
+    * Debian packaging fixes.
+    * Add -t|--password-from-stdin option to pdbedit as we had 
+      with Samba 2.2.
+    * Various minor fixes to install scripts used by 'make install'.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * Ensure smbclient always prompts on standard output when in
+      interactive mode.
+    * BUG 3801, 3805: Fix MIPSPro compiler warnings on IRIX.
+    * Introduce command line options to set the remainder of the 
+      parameters in dynconfig.c.
+    * Avoid pulling in -lpthreads caused by -lrt.
+    * Fix build failures on IRIX 6.4 due to DMAPI support.
+    * Isolate the slow CLOCK_REALTIME message in the profiling code.
+    * Correct comparison logic so that libunwind can be correctly detected.
+    * Implement a "stacktrace" smbcontrol option using libunwind's remote
+      stack tracing support (ia64 only).
+    * Use dynamic buffers in the IRIX nsswitch module to prevent truncation
+      of long group lists.
+    * New autoconf macro to test for sysconf variables.
+    * Change profiling data macros to use stack variables rather than
+      globals. This catches mismatched start/end calls and removes
+      the need for special nested profiling calls.
+    * Rewrite AC_LIBTESTFUNC so that it works like the callers
+      of it expect.
+    * Use clock_gettime for profiling timstamps if it is available. Use
+      the fastest clock available on uniprocessors.
+    * Preserve errno in fcntl lock wrappers.
+    * Initialize our saved uid and gid so that we can tell when we 
+      created the profiling shmem segment and don't bogusly refuse to 
+      look at it.
+    * Add a new option "enable core files" which can be used to disable 
+      automatic core file dumping. 
+    * Update our internal copy of popt to that distributed with the RPM 
+      4.2 source code.
+    * Add support for FAM for file change notification.
+    * Disable sendfile if the 'write cache;' has been enabled.
+    * Refactor capability interface from being IRIX-specific to 
+      using only the POSIX interface.
+    * Consolidate core dumping code to aid in debugging.
+    * Add support for libunwind to generating a backtrace.
+    * BUG 3490: Don't test for ldap or krb5 libs if --without-ldap
+      and --without-ads are specified.
+    * Allow the user to set winbind nss timeouts in seconds on IRIX.
+    * Set the FILE_STATUS_OFFLINE bit by observing the events 
+      a DMAPI-based HSM is interested in.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * Build janitorial duties.
+    * BUG 3725: Put references to $PICFLAGS in quotes.
+o   Aruna Prabakar <aruna.prabakar at hp.com>
+    * Show -W option in smbpasswd usage text.
+o   ISHIKAWA Tomonori <toishika at fsi.co.jp>
+    * BUG 2715: Fix nmbd datagram comment buffer size for multibyte 
+      character strings
+o   Andreas Schwab
+    * Correct syntax error in aclocal.m4.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Pam modules install fix.
+    * Allow "net changesecretpw" to accept a password via stdin.
+    * Implement 'net setdomainsid' command.
+    * Ensure that sid -> group conversion are done as root.
+    * BUG 3413: Sanity check for existence of 'ldap admin 
+      dn' before setting a password in secrets.tdb (based on
+      work by William Jojo).
+    * New revision of the snprintf replace code.
+    * Set the correct sid type when looking up a gid.
+o   Todd Stecher <tstecher at isilon.com>
+    * Add TCP fallback for our implementation of the CHANGEPW 
+      kpasswd calls.
+o   Ronan Waide <waider at waider.ie>
+    * Add 'wbinfo -i' functionality to exercise winbindd's getpwnam() 
+      functionality.
+o   Shlomi Yaakobovich <Shlomi at exanet.com>
+    * Fix for machine password time_t overflow.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.22
+                            Mar 30, 2006
+                   ==============================
+This is a security release of Samba. The Samba 3.0.21 release 
+series (including the patch releases a through c) has been 
+discovered to expose the clear text of the server's machine 
+account credentials in the winbind log files when the log 
+level is set to 5 or higher.  This defect has been assigned 
+the CVE number CAN-2006-1059.
+The machine trust account password is the secret shared
+between a domain controller and a specific member server.
+Access to the member server machine credentials allows
+an attacker to impersonate the server in the domain and 
+gain access to additional information regarding domain 
+users and groups.
+The winbindd daemon included in Samba 3.0.21 and subsequent
+patch releases (3.0.21a-c) writes the clear text of server's
+machine credentials to its log file at level 5.  The winbindd
+log files are world readable by default and often log files
+are requested on open mailing lists as tools used to debug
+server misconfigurations.
+This affects servers configured to use domain or ads security
+and possibly Samba domain controllers as well (if configured
+to use winbindd).
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.21c
+                              Feb 24, 2006
+                   ===============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.21c include:
+  o Access checks when deleting printer driver meta-data.
+  o Several non-default combinations schannel and SPNEGO support.
+  o Password changes with NT4 and Win2k pre-SP4 clients.
+  o High load issues on IRIX caused by a bug when interfacing 
+    with kernel oplocks.
+Changes since 3.0.21b
+o   Michael Adam <ma at SerNet.DE>
+    * Add popt to the include path for examples/VFS.
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix bug in the USC2 macros on big-endian CPUs.
+    * Filter deleted oplocks from the output of smbstatus.
+    * Remove invalid test check_for_pipe().
+    * BUG 3515: Fix kernel oplock support on IRIX.
+    * BUG 3522: Fix return value for mkdir request when the directory
+      already exists.
+    * BUG 3526: Add missing FindNext info levels (diagnosed by Corinna 
+      Vinschen).
+    * BUG 3330: Fix username parsing in Kerberos PAC (based on work 
+      by Guenther).
+    * BUG 3512: Fix cause of "use spnego=no" and "server signing=auto" 
+      resulting in a client disconnect after negprot.
+    * BUG 3510: Fix 'net join' against a server with client schannel 
+      disabled.
+    * Fix negprot bug causing a 2k client with cached domain 
+      credentials to refuse to connect to a standalone Samba host.
+    * Ensure that the correct error is checked when encountering a 
+      socket error (fixes crashes in winbindd).
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Fix domain joins from NT4 clients and password changes.
+o   Richard Bollinger <rabollinger at gmail.com>.
+    * Compile fix in pdbedit.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Break RHEL/Fedora packaging out to include a samba-docs rpm.
+    * Remove use of /var/cache/samba from RHEL/Fedora packaging.
+    * Fix bug in loadparm.c that caused builtin services to be also
+      listed as external services (e.g. Spooler, NETLOGON, etc..).
+    * Fix bug in the samr dispinfo enumeration code.
+    * Add earlier checks to deny deleting a printer driver meta-data.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Add Account Policy LDAP attributes for eDirectory schema.
+o   William JoJo <jojowil at hvcc.edu>
+    * BUG 1870: Make nmblookup do a node status on all IP's when 
+      requested.
+    * BUG 2353: Fix clitar -F processing.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix the build for --with-aio-support.
+    * Fix remote password changing if password must change is set.
+    * Fix rpcclient to obey the -W parameter.
+    * Fix segv in smbmount and the profiles tool.
+    * Fix typo in pdbedit help text (reported by Karolin Seeger).
+o   Vladimir Lettiev
+    * Honour the $(DESTDIR) Makefile variable when installing 
+      Python extensions.
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * Compiler warning fixes.
+o   Lars Müller <lmuelle at samba.org>
+    * Fix python build with older python versions.
+    * Update dhcp.conf files in Debian packaging
+    * SWAT welcome file updates
+    * Compiler warning fixes.
+    * Add .2 to the SONAME as version suffix if we link the nss 
+      modules on linux.
+    * Add -t|--password-from-stdin option to pdbedit.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * Continue not enabling valgrind on 64-bit Linux.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * Remove unused #defines.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Debian packaging updates.
+o   Qiao Yang <qyang at stbernard.com>
+    * Make sure to refresh the timestamp on entries in the failed 
+      connection code in winbindd.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.21b
+                              Jan 30, 2006
+                   ===============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.21b include:
+  o Server crashes in smbd.
+  o Compile issues on 64-bit platforms.
+  o Crash bugs on big-endian systems.
+  o Packaging fixes for RHEL/Fedora, Solaris, & Debian.
+  o Over 30 bugzilla reports closed.
+Changes since 3.0.21a
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix the SAMR cache across handles opens and closes.
+    * Re-add the talloc_describe_all() function for reporting pool 
+      usage.
+    * Merge talloc license change from Samba 4.
+    * Fix 64-bit compile warnings reported by gcc.
+    * Add the share path into the sharemode db. 
+    * Consistency fixes: Remove use of uint8_t -> uint8.
+    * BUG 3346: Fix crash bug in big-endian boxes by linearizing 
+      structure when passing through the messaging API.
+    * BUG 3421: Fix segv in the Kerberos key tab code (Thanks to 
+      Luke Deller).
+    * Force smbd to exit if the guest account internal setup fails.
+    * BUG 3419: vfs_full_audit fixes for multiple connections.
+    * Ensure SWAT lists running processes.
+    * Fix NTLMv2 interoperability bug between Samba servers.
+    * Oplock break logic fixes.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3401: Fix crash bug caused by incorrect handling of weak 
+      session keys.  Based on original patch from Yau Lam Yiu.
+o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3397: Add USER_INFO_9 for SMS 2003 support (ported from 
+      Samba TNG code).
+o   Stefan Burkei <stefan at burkei.de>
+    * BUG 3248: When doing auth_crap authentication use the client 
+      given workstation name not our own.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fixing net rpc registry enumerate from overwriting the open 
+      subkey handle.
+    * BUG 3380: fix crash when changing printer drivers.
+    * BUG 3391: ensure we can lookup account policies for failed 
+      logons.
+    * Adding query/set ops for security descriptors on services.
+    * BUG 3329: Solaris packaging fixes.
+    * Better formatting for smbstatus output (based on patch from
+      Adam Neilson).
+    * Hook the max connections spin box in the share properties 
+      MMC plug-in dialog to the 'max connections' smb.conf parameter
+      and the 'modify share command' option.
+    * Work around building libnss_winbind.so on Solaris when 
+      --enable-developer is specified.
+    * Add vendor patch level string to VERSION.
+    * Consolidate packaging for RHEL4 and Fedora based on initial
+      work by jht.  
+o   Albert Chin <@thewrittenword.com>
+    * BUG 3374: Build failures on True64.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Fill in samr_get_dom_pwinfo based on Samba4.
+    * Fill in the clientside TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_EX query.
+    * Fixes for adssearch.pl example script.
+    * Prevent 'net rpc' from dumping clear text password at high log 
+      levels unless built with DEBUG_PASSWORD.
+    * Fix 'net ads user add' with a Windows 2003 SP1 DC.
+    * Fix python build.
+    * Fix segfault in pdb_nds.c.
+    * Don't write null sid mappings into the winbindd_cache.tdb.
+    * Save sid_to_name lookup result in winbindd already after doing 
+      a successful name_to_sid.
+    * BUG 3390: Fix segfault in "net rpc vampire|samdump".
+    * BUG 1524, 3205: Support changing expired passwords in 
+      pam_winbindd.
+    * Fix netfileenum returning WERR_BUF_TOO_SMALL in rpcclient.
+    * BUG 3264: Allow idmap_ad to load as 'ad'.  Cleanup the way 
+      idmap modules are build and loaded, idmap_rid now will have 
+      to be loaded without prefix, just "rid".
+    * Prevent cli_krb5_get_ticket of getting into an infinite loop. 
+o   Andrew Esh <Andrew_Esh at adaptec.com>
+    * BUG 1061: Fix nmbd to correctly the path to an lmhosts files 
+      specified on the command line with -H.
+o   SATOH Fumiyasu <fumiya at samba.gr.jp>
+    * End profile fixes.
+    * BUG 3348: Don't assume owning sticky bit directory means 
+      write access allowed.
+    * Fix double free in on failure path in POSIX acl code.
+o   Andriy Gapon <avg at icyb.net.ua>
+    * BUG 3458: Fix crash bug in smbd and winbindd caused by 
+      accessing freed memory.
+o   Björn Jacke <bj at sernet.de>
+    * Configure check for Tru64 EA functions (not yet implemented).
+    * Find Tru64 AIO lib in configure.
+    * Cut-n-paste fixes in configure.in.
+o   John Janosik <jpjanosi at us.ibm.com>
+    * IBM Tivoli Directory Server schema updates.
+o   Michael James <michael at james.st>
+    * sid2string fix in adssearch.pl.
+o   William JoJo <jojowil at hvcc.edu>
+    * BUG 3340: Prevent automatic inclusion of AIO support on AIX.
+    * BUG 3389: Failures on AIX in linking smbd when the symbol 
+      table for ld exceeds 65536 bytes.
+    * Add -W to smbpassword so that the ldap admin dn password does
+      not have to be specified on the command line.
+    * BUG 3408: Fix for external password change programs on AIX.
+    * BUG 1779: 64-bit compile fixes.
+o   Martin Koeppe <mkoeppe at gmx.de>
+    * BUG 3287: Match SFU behavior for dev/inode numbers.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3291: Fix valgrind error in client connection code.
+    * BUG 3292: Prevent smbclient from spinning if server terminates
+      connection.
+    * BUG 3293: Use SMBecho instead of chkpath to keep a smbclient 
+      connection alive smbclient.
+    * Add lookupname to rpcclient query_user as a fallback, we now 
+      accept both rid and username.
+    * Introduce yet another copy of the string_sub function: 
+      talloc_string_sub use by AFS token code in winbindd.
+    * BUG 3351: pdb_mysql again overwrites password fields.
+    * BUG 3384: Fix segv in tdbtool.
+    * Use the same CFLAGS for generating the pch as we use to 
+      actually compile.
+    * Correct typo when compiling the vfs_catia module.
+    * Fix automatic recreation of a new tdb sam file.
+o   Derrell Lipman <derrell at samba.org>
+    [libsmbclient]
+    * Fix parsing of file times (w_time and m_time were reversed).
+    * Add additional libsmbclient test programs.
+    * BUG 3336: Load networks interfaces in libsmbcliebt after parsing 
+      the configuration files.
+    * Avoid doing a NetBIOS name query for each server and workgroup 
+      enumeration call.
+    * Do not open connection when only looking for cached connection.
+    * BUG 2651: Add option to log debug messages to stderr instead 
+      of stdout.
+    * Added flag to not request authentication information.
+    * Enhancements to smbwrapper example code.
+    * Replace smbwrapper call to dlopen(/lib/libc...) with direct 
+      use of RTLD_NEXT.
+o   David May <mayd at cygnus.uwa.edu.au>
+    * BUG 3329: Shell scripting portability fixes on 'make test'.
+o   Tony Mountifield <tony at softins.co.uk>
+    * BUG 3327: fix bad access to gencache.tdb after fork() in 
+      smbmount.
+o   Lars Müller <lmuelle at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3264: Support backwards compatible setups using 
+      'idmap backend = idmap_rid'.
+    * Add %w macro for the winbind separator.
+    * Convert net command to use stderr for error messages rather 
+      than stdout.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * Portability fixes in LDAP code.  Don't use non-static array 
+      initializers.
+    * Support the TCP_FASTACK socket option if it is available. 
+    * Tell the MIPSPro compiler to push DEBUG calls out of line.
+o   Makr Proehl <m.proehl at science-computing.de>
+    * BUG 1336: Print the server role when calling testparm in 
+      non-verbose mode.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Crackcheck utility enhancement based on patch sent by 
+      Tom Geissler.
+    * BUG 3405: Fix segv in vfs_recycle module on platforms wither 
+      mode_t is not 32-bits.
+o   John Terpstra <jht at samba.org>
+    * RHEL/Fedora spec file patches.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.21a
+                              Dec 30, 2005
+                   ===============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.21a include:
+  o Deadlocks when multiple users access an oplocked file 
+    concurrently
+Changes since 3.0.21
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * RedHat 9 packaging Fixes.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * eDirectory schema syntax fixes.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3349: Deadlock caused logic error in oplock code.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.21
+                            Dec 20, 2005
+                   ==============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.21 include:
+  o Missing groups in a user's token when logging in via Kerberos
+  o Incompatibilities with newer MS Windows hotfixes and 
+    embedded OS platforms
+  o Portability and crash bugs.
+  o Performance issues in winbindd.
+New features introduced in Samba 3.0.21 include:
+  o Complete NTLMv2 support by consolidating authentication
+    mechanism used at the CIFS and RPC layers.
+  o The capability to manage Unix services using the Win32 
+    Service Control API.
+  o The capability to view external Unix log files via the
+    Microsoft Event Viewer.
+  o New libmsrpc share library for application developers.
+  o Rewrite of CIFS oplock implementation.
+  o Performance Counter external daemon.
+  o Winbindd auto-detection query methods when communicating with
+    a domain controller.
+  o The ability to enumerate long share names in libsmbclient 
+    applications.
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name                      Action
+    --------------                      ------
+    dfree cache time			New
+    dfree command			Per share
+    eventlog list			New
+    iprint server			New
+    map read only			New
+    passdb expand explicit		New
+    rename user script			New
+    reset on zero vc			New
+    svcctl list 			Renamed from 'enable svcctl'
+Changes since 3.0.20b
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 1828: Fixed SPNEGO issues with PocketPC clients.
+    * Added 'map readonly' parameter.
+    * BUG 3166: Fix crash in libsmbclient if the $HOME environment is
+      not defined.
+    * Maintain schannel client session keys in volatile 
+      $(privatedir)/schannel_store.tdb.
+    * BUG 2769: Ensure we mangle filenames ending in a space
+    * Catch corner case of renaming a symlinked directory into 
+      itself
+    * Ensure that smb.conf requests for hidden files are honored, 
+      even when DOS attributes are stored in EA's
+    * Add new auth method "auth_script" for calling an external 
+      program
+    * BUG 2152: Fix for mangled filenames when the client does 
+      support long filenames
+    * Rewritten implementation of client and server DCE/RPC infrastructure 
+    * BUG 3192: Adds a "dfree cache time" parameter.
+    * Fix acl evaluation bug found by Marc Cousin.  Only evaluate 
+      the S_IWGRP mask in the absence of a POSIX ACL.
+    * Remove use of 'long long' in libsmbclient code.
+    * Ensure the new canonicalize_servicename() in name/snum hash 
+      is multi-byte safe.
+    * BUG 2922: Integration of FreeBSD AIO patches from Timur 
+      Bakeyev.
+    * BUG 3216: Put directory opens into the share mode db so we 
+      can treat them similarly to file opens (delete on close, 
+      share mode violations etc.).
+    * Fix bug in name mangling code when case sensitivity is enabled.
+    * Remove external dependencies from the sharemodes library.
+    * BUG 3212: Ignore bogus OS/2 set EA values on trans2 calls.
+    * Don't misinterpret wild card characters in file names on disk
+      as they are actually valid characters.
+    * BUG 3223: Fix bug in account policy management when 
+      account_pol.tdb settings have been migrating to an LDAP 
+      backend.
+    * Allow the hash size of the tdb open (locking) database to be 
+      set in local.h.
+    * Fix error code returns on client spoolss code.
+    * Remove unneeded strncpy use.
+    * Fix uninitialized variables warnings.
+    * Cleanup smbcacls security descriptor parsing and error codes.
+    * BUG 3224: Correctly use machine_account_name and client_name 
+      when doing netlogon credential setup.  Fixes winbindd running 
+      on a Samba PDC.
+    * Backport Samba 4 time zone handling.
+    * Fix core dump if setmntent() returns NULL.
+    * Replace old crc32 code with one from the FreeBSD tree.
+    * Filter stored DOS attributes by SAMBA_ATTRIBUTES_MASK.
+    * Remove #define of close -> close_fn macro in libsmbclient.
+    * Return early if -1 returned from *BSD EA call (reported by 
+      Timur).
+    * Name space cleanup by marking local functions static.
+    * Move samr enumeration cache from per handle basis to a shared 
+      cache.
+    * BUG 3274: Fix invalid smbclient qpath_basic() queries against 
+      OS/2 servers (based on patch from Guenter Kukkukk).
+    * Ensure default applies to new files (reported by Thomas 
+      Neumann).
+    * BUG 3293: Use SMBecho to testing the server in client rather 
+      than SMBchkpath.
+    * Merge talloc fixes from Samba 4 branch.
+    * Add support DCE/RPC cancel operation.
+    * Don't reset attrs to zero in EA get.  Fixes 'hide dot files'
+      when using EA for DOS attributes.
+    * Fix bug in returning remote time (reported by Thomas Bork).
+    * No users or groups to return in BUILTIN domain.
+    * Removed separate "builtin" search enumeration.
+    * Added count_sam_aliases to return the correct alias count.
+    * Correctly handle the LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error from 
+      eDirectory when accessing the universal password.
+    * Fix deadlock condition in share mode locking code.
+    * Fix logic bug in unix_mask_match().
+    * Fix memory leak in SMB client code found by Mikhail Kshevetskiy.
+o   Rashid N. Achilov <shelton at granch.ru>
+    * Add better service description names to the svcctl code.
+o   Timur Bakeyev <timur at com.bat.ru>
+    * BUG 3262: Improve FreeBSD DOS attribute error reporting.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Remove another ancient NTLMSSP implementation.
+    * Allow machine account logons work if the client gives the 
+      appropriate flags. 
+o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab at samba.org>
+    * Add POSIX statvfs() to VFS api.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Eventlog and ServiceControl support.
+    * BUG 1051: store the directory path so we can send the full 
+      name in the unlink call from smbclient.
+    * Use reference count strategy for keeping the registry tdb 
+      open.
+    * Convert internal registry objects to new hierarchical talloc
+    * Allow the root user a free pass for access checks in the
+      registry and service control checks.
+    * Sanity checks in the privilege code to prevent empty SID 
+      entries
+    * Add basic infrastructure for 'make test' when the socket 
+      wrapper library is configured at compile time
+    * Convert profiles utility to use the current regfio interface 
+      for reading and writing user profiles
+    * Remove netsamlogon_cache interface
+    * Ensure that print jobs are removed even when the cancel 
+      command is received before the print cache has been updated
+    * Fix linking problem on Solaris when including ACL support.
+    * Give root a free pass to open the eventlog tdb files.
+    * Fix segfault in addprinter due to mixing talloc() and 
+      malloc()'d memory.
+    * fix invalid read reported by valgrind in the spoolss 
+      backchannel connection.
+    * Remove use of 'long long' in perfcounter registry code.
+    * BUG 3201: make sure request structure is cleared prior to 
+      sending the request to winbindd.
+    * Don't count open pipes in the num_files_open on a connection
+      (regression from Samba 2.2).
+    * Ensure servername hashing code normalizes the name.
+    * Fix checks for connect() in -lnsl[_s].
+    * Convert eventlog API to use NTSTATUS return codes rather 
+      than WERROR.
+    * Fix segv in winbindd caused by an uninitialized variable 
+      in winbindd_dual_getsidaliases().
+    * Allow winbindd to select the appropriate backend methods
+      based on the DC attributes and not the security parameter.
+    * Re-add the netsamlogon_cache tdb and ensure that user entries
+      are updated from the PAC data during Kerberos ticket 
+      validation.
+    * Fix lockup when running 'wbinfo -t' on a Samba PDC caused 
+      by mangling machine names in sub_set_smb_name().
+    * Add smbget to the list of tools built by default.
+    * Fix clearing of eventlog tdb files.
+    * Fix sequential reads in eventlog support.
+    * BUG 2718: Don't use qpathinfo_basic() call when remote server 
+      is Win9x.
+    * Fix build issues with the Sun compiler.
+    * BUG 3156: Don't use find_service() when explicitly looking 
+      for a printer.
+    * Fix nss_winbind_solaris.c build breakage on HP-UX.
+    * Initialize the local group description.
+    * Disable WINS and NetLogon services in the MMC services
+      plugin when the associated smb.conf features are not enabled.
+    * Add checks for invalid characters in new share names on the 
+      srvsvc pipe.
+    * Fix SWAT installation issues with 'make install'.
+    * Always add the BUILTIN\Administrators SID to a Domain 
+      Admins token.
+o   Alex Deiter <tiamat at komi.mts.ru>
+    * BUG 3196: Patch to compile against the Sun LDAP client libs.
+      (not for AD support; just ldap support).
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Fixed compile problems and warnings with newer OpenLDAP 
+      and OpenSSL libs
+    * Fix bug when enumerating trusted domains via 'wbinfo -m'
+    * Parse the MS Kerberos PAC to obtain the user group 
+      membership during logon.
+    * Add support for SeRestorePrivilege to allow a process to 
+      change the ownership of a file to any arbitrary account
+    * Fix password history storage when using Novell eDirectory for 
+      ldapsam storage
+    * Backport Kerberos PAC parsing from Samba 4 branch in order to
+      correctly create the NT User Token when logging into a Samba 
+      member server
+    * Add small helper function to return a PAC_LOGON_INFO.
+    * Use LDAP bitwise matching rule when searching for groups 
+      in ADS.
+    * Avoid an infinite loop when retrying to connect in smbspool.
+    * Memory leak fixes in the Kerberos PAC parsing code.
+    * Improve NT_STATUS error messages returned from pam_winbind.
+    * Rename unknown samr group fields in samr structures with 
+      the correct name.removed separate "builtin" search enumeration.
+    * Cleanup redundant StartTLS code.
+    * Allow StartTLS support when connecting to Windows 2003 by
+      setting 'ldap ssl = start_tls'.
+    * Support raw NTLMSSP session setups in smbspool.
+    * Add rpccli_samr_chgpasswd3().
+    * Add 'wbinfo --separator'.
+    * Uninitialized warnings fixes.
+    * Fix return value in client spooler code.
+    * Require forced migration of account policies.  
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com>
+    * Fix cifs to handle non-numeric uid and gid parameters.
+    * Merge trunk and SAMBA_3_0 mount.cifs code.
+    * Cleanup cifs cfs help message.
+o   Paul Green <paulg at samba.org>
+    * Update to the latest config.guess and config.sub files.
+o   Deryck Hodge <deryck at samba.org>
+    * Allow control of syslog facility and level in audit vfs modules.
+o   S Murthy Kambhampaty <smk_va at yahoo.com>
+    * Patches for Fedora RPM specfile and init script
+o   Krishna Ganugapati <krishnag at centeris.com>
+    * Use the subtree delete ldap control when running 'net ads 
+      leave'.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * New oplock implementation.
+    * Add assert() call if winbindd cannot locate the domain SID in 
+      secrets.tdb on startup
+    * Fix an annoying timeout in winbindd when nmbd is not running.
+    * Speed up loading smb.conf for large numbers of share 
+      definitions by adding an internal hashing of names to snums. 
+      Thanks to Michael Adam.
+    * Fix potential segv in rpcclient's lsarpc calls.
+    * Fix bugs in winbindd's use of rpccli_netlogon_getdcname().
+    * Fix alignment in getdc response.
+    * Allow pdbedit to set the domain for a user account.
+    * Fix fallback logic in rpc binds.
+    * Fix memleak in message handling code.
+    * Fix connection bug to port 445 and 139 after a successful 
+      getdcname response.
+    * Add additional calls to initialize_krb5_error_table() for 
+      Kerberos client code.
+    * Implement the possibility to have AFS users as SIDs in pts.
+    * Removed unused alternative_name code from winbindd.
+    * Protect against NULL alternative_name strings in winbindd.
+    * Define a default panic action with -DEVELOPER is defined.
+    * Add the capability to reset smbd connections on a zero VC id.
+    * Allow smb.conf variable expansion to be disabled in passdb 
+      backends.
+    * Add lookupname to rpcclient query_user as a fallback.
+    * BUG 3292: Prevent smbclient from spinning when the server 
+      disconnects.
+    * BUG 2191: Fix valgrind error in cli_session_setup_guest().
+    * Add samr_lookup_rids for the builtin domain.
+    * Memory allocation cleanups in passdb.
+    * Restrict samr_open_domain() to our domain only.
+    * Change local_lookup_sid() to local_lookup_rid() since it 
+      is responsible for our domain only.
+    * Fix some uninitialized variable warnings.
+    * Fix winbind_lookup_name for the local domain, 
+o   Derrell Lipman <derrell at samba.org>
+    * Cleanup libmsrpc version numbers.
+    * BUG 3257, 3267, 3273: Plug memory and file descriptor leaks.    
+    * Fix crash bug in libsmbclient.
+    * Add long share name support to libsmbclient when enumerating 
+      shares.
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * Removed compiler various warnings.
+o   Alex Masterov <alex at infobit.ru>
+    * BUG 3218: Fix XATTR calls on *BSD systems.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Speed up string_to_sid by removing next_token calls and 
+      unneeded strncmp() calls.
+    * Implement user rename for smbpasswd and LDAP backends.
+    * BUG 2961 (partial): Add rename support for user accounts to tdbsam
+    * BUG 3187: Fix time zone offset in logon hours restrictions.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>
+    * Fix setting of quotas on linux kernel with the struct 
+      if_dqblk interface
+    * Enable sysquota interface on Linux by default
+    * Use lp_socket_address() when binding to port 138/udp in nmbd.
+o   Brian Moran <bmoran at centeris.com>
+    * Eventlog and ServiceControl support.
+    * Added eventlogadm tool for writing Eventlog records.
+    * Fix typo when creating Eventlog source DLL registry paths.
+    * Add simple script to tail syslog and write records to 
+      eventlog tdb.
+    * Fix segv in eventlogadm when not event logs are listed in 
+      smb.conf.
+o   Lars Müller <lmuelle at samba.org>
+    * Only install smbsh manpage if smbwrapper has been successfully
+      built.
+    * Ensure setmntent() returns with != NULL in the disk_quotas() 
+      Linux version.
+    * Add configure switch to disable libmsrpc build.
+    * Add a soname to libmsrpc.
+o   Ricky Nance <ricky.nance at gmail.com>
+    * Updates for the mklogon perl scripts.
+o   Chris Nicholls <skel at samba.org>
+    * New libmsrpc library (Google SoC Project).
+    * Fix libmsrpc build of on the Sun compiler by removing empty 
+      structure declarations.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * Fix parsing error for smb ports parameter.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3260: Fix DYNEXP flags on HPUX.
+o   Marcin Porwit <mporwit at centeris.com>
+    * Eventlog and ServiceControl support.
+    * Added basic Performance Counter daemon which can feed data
+      for the Windows perfmon.exe tool.
+    * Fix directory permissions in the perfcounter daemon.
+    * Add the 'File' registry value for the eventlog keys.
+o   Aruna Prabakar <aruna.prabakar at hp.com.
+    * Add checks to verify that the spooler is running on HP-UX when
+      reloading the printer name cache.
+o   Joel Smith <joel.j.smith at novell.com>
+    * Add iPrint printing backend support.
+o   Toomas Soome <Toomas.Soome at mls.ee>
+    * Implement host lookups in nss_winbind.so.1 on Solaris
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Update Debian packaging.
+o   John Terpstra <jht at samba.org>
+    * Add 'net idmap' usage help text.
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Change license notice of standalone talloc library to LGPL.
+o   Darren Tucker <dtucker at zip.com.au>
+    o Crash fix for snprintf() code.
+o   Rainer Weikusat <rainer.weikusat at sncag.com>
+    * Fix function name typo in skeleton VFS code.
+Release Notes for older release follow:
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.20b
+                             Oct 12, 2005
+                   ===============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.20b include:
+  o A crash bug in winbindd
+  o Reporting files as read-only instead of returning the 
+    correct error code of "access denied"
+  o File system quota support defects
+Changes since 3.0.20a
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3088: Fix error condition for files on a read-write share 
+      which cannot be read due to permissions.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3070: Fix crash bug in qfsinfo when retrieving fs quota 
+      details.
+    * BUG 1473, 3090: Quota detection and compilation problems on 
+      Solaris.
+o   Marc Balmer <marc at msys.ch>
+    * Build fixes when builddir != srcdir
+o   Alex Deiter <tiamat at komi.mts.ru>
+    * BUG 3145: Fix build issue regarding quota support on Solaris.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3068: Fix for winbindd crashed by empty DC alternative 
+      name.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.20a
+                             Sept 30, 2005
+                   ===============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.20a include:
+  o Stability problems with winbindd.
+  o Crash bugs caused by incompatibilities on 64-bit systems.
+  o Missing files from directory listings on AIX servers
+  o User Manager interoperability problems.
+  o Minor build difficulties on various platforms such as 
+    Solaris and OpenBSD, 
+Winbind, security = domain, and Active Directory
+Recent security updates for Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 have 
+changed the fashion in which user and group lists can be obtained 
+from domain controllers.  In short, the RPC mechanisms used by 
+"security = domain" to retrieve users and groups is not compatible 
+with these changes.   The "security = ads" configuration is not 
+affected by the Windows protocol changes.
+Samba developers are actively working to correct this problem in 
+the 3.0.21 release.  In the meantime, Administrators who are unable 
+to migrate to "security = ads" and must continue using "security = 
+domain", can define credentials to be used by winbindd for account
+enumeration by executing the following command as root.
+	wbinfo --set-auth-user='DOMAIN\username%password'
+Changes since 3.0.20
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 3065: Fix for legacy clients retrieving a listing of 
+      an empty directory.
+    * Added external library for accessing Samba's share mode 
+      database.
+    * Fix winbindd credentials chain which caused logon failures 
+      after attempting to authenticate an unknown user.
+    * Fix recursive looping bug in winbindd.
+    * Fix build errors on 64-bit systems.
+    * Posix ACL memory leak and crash bug fixes.
+    * BUG 3044: Ensure OPEN-EXEC is honored as read-only.
+    * BUG 3060: Ensure SMBcreate truncates the file if it exists.
+    * Hide dot files and directory logic fixes.
+    * Correct display of open file modes by smbstatus.
+    * BUG 3010: Fix missing files bug on AIX systems.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Allow the root user to automatically pass se_access_checks()
+      in the registry and service control server code.
+    * Ensure that winbindd uses the correct name in the net_auth2()
+      request when running on a Samba PDC.
+    * Fix linking problem with tdb utilities.
+    * BUG 3080: Fix regression in 'net rpc shutdown' command.
+    * Fix segv in 'net rpc' when the pipe open fails.
+    * Fix upload bug when installing 64-bit Windows printer drivers.
+    * Fix regression in the smburi syntax used by smbspool.
+    * Fix sorting of subkey hash records in registry files.
+    * Correct REG_CREATE_KEY_EX parsing error.
+    * Interoperability issues with usrmgr.exe and Samba groups.
+    * Use the display names and not the Unix names when enumerating
+      groups in the ldapsam passdb backend.
+    * Ensure that Windows domain user names are converted to lower case.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Prevent BUILTIN sids returned in the user's token from 
+      a Windows DC from being applied to any local group mappings
+      on the Samba host.
+    * Plug memory leaks in the Kerberos keytab code.
+    * Ensure BUILTIN groups are returned from winbindd's idmap_rid
+      backend when 'winbind nested groups' is enabled.
+    * Fix crash bug in winbindd caused by 64-bit build issues.
+    * Improve debug messages in smbspool.
+    * Give better error-message when "NDS Universal Password" change fails.
+    * Fix password history error in the eDirectory schema file.
+    * Ensure that Windows domain group names are converted to lower case.
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com>
+    * Allow disabling mandatory byte range lock mount flag, and fix 
+      corresponding entry in mtab.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix race condition in the NTcreate&X open code when the 
+      disposition is NTCREATEX_DISP_CREATE.
+    * Correct logic error when checking the pid for pending print 
+      change notify messages.
+    * Ensure that winbindd child process complete startup even when
+      the parent is receiving authentication requests.
+    * Return the full NTSTATUS code to ntlm_auth and pam_winbindd
+      when authentication fails.
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * Compile warning fixes.
+o   Uli Meis <a.sporto at gmail.com>
+    * Patches for pdb_*sql.c
+o   Luke Mewburn <lukem at NetBSD.org>
+    * Autoconf syntax fixes.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * Correct problem with creating a core file in Linux.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>    
+    * Quota fixes in smbd.
+o   Peter Rindfuss <rindfuss at wz-berlin.de>
+    * Patches for pdb_*sql.c
+o   Jiri Sasek <Jiri.Sasek at Sun.COM>
+    * Solaris toolchain patches for autoconf scripts.
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Fix for tdb clear-if-first race condition.
+o   Leo Weppelman <leo at wau.mis.ah.nl>
+    * BUG 3104: Don't allow time updates to files on read-only shares.
+o   Steve Williams <steve at celineandsteve.com>
+    * BUG 3052: Fix compile issues on OpenBSD.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.20
+                             Aug 19, 2005
+                   ==============================
+Additional features introduced in Samba 3.0.20 include:
+  o Support for several new Win32 rpc pipes.
+  o Improved support for OS/2 clients.
+  o New 'net rpc service' tool for managing Win32 services.
+  o Capability to set the owner on new files and directory
+    based on the parent's ownership.
+  o Experimental, asynchronous IO file serving support.
+  o Completed Support for Microsoft Print Migrator.
+  o New Winbind IDmap plugin (ad) for retrieving uid and gid
+    from AD servers which maintain the SFU user and group 
+    attributes.
+  o Rewritten support for POSIX pathnames when utilizing 
+    the Linux CIFS fs client.
+  o New asynchronous winbindd.
+  o Support for Microsoft Print Migrator.
+  o New Windows NT registry file I/O library.
+  o New user right (SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege) added.
+  o New "net share migrate" options.
+What happened to 3.0.15 - 3.0.19?
+After some discussion it was deemed that the amount of changes 
+going into the next Samba 3.0 release needed something to catch
+people's attention.  Skipping several releases was chosen as 
+the best solution with the least overhead.  There will be no
+3.0.15 - 3.0.19 ever released.  The next production release
+following 3.0.20 should be 3.0.21.
+The original announcement about the version number change can 
+be found in the samba mailing list archives:
+Asynchronous Winbind Implementation
+Winbindd has been completely rewritten in this release to support
+an almost completely non-blocking, asynchronous request/reply
+model.  This means that winbindd will scale much better in 
+large domain environments and on high latency networks.  Neither 
+the client interface nor the command line tools (i.e. wbinfo) have 
+changed in their calling conventions or syntax.  However, due to 
+internal structure changes, it is required (more so than normal) 
+that you install the nss_winbind.so library included in this release.
+Support for Microsoft Print Migrator
+Samba 3.0.20 includes full support for migrating printers from 
+Windows servers or other Samba servers via the Microsoft Print 
+Migrator tool.  Restoring printers requires a working "add printer 
+command" defined in smb.conf.  Current support also allows
+administrators to create a master list of printer drivers which
+can be restored in bulk on new (or existing) Samba installations.
+Asynchronous IO Support
+Experimental support for async IO has been added to smbd for 
+certain platforms.  To enable this new feature, Samba must be 
+compiled to include the --with-aio-support configure option.
+In addition, the "aio read size" and "aio write size" to non-zero
+values.  See the smb.conf(5) man page for more details on these 
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name                      Action
+    --------------                      ------
+    acl check permissions		New
+    acl group control			New
+    acl map full control		New
+    aio read size			New
+    aio write size			New
+    enable asu support 			New
+    inherit owner			New
+    ldap filter				Removed
+    map to guest			Modified (new value added)
+    max stat cache size			New
+    min password length			Removed
+    printer admin			Deprecated
+    username map script			New
+    winbind enable local accounts	Removed
+    winbindd nss info			New
+Changes since 3.0.14a
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2533: Fix incorrect directory listings for OS/2 clients.
+    * Ensure the old SMB search calls always ask mask_match() to 
+      translate patterns like ????????.???.
+    * Split out the check_path_syntax() into a findfirst, findnext,
+      & wildcard versions.
+    * Fix checks for matching groups in an file ACL against the
+      user's primary and supplementary group list.
+    * BUG 2541: Ensure we recognize LANMAN2.1 as OS/2 and select 
+      LANMAN2 protocol, ensure the EA size is always correctly 
+      set on a query for a file with no EA's.
+    * BUG 2551: Look at the incoming flags2 flag 
+      FLAGS2_LONG_PATH_COMPONENTS determines if a reply is 
+      uppercased on a SMBsearch request, not the protocol level.
+    * Added "volume" command to smbclient that prints out the 
+      volume name and serial number.
+    * Added "fix for broken SMB_INFO_VOLUME level used by OS/2.
+    * Add support for OS/2 Extended Attributes.
+    * Correctly check OpenX open modes.
+    * Ensure allocation size is correctly returned for OpenX. 
+    * Only set allocation on create/truncate for nttrans.
+    * Fix oplock bug in trans2open() code.
+    * Remove unix_ERR_XXX global nastiness.
+    * Only do the strange DOS error for openX, not trans2open.
+    * Ensure SMBopen replies includes the share modes as well as 
+      open modes.
+    * BUG 2581: Add size limit (in kb) to stat cache.
+    * Fix bug in the trans2 secondary processing.
+    * BUG 2601: Enforce DOS_OPEN_EXEC to mean read-only.
+    * Add an SMB counter per connection struct for gathering
+      profiling data.
+    * BUG 2605: Ensure smbclient doesn't perform commands if 
+      the "chdir" fails in a scripted set.
+    * Ensure a 'forced group' is added to the list of effective
+      gids when processing ACLs.
+    * Refactor rpc_bind structures for better future work.
+    * BUG 2942: Add missing value in debug message.
+    * BUG 2946: Fix regressions in str[n]cmp_w) functions found
+      by 'mangling method = hash'.
+    * Fix memory leaks in the msdfs trans2 server code.
+    * Convert msdfs server to be talloc'd based.
+    * Fix up stackable vfs interface.
+    * Fix rpc fault when encountering an unknown rpc_bind auth 
+      type.
+    * BUG 2954: More AIX 5.1 AIO compile fixes.
+    * Fix valgrind bug in interaction with new aio buffer (found
+      by Volker).
+    * BUG 2878: Fix Norton commander not running on OS/2 clients. 
+    * Cleanup SAMR user info structure naming.
+    * BUG 2889:  Fix directly listings from OS/2 clients.
+    * Added "acl group control" parameter.
+    * Add debug warning if AddPrinterEx() is called without having
+      an 'add printer command'  defined.
+    * Add better log messages when modifying ldap entries.
+    * BUG 2829: Fix strXX_w() functions on non-x86 platforms when 
+      when string is unaligned.
+    * BUG 2918: Fix SMB chaining by ensuring that deferred open 
+      message buffer is nor reused.
+    * Add support for client setting capabilities to select posix 
+      pathnames on the wire.
+    * Stop using C++ reserved words so that Samba can be compiled 
+      using g++.  Also allows VFS modules in C++.
+    * More fixes to allow better large directory scaling.
+    * BUG 2827: Ensure we call the vfs connection hook before 
+      doing a vfs stat.  Allows database vfs backends to initialize 
+      with a working connection.
+    * BUG 2826: Ensure the correct return value for symlink and 
+      readlink in the VFS.
+    * Merge handling of ASN.1 objects bigger than 64k from Samba 4.
+    * Added AIO support to smbd.
+    * Add "acl map full control", true by default, to allow people 
+      to change mapping of rwx to full control or not.
+    * Transition smbd to use NTcreate&X for internal file opens.
+    * Add checks against the current effective group id (e.g. force 
+      user) when testing write permissions one ACLs.
+    * Fix FindFirst/FindNext server code when parsing directories
+      on old IRIX XFS file systems (thanks to Cale Fairchild
+      for the debugging help).
+    * BUG 2644: Test for special files to be ignored was reversed.
+    * Ensure yield_connection() is called on all appropriate error
+      conditions.
+    * Fix EDEADLCK problem with deferred open calls.
+    * BUG 2622: Remove DPTR_MASK as it makes no sense.
+    * Fix the write cache based on some VERY good detective work
+      from Ingo Kilian.
+    * BUG 2346: Fix read-only excel file bugs.
+    * Don't wrap the setfsinfo call in HAVE_QUOTA as they'll just 
+      return ENOSYS if not implemented.
+    * Add new CAP for POSIX pathnames.
+    * BUG 2703: Add NULL guard for disp_fields[0].
+    * BUG 2681: With "strict allocate = yes" we now zero fill when 
+      a file is extended. Should catch disk full errors on write
+      from MS-Office.
+    * Add "acl check permissions" to turn on/off the new 
+      behavior of checking for write access in a directory 
+      before delete. 
+    * Refactor printing interface to take offset into job. 
+    * Allow mapping of POSIX ACLs to NT perms to differentiate 
+      between directories and files.
+    * Added encrypt/decrypt function for LSA secrets and trusted
+      domain passwords on the wire.
+    * BUG 2729: Resume keys are *mandatory* for a search when 
+      listing a W2K and above server from a FATxx filesystem only.
+    * BUG 2735: Ensure that smbd mangles control characters in file 
+      and directory names.
+    * Refactor small pieces of socket handling code (in conjunction 
+      with Derrell).
+    * BUG 2698: Fix infinite listing loop in smbclient caused by
+      an invalid character set conversion.
+    * Add client code that will abort a directory listing if we 
+      see the same name twice between packets.
+    * Performance improvements in trans2 qfilepathinfo code by 
+      removing unnecessary memset() calls.
+    * Rewrite the RPC bind parsing functions to follow the 
+      spec; fixes bug with 64-bit Windows XP and OS X 10.4.
+    * BUG 2774: Set sparse flag if needed when returning 
+      file attributes.
+    * Fix errors listing directories from Windows NT clients 
+      which caused "." and ".." to show up in explorer.exe.
+    * Merge of error code fixes from SAMBA_4_0 branch.
+    * BUG 2801: Fix regression in the "delete veto files" option.
+    * Fix based on work from  Shlomi Yaakobovich to catch loops 
+      in corrupted tdb files.
+    * Allow someone with SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege to chown the 
+      user of a file to herself.
+    * Fix minor compiler warnings in printing/printing.c.
+    * Merge new DOS error code from SAMBA_4.
+    * Fix issue when non-English characters in filenames and 
+      directories.
+    * Fix bogus error message in smbstatus about unknown share modes.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Support raw NTLMSSP authentication for Windows Vista 
+      clients.
+    * Fix parallel NTLMSSP processing by removing global state.
+    * BUG 2684: Add per service hosts allow/deny checks for 
+      printers when  connecting via MS-RPC.
+    * BUG 2391: Fix segv caused by free a static pointer returned 
+      from getpwnam().
+    * Support Kerberos authentication in smbd when using a keytab
+      and participating in a non-Microsoft Kerberos realm.
+o   Timur Bakeyev <timur at com.bat.ru>
+    * BUG 2546: Add support for FreeBSD EA API
+    * Fix detection of FreeBSD 7.x platforms in autoconf checks.
+    * BUG 2908: Fix string length logic error in msdfs code.
+    * BUG 2909: Fix typo that caused smbd to call the wrong 
+      aio_fsync function.
+o   Ed Boraas <ed.boraas at concordia.ab.ca>.
+    * Added Linux per-socket TCP settings.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Added support for \svcctl pipe rpcs.
+    * Added 'net rpc service' subcommand for managing Win32 
+      services.
+    * Refactoring work on the rpc [un]marshalling layer and 
+      structures.
+    * Verify privilege name in 'net rpc rights privileges' in 
+      order to provide better error messages.
+    * Cleanup rpc structures in rpc_spoolss.h.
+    * Cleanups and fixes for the \winreg server code.
+    * Cleanup of rpc structures used by LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains.
+    * Fix bugs in client spoolss code after refactoring work.
+    * Fix Valgrind warnings of invalid reads in the spoolss 
+      server code.
+    * Fixed a segv when enumerating services on a Samba host.
+    * Fix segv in the service control server code.
+    * Fix crashes in client spoolss calls caused by not checking 
+      for a valid pointer from the caller.
+    * Fix regression in DeleteDriver() server routines.
+    * Fix dup_a_regval() when size is 0.
+    * Fix usrmgr.exe crash when viewing user properties at 
+      debuglevel 10.
+    * Do not enumerate any privileges when 'enable privileges = no'
+      and log a message if a client tries.
+    * BUG 2872: Fix cut-n-paste error when checking pointer value 
+      in ntlmssp_set_workstation().
+    * Fix upgrade path from earlier nt*tdb files.
+    * Removed print handle object cache.
+    * BUG 2853: Don't strip out characters like '$' from printer 
+      names when substituting for the lpq command.
+    * BUG 2557: Gracefully fail on unsupported SetPrinter() levels.
+    * Fix build issues on x86_64-linux systems caused by valgrind 
+      headers.  Thanks to Bent Vangli to the suggestions.
+    * Refactor spoolss client calls.
+    * Adding 'username map script'.
+    * Disable schannel on the LSA and SAMR pipes in winbindd client 
+      code to deal with Windows 2003 SP1 and Windows 2000 SP4 SR1.
+    * Cleanup of winreg API functions.
+    * Add server stubs for RegSetKeySec() and RegGetKeySec().
+    * Map generic bits to specific bits in reg_open_entry() 
+      requests.
+    * Add write support to registry tdb and printing backends.
+    * Use tdb lookups rather than hard-coding certain registry 
+      value names and data.
+    * BUG 2808: don't try to install man pages if they are not 
+      present.
+    * Fix initialized variables reported by valgrind.
+    * Normalize key lookups in ntprinters.tdb.
+    * Mark "enumports command" as deprecated.
+    * Add missing class file for python share command example.
+    * Fix smbclient build issue on Solaris.
+    * BUG 2626: ensure that the calling_name is set to something 
+      after parsing smb.conf (if not set via -n).
+    * Use "add machine script" when creating a user (ACB_NORMAL)
+      who has a name ending in '$' (e.g. usrmgr.exe creating
+      domain trust accounts).
+    * Add 'rid' synonym for idmap_rid IDMap module.
+    * Ensure that we set full access on the handle returned 
+      from _samr_create_dom_{alias,group}() so that future 
+      set_{alias,group}() commands succeed.
+    * Fix bug when looking for internal domains in winbindd
+      (caused winbindd_getgrgid() for local groups to fail).
+    * Fix query and set alias info calls (level 1 from the MMC 
+      manage computer plug-in.
+    * Remove bogus log messages about unknown specversions.
+    * BUG 2680: copy files from an MS-DFS win2k root share
+    * BUG 2688: re-implement support for the -P (--port) option
+    * Support connecting to an 'msdfs proxy' share on a Samba
+      server.
+    * Strip the directory path from cups command line printing 
+      defaults.
+    * Fix bug that prevented smbclient from creating directories 
+      on non-dfs paths.
+    * Deprecate the "printer admin" parameter in favor of the 
+      SePrintOperatorPrivilege.
+    * Add the capability to read and write WinNT regf registry 
+      files.
+    * Implement access checks for RegOpenXXX() server calls.
+    * Extend registry client rpc calls.
+    * Add "net rpc registry" set of commands.
+    * Remove testprns tool.
+    * Ensure that printer ACLs use the specific bits as well as 
+      the generic bits.  Upgrade existing ntprinters.tdb SECDESC 
+      records.
+    * Add server support for RegSaveKey() for dumping registry 
+      trees to a regf file.
+    * Add "enable asu support" smb.conf parameter.
+    * Merge various small file changes from trunk.
+    * Remove "winbind enable local accounts" support.
+    * Remove "ldap filter" smb.conf option.
+    * Remove editreg utility (needs to be rewritten using regfio.c).
+    * Fix build failure when running 'make torture' without first 
+      running 'make all' first.
+    * BUG 1261: Remove unusable libbiconv from iconv detection 
+      in configure.
+    * Add new option for "map to guest".  "Bad Uid" re-enables the
+      Samba 2.2 behavior of mapping authenticated users to the
+      guest account if there does not exist a valid Unix account 
+      for the Windows domain user (based on patch from 
+      aruna.prabakar at hp.com).
+    * Fix a couple of regressions after introduction of new winbindd.
+    * Fix smbpasswd user password change (still worked by bad error
+      messages) due to trying to strdup a NULL pointer.
+    * Implement default security descriptors for the
+      OpenService[Manager]() calls and check requested access mask 
+      at connect time.
+    * Include access checks on handle mask for \svcctl operations
+      such as ControlService() and StartService().
+    * Implement simulated start and stop service control for 
+      the spooler service as a per smbd service state value.
+    * Add interface structure for controlling service via rc.init
+      scripts (incomplete).
+    * Convert move_driver_to_download_area() to use copy_file()
+      rather than moving the files.
+    * Add version number to registry.tdb file since it can be 
+      modified now.
+    * Remove over-paranoid assert() call when checking spoolss 
+      buffer pointers
+    * Fix error in EnumPrinterData() reported by valgrind.
+    * Fix broken help links in SWAT editor caused by new doc layout.
+    * Ensure that a domain structure in winbind is initialized prior
+      to assigning the methods for communicating to a DC.
+    * BUG 3000: Remove background updates of winbind cache and allow
+      child processes to immediately update and expired cache entry.
+o   David.Collier-Brown  <David.Collier-Brown at sun.com>
+    * Added panic action script for Solaris.
+o   Jeremy Cooper <jeremy at ncircle.com>
+    * Added support for several new \winreg client rpcs.
+o   <core at road-star.jp>
+    * BUG 2792: Ensure the shadow copy module hooks seekdir, 
+      telldir, rewinddir to match updated large directory code.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Close handles on group creation in rpcclient to better 
+      support mass group account creation.
+    * Fix account policy key lookup for minimum and maximum
+      password lengths.
+    * Fix some compiler warnings and add missing exclude-block 
+      in 'net rpc share migrate'.
+    * Allow use of a non-default smb.conf by rpcclient.
+    * Fix querydispinfo search semantics in rpcclient test code.
+    * Fix querydispinfo server semantics to allow to list more 
+      then 511 users.
+    * Fix server crash bug in ancient OpenPrinter() call.
+    * Fix a crash bug when enumerating privileges via the LSA 
+      calls.
+    * Fix crash in EnumPrinterKey() client calls caused by previous 
+      refactoring work.
+    * Various compiler warning fixes.
+    * Fix segfault in the client AddPrinterEx-call of 'net 
+      rpc printer'.
+    * Fix build issues when --with-aio-support is enabled.
+    * BUG 2502: Removed the deprecated 'min passwd length parameter'.
+    * Honour the CC environment variable in python build.
+    * Fix searches in pdb_ldap for inter-domain trust accounts.
+    * Don't expand the %L in %LOGONSERVER% from user attributes.
+    * Fix bug in 'net rpc vampire' that caused accounts to be created 
+      with no assigned ACB flags.
+    * Fix enumeration of builtin-aliases.
+    * Avoid unset rids for builtin-aliases.
+    * Add 'recycle:touch_mtime = true' vfs option for the recycle bin.
+    * More "net rpc share migrate" fixes.
+    * Merge PADL's idmap_ad plugin (taken from the latest 
+      xad_oss_plugins-tarball).
+    * Add support for "idmap backend = ad" when "security = ads".
+    * Add home directory and shell support from AD via "winbindd nss 
+      support = sfu" and "security = ads".
+    * Provide better feedback when we fail share-manipulation 
+      due to missing scripts.
+    * Correctly substitute "\" as default winbind separator in 
+      generate_parm_table.py example share command script.
+    * Document pam_winbind.c to clarify the working status of
+      require-membership-of option.
+    * Added client-support for various lsa_query_trust_dom_info()
+      calls and a rpcclient-tester for some info-levels.
+    * Add "net rpc trustdom vampire" tool (in conjunction with 
+      Lars Mueller).
+    * Add missing cli_srvsvc_net_share_set_info-function and
+      rpcclient-testers (in preparation for net share acl migration).
+    * Print trusted domain passwords returned via rpcclient in 
+      display charset.
+    * Error code fixes when attempting to manipulating 
+      non-existent shares.
+    * Cleanup "net share migrate" code. 
+    * Allow to touch mtime in vfs-recycle with "recycle:touch_mtime 
+      = true".
+    * Allow admins to uncheck the "User must change Password at 
+      next Logon" checkbox in User manager (merge from trunk).
+o   Renaud Duhaut <rd at duhaut.com> 
+    * BUG 1040: Add directory_mode parameter when creating recycle
+      directories.
+o   Steven Edwards <steven_ed4153 at yahoo.com>.
+    * Use chsize() if we don't have ftruncate().
+o   Rodrigo Fernandez-Vizarra <Rodrigo.Fernandez-Vizarra at Sun.COM>
+    * BUG 1780: Add Kerberos (file based ticket cache) support 
+      to smbspool.
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com>
+    * Update list of mount options for mount.cifs.
+    * Add more defines for POSIX extensions to match the newly 
+      added client implementation.
+    * Add initial support for cifs umount utility.
+    * Fix cifs mounts to handle commas embedded in prompted 
+      password, and password and credential files.
+    * Fix cifs mounts to handle domain name and user name in 
+      username field (in form domain\user).
+    * Add missing error code mappings when a client unsuccessfully 
+      tries to create a hard-link.
+    * Add support so umount.cifs can update mtab.
+    * Add two newer mount options to syntax help for mount.cifs.
+    * Add missing remount flag handling.
+    * Allow domain= to be specified in credentials file. 
+    * Fix umount.cifs help, allow root to unmount someone else's
+      mount.
+    * Lock mtab when updating it during umount.cifs, also delete
+      only one matching entry at a time.
+    * Fix minor compiler warnings in the mount.cifs helper.
+o   Deryck Hodge <deryck at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2137: Encode quotes for display in HTML (original patch 
+      from Jay Fenlason).
+o   Olaf Imig <Olaf.Imig at bifab.de>
+    * BUG 1998: Correct byte ordering bug when storing 16-bit RAP 
+      print job ids.
+    * BUG 2653: Fix segv in rpcclient OpenPrinterEx() call.
+o   Björn Jacke <bj at sernet.de>
+    * Added ioctl constants reported by msbackup.exe and filemon.exe.
+o   Kevin Jamieson <bugzilla at kevinjamieson.com> 
+    * BUG 2819: Fix typo when checking for ".." in smbd's statcache.
+o   John Janosik <jpjanosi at us.ibm.com>
+    * BUG 2077: Correctly fill in the correct server name when 
+      processing trusted domain logins.
+    * BUG 2976: Mark logons for unknown domains with a 
+      non-authoritative response.
+o   William Jojo <jojowil at hvcc.edu>
+    * AIX AIO fixes.
+o   Guenter Kukkukk <guenter.kukkukk at kukkukk.com>
+    * BUG 2541: Fix copying of file(s) from samba share to an OS/2 
+      local drive.
+o   Tom Lackemann <cessnatomny at yahoo.com>
+    * BUG 2242: Patch to ensure that we only set the security 
+      descriptor on an NTtransact create if we created the file.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Port some of the non-critical changes from HEAD to 3_0. 
+      The main one is the change in pdb_enum_alias_memberships 
+      to match samr.idl a bit closer.
+    * Close handles on user creation in rpcclient to better 
+      support mass user account creation.
+    * Implement client RAP calls for enumusers/enumgroups level 0.
+    * Implement a new caching API for enumerating the pdb elements.
+    * Convert the RAP user and group enumeration functions to the 
+      utilized the pdb_search API. 
+    * BUG 2438: Partial fix for 'net rpc trustdom establish' in 
+      RestrictAnonymous environments.
+    * Internal passdb API changes for better search capabilities
+      (based on original work by Guenther Deschner).
+    * Fix various compiler warnings.
+    * Add chain length statistics to tdbtool.
+    * Fix set afs ACL calls on files and directories in the root of 
+      a share.
+    * Refactoring work on internal open code
+    * Correctly initialize the version in a new set of nt*tdb files.
+    * Remove smb_run_idle_events() from main process loop in smbd 
+      and instead rely upon the timeout processing to handle 
+      dropping idle LDAP connections.
+    * Fix the bug where users show up as trusting domains.
+    * Fix an assertion failure in winbindd.
+    * Fix a memleak in vfs_afsacl.
+    * Various compiler warning fixes.
+    * Fix compile when --enable-socket-wrapper is defined.
+    * Fixes for top level acls in vfs_acl.c.
+    * Refactor passdb interface functions.
+    * Compile fixes when '#define PARANOID_MALLOC_CHECKER 1'.
+    * Correct 2 segv's in "net rpc printer migrate".
+    * Return correct group type from smbd for BUILTIN groups.
+    * Backport the talloc() layer from Samba 4.
+    * BUG 2701: Fix segv in ldap reconnection code.
+    * BUG 2705: Fix segv when connecting from usrmgr.exe.
+    * Use the SID in the user token for the %s expansion in 'afs 
+      username map'.
+    * Memory leak fixes in passdb code.
+    * BUG 2720: Fixes for "net usersidlist".
+    * BUG 2725: Fix segv in "net ads user".
+    * Only allow schannel connections if a successful Auth2 
+      has been previously performed.
+    * Don't look at gencache.tdb for the trusted domains if 
+      winbind is present.
+    * Rewrite winbindd using an asynchronous process model.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Compiler warning cleanups.
+    * smbwrapper Makefile and compile time check cleanups.
+    * Adding robustness checks for tdbdump and tdbtool.
+    * Extend tdb command line parsing to arbitrary hex characters.
+    * Add LOCKING debug class.
+    * Fix more compiler warnings.
+o   Derrell Lipman <derrell at samba.org>
+    * add support for opening a file for write with O_APPEND 
+      in libsmbclient.
+    * Added smbsh/smbwrapper for Linux to example/libsmbclient 
+      tree.
+    * Fix smbc_stat() from returning incorrect timestamps IFF 
+      it used cli_qpathinfo2() to retrieve the timestamps (Win2k) 
+      and not if it used cli-getatr() to retrieve the timestamps 
+      (Win98). 
+    * Fix handful of compiler warnings.
+    * BUG 2498, 2484: smbc_getxattr() fixes.
+    * BUG 1133: Added provision for overloading some global 
+      configuration options via the new, per-user file 
+      ~/.smb/smb.conf.append.
+    * BUG 2543: Properly cache anonymous username when reverting 
+      to anonymous login, in libsmbclient.
+    * BUG 2505: Fix large file support in libsmbclient.
+    * BUG 2564: Ensure correct errno when smbc_opendir() was called 
+      with a file rather than a directory.
+    * Correct deprecated lvalue casts in testsuite/libsmbclient.
+    * BUG 2663.  cli_getattrE() and cli_setattrE() were not 
+      formatting or parsing the timestamp values correctly.
+    * Correctly detect AF_LOCAL support in configure.
+    * Fix problem updating file times on Windows 98 hosts using 
+      libsmbclient.
+    * Fix compile breakage on Solaris by eliminating the use of 
+      ctime_r() in libsmbclient DEBUG statement.
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * BUG 2483, 2468. 2469, 2478, 2093: Compiler warning fixes.
+    * Various compiler warning fixes about mistyped variables.
+    * BUG 2882, 2885, 2890, 2891, 2900: Various compiler warning fixes 
+      and code  cleanups.
+    * BUG 2527, 2538: Removed unused variables.
+o   Marcel <samba.10.maazl at spamgourmet.com>
+    * Fix regression in OS/2 trans2 open code.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Fixes for samr_lookup_rids() when using ldapsam:trusted=yes
+      (in conjunction with Volker).
+    * BUG 2953: Prevent the credentials chain on DC gets out 
+      of sync with client when NT_STATUS_NO_USER is returned.
+    * Added subcommands to "net rpc vampire" (mostly done by Don 
+      Watson <dwatson at us.ibm.com>) to allow data to be put into an 
+      ldif file instead of actually writing to the passdb.  
+    * BUG 2736: Add retries to workaround winbind race condition 
+      with detecting idle clients.
+    * BUG 2953: Additional fixes for domain trusts.  Also clears
+      up the "bad stub" error when attempting to logon to a Samba
+      domain with a bad username.
+o   Luke Mewburn <lukem at NetBSD.org>
+    * Compiler warning fixes.
+o   Kalim Moghul <kalim at samba.org>
+    * Removed unused printmode command from smbclient.
+o   Lars Müller <lmuelle at samba.org>
+    * Re-enable the VERSION_REVISION option in case of another 
+      letter release.
+    * Fix spoolss python bindings after C++ compiler changes and 
+      other python fixes.
+    * BUG 2659: Don't trump on memory in smbtorture.
+    * BUG 2060: Add -fPIC which is the case for all other Samba 
+      shared libs.
+    * Fix argv parsing in "net rpc".
+    * Add support to create position independent executable (PIE) 
+      code if the compiler supports it.
+    * BUG 2767: Add new options to testparm (--show-all-parameters,
+      --parameter-name, and --section-name).
+    * Fix net share migrate files to also migrate the ACLs of 
+      the top level dir of a share.
+o   Marcel Muller <mueller at maazl.de>
+    * Patch to fix the OS/2 EA_FROM_LIST info level call.
+    * Mangled names fix for OS/2 clients.
+    * Ensure we correctly set the return packet size to include the 
+      pad bytes in reply_readbmpx().
+    * Fix for bug in SMBwriteBraw that incorrectly returned the 
+      number of bytes written. 
+o   Ricky Nance <ricky.nance at gmail.com>
+    * Implemented mklogon script generator for domain logon scripts.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * BUG 1843: Fix quotas (with no soft limits) on IRIX.
+    * BUG 2285: Patch for hires timestamps and efficient notify code.
+    * MS-DFS tidyup patches.
+    * Build fixes on IRIX.
+    * IRIX compiler warning fixes.
+    * BUG 2596: Fix become_root link issues and one IRIX stack 
+      backtrace bug.
+    * Fix for null pointer ACL free.
+    * BUG 2314: Fix const compiler warnings in the quota code.
+o   Ed Plese <ed at edplese.com>
+    * Fix faulty logic which caused winbindd to return failure 
+      when a user possessed no supplementary groups.
+o   Marcin Porwit <mporwit at centeris.com>
+    * Initial support for the \eventlog pipe.
+    * Fix a memleak in the eventlog code.
+    * Miscellaneous fixes for Samba's experimental event log support.
+    * Add ServiceQueryConfig2() and ServiceQueryStatusEx() server 
+      calls.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2940, 2943: Fixed various compiler warnings regarding 
+      mismatched types and unused variables.
+    * BUG 1888, 1894: Fix warnings when time_t is an unsigned type.
+    * BUG 2733: Fix incorrect SHLIBEXT is set when running 
+      configure script on HPUX IA.
+    * Remove unused autoconf #define's.
+    * BUG 2893: Fix inverted assignment in 'net rpc printer' code.
+    * Removed unused function declarations in tdb.h.
+    * BUG 2895: Don't wrap non-existent functions in the python 
+      tdb bindings.
+    * BUG 2623, 2630: $< and $* are not valid in explicit rules 
+      according to POSIX.
+    * BUG 2560: Fix compile error lurking where PATH_MAX is not 
+      defined.
+    * BUG 2625: Remove configure check for FTRUNCATE_NEEDS_ROOT.
+    * BUG 2611: Add fflush(stdout) after displaying username prompt 
+      in smbsh if username not specified on command line.
+    * BUG 2699: Fix for segfault in samba.winbind.auth_crap module 
+    * BUG 2808: Update install swat message to reflect the fact 
+      that swat/README no longer exists.
+o   Denis Sbragion <d.sbragion at infotecna.it>
+    * BUG 2196: Allow absolute path (system wide) recycle bin.
+o   Fernando Schapachnik <fernando at mecon.gov.ar>
+    * Add logon hours support for the Postgres backend.
+o   Richard Sharpe <rsharpe at samba.org>
+    * Fix bug in profiles tool caused by use of MAP_PRIVATE.
+o   Joerg Sonnenberger <joerg at leaf.dragonflybsd.org>
+    * BUG 2362: Quota support fix for DragonFly.
+    * Fix dragonfly detection in configure.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Allow Domain Admins to force user sessions to close via the 
+      Windows Server Manager.
+    * Add support to 'net rpc right privileges <name>' to enumerate 
+      accounts which possess a specific privilege.
+    * Fix memory issues issues in vfstest (reported by Rainer Link).
+    * Randomize reloading as to not overload cupsd.
+o   Smitty <smitty at plainjoe.org>
+    * Compile fixes for smbget when using --enable-developer.
+    * Include LUID values to match Windows privileges since 
+      apparently this matters to printmig.exe
+o   John Terpstra <jht at samba.org>
+    * Solaris packaging fixes.
+    * Clean up usage help text in "net rpc user"
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Merge socket wrapper library fixes from Samba 4.
+o   Brett Trotter <blt at iastate.edu>
+    * Fix definition of global_sid_* in vfs_acl.c.
+o   Mark Weaver <mark-clist at npsl.co.uk>
+    * Patch to fix sys_select so it can't drop signals if another 
+      fd is ready to read. 
+o   Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
+    * Remove --with-manpage-languages configure option.
+    * Merge socket wrapper fixes for IRIX systems from the 
+      Samba 4 branch.
+    * Add socket_wrapper library to 3.0. Can be enabled by passing
+      --enable-socket-wrapper to configure.
+    * Fix build of the various sql pdb backends after new talloc.
+o   Qiao Yang <qyang at stbernard.com>
+    * Use our own DC when getting the SID for a domain.
+Release Notes for older release follow:
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ===============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.14a
+                              Apr 14, 2005
+                   ===============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.14a include:
+  o Compatibility issues between Winbind and Windows 2003 SP1
+    domain controllers (*2k3sp1*).
+  o MS-DFS errors with Windows XP SP2 clients.
+  o High CPU loads caused by infinite loops in the FindNext()
+    server code.
+  o Invalid SMB_ASSERT() which caused smbd to panic on ACL'd 
+    files.
+Changes since 3.0.14
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fixed invalid SMB_ASSERT() triggered by checking access on
+       ACL'd files.
+Changes since 3.0.13
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name                      Action
+    --------------                      ------
+    dos filetimes			Enabled by default
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Prevent nt_status code support when negotiating protocols
+      earlier than NT1.
+    * BUG 2533: Remove the UNICODE flags2 bit from SMBsearch calls
+      as this SMB is DOS codepage only.
+    * BUG 2585: Fix printf() issues in smbpasswd which caused
+      seg faults.
+    * BUG 2563: Fix infinite loop on non-existent file with 
+      FindNext().
+    * BUG 2581 (partial): Ensure if realloc fails on an internal 
+      tdb we fail gracefully.
+    * Ensure that 'dos filetimes' works with ACLs.
+    * Set 'dos filetimes = yes' as the default for smb.conf.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Workaround autoconf issue to prevent debug symbols from 
+      being included in the default build.
+    * Disable schannel on the \lsarpc pipe in order to successfully 
+      enumerate users and groups (*2k3sp1*)
+    * Fix parsing error in rpc binds which broke NTLMSSP 
+      authentication.   And as a result broke CTL+ALT+DEL password 
+      changes from a Windows 2003 SP1 member of a Samba domain 
+      (*2k3sp1*).
+    * Revert change to FindFirst() server code that broke WinXP
+      SP2 clients from launching *.exe files from a dfs target 
+      share.
+    * BUG 2588: Force smbclient to send netbios messages to port 
+      139 unless otherwise instructed (based on patch from Thomas 
+      Bork).
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix build on FreeBSD 4 where Winbind is not supported.
+    * Fix 'wbinfo --user-sids' when using domain local groups.
+    * Restrict domain local groups reported by 'wbinfo -r' to
+      the Samba server domain and not the users domain.
+o   Lin Li <linl at xandros.com>
+    * Ensure that winbind initializes internal trusted domain 
+      structures when enumerating users and groups.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2565: Fix crash bug and compiler warnings in strchr_m() 
+      test.
+    * Fix compiler warnings.
+o   <psz at maths.usyd.edu.au>
+    * Fix for possible root squash NFS bugs.
+o   Simo Sorce <irda at samba.org>
+    * Debian packaging fixes.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.13
+                            Mar 24, 2005
+                   ==============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.13 include:
+  o Infinite FindNext() loop from Windows 9x client when
+    copying or deleting files on a Samba file share using 
+    explorer.exe.
+  o Numerous smbclient bugs when listing directories.
+  o Failures in smbclient when connecting to a Windows 9x 
+    file server.
+Changes since 3.0.12
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix typo bug in smbclient where flags overwrote info level
+      in the cli_list_new().
+    * Fix old smbclient bug where ff_searchcount was being compared 
+      to -1 resulting in processing a filename twice.
+    * Fix segv in smbclient caused by overwriting the last 2 bytes 
+      in cli_list_new().
+    * BUG 2530: Fix potential segv in smbclient when talking to a 
+      Windows 9x file server.
+    * Fix last entry offset in cli_list_new() when using a 
+      FindFirst/FindNext info level of 0x104.
+    * BUG 2501: Stop Win98 from looping doing FindNext on a 
+      singleton directory. 
+    * BUG 2521: Fix error in access checks when user group ACLs.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2497: Fix bug in rpcclient's deletedriverex when asking 
+      to delete all versions of a driver.
+    * BUG 2517: use the realm from smb.conf for 'net ads info' when 
+      'disable netbios = yes'.
+    * BUG 2530: Ensure that smbclient correctly detects MS-DFS root
+      shares.  
+    * Update RedHat packaging files to require cups support.  Also
+      remove requirement for 'idmap {uid,gid}' settings in smb.conf
+      from winbindd init script.
+    * BUG 2516: fix compile issue on True64.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Check for the correct cli-struct when copying files in 'net 
+      rpc printer' routines.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Fix incorrect test in 'net rpc user' when the user is not
+      a member of any groups.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Make sure that enum_group_members() searches the correct suffix.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.12
+                            Mar 18, 2005
+                   ==============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.12 include:
+  o Winbind failures when using 'disable netbios = yes'
+  o Failure to establish a trust relationship via 'net rpc trust 
+    establish'
+  o Various portability & compiler issues.
+  o Read only file deletion failure caused by new delete semantics 
+    in Windows XP SP2 and the MS 04-044 security hotfix.
+  o Error messages from shared Excel workbooks residing on Samba 
+    file shares.
+  o Missing files in the output of smbclient -c 'dir' when run 
+    against Windows file servers.
+  o Inability for Print Administrators to pause/resume/purge print 
+    queues.
+Additional features introduced in Samba 3.0.12:
+  o Performance enhancements when serving directories containing 
+    large number of files.
+  o MS-DFS support added to smbclient.
+  o More performance improvements when using Samba/OpenLDAP based 
+    DC's via the 'ldapsam:trusted=yes' option.
+  o Support for the Novell NDS universal password when using the
+    ldapsam passdb backend.
+  o New 'net rpc trustdom {add,del}' functionality to eventually 
+    replace 'smbpasswd {-a,-x} -i'.
+  o New libsmbclient functionality.
+Large Directory Support
+Samba 3.0.12pre1 introduces a specific mechanism for dealing
+with file services that frequently contain a large number of files
+per directory.  Historically Samba's performance has suffered 
+in such environments due to the translation from case 
+insensitive lookups by Windows client to the case sensitive
+storage mechanisms used by UNIX filesystems.
+Configuration details along with a short HOWTO can be found at:
+libsmbclient Binary Compatibility
+Please note that a change has been made to the _SMBCCTX structure 
+in source/include/libsmbclient.h.  This change is not backwards
+compatible with applications linked against the libsmbclient.so
+library from Samba 3.0.11.  However, it is compatible with all 
+other Samba 3.0.x releases.  This means that it will be most likely
+be necessary to recompile any applications linked against the 
+3.0.11 version of the library.
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name                      Action
+    --------------                      ------
+    allocation roundup size		New
+    log nt token command		New
+    write cache				Deprecated
+Changes since 3.0.11
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2146: Return correct allocation sizes so as not to crash 
+      the VC++ compiler.
+    * BUG 962: Ensure that parsing of service names in smb.conf is 
+      multibyte safe.
+    * BUG 2201, 2227: Support new delete semantics used by MS04-044
+      and XP SP2.
+    * BUG 1525: Correctly timestamps interpreted on 64-bit time_t 
+      values (patch submitted by Jay Fenlason <fenlason at redhat.com>).
+    * Add special hooks when serving directories containing large
+      numbers of files.
+    * Ensure that WINS negative name query responses and WACK 
+      packets use the correct RR type of 0xA instead of reflecting 
+      back what the query RR type was (0x20).
+    * BUG 2310: Only do 16-bit normalization on small dfree request.
+    * BUG 2323: Correct authentication failure when using plaintext 
+      passwords from Windows XP clients.
+    * BUG 2146: Add new smb.conf option 'allocation roundup size' to
+      work around issues building MS Visual Studio 6.0 project 
+      on a Samba file share while restoring the pre-3.0.21pre1 
+      behavior by default.
+    * BUG 2399 (partial): Ensure we use SMB_VFS_STAT instead of 
+      stat when checking for existence of a pathname.
+    * Check the sticky bit on the parent directory for supporting
+      the new WinXP SP2 file deletion semantics.
+    * Various oplock, share mode, and byte range locking fixes
+      found by Connectathon tests.
+    * BUG 2271: Fix resume key issues in trans2FindFirst() client 
+      code (inspired by patch from Satwik Hebbar).
+    * BUG 2382, 2045: More pending modtime and delayed write fixes
+      for MS Excel (incorporates partial patches from 
+      ke_miyata at itg.hitachi.co.jp).
+    * Debug log message cleanups.
+    * Add case insensitive search for a principal match on logon 
+      verification in the system keytab (based on patch by 
+      Michael Brown <mbrown at fensystems.co.uk>).
+    * Revert the previous SMB signing change from Nalin Dahyabhai
+      when using DES keys.
+    * Add missing RESOLVE_DFSPATH() calls for older SMB commands.
+    * Fix FindFirst() server code to deal with resume names of ".."
+      and "." (found by Jim McDonough).
+    * BUG 2451: Fix missing functions in full audit VFS module.
+    * Ensure that smbd logs failures reported by DISK_FREE()
+      (reported by Ying Li <ying.li2 at hp.com>).
+    * Ensure that smbclient obeys the max protocol argument again.
+    * BUG 2335: Return correct error code for OS/2 clients (based on
+      negotiated protocol level).
+    * BUG 2460, 2464: remove dead code and unused variables 
+      (reported by Jason Mader).
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Avoid length-limited intermediate copy of NT and LM responses 
+      in NETLOGON client.
+    * Debug message cleanups in the NTLMSSP implementation.
+o   Manuel Baena <mbaena at lcc.uma.es>
+    * Print actual error message in smbmnt.c:fullpath().
+o   Vince Brimhall <vbrimhall at novell.com>
+    * Add support for Novell NDS universal password.
+    * BUG 2424: Ensure that uidNumber and gidNumber use match 
+      the RFC2307 schema.
+    * BUG 2453: Change the way pdb_nds.c handles users with no 
+      Universal or Simple Password.
+    * NDS schema file corrections.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Add trans2 client call for checking dfs referrals
+    * Convert smbclient to use TRANS_QPATHINFO(SMB_QUERY_FILE_BASIC_INFO) 
+      when checking directories on modern CIFS servers.
+    * Add MS-DFS support to smbclient.
+    * Code cleanup of adt_tree.[ch].
+    * Add missing checks to allow root to manage user rights.
+    * Allow domain admins to manage rights assignments on domain members
+      servers.
+    * BUG 2333: Use the lpq command to pass in the correct printer name 
+      for cups_queue_get().  CUPS backend now sets 'lpq command= %p' as 
+      the default.
+    * BUG 1439: make sure to initialize pointer to prevent invalid 
+      free()'s on exit.
+    * BUG 2329: fix to re-enable winbindd to locate DC's when 'disable 
+      netbios = yes'.
+    * Add cups-devel to BuidlRequires directive in Fedora spec file.
+    * BUG 858: Fix order of popt args evaluation so we don't crash 
+      when given no command line args.
+    * Remove dependency on bash for source/autogen.sh.
+    * Fix clitar.c compile issues caused by broken MIT 1.4 headers.
+    * Implement MS-DFS for recursive directory listings in smbclient.
+    * BUG 2394: Fix nmbd linking issue on IRIX.
+    * Only display the publish check box in the client's printer 
+      properties dialog if we are a member of an AD domain.
+    * BUG 2363: allow 'in use' driver to be removed as long as 
+      one 'Windows NT x86' driver remains.
+    * BUG 1881: Allow PRINT_SPOOL_PREFIX to be set in local.h for 
+      porting purposes.
+    * Enforce better printer.tdb cache consistency when removing 
+      jobs from a print queue via SMB.
+    * Ensure that pause/resume/purge print queue commands are run
+      with the appropriate level of privilege necessary to actually
+      work.
+    * BUG 2355: Use bsd style commands (lpq, lpr, etc...) for default
+      for 'printing = cups' installations that do not actually have 
+      libcups.
+    * BUG 2425: Remove incorrect checks for Win98 DFS clients.
+    * BUG 2215: Rewrite questionable code that was causing gcc to 
+      choke.
+    * Add server support for LsaLookupPrivValue().
+    * Various small compile fixes and cleanup warnings.
+    * BUG 2456: Fix compile failure on non-gcc platforms due to
+      non-standard pragma.
+o   Kevin Dalley <kevin at kelphead.org>
+    * BUG 2398: Don't force smbclient to assume a dry run if the 
+      target tarfile is /dev/null.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Fix crash bug in the client-spoolss enumdataex-call.
+    * Expand the valid-workstation-scheme by expanding names 
+      beginning with a plus (+) as a unix group.
+    * Allow own netbios name to be set in smbclient's session setup.
+    * Better handling of LDAP over IPC connections that have expired 
+      on the LDAP-Server.
+    * Fix pipe-mismatch for NETDFS in cli_dfs.c.
+    * Add examples/misc/adssearch.pl.
+    * BUG 2343: Build fixes.
+    * Support get_user_info_7 in SAMR server RPC.
+    * Fix server_role in the samr_query_dom_info calls.
+    * Add example perl script to check for multiple LDAP entries
+      after running 'net rpc vampire'.
+    * Add more output when listing printer forms via rpcclient.
+    * Debug log message cleanup.
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com>
+    * On failed mount (ENXIO) retry share name in uppercase (fix
+      mount to FastConnect AIX SMB server).
+    * Add missing FILE_ATTRIBUTE_XXX defines to smb.h.
+    * Ignore user_xattr mount parm (mount.cifs) so as not to confuse
+      it with a user name.
+    * Update for new CIFS POSIX info levels.
+    * Ignore users mount parm in mount.cifs.
+o   SATOH Fumiyasu <fumiya at samba.gr.jp>
+    * BUG 1549: Don't truncate service names in smbstatus.
+o   William Jojo <jojowil at hvcc.edu>
+    * BUG 2445: Patch to avoid default ACLs on AIX.
+o   S Murthy Kambhampaty <smk_va at yahoo.com>
+    * Add idmap_rid module to Fedora and RedHat spec files.      
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2401: Flush internal getpwnam() cache after deleting a 
+      user.
+    * BUG 1604: Make winbind work with more than 10 trusted domains.
+    * Cleanup various compiler warnings.
+    * Fix a memory leaks in privileges code and passdb backends.
+    * Fixes for samr_lookup_sids() client call.
+    * Optimize _samr_query_groupmem with LDAP backend for large 
+      domains.
+    * Support SIDs as %s replacements in the afs username map 
+      parameter.
+    * Add 'log nt token command' parameter. If set, %s is replaced 
+      with the user sid, and %t takes all the group sids.
+    * Do not use the "Local Unix Group"-default description for 
+      all kinds of group-mappings. 
+    * Fix uninitialized variable in Linux nss_winbind library.
+    * Move 'net afskey' into a subcommand of its own, 'net afs key'.
+    * Implement 'net afs impersonate'.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Fix build problem when HAVE_POSIX_ACL is not defined.
+    * BUG 2417: Add help lines for net rpc group addmem and 
+      delmem commands.
+o   Derrell Lipman <derrell.lipman at unwireduniverse.com>
+    * Add support to libsmbclient for getting and setting DOS 
+      attributes using EA functions.
+    * Fix libsmbclient's URL encoding/decoding.
+    * Replace browse listing URI queries with an internal options 
+      structure (previous method violated the SMB URI syntax).
+    * Allow tree connects to be multiplexed over a single CIFS server 
+      connection context.
+    * Ensure that cli_tdis() sets the cnum field to -1 so that callers
+      can determine a dead tree connection.
+    * Implement better solution for backwards binary compatibility
+      in libsmbclient while adding new fields to struct _SMBCCTX.
+o   Mark Loeser <halcy0n at gentoo.org>
+    * BUG 2443: Compile fix for gcc4.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * BUG 2338: Fix coredump when OS/2 checks for long file name 
+      support (with .+,;=[].) (thanks to Guenter Kukkukk).
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * Compiler warning fixes (BUGS BUG 2132, 2134, 2289, 2327, 2340,
+      2341, 2342)
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Fixes for server schannel implementation when 'restrict 
+      anonymous = 1' is set in smb.conf.
+    * Fix bug in server side lookupsids reply that crashed lsass.exe 
+      on Windows clients.
+    * Fix 'net rpc trustdom establish'.
+    * BUG 2062: Turn off broadcast for all 390 NICs.
+    * Fix 'net rpc trustdom add' to correctly add new domain trust 
+      accounts.  This will eventually replace 'smbpasswd -a -i'.
+    * Implement 'net rpc trustdom del', including client side of 
+      samr_remove_sid_from_foreign_domain.
+    * Bring IBM Directory Server schema up to date with openldap 
+      schema.
+    * Allow for better protection of sensitive attributes in IBM
+      Directory Server.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>    
+    * Fix memleaks in the nttrans code.
+o   Mike Nix <mnix at wanm.com.au>
+    * Add SMBsplopen and SMBsplclose client calls.
+o   Justin Ossevoort <justin at snt.utwente.nl>
+    * BUG 2316: Fix crashes in pdb_pgsql.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * Fixes in string handling code.
+    * Fix oplock2 test in client smbtorture.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * Fix up example pdb modules after prototype change for 
+      setsampwent.
+    * BUG 2058: Fix for shared object creation in examples.
+    * BUG 2315: Fix segv in LSA privileges server code.
+    * Build fixes for python wrapper libraries.
+o   Richard Sharpe <rsharpe at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2044: Fix segv in profiles tool.
+    * Fix bogus error messages when enumerating user group 
+      membership via 'net rpc'.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Debian packaging fixes.
+o   John Terpstra <jht at samba.org>
+    * Add the capability to set account description using pdbedit.
+o   Doug VanLeuven <roamdad at sonic.net> 
+    * Add more case/realm/name permutations to the Kerberos keytab.
+    * AIX compile fixes.
+o   Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
+    * BUG 892: Default unknown_6 field to 1260 in mySQL pdb module.
+    * BUG 1957: Implement minimal update of fields in mySQL pdb 
+      module.
+o   Torsten Werner <torsten.werner at assyst-intl.com>
+    * BUG 2405: Define 'lpstat' printcap output on HPUX.
+o   Shlomi Yaakobovich" <Shlomi at exanet.com>
+    * Detect infinite loops when traversing tdbs.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+      		   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.11
+                             Feb 5, 2005
+                   ==============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.11 include:
+  o Crash in smbd when using CUPS printing.
+  o Parsing error of other SIDs included in the user_info_3
+    structure returned from domain controllers.
+  o Inefficiencies when searching non-AD LDAP directories.
+  o Failure to expand variables in user domain attributes
+    in tdbsam and ldapsam.
+  o Memory leaks.
+  o Failure to retrieve certain attribute when migrating from 
+    a Windows DC to a Samba DC via 'net rpc vampire'.
+  o Numerous printing bugs bugs including memory 
+    bloating on large/busy print servers.
+  o Compatibility issues with Exchange 5.5 SP4.
+  o sendfile fixes.
+Additional features introduced in Samba 3.0.11:
+  o Winbindd performance improvements.
+  o More 'net rpc vampire' functionality.
+  o Support for the Windows privilege model to assign rights
+    to specific SIDs.
+  o New administrative options to the 'net rpc' command.
+LDAP Changes
+If "ldap user suffix" or "ldap machine suffix" are defined in
+smb.conf, all user-accounts must reside below the user suffix,
+and all machine and inter-domain trust-accounts must be located 
+below the machine suffix.  Previous Samba releases would fall 
+back to searching the 'ldap suffix' in some cases.
+Privilege Model
+Samba 3.0.11 supports the following assignable rights
+SeMachineAccountPrivilege  Add machines to domain
+SePrintOperatorPrivilege   Manage printers
+SeAddUsersPrivilege        Add users and groups to the domain
+SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege  Force shutdown from a remote system
+SeDiskOperatorPrivilege    Manage disk shares
+These rights can be assigned to arbitrary users or groups
+via the 'net rpc rights grant/revoke' command.  More details
+of Samba's privilege implementation can be found in the 
+Changes since 3.0.10
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name                      Action
+    --------------                      ------
+    afs token lifetime			New
+    enable privileges			New
+    ldap password sync			Alias
+    min password length			Deprecated
+    winbind enable local accounts	Deprecated
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Extend vfs to add seekdir/telldir/rewinddir.
+    * Fix dirent return.
+    * Fix bugs when handling secondary trans2 requests.
+    * Implementation of get posix acls in UNIX extensions.
+    * Added set posix acl functionality into the UNIX extensions code.
+    * Updated config.guess/config.sub .
+    * Fix error reply when 'follow symlinks = no'.
+    * BUG 1061, 2045: Only set mtime from pending_modtime if it's 
+      not already zero.
+    * Fixes for LARGE_READX support.
+    * Fix the problem we get on Linux where sendfile fails, but we've
+      already sent the header using send().
+    * BUG 2081: Ensure SE_DESC_DACL_PROTECTED is set if 'map acl 
+      inherit = no'.
+    * BUG 2088: Ensure inherit permissions is only applied on a new 
+      file, not an existing one.
+    * Don't go fishing for the krb5 authorization data unless we know
+      it's there.
+    * Fixes for libsmbclient to ensure that interrupted system calls
+      are restarted minus the already expired portion of the timeout
+      (based on work by Derrell Lipman).
+    * More Unicode string parsing fixes.
+    * Convert the winreg pipe to use WERROR returns.
+    * Make all LDAP timeouts consistent (input from Joe Meadows 
+      <jameadows at webopolis.com>).
+    * BUG 2231: Remove double "\\" from client findfirst.
+    * BUG 2238: Fix memory leak in shadow copy vfs.
+    * Return correct DOS/NT error code on transact named pipe on 
+      closed pipe handle.
+    * BUG 2211: Fix security descriptor parsing bug (based on work by 
+      Mrinal Kalakrishnan <mail at mrinal.net>).
+    * BUG 2270: Fix memory leaks in cups printing backend support 
+      (based on work by Lars Mueller).
+    * BUG 2255: Fix debug level in Kerberos error messages.
+    * BUG 2110: Ensure we convert to ucs2 correctly after the 
+      CAN-2004-0930 patch.
+    * Make strict locking an enum. Auto means use oplock optimization.
+    * Fix client  & server to allow 127k READX calls.
+    * More *alloc fixes (includes additional fixes by Albert Chin.
+    * Catch sendfile errors correctly and return the correct values 
+      we want the caller to return.
+    * BUG 2092: Prevent auto-anonymous logins via libsmbclient 
+      for better use by desktop environments such as GNOME.
+    * Ensure we can't remove a level II oplock without having the
+      shared memory area locked.
+o   Timur Bakeyev <timur at com.bat.ru>
+    * BUG 2100: change the way we check for errors after a dlopen().
+    * BUG 2263: Guard base64_encode_data_blob() against empty blobs.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Clarify error message when 'lanman auth = no'.
+    * Remove the unnecessary UTF-8 conversion calls in the calls to
+      auth_winbind from smbd.
+    * Don't store the auth-user credentials with the cli_state* as 
+      this can cause the schannel setup to fail when the auth-user
+      domain is not our primary domain.
+o   Grigory Batalov <bga at altlinux.org>
+    * Fix encoding while receiving of a message which was actually 
+      sent using STR_ASCII.
+o   Daniel Beschorner <db at unit-netz.de>
+    * BUG 603: Correct access mask check for _samr_lookup_domain()
+      to work with Windows RAS server
+o   Jerome Borsboom <j.borsboom at erasmusmc.nl>
+    * Fix missing printer_tdb reference decrement.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2073: fall back to smb_name if current_user_info is not
+      available in lp_file_list_changed().
+    * Fixes the spurious 'register_message_flags: tdb fetch failed' 
+      errors.
+    * Don't run the background LPQ daemon when we are running in
+      interactive mode.
+    * prevent the background LPQ daemon from updating the print queue
+      cache just because multiple smbd processes sent a message that
+      it was out of date.
+    * consolidate printer searches to use find_service rather than 
+      for(...) loops.
+    * BUG 2091: don't remove statically defined printers in 
+      remove_stale_printers().
+    * Fix logic error in add_a_form() that only compared N characters 
+      instead of the entire form name.
+    * BUG 2107: fix memory bloating caused by large numbers of 
+      print_queue_updates() requests sent via messages.tdb.
+    * Check the setprinter(3) based on the access permissions on 
+      the handle and avoid the call to print_access_check().
+    * Re-instantiate previous semantics for calling init_unistr2() 
+      with a NULL source buffer.
+    * Support Windows privilege model for assigning rights
+      to specific SIDs.  Based on work by Simo Sorce in the trunk 
+      svn branch.  This feature is controlled by the 'enable 
+      privileges = [yes|no]' smb.conf(5) option.
+    * Add some smb.conf scripts for add/delete/change shares and 
+      deleting cups printers.
+    * Expand variables in the profile path, logon home and logon script 
+      values when using either tdbsam or ldapsam.
+    * Add Domain Admins (Full Control) to the default printer security 
+      descriptor if we are a DC.
+    * RedHat and Fedora Packaging fixes for perl dependencies.
+    * Remove unused schema items from OpenLDAP schema file.
+    * Remove duplicate enumeration of "Windows x86" architecture
+      when listing printer drivers via rpcclient.
+    * Fail set_privileges() if 'enable privileges = no' to prevent 
+      confused admins.
+    * Fix segfault in cups_queue_get().
+    * Tighten restrictions on changing user passwords when 
+      the connected user possesses the SeMachineAccountPrivilege.
+    * Ensure we set NETBIOSNAME.domainname for the long machine name
+      when publishing printers in AD (based on input from Rob Foehl).
+    * Mark 'winbind enable local accounts' as deprecated.
+    * Mark testprns tool as deprecated.
+    * Allow root to grant/revoke privilege assignments.
+    * Correct interaction between user rights and se_access_check() on
+      SAMR objects.
+    * BUG 2286: Fix typo OpenLDAP schema file for sambaConfig object 
+      class.
+    * BUG 2262: Add support in configure.in for *freebsd6*.
+    * BUG 2266: Portability fixes for quota code on FreeBSD4.
+    * BUG 2264: Remove shutdown and abortshutdown commands from 
+      rpcclient in favor of using the same functions in 'net'.
+    * BUG 2295: Prevent smbd from returning an empty server name
+      in certain lanman api calls.
+    * BUG 2290: Fix autogen.sh script in examples (based on original
+      patch from Lars Mueller).
+    * Fix bug enumerating domain trusts in security = ads.
+    * Fix segv in rpcclient's dsenumdomtrusts.
+    * Fix bug in expansion of %U and %G in included filenames.
+    * BUG 2291: Restrict creation of server trust and domain trust
+      accounts to members of the "Domain Admins" group.
+o   Nadav Danieli <nadavd at exanet.com>
+    * Short circuit some is_locked() tests if we are oplocked.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org>
+    * Allow 'localhost' as a valid server name in the smbd for the
+      spoolss calls.
+    * Fix KRB5_SETPW-defines, no change in behavior (Thanks to Luke
+      Mewburn for the input).
+    * BUG 2059: Add additional checks needed after logic change to the
+      HAVE_WRFILE_KEYTAB detection test.
+    * BUG 1076: Fix interaction with Exchange 5.5. SP4 and a 
+      Samba DC.  Allow us to lookup at least our own SID.
+    * More fixes to have proper German in swat (Thanks to Reiner 
+      Klaproth and Björn Jacke.
+    * BUG 404, 2076: Allow to set OWNER- and GROUP-entries while 
+      setting security descriptors with smbcacls and using with 
+      the -S or -M switch. 
+    * Include the munged_dial, bad_password_count, logon_count, and 
+      logon_hours attributes when running 'net rpc vampire'.
+    * Fix segfault in idmap_rid.
+    * When winbindd is operating in the multi-mapping mode of 
+      idmap_rid, allow BUILTIN domain-mapping.
+    * Display infolevel 12 in query_dom_info in rpcclient.
+    * Fix bug in winbindd's lowercasing of usernames.
+    * Allow -v or -l for displaying verbose groupmap-listing 
+      as well as "verbose".
+    * Backport Samba4 SAM_DELTA_DOMAIN_INFO for use in 'net rpc 
+      vampire'.
+    * Close LDAP-Connection before retrying to open a new connection 
+      in the retry-loop.
+    * Marking "min password length" as depreciated.  
+    * Implement SAMR query_dom_info-call info-level 8 server- and 
+      client-side, based on samba4-idl.
+    * Allow rpcclient to define a port to use when connecting 
+      to a remote server.
+    * Allow Account Lockout with Lockout Duration "forever" (until 
+      admin unlocks) to be set and displayed in User Manager.
+    * Allow to set acb_mask in rpcclient's enumdomusers.
+    * Add more generic rootDSE inspection function to check 
+      for given controls or extensions and remember these on a 
+      per server basis.
+    * Improve LDAP search efficiency by passing the acb_mask to 
+      pdb_setsampwent().
+    * Fixes for ldapsam_enum_group_memberships().
+    * Add createdomgroup to rpcclient.
+    * Add "net rpc user RENAME"-command.
+    * Display sam_user_info_7 in rpcclient.
+    * Make multi-domain-mode in idmap_rid accessible from outside 
+      (can be compiled with -DIDMAP_RID_SUPPORT_TRUSTED_DOMAINS).
+    * When vampiring account policy AP_LOCK_ACCOUNT_DURATION honor 
+      "Lockout Duration: Forever".
+    * Fix configure.in tests using KRB5_CONFIG variable and krb5-
+      config utility.
+    * Require assignment of Administrator SID in the passdb 
+      backend.  Fall back to the default name of 'Administrator' if
+      the lookup fails rather than using the first name in the
+      default 'admin users' list.
+    * Enhance LDAP failure debug messages.
+    * BUG 2291: Call the 'add machine script' for server trust and 
+      domain trust accounts as well as workstation accounts.
+o   Levente Farkas <lfarkas at lfarkas.org>
+    * BUG 2299: Better logrotate scripts for RedHat and Fedora 
+      packages.
+o   Jay Fenlason <fenlason at redhat.com>
+    * Fix crash in 'net join' due to calling free on 
+      static buffers.
+    * Several patches from RedHat's Fedora Core RPMS.
+o   Rob Foehl <rwf at loonybin.net>.
+    * Compiler warnings.
+    * Try modifying printer published attributes before adding it a
+      new entry in AD.
+    * Solaris packaging fixes.
+    * Don't force the cups printer-make-and-model tag as the comment
+      for autoloaded printers.
+    * Implement caching of names from printcap to support a true
+      'printcap cache time'.
+o   Johann Hanne <jhml at gmx.net>
+    * BUG 2038: Only fail winbindd_getgroups() if all lookups fail.
+o   Jeff Hardy <hardyjm at potsdam.edu>
+    * Example script for 'add print command' when using CUPS.
+o   Deryck Hodge <deryck at samba.org>
+    * Add -P (--password-only-menu) to SWAT for displaying only the
+      password change page to non-root users.
+o   David Hu <david.hu at hp.com>
+    * Copy structure from print_queue_update() message rather than 
+      referencing it.  Fixes seg fault on HP-UX.
+o   Buck Huppmann <buckh at pobox.com>
+    * BUG 2186: Don't free uninitialized credentials.
+    * BUG 2189: Add the HOST/fqdn servicePrincipalName even when 
+      dnsDomainName != realm.
+o   Björn Jacke <bjoern at j3e.de>
+    * BUG 2040: Ensure the locale is reset to C to get ASCII-
+      compatible toupper/lower functions.
+o   William Jojo <jojowil at hvcc.edu>
+    * Fix HPUX sendfile and add configure.in tests and code for
+      sendfile on AIX.
+    * AIX 5.3 compile fixes.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Optimize anonymous session setups by workstations in a 
+      Samba domain.
+    * Reimplment the QueryUserAliases() server RPC reply.
+    * Re-add the getpwnam-cache for performance.
+    * Cache the result of a pdb_getsampwnam for later SID lookup 
+      queries.
+    * Unify the means of localtaing a user's global groups on a 
+      Samba DC.
+    * Fix bug when serving the 'Start Menu' in a roaming user profile..
+    * Map more pre-defined NT security descriptors to AFS acls.
+    * Add timeout to AD search requests.
+    * If a connection to a DC is requested (in winbindd), open
+      connections simultaneously to all DCs found.
+    * Memleak fixes.
+    * Fix logic error in handling of 'printcap name' parameter.
+    * Prevent winbindd from SPAM'ing the log files with 'user root 
+      does not exist'.
+    * Backport samr_DomInfo2 IDL specification from Samba 4.
+    * Implement smbstatus -n, don't lookup users and groups.
+    * Implement simple mapping that maps the space to another character 
+      defined by afsacl:space.
+    * Add support for 'net idmap delete <idmap-file> <SID>'.
+    * Add new parameter 'afs token lifetime' tells the AFS client 
+      when to throw away a token (patch from kllin at it.su.se).
+    * Initial work to allow support for multiple pipe opens on a 
+      single cli_state*.
+    * Ensure that we still retrieve the netbios name of any DC 
+      listed as a 'password server' to work around cases where the 
+      DC was defined using an IP address or fqdn.
+    * Fix memleak in winbindd connection code.
+    * Fix cli_samr_queryuseraliases.
+    * Allow wbinfo --user-sids to expand expand domain local groups.
+    * Allow 'rpcclient -c enumtrust' to enumerate more than 10 trusts.
+    * Fix parsing of other_sids in net_user_info3.
+    * Correct bad failure logic when user was not a member of any 
+      domain local groups.
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * BUG 2113, 2289: Remove dead code.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * BUG 1952: Try INITSHUTDOWN pipe first, used by newer 
+      clients.  If it fails, fall back to WINREG.
+    * BUG 2198: Set password last change time when running 'net rpc 
+      vampire'.
+    * Add "refuse machine password change" policy field.
+o   Luke Mewburn <lukem at NetBSD.org>
+    * BUG 2150: shmget() - Use POSIX definitions instead of non-
+      standard SHM_.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>    
+    * autogen.sh fixes.
+o   Buchan Milne <bgmilne at mandrake.org>
+    * Mandrake packaging fixes.
+o   Lars Mueller <lmuelle at samba.org>
+    * Fix build of libsmbclient on x86_64.
+    * BUG 2013: Fix testsuite build issues when libsmbclient.so 
+      is installed in a non-default location.
+    * BUG 2050: Calculate max_fd for select correctly.
+    * Fix inverted logic heck for HAVE_WRFILE_KEYTAB in autoconf 
+      script.
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * BUG 2069: Remove unused variables.
+    * BUG 2075: Remove dead code paths.
+    * BUG 2083: Fix compiler warnings caused by bad type casts.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * Fix rewinddir -> rewind_dir when using VFS macros.
+o   Gavrie Philipson <gavrie at disksites.com>
+    * BUG 1838: Remove stale printers imeeddiately when 
+      processing a SIGHUP and during smb.conf reload.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2080: Fix duplicate call to pdb_get_acct_desc().
+    * BUG 2168: Fix cast in SMB_XMALLOC_ARRAY.
+    * Change the license for the winbindd external interface 
+      more liberal.
+    * HP-UX compile fixes.
+    * Compile fixes after new setsampwent() API.
+o   Richard Renard <rrenard at idealx.com>
+    * Update Netscape DS 5.2 LDAP schema.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Backport pdbedit changes from trunk.
+    * Allows the add/change share command to create the shared 
+      directory directory on disk.
+    * Log a warning in testparm if a print command is defined for
+      a print service using 'printing = cups'.
+o   Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
+    * Bug fixes for pdb_{xml,pqsql,xml}
+    * Fixes for pdb_mysql.
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Bring Samba3 into line with the Samba4 password change code.
+o   Shiro Yamada <shiro at miraclelinux.com>
+    * BUG 2190: Force SWAT to display parameters in unix charset and 
+      not UTF-8.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   ==============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.10
+                             Dec 16, 2004
+                   ==============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.10 include:
+  o Fix for security issues described in CAN-2004-1154.
+Changes since 3.0.9
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Added checks surrounding all *alloc() calls to fix
+      CAN-2004-1154.
+    * Fix long standing memory size bug in bitmap_allocate().
+    * Remove bogus error check in deferred open file serving 
+      code.
+o   Thomas Bork <tombork at web.de>
+    * Fix autoconf script on platforms using a version of GNU ld
+      that does not include a date stamp in the output of --version.
+o   Luke Mewburn <lukem at NetBSD.org>
+    * Fix the swat install script to deal with the new image
+      destination directory used by the docs.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   =============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.9
+                             Nov 15, 2004
+                   =============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.9 include:
+  o Problem updating roaming user profiles.
+  o Crash in smbd when printing from a Windows 9x client.
+  o Unresolved symbols in libsmbclient which caused
+    applications such as KDE's konqueror to fail when
+    accessing smb:// URLs.
+Changes since 3.0.8
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Correctly detect errno for no acl/ea support.
+    * BUG 2036: Fix seg fault in 'net ads join'.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Solaris packaging fixes.
+    * Fix seg fault in lanman printing code.
+    * BUG 2017: fix testparm reporting for the passwd program 
+      string.
+    * Fix output of smbstatus to match the man page.
+    * BUG 2027: fix conflict with declaration MD5_CTX in system 
+      headers.
+    * 2028: Avoid false error messages when copying a long 
+      printer name to the device mode.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org> 
+    * Allow deldriverex in rpcclient to delete drivers for a 
+      specific architecture and a specific version.
+    * Fix a couple of rpcclient spoolss commands (setprinter, 
+      setprintername, getdriver) w.r.t to printer-naming scheme.
+      Allow 'localhost' in the server string for certain server-side
+      spoolss functions.
+    * BUG 2015: Do not fail on setting file attributes with 
+      acl support enabled.
+o   Michel Gravey <michel.gravey at optogone.com>
+    * Fix build when using gcc 3.0.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix tdb open logic when checking our local_pid after 
+      the fork().
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * BUG 1932: Fix crash in 'net getlocalsid' when run as 
+      non-root user.
+o   Luke Mewburn <lukem at NetBSD.org>
+    BUG 1661: Fix KRB5_SETPW-defines
+o   Buchan Milne <bgmilne at mandrake.org> 
+    * BUG 2023: Mandrake packaging fixes for building 3.0.9.
+o   Lars Mueller <lmuelle at samba.org>
+    * BUG 2013: Fix unresolved symbols in libsmbclient.so.
+o   Martin Zielinski <mz at seh.de>
+    * Add DeletePrinterDriverEx() functionality to rpcclient.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                   =============================
+                   Release Notes for Samba 3.0.8
+                             Nov 7, 2004
+                   =============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.8 include:
+  o Compile fixes for HP-UX
+  o Fixes for the printer publishing code used when joined to 
+    an AD domain.
+  o Incompatibilities with file system quotas.
+  o Several bugs in the spoolss printing code and print system 
+    backends.
+  o Inconsistencies in the username map functionality when 
+    configured on domain member servers.
+  o Various compile warnings and errors on various platforms.
+  o Fixes for Kerberos interoperability with Windows 200x 
+    domains when using DES keys.
+  o Fix for CAN-2004-0930 -- smbd remote DoS vulnerability.
+  o Fix for CAN-2004-0882 -- possible buffer overrun in smbd.
+New features included in the 3.0.8 release are:
+  o New migration functionality added the the net tool
+    for files/directories, printers, and shares.
+  o New experimental idmap backend for assigning uids/gids
+    directly based on the user/group RID when acting as a
+    member of single domain without any trusts.
+  o Additional printer migration support for XP/2003 platforms.
+Change in Winbindd Behavior
+All usernames returned by winbindd are now converted to lower 
+case for better consistency.  This means any winbind installation
+relying on the winbind username will need to rename existing 
+directories and/or files based on the username (%u and %U) to lower 
+case (e.g. mv $name `echo $name | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`).  This may 
+include mail spool files, home directories, valid user lines in 
+smb.conf, etc....
+Change in Username Map
+Previous Samba releases would only support reading the fully qualified 
+username (e.g. DOMAIN\user) from the username map when performing a 
+Kerberos login from a client.  However, when looking up a map 
+entry for a user authenticated by NTLM[SSP], only the login name would be
+used for matches.  This resulted in inconsistent behavior sometimes
+even on the same server.
+Samba 3.0.8 obeys the following rules when applying the username
+map functionality:
+  * When performing local authentication, the username map is 
+    applied to the login name before attempting to authenticate 
+    the connection.
+  * When relying upon a external domain controller for validating
+    authentication requests, smbd will apply the username map 
+    to the fully qualified username (i.e. DOMAIN\user) only
+    after the user has been successfully authenticated.
+Changes since 3.0.7
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name              	Action
+    --------------              	------
+    force printername			New
+    sendfile				disabled by default
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Ensure extended security bit is on only if we negotiated 
+      extended security.
+    * Simplify statcache to use an in-memory tdb. 
+    * If you're selecting a hash algorithm for tdb, you need 
+      to do it at open time.
+    * Removed old dir caching code - not being used now we 
+      have the statcache anyway.
+    * Simplify the mangle hash code to use an in-memory tdb.
+    * Merge iconv changes from Samba 4 branch.
+    * Fix parsing of names ending in dot and a few other error 
+      returns.
+    * BUG 1667: Smbpasswd file could be left locked on some 
+      error exits.
+    * Fixes for smbclient tar functionality.
+    * BUG 1743: Fix logic bug the deferred open code.
+    * Don't try to set security descriptors on shares where 
+      this has been turned off.
+    * Return correct error codes on old SEARCH call.
+    * Ensure we set errno = E2BIG when we overflow in the 
+      fast-path character conversion code.
+    * Fix the roundup problem (returning 1mb roundup) for 
+      non-Windows clients.
+    * Added 'stat' command to smbclient to exercise the 
+      UNIX_FILE_BASIC info level.
+    * Fix bug where we could incorrectly set sparse attribute.
+    * Fix incorrect locks/unlocks in tdb_lockkeys()/tdb_unlockkeys()
+      (reported by Taj Khattra <taj.khattra at gmail.com>).
+    * Remove locked keys tdb code.
+    * BUG 1886: Prevent delete on close being set for readonly files 
+      (and return the correct error code).
+    * Ensure we pass most of the new lock tests except for the cancel 
+      lock which is yet to be added (merged from Samba 4 branch).
+    * BUG 1947: Fix incorrect use of getpwnam() etc. interface.
+    * BUG 1956: Ensure errno is saved and restored consistently on a 
+      normal_close.
+    * BUG 1651: Adapted patch from Nalin Dahyabhai for ensuring 
+      that all of the appropriate service principal names are set 
+      upon joining an AD domain.
+    * Fix the correct use of resume name in the trans2 code.
+    * BUG 1717: Adapted patch from Nalin Dahyabhai to detect the
+      correct salt used when generated the DES key after joining an 
+      AD domain.
+    * Enhanced krb5 detection routines in the autoconf scripts.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Avoid changing the machine account password in the passdb 
+      backend, when it has 'already been changed'.  This occurs 
+      in situations where the secure channel between the workstation 
+      and the DC breaks down, such as occurred in the MS04-11 
+      security patch.
+    * Fix utility name in error message in ntlm_auth.
+    * Fix NTLMv2 for use with pam_winbind.
+    * Remove conversion to and from UTF8 on the winbind pipe.
+    * Allow 'require_membership_of' and 'require-membership-of'.
+    * Fix the error code for 'you didn't specify a domain' in 
+      ntlm_auth.
+    * Use sys_getgroups() rather than scanning all groups 
+      when generating SAMR replies.
+o   Igor Belyi <sambauser at katehok.ac93.org>
+    * Ensure pdb user is deleted first before deleting UNIX 
+      user (LDAP backend needs this ordering).
+o   Cornelio Bondad Jr <Corny.Bondad at hp.com>
+    * Fix core dump in 'net rpc vampire'.
+o   Vince Brimhall <vbrimhall at novell.com>
+    * Make ldapsam_compat robust against NULL attributes.
+o   Gerald Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Don't limit the number of groups returned by winbindd_getgroups()
+      by NGROUPS_MAX.
+    * BUG 1519: Match Windows 2000 behavior when opening a 
+      printer using a servername in the form of an IP address or 
+      DNS name.
+    * BUG 1907: remove extra slashes from the printer name in 
+      getprinterdriverdir_1().  
+    * Fix standard_sub_snum() to use the current user's gid.
+    * Fix background queue update bug (based on Volker's initial work 
+      in 3.1.0).
+    * Add 'force printername' service parameter for people that want 
+      to enforce printername == sharename for spoolss printing.
+    * Ensure consistent usage of the username map.  Use the fully 
+      qualified DOMAIN\user format for 'security = domain|ads' and 
+      apply after authentication has succeeded.
+    * Cosmetic fix for getent output -- lowercase the username only 
+      and not the complete domain\username string.
+    * Packaging fixes for Solaris, Redhat, & Fedora.
+o   Sean Chandler <sean.chandler at verizon.net>
+    * Fix memlieak in cliconnect.c.
+o   Darren Chew <darrenc at vicscouts.asn.au>
+    * Solaris packaging fixes.
+o   Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin at redhat.com>
+    * SMB signing fix for 56-bit DES session keys.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org> 
+    * add IA64 to the architecture table of printer-drivers.
+    * Add file/share/printer migration functionality to 
+      the net command.
+    * Show correct help for net groupmap commands.
+    * Fix deadlock loop in winbind's required_membership_sid
+      verification.
+    * Bring the same level of "required_membership"-functionality 
+      that ntlm_auth uses, to pam_winbindd as well.
+    * Prevent "net lookup kdc" from seg-faulting when
+      using our own implementation of krb5_lookup_kdc with 
+      heimdal.
+    * Adding getprinter level 7 to rpcclient.
+    * Support migrating printers|shares|files from Server A 
+      to Server B while running the net-command on client C.
+    * Fixed krb5_krbhost_get_addrinfo()-parameters and make 
+      failure of this call non-critical (Thanks to Love @ Heimdal
+      for the explanation and patch).
+    * Fix typos in net's usage-output.
+    * Fix the paranoia-check to ensure the ldap-attribute and the
+      smb.conf-parameter for samba's "algorithmic rid base" in ldapsam 
+      are identical.
+    * Fix several bugs in the _samr_query_useraliases() rpc reply.
+    * Check correct string length when verifying password-policies 
+      and using extended characters (Thanks to Uwe Morgenroth from CC 
+      Compunet and Volker).
+    * Make 'password history'-behavior in ldapsam more consistent. 
+    * Adding "Windows x64" as architecture string and driverdir "x64" 
+      for the 64bit AMD platform.
+    * BUG 1343: Readd WKGUID-binding to match the correct default-
+      locations of new User-, Group- and Machine-Accounts in Active 
+      Directory (this got lost during the last trunk-merge).
+    * Fix printer-migration w.r.t. to new naming-convention for
+      policy-handles.
+    * Allow to migrate win2k3/xp-drivers as well. 
+    * Add client-side support of triggering ads printer publishing 
+      over msrpc setprinter calls inside the net-tool. 
+    * Add the idmap_rid module (written in conjunction with 
+      Sumit Bose <sbose at suse.de>).
+    * BUG 1661: Fix build with recent heimdal releases.
+    * Prevent idmap_rid from making unnecessary calls to domain 
+      controllers for trusted domains.
+o   Arthur van Dongen <avdongen at xs4all.nl>
+    * Fix typos in pam_winbind log messages and SuSE 
+      packaging files.
+o   Rob Foehl <rwf at loonybin.net>
+    * Typo fixes for log messages in printer publishing code.
+    * Fix memory leak in printer publishing code.
+    * Ensure print_backend_init() only gets called once.
+    * Have smbd check the published status of all printers 
+      at startup.
+    * Cleanup up the XXX_a_printer() API for consistency.
+    * Refactored the printer publishing code and include better 
+      error handling.
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com>
+    * Fix IP address override in mount.cifs mount helper and clean 
+      up warning messages from the sparse tool and expand syntax help.
+    * Strip guest mount option off before sending to kernel mount 
+      routine to avoid logging spurious message.
+o   Satoh Fumiyasu <fumiya at samba.gr.jp>
+    * BUG 1732: Limit share names returned by RAP based on windows 
+      character width, not unix character width.
+    * BUG 1498: Ensure that acl entries are stored in the correct 
+      order.
+o   Brett Funderburg <brett at deepfile.com>
+    * Pass create options parameter to nt_create_andx() function
+      from the python bindings.
+    * BUG 1864: Add sd->type field to security descriptor Python 
+      representation.
+    * Return an error if a Netapp filer returns NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
+      when trying to return the security descriptor for a file.
+    * BUG 1884: Fixes for the Python bindings to use the value
+      of the desired_access filed passed into the lsa_open_policy()
+      routines.
+o   Michael Gravey <michel.gravey at optogone.com>
+    * BUG 1776: Fix warnings when building modules caused by 
+      certain versions of GNU ld not using the the default 
+      --allow-shlib-undefined flag.
+o   Chris Hertel <crh at samba.org>
+    * Fix logic bug in splay tree data structure when finding 
+      a leaf node.
+    * Fix bug where an invalid MAC address would be printed by 
+      a node status lookup from nmblookup.
+o   Uli Iske <iske at elkb.de>
+    * Update the DNS/eDirectory LDAP schema file.
+o   Björn Jacke <bjacke at sernet.de>
+    * BUG 1766: Unify charset-handling in Content-Type:-headers to 
+      UTF-8.  Reformat msgstr in msg-files to UTF-8.
+    * Do not use display charset for swat output.
+    * Convert the share names correctly from unix encoding to web 
+      encoding and vice versa. 
+    * Convert files from status page from unix charset to UTF-8.
+o   Guenter Kukkukk <guenter.kukkukk at kukkukk.com>
+    * BUG 1590: Fix for talking to OS/2 clients (max_mux ignored).
+o   Tom Lackemann <cessnatomny at yahoo.com>
+    * BUG 1954: Fix memory leak in posix acl code.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Robustnss fix for winbindd when sending multiple requests 
+      at a high rate for a slow operation.  
+    * Solve the problem of user sids ending up with gid's 
+      and vice versa.
+    * Use sys_fork instead of fork for the dual daemon so that 
+      we get the correct debug pid in the logfiles.
+    * Based on patch from jmcd, implement special lists for the LDAP 
+      user attributes to delete.
+    * Fix creation of aliases via usrmgr. Winbind was too strict 
+      checking the type of sids.
+    * Lowercase all usernames returned by winbind.
+    * BUG 1545, 1823: Only issue the ldap extended password change 
+      operation if the ldap server supports it.  Also ignore object 
+      class violation errors from the extended operation.
+    * Optimization for 'idmap backend = ldap': When asking sid2id 
+      for the wrong type, don't ask ldap when we have the opposite mapping 
+      in the local tdb.
+    * Fix ldapsam_compat homeDrive.
+    * Add usersidlist and allowedusers subcommands to the net tool
+      in order to support scanning a file server's share and list 
+      all users who have permission to connect there.
+    * Allow for multiple DC's to be named as #1c names in lmhosts.
+    * Memory leak fixes.
+    * Fix checks for the local pid of an smbd process after 
+      reopening tdbs.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Added tdbtool to be built by default.
+o   Love <lha at stacken.kth.se>
+    * BUG 1955: Inconsistent error return.
+o   Sorin Manolache <sorinm at gmail.com>
+    * Memory leak fix.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Allow 'net ads lookup' to rely on command line arguments 
+      if contacting an ADS server fails; utilize cldap for lookups.
+    * Fixup formatting errors in TDB_LOG calls; add printf attribute
+      support to tdb log functions.
+o   Bill McGonigle <bill+samba at bfccomputing.com>
+    * BUG 1926: Type in debug message.
+o   Sean McGrath
+    * BUG 1822: Add -D_REENTRANT to CPPFLAGS and -lthread to LDFLAGS
+      for libsmbclient.
+o   Luke Mewburn <lukem at NetBSD.org>
+    * BUG 1782: Prevent testparm from displaying parameter synonyms.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>    
+    * Fix crash in smbcquotas and smbcacls caused by setup_logging().
+    * Fix client quota support.
+    * Fix opening of system quota file.
+o   Lars Mueller <lmuelle at samba.org>
+    * Small fixes for autogen.sh to deal with version detection 
+      of autoconf and autoheader; fixes for examples using 
+      libtool to adhere to stricter syntax of newer version.
+o   Henrik Nordstrom <hno at squid-cache.org>
+    * Allow winbindd to return the correct number of groups 
+      when the groups array must be enlarged.
+o   Narayana Pattipati <narayana.pattipati at wipro.com>
+    * Solaris autoconf detection fixes.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * BUG 1360: (correct fix) Use -Wl when passing flags to 
+      the linker.
+    * HP-UX compile fixes (from JBravo on #samba-technical).
+    * BUG 1731: More HP-UX compiles fixes.
+    * BUG 1778: Include yp_prot.h before ypclnt.h as AIX 5.2 
+      spits the dummy otherwise.
+    * Fix bug in Python printerdata wrapper.
+    * BUG 1762: nss_winbind fixes on AIX 5.x (patch from 
+      <bugzilla-samba at thewrittenword.com>).
+    * Fix parameter confusion in priming of name-to-sid cache
+      (Found by Qiao Yang).
+    * BUG 1888: Remove '..' from all pre-processor commands.
+    * BUG 1903: Change some #if DEBUG_PASSWORD's to #ifdef 
+o   Matt Selsky <selsky at columbia.edu>
+    * BUG 350: use autoconf 2.57 feature for checking header file
+      preprocessing (fixes configure warnings on Solaris).
+o   Richard Renard <rrenard at idealx.com>
+    * Fix usermgr.exe and trust relationships.
+o   Paul Szabo <psz at maths.usyd.edu.au>
+    * Fix to make find_workgroup use the same 
+      truncation as create_workgroup.
+o   Richard Sharpe <rsharpe at samba.org>
+    * Ensure cli_write() can support writes >= 65536 bytes.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Added check password script code in examples/auth/crackcheck/
+    * Fix memory corruption bug caused in freeing static memory.
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Remove lp_use_mmap() from map_file() since the latter 
+      is for read only and does not require coherence.
+    * Ensure that the uuid pack/unpack routines do not go past 
+      the end of the structure.
+    * Converted Samba 3 tree to use the new utf-16 aware iconv 
+      code. 
+    * Changed iconv to recognise UCS-2LE and UTF-16LE as synonyms.
+    * Ensure configure only uses '=' instead of the bashism '=='.
+    * Reduces the number of tdb locking calls made on file IO.
+o   Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
+    * Convert internal data to UTF-8 before calling libxml2.
+    * Complain if 'password chat' doesn't contain the %u variable
+      (based on a patch by Ronan Waide).
+o   Josef Zlomek
+    * BUG 1541:  Fix recursive ls in smbclient. 
+o   Igor Zhbanov <bsg at uniyar.ac.ru>
+    * BUG 1797: Prevent winbind and nmbd from ignoring the "-l" 
+      option.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                  =============================
+                  Release Notes for Samba 3.0.7
+                           Sept 13, 2004
+                  =============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.7 include:
+  o Fixes for two Denial of Service vulnerabilities
+    (CVE ID# CAN-2004-0807 & CAN-2004-0808).
+  o Winbind failure to return user entries under certain
+    conditions.
+  o Syntax errors in the OpenLDAP schema file (samba.schema).
+  o Printing errors caused by not setting default values
+    for the various printing commands.
+Changes since 3.0.6
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name              	Action
+    --------------              	------
+    winbind enable local accounts	disabled by default
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix parsing of names ending in dot and a few other error 
+      returns.
+    * BUG 1674: Move the symlinks checks into reduce_name().
+    * Fix memleak when checking the valid names smb.conf option.
+    * Fix memleak on error return path in the file open code.
+    * More paranoia checks in the hash2 mangling code.
+    * Fix syntax error in configure.in.
+    * Match Win2k3's behavior for pathname parsing error returns.
+    * Make nmbd more robust against bad netbios packets 
+      (CAN-2004-0808).
+    * Add more checks for invalid ASN.1 packets for SPNEGO packets
+      (CAN-2004-0807).
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>  
+    * Janitor work in loadparm.c -- remove unused parameters.
+o   Gerald Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * BUG 1464: Ensure that printing commands are initialized even
+      if the 'printing' parameter is not explicitly set.
+    * Resolve name conflict on DEC OSF-5.1 (inspired by patch from 
+      Adharsh Praveen <rprav at india.hp.com>)
+    * Work around parsing error in the print change notify code.
+    * remove duplicate declaration of getprintprocdir from 
+      rpcclient.
+    * Only use sAMAccountName and not userPrincipalName when looking
+      up a username in AD since the breaks winbindd (lookup_name() 
+      only works with the sAMAccountName).
+    * Fix bug with winbindd_getpwnam() caused by Microsoft DC's not 
+      filling in the username in the user_info3.
+    * Fix logic bug in the check for creating a user's home directory 
+      in register_vuid(); caused home directory to be mismatched to 
+      the first share in smb.conf under certain conditions.
+    * BUG 1656: rename auto.a to auto.smb.
+    * Ensure that we assign our pid to print jobs (and not our 
+      parent's pid); ensures that spooling jobs from dead smbds 
+      are removed from the tdb.
+    * Disable 'winbind enable local accounts' by default.
+    * Adding some initial checks for DragonFly (same as 
+      FreeBSD 4.1).
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at samba.org> 
+    * Use SMB_ASSERT() to track down NULL printer names in 
+      the tdb open code.
+    * Revert fix for BUG 1474 to avoid unnecessary packaging 
+      dependencies.
+o   Olaf Flebbe <o.flebbe at science-computing.de>.  
+    * BUG 1627: fix for NIS compiles on HPUX 11.00, AIX 4.3 
+      and 5.1.
+    * BUG 1626: More compile fixes.
+o   Rob Foehl <rwf at loonybin.net>
+    * Don't clear the PRINT_ATTRIBUTE_PUBLISHED was getting reset 
+      by attempts to sanitize the defined attributes.
+o   SATOH Fumiyasu <fumiya at miraclelinux.com>
+    * BUG 1546: Preserve errno in MB strupper_m/strlower_m.
+o   Helmut Heinreichsberger <helmut.heinreichsberger at chello.at>.
+    * BUG 1657: Remove used initialized variable, 
+    * BUG 1658: Add a little bit of const.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * If there's garbage in the pidfile, we should not panic 
+      but assume that no one else is around. We can't find the 
+      other guy anyway.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Fixup format string in the tdb error messages.
+o   Jonas Olsson <lexicon at lysator.liu.se>
+    * BUG 1416: Don't reuncture a users list to NGROUPS_MAX when 
+      reporting the list in usrmgr.exe.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * Fix out-of-tree builds (problem with the script to generate 
+      the svn version number).
+    * BUG 1360:  Need to use -Wl when passing flags to the linker.
+    * BUG 1741: Define a struct nss_groupsbymem for HPUX 11 which 
+      doesn't have one of its own.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Fixup compile issues on AIX caused by broken strlen() and 
+      strdup().
+    * Update debian packaging files.
+o   Dimitri van der Spek <dwspek at aboveit.nl>
+    * Use the correct counter when copying group rids from the 
+      user_info3 struct in pam_winbind.
+o   Qiao Yang <qyang at stbernard.com>
+    * BUG 1622: Only cache the user
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                  =============================
+                  Release Notes for Samba 3.0.6
+                           Aug 19, 2004
+                  =============================
+Common bugs fixed in 3.0.6 include:
+  o Schannel failure in winbindd.
+  o Numerous memory leaks.
+  o Incompatibilities between the 'write list' and 'force user'
+    smb.conf options.
+  o Premature optimization of the open_directory() internal 
+    function that broke tools such as the ArcServe backup 
+    agent, Macromedia HomeSite, and Robocopy.
+  o Corrupt workgroup names in nmbd's browse.dat.
+  o Sharing violation errors commonly seen when opening
+    when serving Microsoft Office documents from a Samba 
+    file share.
+  o Browsing problems caused by an apostrophe (') in the 
+    computer's description field.
+  o Problems creating special file types from UNIX CIFS 
+    clients and enabling 'unix extensions'.
+  o Fix stalls in smbd caused by inaccessible LDAP servers.
+  o Remove various memory leaks.
+  o Fix issues in the password lockout feature.
+New features introduced in this release include:
+  O Support symlinks created by CIFS clients which 
+    can be followed on the server.
+  o Using a cups server other than localhost.
+  o Maintaining the service principal entry in the system 
+    keytab for integration with other kerberized services.
+    Please refer to the 'use Kerberos keytab' entry in 
+    smb.conf(5).  When using the heimdal Kerberos libraries,
+    you must also specify the following in /etc/krb5.conf:
+    [libdefaults]
+       default_keytab_name = FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
+  o Support for maintaining individual printer names
+    stored separately from the printer's sharename.
+  o Support for maintaining user password history.
+  o Support for honoring the logon times for user in a 
+    Samba domain.
+unix extensions = yes (default) and symlinks
+Beginning with Samba 3.0.6pre1 (formerly known as 3.0.5pre1), 
+clients supporting the UNIX extensions to the CIFS protocol 
+can create symlinks to absolute paths which will be **followed** 
+by the server.  This functionality has been requested in order 
+to correctly support certain applications when the user's home 
+directory is mounted using some type of CIFS client (e.g. the 
+cifsvfs in the Linux 2.6 kernel).
+If this behavior is not acceptable for your production environment
+you can set 'wide links = no' in the specific share declaration in 
+the server's smb.conf.  Be aware that disabling wide link support 
+out of a share in Samba may impact the server's performance due 
+to the fact that smbd will now have to check each path additional 
+times before traversing it.
+Password History Support 
+The new password history feature allows smbd to check the new 
+password in password change requests against a list of the user's
+previous passwords.  The number of previous passwords to save can 
+be set using pdbedit (4 in this example):
+   root# pdbedit -P "password history" -C 4
+When using the ldapsam passdb backend, it is vital to secure the 
+following attributes from access by non-administrative users:
+   * sambaNTPassword
+   * sambaLMPassword
+   * sambaPasswordHistory
+You should refer to your directory server's documentation on how 
+to implement this restriction.
+Changes since 3.0.5
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name              Action
+    --------------              ------
+    cups server                 New
+    defer sharing violations    New
+    force unknown acl user      New
+    ldap timeout                New
+    printcap cache time         New
+    use Kerberos keytab         New
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org> 
+    * Correct path parsing bug that broke DeletePrinterDriverEx().
+    * Fix bugs in check_path_syntax() caught by asserts.
+    * Internal change - rearrange internal global case setting 
+      variables to a per connection basis.
+    * BUG 1345: Fix premature optimization in unix_convert(). 
+    * Allow clients to truncate a locked file.
+    * BUG 1319: Always check to see if a user as write access
+      to a share, even when 'force user' is set.
+    * Fix specific case of open that doesn't cause oplock break, 
+      or share mode check.
+    * Correct sid type is WKN_GROUP, not alias. Added some 
+      more known types (inspired by patch from Jianliang Lu).
+    * Allow creation of absolute symlink paths via CIFS clients.
+    * Fix charset bug in when invoking send_mailslot().
+    * When using widelinks = no, use realpath to canonicalize 
+      the connection path on connection create for the user. 
+    * Enhance stat open code.
+    * Fix unix extensions mknod code path.
+    * Allow unix domain socket creation via unix extensions.
+    * Auto disable the 'store dos attribute' parameter if the 
+      underlying filesystem doesn't support EAs.
+    * Implement deferred open code to fix a bug with Excel files 
+      on Samba shares.
+    * BUG 1427: Catch bad path errors at the right point.  Ensure 
+      all our pathname parsing is consistent.
+    * Fix SMB signing error introduced by the new deferred open 
+      code.
+    * Change default setting for case sensitivity to "auto". (see 
+      commit message -- r1154 -- for details).
+    * Add new remote client arch -- CIFSFS.
+    * Allow smbd to maintain the service principal entry in the 
+      system keytab file (based on patch Dan Perry <dperry at pppl.gov>, 
+      Guenther Deschner, et. al.).
+    * Fix longstanding memleak bug with logfile name.
+    * Fix incorrect type in printer publishing (struct uuid, 
+      not UUID_FLAT).
+    * Heimdal compile fixes after introduction of the new ketyab 
+      feature.
+    * Ensure we check attributes correctly on rename request.
+    * Ensure we defer a sharing violation on rename correctly.
+    * BUG 607: Ensure we remove DNS and DNSFAIL records immediately 
+      on timeout.
+    * Fix bogus error message when using "mangling method = hash" 
+      rather than hash2.
+    * Turn on sendfile by default for non-Win9x clients.
+    * Handle non-io opens that cause oplock breaks correctly.
+    * Ensure ldap replication sleep time is not more than 5 seconds.
+    * Add support for storing a user's password history.
+      LDAP portion of the code was based on a patch from 
+      Jianliang Lu <j.lu at tiesse.com>.
+    * Correct memory leaks found in the password change code.
+    * Fix support for the mknod command with the Linux CIFS client.
+    * Remove support for passing the new password to smbpasswd 
+      on the command line without using the -s option.
+    * Ensure home directory service number is correctly reused
+      (inspired by patches from Michael Collin Nielsen 
+      <michael at hum.aau.dk>).
+    * Fix to stop printing accounts from resetting the bas 
+      password and account lockout flags.
+    * If a account was locked out by an admin (and has a bad 
+      password count of zero) leave it locked out until an admin 
+      unlocks it (but log a message).
+    * Ensure we return the same ACL revision on the wire that 
+      W2K3 does.
+    * BUG 1578: Hardcode replacement for invalid characters as '_'
+      (based on fix from Alexander E. Patrakov <patrakov at ums.usu.ru>).
+    * Fix hashed password history for LDAP backends.
+    * Enforce logon hours restrictions if confiogured (based on code 
+      from Richard Renard <rrenard at idealx.com>).
+    * BUG 1606: Force smbd to disable sendfile with DOS clients 
+      and ensure that the chained header is filled in for ...&X 
+      commands.
+    * BUG 1602: Fix access to shares when all symlink support 
+      has been disabled.
+o   Tom Alsberg <alsbergt at cs.huji.ac.il>
+    * Allow pdbedit to export a single user from a passdb backend.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>  
+    * Fix parsing bug in GetDomPwInfo().
+    * Fix segfault in 'ntlm_auth --diagnostics'.
+    * Re-enable code to allow sid_to_gid() to perform a group 
+      mapping lookup before checking with winbindd.
+    * Fix memory leak in the trans2 signing code.
+    * Allow more flexible GSS-SPENGO client and server operation 
+      in ntlm_auth.
+    * Improve smbd's internal random number generation.
+    * Fix a few outstanding long password changes in smbd.
+    * Fix LANMAN2 session setup code.
+o   Eric Boehm <boehm at nortelnetworks.com>
+    BUG 703: Final touches on netgroup case lookups.
+o   Jerome Borsboom <j.borsboom at erasmusmc.nl>
+    * Ensure error status codes don't get overwritten in 
+      lsa_lookup_sids() server code.
+    * Correct bug that caused smbd to overwrite certain error 
+      codes when returning up the call stack.
+    * Ensure the correct sid type returned for builtin sids.
+o   Gerald Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fix a few bugs in the Fedora Packaging files.
+    * Fix for setting the called name to by our IP if the 
+      called name was *SMBSERVER and *SMBSERV.   Fixes issue 
+      with connecting to printers via \\ip.ad.dr.ess\printer 
+      UNC path.
+    * BUG 1315: fix for schannel client connections to servers
+      when we haven't specifically negotiated AUTH_PIPE_SEAL.
+    * Allow PrinterDriverData valuenames with embedded backslashes
+      (Fixes bug with one of the Konica Fiery drivers).
+    * Fixed string length miscalculation in netbios names that 
+      resulted in corrupt workgroup names in browse.dat.
+    * When running smbd as a daemon, launch child smbd to update 
+      the lpq cache listing in the background.
+    * Allow printers "Printers..." folder to be renamed to a string 
+      other than the share name.
+    * Allow winbindd to use domain trust account passwords when 
+      running on a Samba DC to establish an schannel to remote 
+      domains.
+    * Fix bad merge and ensure that we always use tdb_open_log() 
+      instead of tdb_open_ex() (the former call enforce the 'use 
+      mmap' parameter).
+    * BUG 1221: revert old change that used single and double 
+      quotes as delimeters in next_token(), and change 
+      print_parameter() to print out parm values surrounded by 
+      double quotes (instead of single quotes).
+    * Prevent home directories added during the SMBsesssetup&X from 
+      being removed as unused services.
+    * Invalidate the print object cache for open printer handles when
+      smbd receives a message that an attribute on a given printer 
+      has been changed.
+    * Cause the configure script to exit if --enable-cups[=yes] is 
+      defined and the system does not have the cups devel files 
+      installed.
+    * BUG 1297: Prevent map_username() from being called twice 
+      during logon.
+    * Ensure that we use the userPrincipalName AD attribute 
+      value for LDAP SASL binds.
+    * Ensure we remove the tdb entry when deleting a job that 
+      is being spooled.
+    * BUG 1520: Work around bug in Windows XP SP2 RC2 where the 
+      client sends a FindNextPrintChangeNotify() request without 
+      previously sending a FindFirstPrintChangeNotify().  Return 
+      the same error code as Windows 2000 SP4.
+    * BUG 1516: Manually declare ldap_open_with_timeout() to 
+      workaround compiler errors on IRIX (or other systems without 
+      LDAP headers).
+    * Merge security fixes for CAN-2004-0600, CAN-2004-0686 from 
+      3.0.5.
+    * Corrected syntax error in the OID for sambaUnixIdPool, 
+      sambaSidEntry, & sambaIdmapEntry object classes.
+    * Tighten the cache consistency with the ntprinters.tdb entry 
+      an the in memory cache associated with open printer handles.
+    * Make sure that register_messages_flags() doesn't overwrite 
+      the originally registered flags.
+o   Fabien Chevalier <fabien.chevalier at supelec.fr>
+    * Debian BUG 252591: Ensure that the return value from the 
+      number of available interfaces is initialized in case no 
+      interfaces are actually available.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at sernet.de> 
+    * Implement 'rpcclient setprintername'.
+    * Add local groups to the user's NT_TOKEN since they are 
+      actually supported now.
+    * Heimdal compile fixes after introduction of the new keytab 
+      feature.
+    * Correctly honor the info level parameter in 'rpcclient 
+      enumprinters'.
+    * Reintroduce 'force unknown acl user' parameter.  When getting a 
+      security descriptor for a file, if the owner sid is not known, 
+      the owner uid is set to the current uid. Same for group sid.
+    * Ensure that REG_SZ values in the SetPrinterData actually 
+      get written in UNICODE strings rather than ASCII.
+    * Ensure that the last Kerberos error return is not invalid.
+    * Display share ACL entries from rpcclient.
+    * Correct infinite loop in pam_winbind's verification of 
+      group membership in the 'other sids' field in the user_info3 
+      struct.
+o   Fabian Franz <FabianFranz at gmx.de>
+    * Support specifying a port in the device URL passed to smbspool.
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com>
+    * Handle -S and user mount parms in mount.cifs.
+    * Fix user unmount of shares mount with suid mount.cifs.
+    * prevent infinite recusion in reopen_logs() when expanding 
+      the smb.conf variable %I.
+o   Bjoern Jacke <bj at sernet.de>
+    * Install libsmbclient into $(LIBDIR), not into hard coded 
+      ${prefix}/lib. This helps amd64 systems with /lib and /lib64 
+      and an explicit configure --libdir setting.
+o   <kawasa_r at itg.hitachi.co.jp>
+    * Correct more memory leaks and initialization bugs.
+    * Fix bug that prevented core dumps from being generated 
+      even if you tried.
+    * Connect to the winbind pipe in non-blocking mode to 
+      prevent processes from hanging.
+    * Memory leak fixes.
+o   Stephan Kulow <coolo at suse.de>
+    * Fix crash bug in libsmbclient.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Added vfs_full_audit module.
+    * Add vfs_afsacl.c which can display & set AFS acls via 
+      the NT security editor.
+    * Fix crash bug caused by trying to Base64 encode a NULL string.
+    * Fix DOS error code bug in reply_chkpath().
+    * Correct misunderstanding of the max_size field in 
+      cli_samr_enum_als_groups;  it is more like an account_control 
+      field with individual bits what to retrieve.
+    * Implement 'net rpc group rename' -- rename domain groups.
+    * Implement the 'cups server' option. This makes it possible 
+      to have virtual smbd's connect to different cups daemons.
+    * Paranoia fixes when adding local aliases to a user's NT_TOKEN.
+    * Fix sid_to_gid() calls in winbindd to prevent loops.
+    * Ensure that local_sid_to_gid() sets the type of the group on 
+      return.
+    * Make sure that the clients are given back the IP address to 
+      which they connected in the case of a multi-homed host. Only 
+      affects strings the spoolss printing replies.
+    * Fix the bad password lockout. This has not worked as pdb_ldap.c 
+      did not ask for the modifyTimestamp attribute, so it could 
+      not find it.   Try not to regress by not putting that attrib 
+      in the main list but append it manually for the relevant searches.
+    * Fix two memleaks in login_cache.c.
+    * fixes memory bloat when unmarshalling strings.
+    * Fix compile errors using gcc 3.2 on SuSE 8.2.
+    * Fix the build for systems without Kerberos headers.
+    * Allow winbindd to handle authentication requests only when 
+      started without either an 'idmap uid' or 'idmap gid' range.
+    * Fix the build for systems without ldap headers.
+    * Fix interaction between share security descriptor and the 
+      'read only' smb.conf option.
+    * Fix bug that caused _samr_lookupsids() with more than 32 (
+      MAX_REF_DOMAINS) SIDs to fail.
+    * Allow the 'idmap backend' parameter to accept a list of 
+      LDAP servers for failover purposes.
+    * Revert code in smbd to remove a tdb when it has become 
+      corrupted.
+    * Add paranoid checks when mapping SIDs to a uid/gid to 
+      ensure that the type is correct.
+    * Initial work on getting client support for sending mailslot 
+      datagrams.
+    * Add 'ldap timeout' parameter.
+    * Dont always uppercase 'afs username map'.
+    * Expand aliases for getusersids as well.
+    * Improved NT->AFS ACL mapping VFS module.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Add the acls debug class.
+    * Fix logic bug in netbios name truncate routine.
+    * Fix smbd crash caused by smbtorture IOCTL test.
+    * Fix errno tromping before calling iconv to reset the 
+      conversion state.
+    * need to leave empty dacl so we can remove last ACE.
+o   Jianliang Lu <Jianliang.Lu at getronics.com>
+    * Fix to stop smbd hanging on missing group member in 
+      get_memberuids().
+    * Make sure Samba returns the correct group types.
+     * Reset the bad password count password counts upon a successful login.
+o   Jason Mader <jason at ncac.gwu.edu>
+    * BUG 1385: Don't use non-consts in a structure initialization.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * BUG 1279: SMBjobid fix for Samba print servers running on 
+      Big-Endian platforms.
+o   Joe Meadows <jameadows at webopolis.com>
+    * Add optional timeout parameter to ldap open calls.
+    * Allow get_dc_list() to check the negative cache.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>    
+    * fix a configure logic bug for linux/XFS quotas when 
+      using --with-sys-quotas.
+    * Use quota debug class in quota code.
+    * print out the SVN revision by configure,
+o   Buchan Milne <bgmilne at mandrake.org>
+    * Mandrake packaging fixes.
+o   Lars Mueller <lmuelle at samba.org>
+    * BUG 1279: Added 'printcap cache time' parameter.
+    * Fix afs related build issues on SuSE.
+    * Fix compiler warnings in the Kerberos client code.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * More iconv detection fixes for IRIX.
+    * Compile fixed for systems that do not have C99/UNIX98 compliant 
+      vsnprintf by default.
+    * Prevent smbd from attempting to use sendfile at all if it is 
+      not supported by the server's OS.
+    * Allow SWAT to search for index.html when serving html files 
+      in a directory.
+o   Dan Peterson
+    * Implement NFS quota support on FreeBSD.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * BUG 1360: Use -Bsymbolic when creating shared libraries to 
+      avoid conflicts with identical symbols in the global namespace 
+      when loading libnss_wins.so.
+o   Richard Renard <rrenard at idealx.com>
+    * Save the current password as it is being changed into the 
+      password history list.
+o   Richard Sharpe <rsharpe at samba.org>
+    * Fix error return codes on some lock messages.
+    * BUG 1178: Make the libsmbclient routines callable 
+      by C++ programs.
+    * BUG 1333: Make sure we return an error code when 
+      things go wrong.
+    * BUG 1301: Return NT_STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION when 
+      share mode locking requests fail.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Update Debian stable & unstable packaging.
+    * Tidy up parametric options in testparm output.
+o   Richard Sharpe <rsharpe at samba.org>
+    * Add sigchild handling to winbindd to restart the child 
+      daemon if necessary.
+o   Tom Shaw <tomisfaraway at gmail.com>
+    * Use winbindd_fill_pwent() consistently.
+o   Nick Thompson <nickthompson at agere.com>
+    * Protect smbd against broken filesystems which return zero 
+      blocksize.
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Fixed bug in handling of timeout in socket connections.
+o   Nick Wellnhofer <wellnhofer at aevum.de>    
+    * Prevent lp_interfaces() list from being corrupted.  Fixes
+      bug where nmbd would lose the list of network interfaces 
+      on the system and consequently shutdown.
+o   James Wilkinson <jwilk at alumni.cse.ucsc.edu>
+    * Fix ntlm_auth memory leaks.
+o   Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
+    * Additional NT status to unix error mappings.
+    * BUG 478: Rename vsnprintf to smb_vsnprintf so we don't 
+      get duplicate symbol errors.
+    * Return an error when the last command read from stdin 
+      fails in smbclient.
+    * Prepare for better error checking in tar.
+    * BUG 1474: Fix build of --with-expsam stuff on Solaris.
+      --------------------------------------------------
+                 =============================
+                 Release Notes for Samba 3.0.5
+                         July 20, 2004
+                 =============================
+Please note that Samba 3.0.5 is identical to Samba 3.0.4 with 
+the exception of correcting the two security issues outlined 
+######################## SECURITY RELEASE ########################
+Summary:       Multiple Potential Buffer Overruns in Samba 3.0.x
+CVE ID:        CAN-2004-0600, CAN-2004-0686
+               (http://cve.mitre.org/)
+This is the latest stable release of Samba. This is the version
+that production Samba servers should be running for all current
+It has been confirmed that versions of Samba 3 prior to v3.0.4
+are vulnerable to two potential buffer overruns.  The individual
+details are given below.
+Affected Versions:      Samba 3.0.2 and later
+The internal routine used by the Samba Web Administration
+Tool (SWAT v3.0.2 and later) to decode the base64 data
+during HTTP basic authentication is subject to a buffer
+overrun caused by an invalid base64 character.  It is
+recommended that all Samba v3.0.2 or later installations
+running SWAT either (a) upgrade to v3.0.5, or (b) disable
+the swat administration service as a temporary workaround.
+This same code is used internally to decode the
+sambaMungedDial attribute value when using the ldapsam
+passdb backend. While we do not believe that the base64
+decoding routines used by the ldapsam passdb backend can
+be exploited, sites using an LDAP directory service with
+Samba are strongly encouraged to verify that the DIT only
+allows write access to sambaSamAccount attributes by a
+sufficiently authorized user.
+The Samba Team would like to heartily thank Evgeny Demidov
+for analyzing and reporting this bug.
+Affected Versions:      Samba 3.0.0 and later
+A buffer overrun has been located in the code used to support
+the 'mangling method = hash' smb.conf option.  Please be aware
+that the default setting for this parameter is 'mangling method
+= hash2' and therefore not vulnerable.
+Affected Samba 3 installations can avoid this possible security
+bug by using the default hash2 mangling method.  Server
+installations requiring the hash mangling method are encouraged
+to upgrade to Samba 3.0.5.
+    --------------------------------------------------
+                 =============================
+                 Release Notes for Samba 3.0.4
+                          May 8, 2004
+                 =============================
+Common bugs fixed in Samba 3.0.4 include:
+  o Password changing after applying the patch described in 
+    the Microsoft KB828741 article to Windows clients.
+  o Crashes in smbd.
+  o Managing print jobs via Windows on Big-Endian servers.
+  o Several memory leaks in winbindd and smbd.
+  o Compile issues on AIX and *BSD.
+Changes since 3.0.3
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Fix path processing for DeletePrinterDriverEx().
+    * BUG 1303: Fix for Microsoft hotfix MS04-011 password change 
+      breakage.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Fix alignment bug in GetDomPwInfo().
+o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab at samba.org>
+    * Fix utime[s]() issues in smbwrapper on systems 
+      that can boot both the 2.4 and 2.6 Linux kernels.
+o   Gerald Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fedora packaging fixes.
+    * BUG 1302: Fix seg fault by not trying to optimize a list of 
+      invalid gids using the wrong array size.
+    * BUG 1309: fix seg fault caused by trying to strdup(NULL)
+      seen when 'security = share'.
+    * Fix problems when using IBM's compiler on AIX.
+    * Link Developer's Guide, Example Guide, and multi-page HOWTO
+      into SWAT's welcome page.
+    * BUG 1293: fix double free in printer publishing code.
+o   Wim Delvaux <wim.delvaux at adaptiveplanet.com>
+    * Fix for handling timeouts in socket connections.
+o   Michel Gravey <michel.gravey at optogone.com>
+    * BUG 483: patch from  to fix password hash creation in SWAT.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Close the open NT pipes before the tdis.
+    * Fix AFS related build issues.
+    * Handle error conditions when base64 encoding a blob of 0 bytes.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Added 'acls' debug class.
+o   kawasa_r at itg.hitachi.co.jp
+    * Multiple variable initialization and memory leak fixes.
+o   Stephan Kulow <coolo at suse.de>
+    * Fix string length bug in libsmbclient that caused KDE's 
+      Konqueror to crash.
+    * BUG 429: More libsmbclient fixes.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * BUG 1007, 1279: Store the print job using a little-endian key.
+o   Eric Mertens
+    o Compile fix for OpenBSD (ENOTSUP not supported).
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>
+    * Correct bug in disks quota views from explorer.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    BUG 1305: Correct debug output.
+o   Richard Sharpe <rsharpe at samba.org>
+    * Fix incorrect error code mapping.
+o   Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
+    * Add additional NT_STATUS errorm mappings.
+    --------------------------------------------------
+                 =============================
+                 Release Notes for Samba 3.0.3
+                        April 29, 2004
+                 =============================
+Common bugs fixed in Samba 3.0.3 include:
+  o Crash bugs and change notify issues in Samba's printing code.
+  o Honoring secondary group membership on domain member servers.
+  o TDB scalability issue surrounding the TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST flag.
+  o Substitution errors for %[UuGg] in smb.conf.
+  o winbindd crashes when using ADS security mode.
+  o SMB signing errors.
+  o Delays in winbindd startup caused by unnecessary 
+    connections to trusted domain controllers.
+  o Various small memory leaks.
+  o Winbindd failing due to expired Kerberos tickets.
+New features introduced in Samba 3.0.3 include:
+  o Improved support for i18n character sets.
+  o Support for account lockout policy based on
+    bad password attempts.
+  o Improved support for long password changes (>14
+    characters) and strong password enforcement.
+  o Support for Windows aliases (i.e. nested groups).
+  o Experimental support for storing DOS attribute on files
+    and folders in Extended Attributes.
+  o Support for local nested groups via winbindd.
+  o Specifying options to be passed directly to the CUPS libraries.
+Please be aware that the Samba source code repository was 
+migrated from CVS to Subversion on April 4, 2004.  Details on 
+accessing the Samba source tree via anonymous svn can be found 
+at http://svn.samba.org/samba/subversion.html.
+Changes since 3.0.2a
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name              Action
+    --------------              ------
+    cups options                New
+    ea support                  New
+    only user                   Deprecated
+    store dos attributes        New
+    unicode                     Removed
+    winbind nested groups       New
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Ensure that Kerberos mutex is always properly unlocked.
+    * Removed Heimdal "in-memory keytab" support.
+    * Fixup the 'multiple-vuids' bugs in our server code.
+    * Correct return code from lsa_lookup_sids() on unmapped
+      sids (based on work by vl at samba.org).
+    * Fix the "too many fcntl locks" scalability problem 
+      raised by tridge.
+    * Fixup correct (as per W2K3) returns for lookupsids 
+      as well as lookupnames.
+    * Fixups for delete-on-close semantics as per Win2k3 behavior.
+    * Make SMB_FILE_ACCESS_INFORMATION call work correctly.
+    * Fix "unable to initialize" bug when smbd hasn't been run with 
+      new system and a user is being added via pdbedit/smbpasswd.
+    * Added NTrename SMB (0xA5).
+    * Fixup correct timeout values for blocking lock timeouts.
+    * Fix various bugs reported by 'gentest'.
+    * More locking fixes in the case where we own the lock.
+    * Fix up regression in IS_NAME_VALID and renames.
+    * Don't set allocation size on directories.
+    * Return correct error code on fail if file exists and target 
+      is a directory.
+    * Added client "hardlink" comment to test doing NT rename with 
+      hard links.  Added hardlink_internals() code - UNIX extensions 
+      now use this as well.
+    * Use a common function to parse all pathnames from the wire for 
+      much closer emulation of Win2k3 error return codes.
+    * Implement check_path_syntax() and rewrite string sub 
+      functions for better multibyte support.
+    * Ensure msdfs referrals are multibyte safe.
+    * Allow msdfs symlink syntax to be more forgiving.
+      eg. sym_link -> msdfs://server/share/path/in/share 
+      or  sym_link -> msdfs:\\server\share\path\in\share.
+    * Cleanup multibyte netbios name support in nmbd ( based on patch
+      by MORIYAMA Masayuki <moriyama at miraclelinux.com>).
+    * Fix check_path_syntax() for multibyte encodings which have 
+      no '\' as second byte (based on work by ab at samba.org.
+    * Fix the "dfs self-referrals as anonymous user" problem
+      (based on patch from vl at samba.org).
+    * BUG 1064: Ensure truncate attribute checking is done correctly 
+      on "hidden" dot files.
+    * Fix bug in anonymous dfs self-referrals again.
+    * Fix get/set of EA's in client library
+    * Added support for OS/2 EA's in smbd server.
+    * Added 'ea support' parameter to smb.conf.
+    * Added 'store dos attributes' parameter to smb.conf.
+    * Fix wildcard identical rename.
+    * Fix reply_ctemp - make compatible with w2k3.
+    * Fix wildcard unlink.
+    * Fix wildcard src with wildcard dest renames.      
+    * BUG 1139: Fix based on suggestion by jdev at panix.com.
+      swap lookups for user and group - group will do an
+      algorithmic lookup if it fails, user won't.
+    * Make EA's lookups case independent.
+    * Fix SETPATHINFO in 'unix extensions' support.
+    * Make 3.x pass the Samba 4.x RAW-SEARCH tests - except for 
+      the UNIX info levels, and the short case preserve names.
+o   Timur Bakeyev <timur at com.bat.ru>
+    * BUG 1144: only set --with-fhs when the argument is 'yes'
+    * BUG 1152: Allow python modules to build despite libraries added 
+      to LDFLAGS instead of LDPATH.
+    * BUG 1141: Fix nss*.so names on FreeBSD 5.x.
+o   Craig Barratt <cbarratt at users.sourceforge.net>
+    * BUG 389: Allow multiple exclude arguments with smbclient 
+      tar -Xr options (better support for Amanda backup client).
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Include support for linking with cracklib for enforcing strong 
+      password changes.
+    * Add support for >14 character password changes from Windows 
+      clients.
+    * Add 'admin set password' capability to 'net rpc'.
+    * Allow 'net rpc samdump' to work with any joined domain 
+      regardless of smb.conf settings.
+    * Use an allocated buffer for count_chars.
+    * Add sanity checks for changes in the domain SID in an 
+      LDAP DIT.
+    * Implement python unit tests for Samba's multibyte string 
+      support.
+    * Remove 'unicode' smb.conf option.
+    * BUG 1138: Fix support for 'optional' SMB signing and other 
+      signing bugs.
+    * BUG 169: Fix NTLMv2-only behavior.
+    * Ensure 'net' honors the 'netbios name' in the smb.conf by 
+      default.
+    * Support SMB signing on connections using only the LANMAN 
+      password and generate the correct the 'session key' for these 
+      connections.
+    * Implement --required-membership-of=, an ntlm_auth option 
+      that restricts all authentication to members of this particular 
+      group.
+    * Improve our fall back code for password changes.
+    * Only send the ntlm_auth 'ntlm-server-1' helper client a '.' 
+      after the server had said something (such as an error).
+    * Add 'ntlm-server-1' helper protocol to ntlm_auth.
+o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab at samba.org>
+    * Fix incorrect size calculation of the directory name 
+      in recycle.so.
+    * Fix problems with very long filenames in both smbd and smbclient
+      caused by truncating paths during character conversions.
+    * Fix smbfs problem with Tree Disconnect issued before smbfs 
+      starts its work.
+o   Gerald Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * BUG 850: Fix 'make installmodules' bug on True64.
+    * BUG 66: mark 'only user' deprecated.
+    * Remove corrupt tdb and shutdown (only for printing tdbs, 
+      connections, sessionid & locking).
+    * decrement smbd counter in connections.tdb in smb_panic().
+    * RedHat specfile updates.
+    * Fix xattr.h build issue on Debian testing and SuSE 8.2.
+    * BUG 1147; bad pointer case in get_stored_queue_info() 
+      causing seg fault.
+    * BUG 761: read the config file before initialized default 
+      values for printing options; don't default to bsd printing 
+      Linux.
+    * Allow the 'printing' parameter to be set on a per share basis.
+    * BUG 503: RedHat/Fedora packaging fixes regarding logrotate.
+    * BUG 848: don't create winbind local users/groups that already 
+      exist in the tdb.
+    * BUG 1080: fix declaration of SMB_BIG_UINT (broke compile on 
+      LynxOS/ppc).
+    * BUG 488: fix the 'show client in col 1' button and correctly 
+      enumerate active connections.
+    * BUG 1007 (partial): Fix abort in smbd caused by byte ordering 
+      problem when storing the updating pid for the lpq cache.
+    * BUG 1007 (partial): Fix print change notify bugs.
+    * BUG 1165, 1126: Fix bug with secondary groups (security = ads) 
+      and winbind use default domain = yes.  Also ensures that 
+    * BUG 1151: Ensure that winbindd users are passed through 
+      the username map.
+    * Fix client rpc binds for ASU derived servers (pc netlink, 
+      etc...).
+    * BUG 417, 1128: Ensure that the current_user_info is set
+      consistently so that %[UuGg] is expanded correctly.
+    * BUG 1195: Fix crash in winbindd when the ADS server is 
+      unavailable.
+    * BUG 1185: Set reconnect time to be the same as the 
+      'winbind cache time'.
+    * Ensure that we return the sec_desc in smb_io_printer_info_2.
+    * Change Samba printers Win32 attribute to PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL.
+    * BUG 1095: Honor the '-l' option in smbclient.
+    * BUG 1023: surround get_group_from_gid() with become_unbecome_root() 
+      block.
+    * Ensure server schannel uses the auth level requested by the 
+      client.
+    * Removed --with-cracklib option due to potential crash issue.
+    * Fix -lcrypto linking problem with wbinfo.
+    * BUG 761: allow printing parameter to set defaults on a per 
+      share basis.
+    * Add 'cups options' parameter to allow raw printing without 
+      changing /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.
+    * BUG 1081, 1183: Added remove_duplicate_gids() to smbd and 
+      winbindd.
+    * BUG 1246: Fix typo in Fedora /etc/init.d/winbind.
+    * BUG 1288: resolve any machine netbios name (0x00) and not just 
+      servers (0x20).
+    * BUG 1199: Fix potential symlink issue in 
+      examples/printing/smbprint.
+o   Robert Dahlem <Robert.Dahlem at gmx.net>
+    * BUG 1048:  Don't return short names when when 'mangled names = no'
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at suse.com>
+    * Remove hard coded attribute name in the ads ranged retrieval
+      code.
+    * Add --with-libdir and --with-mandir to autoconf script.
+o   Bostjan Golob <golob at gimb.org>
+    * BUG 1046: Fix  getpwent_list() so that the username is not 
+      overwritten by other fields.
+o   Landon Fuller <landonf at opendarwin.org>
+    * BUG 1232: patch from landonf at opendarwin.org (Landon Fuller) 
+      to fix user/group enumeration on systems whose libc does not 
+      call setgrent() before trying to enumerate users (i.e. 
+      FreeBSD 5.2).
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com>
+    * Update mount.cifs to version 1.1.
+    * Disable dev (MS_NODEV) on user mounts from cifs vfs.
+    * Fixes to minor security bug in the mount helper.
+    * Fix credential file mounting for cifs vfs.
+    * Fix free of incremented pointer in cifsvfs mount helper.
+    * Fix path canonicalization of the mount target path and help 
+      text display in the cifs mount helper.
+    * Add missing guest mount option for mount.cifs.
+o   SATOH Fumiyasu <fumiya at miraclelinux.com>
+    * BUG 1055; formatting fixes for 'net share'.
+    * BUG 692: correct truncation of share names and workgroup 
+      names in smbclient.
+    * BUG 1088: use strchr_m() for query_host (smbclient -L).
+    * Patch from to internally count characters correctly.
+o   Paul Green <paulg at samba.org>
+    * Update VOS _POSIX_C_SOURCE macro to 200112L.
+    * Fix bug in configure.ion by moving the first use of 
+      AC_CHECK_HEADERS so it is always executed.
+    * Fix configure.in to only use $BLDSHARED to select whether to 
+      build static or shared libraries.
+o   Pat Haywarrd <Pat.Hayward at propero.net>
+    * Make the session_users list dynamic (max of 128K).
+o   Cal Heldenbrand <calzplace at yahoo.com> 
+    * Fix for for 'pam_smbpass migrate' functionality.
+o   Chris Hertel <crh at samba.org>
+    * fix enumeration of shares 12 characters in length via 
+      smbclient.
+o   Ulrich Holeschak <ulrich at holeschak.de>
+    * BUG 932: fix local password change using pam_smbpass
+o   Krischan Jodies <kj at sernet.de>
+    * Implement 'net rpc group delete'
+o   John Klinger <john.klinger at lmco.com>
+    * Return NSS_SUCCESS once the max number of gids possible 
+       has been found in initgroups() on Solaris.
+    * BUG 1182: Re-enable the -n 'no cache' option for winbindd.
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * Fix success message for net groupmap modify.
+    * Fix errors when enumerating members of groups in 'net rpc'.
+    * Match Windows behavior in samr_lookup_names() by returning
+      ALIAS(4) when you search in BUILTIN. 
+    * Fix server SAMR code to be able to set alias info for 
+      builtin as well. 
+    * Fix duplication of logic when creating groups via smbd.
+    * Ensure that the HWM values are set correctly after running 
+      'net idmap'.
+    * Add 'net rpc group add'.
+    * Implement 'net groupmap set' and 'net groupmap cleanup'.
+    * Add 'net rpc group [add|del]mem' for domain groups and aliases.
+    * Fix wb_delgrpmem (wbinfo -o).
+    * As a DC we should not reply to lsalookupnames on DCNAME\\user.
+    * Fix sambaUserWorkstations on a Samba DC.
+    * Implement wbinfo -k: Have winbind generate an AFS token after
+      authenticating the user.
+    * Add expand_msdfs VFS module for providing referrals based on the
+      the client's IP address.
+    * Implement client side NETLOGON GetDCName function.
+    * Fix caching of name->sid lookups.
+    * Add support in winbindd for expanding nested local groups.
+    * Fix memleak in winbindd.
+    * Fix msdfs proxy.
+    * Don't list domain groups from BUILTIN.
+    * Fix memleak in policy handle utility functions.
+    * Decrease winbindd startup time by only contacting trusted 
+      domains as necessary.
+    * Allow winbindd to ask the DC for its domain for a trusted 
+      DC.
+    * Fix Netscape DS schema based on comments from 
+      <thomas.mueller at christ-wasser.de>.
+    * Correct case where adding a domain user to a XP local group 
+      did a lsalookupname on the user without domain prefix, and 
+      failed.
+    * Fix segfault in winbindd caused by 'wbinfo -a'.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Fix typo for tag in proto file.
+    * Add missing #ifdef HAVE_BICONV stuff.
+    * Truncate Samba's netbios name at the first '.' (not 
+      right to left).
+o   Derrell Lipman <Derrell.Lipman at UnwiredUniverse.com>
+    * Bug fixes and enhancements to libsmbclient library.
+o   Jianliang Lu <j.lu at tiesse.com>
+    * Enforce the 'user must change password at next login' flag.
+    * Decode meaning of 'fields present' flags (improves support 
+      for usrmgr.exe).
+    * NTLMv2 fixes.
+    * Don't force an upper case domain name in the ntlmssp code.
+o   L. Lucius <ib at digicron.com>.
+    * type fixes.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Add versioning support to tdbsam.
+    * Update the IBM Directory Server schema with the OpenLDAP 
+      file.
+    * Various decoding fixes to improve usrmgr.exe support.
+    * Fix statfs redeclaration of statfs struct on ppc
+    * Implement support for password lockout of Samba domain 
+      controllers and standalone servers.
+    * Get MungedDial attribute actually working with full TS 
+      strings in it for pdb_ldap.
+    * BUG 1208 (partial): Improvements for working with expired krb5 
+      tickets in winbindd.
+    * Use timegm, or our already existing replacement instead of 
+      timezone (spotted by Andrzej Tobola <san at iem.pw.edu.pl>).
+    * Remove modifyTimestamp from list of our attributes.  
+    * Fix lsalookupnames to check for domain users as well as local 
+      users. 
+    * Merge struct uuid replacement for GUID from trunk.
+    * BUG 1208: Finish support for handling expired tickets in 
+      winbindd (in conjunction with Guenther Deschner <gd at suse.de>).
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>
+    * Implement new VERSION schema based on subversion revision 
+      numbers.
+    * Add shadow_copy vfs module.
+    * Fix segault in login_cache support.
+o    Heinrich Mislik <Heinrich.Mislik at univie.ac.at>
+     o BUG 979 -- Fix quota display on AIX.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * Correct check for printf() format when using the SGI MIPSPro 
+      compiler.
+    * BUG 1038: support backtrace for 'panic action' on IRIX.
+    * BUG 768: Accept profileing arg to IRIX init script.
+    * BUG 748: Relax arg parsing to sambalp script (IRIX).
+    * BUG 758: Fix pdma build.
+    * Search IRIX ABI paths for libiconv.  Based on initial fix from 
+      Jason Mader.
+o   Kurt Pfeifle <kpfeifle at danka.de>
+    * Add example shell script for migrating drivers and printers 
+      from a Windows print server to a Samba print server using 
+      smbclient/rpcclient (examples/printing/VamireDriversFunctions).
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * Fix logic bug in tdb non-blocking lock routines when 
+      errno == EAGAIN.
+    * BUG 1025: Include sys/acl.h in check for broken nisplus 
+      include files.      
+    * BUG 1066: s/printf/d_printf/g in SWAT.
+    * BUG 1098: rename internal msleep() function to fix build 
+      problems on AIX.
+    * BUG 1112: Fix for writable printerdata problem in python bindings.
+    * BUG 1154: Remove reference to <sys/mman.h> in tdbdump.c.
+    * BUG 1155: enclose use of fchown() with guards.
+    * Relicense tdb python module as LGPL.
+o   Richard Sharpe <rsharpe at samba.org>
+    * Add support to smbclient for multiple logins on the same 
+      session (based on work by abartlet at samba.org).
+    * Correct blocking condition in smbd's use of accept() on IRIX.
+    * Add support for printing out the MAC address on nmblookup.
+o   Simo Sorce <idra at samba.org>
+    * Replace unknown_3 with fields_present in SAMR code.
+    * More length checks in strlcat().
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Rewrote the AIX UESS backend for winbindd.
+    * Fixed compilation with --enable-dmalloc.
+    * Change tdb license to LGPL (see source/tdb/tdb.c).
+    * Force winbindd to use schannel in clients connections to 
+      DC's if possible.
+o   Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
+   * Fix ETA Calculation when resuming downloads in smbget.
+   * Add -O (for writing downloaded files to standard out) 
+     based on patch by Bas van Sisseren <bas at dnd.utwente.nl>.
+    * Fix syntax error in example mysql table
+o   TAKEDA yasuma <yasuma at miraclelinux.com>
+    * BUG 900: fix token processing in cmd_symlink, cmd_link, 
+      cmd_chown, cmd_chmod smbclient functions.
+o   Shiro Yamada <shiro at miraclelinux.com>
+    * BUG 1129: install image files for SWAT.
+    --------------------------------------------------
+                  ==============================
+                  Release Notes for Samba 3.0.2a
+                        February 13, 2004
+                  ==============================
+Samba 3.0.2a is a minor patch release for the 3.0.2 code base
+to address, in particular, a problem when using pdbedit to 
+sanitize (--force-initialized-passwords) Samba's tdbsam 
+backend.   This is the latest stable release of Samba. This 
+is the version that all production Samba servers should be 
+running for all current bug-fixes.  
+******************* Attention! Achtung! Kree! *********************
+Beginning with Samba 3.0.2, passwords for accounts with a last 
+change time (LCT-XXX in smbpasswd, sambaPwdLastSet attribute in
+ldapsam, etc...) of zero (0) will be regarded as uninitialized 
+strings.  This will cause authentication to fail for such
+accounts.  If you have valid passwords that meet this criteria, 
+you must update the last change time to a non-zero value.  If you 
+do not, then  'pdbedit --force-initialized-passwords' will disable 
+these accounts and reset the password hashes to a string of X's.
+******************* Attention! Achtung! Kree! *********************
+Changes since 3.0.2
+Please refer to the CVS log for the SAMBA_3_0 branch for complete
+details.  The list of changes per contributor are as follows:
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Added paranoia checks in parsing code.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Ensure that changes to uninitialized passwords in ldapsam 
+      are written to the DIT.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fixed iterator in tdbsam.
+    * Fix bug that disabled accounts with a valid NT password 
+      hash, but no LanMan hash.
+o   Steve French <sfrench at us.ibm.com>
+    * Added missing nosetuid and noexec options.
+o   Bostjan Golob <golob at gimb.org>
+    * BUG 1046: Don't overwrite usernames of entries returned 
+      by getpwent_list().
+o   Sebastian Krahmer <krahmer at suse.de>
+    * Fixed potential crash bug in NTLMSSP parsing code.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * Fixed logic in tdb_brlock error checking.
+o   Urban Widmark <urban at teststation.com>
+    * Set nosuid,nodev flags in smbmnt by default.
+        --------------------------------------------------
+                  =============================
+                  Release Notes for Samba 3.0.2
+                        February 9, 2004
+                  =============================
+It has been confirmed that previous versions of Samba 3.0 are
+susceptible to a password initialization bug that could grant an 
+attacker unauthorized access to a user account created by the
+mksmbpasswd.sh shell script.
+The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) 
+has assigned the name CAN-2004-0082 to this issue.
+Samba administrators not wishing to upgrade to the current 
+version should download the 3.0.2 release, build the pdbedit 
+tool, and run 
+   root# pdbedit-3.0.2 --force-initialized-passwords
+This will disable all accounts not possessing a valid password
+(e.g. the password field has been set a string of X's).
+Samba servers running 3.0.2 are not vulnerable to this bug 
+regardless of whether or not pdbedit has been used to sanitize
+the passdb backend.
+Some of the more visible bugs in 3.0.1 addressed in the 3.0.2
+release include:
+  o Joining a Samba domain from Pre-SP2 Windows 2000 clients.
+  o Logging onto a Samba domain from Windows XP clients.
+  o Problems with the %U and %u smb.conf variables in relation to 
+    Windows 9x/ME clients.
+  o Kerberos failures due to an invalid in memory keytab detection
+    test.
+  o Updates to the ntlm_auth tool.
+  o Fixes for various SMB signing errors.
+  o Better separation of WINS and DNS queries for domain controllers.
+  o Issues with nss_winbind FreeBSD and Solaris.
+  o Several crash bugs in smbd and winbindd.
+  o Output formatting fixes for smbclient for better compatibility
+    with scripts based on the 2.2 version.
+Changes since 3.0.1
+smb.conf changes
+    Parameter Name              Action
+    --------------              ------
+    ldap replication sleep      New
+    read size                   removed (unused)
+    source environment          removed (unused)
+Please refer to the CVS log for the SAMBA_3_0 branch for complete
+details.  The list of changes per contributor are as follows:
+o   Jeremy Allison <jra at samba.org>
+    * Revert change that broke Exchange clear text samlogons.
+    * Fix gcc 3.4 warning in MS-DFS code.
+    * Tidy up of NTLMSSP code.
+    * Fixes for SMB signing errors
+    * BUG 815: Workaround NT4 bug to support plaintext
+      password logins and UNICODE.
+    * Fix SMB signing bug when copying large files.
+    * Correct error logic in mkdir_internals() (caused a panic
+      when combined with --enable-developer).
+    * BUG 830: Protect against crashes due to bad character 
+      conversions.
+o   Petri Asikainen <paca at sci.fi>
+    * BUG 330, 387:Fix single valued attribute updates when 
+      working with Novell NDS.
+o   Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>
+    * Correctly handle per-pipe NTLMSSP inside a NULL session.
+    * Fix segfault in gencache 
+    * Fix early free() of encrypted_session_key.
+    * Change DC lookup routines to more carefully separate
+      DNS names (realms) from NetBIOS domain names.
+    * Add new sid_to_dn() function for internal winbindd use.
+    * Refactor cli_ds_enum_domain_trusts().
+    * BUG 707: Implement range retrieval of ADS attributes (based 
+      on work from Volker <vl at samba.org> and Guenther Deschner 
+      <gd at suse.com>).
+    * Automatically initialize the signing engine if a session key
+      is available.
+    * BUG 916: Do not perform a + -> ' ' substitution for squid URL 
+      encoded strings, only form input in SWAT.
+    * Resets the NTLMSSP state for new negotiate packets.
+    * Add 2-byte alignments in net_samlogon() queries to parse 
+      odd-length plain text passwords.
+    * Allow Windows groups with no members in winbindd.
+    * Allow normal authentication in the absence of a server 
+      generated session key.
+    * More optimizations for looking up UNIX group lists.
+    * Clean up error codes and return values for pam_winbindd
+      and winbindd PAM interface.
+    * Fix string return values in ntlm_auth tool.
+    * Fix segfault when 'security = ads' but no realm is defined.
+    * BUG 722: Allow winbindd to map machine accounts to uids.
+    * More cleanups for winbindd's find_our_domain().
+    * More clearly detect whether a domain controller is an NT4
+      or mixed-mode AD DC (additional bug fixes by jerry & jmcd).
+    * Increase separation between DNS queries for hosts and queries
+      for AD domain controllers.
+    * Include additional NT_STATUS to PAM error mappings.
+    * Password initialization fixes.
+o   Justin Baugh <justin.baugh at request.com>
+    * BUG 948: Implement missing functions required for FreeBSD 
+      nss_winbind support. 
+o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab at samba.org>
+    * BUG 922: Make sure enable fast path for strlower_m() and 
+      strupper_m().
+o   Luca Bolcioni <Luca.Bolcioni at yacme.com>
+    * Fix crash when using 'security = server' and 'encrypt 
+      passwords = no' by always initializing the session key.
+o   Dmitry Butskoj <buc at odusz.elektra.ru>
+    * Fix for special files being hidden from admins.
+o   Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org>
+    * Fix bug in the lanman session key generation.  Caused 
+      "decode_pw: incorrect password length" error messages.
+    * Save the right case for the located user name in 
+      fill_sam_account().  Fixes %U/%u expansion for win9x clients.
+    * BUG 897: Add well known rid for pre win2k compatible access
+      group.
+    * BUG 887: Correct typo in delete user script example.
+    * Use short lived TALLOC_CTX* for allocating printer objects 
+      from the print handle cache.
+    * BUG 912: Fix check for HAVE_MEMORY_KEYTAB.
+    * Fix several warnings reported by the SUN Forte C compiler.
+    * Fully control DNS queries for AD DC's using 'name resolve order'.
+    * BUG 770: Send the SMBjobid for UNIX jobs back to the client.
+    * BUG 972: Fix segfault in cli_ds_getprimarydominfo().
+    * BUG 936: fix bind credentials for schannel binds in smbd.
+    * BUG 446: Fix output of smbclient for better compatibility 
+      with scripts based on the 2.2 version (including Amanda).
+    * BUG 891, 949: Fedora packaging fixes.
+    * Fix bug that caused rpcclient to incorrectly retrieve 
+      the SID for a server (this causing all calls that required 
+      this information to fail). 
+    * BUG 977: Don't create a homes share for a user if a static 
+      share already exists by the same name.
+    * Removed unused smb.conf options.
+    * Password initialization fixes.
+    * Set the disable flag for template accounts created by
+      mksmbpasswd.sh.
+    * Disable any account has no passwords and does not have the
+      ACB_PWNOTREQ bit set.
+o   Guenther Deschner <gd at suse.com>
+    * Install smbwrapper.so should be put into the $(libdir) 
+      and not $(bindir).
+    * Add the capability to specify the new user password 
+      for "net ads password" on the command line.
+    * Correctly detect AFS headers on SuSE.
+o   James Flemer <jflemer at uvm.edu>
+    * Fix AIX compile bug by linking HAVE_ATTR_LIST to 
+o   Luke Howard <lukeh at PADL.COM>
+    * Fix segfault in session setup reply caused by a early free().
+o   Stoian Ivanov <sdr at bultra.com>
+    * Implement grepable output for smbclient -L.
+o   LaMont Jones <lamont at debian.org>
+    * BUG 225328 (Debian): Correct false failure LFS test that resulted 
+      in  _GNU_SOURCE not being defined (thus resulting in strndup() 
+      not being defined).
+o   Volker Lendecke <vl at samba.org>
+    * BUG 583: Ensure that user names always contain the short 
+      version of the domain name.
+    * Fix our parsing of the LDAP uri.
+    * Don't show the 'afs username map' in the SWAT basic view.
+    * Fix SMB signing issues in relation to failed NTLMSSP logins.
+    * BUG 924: Fix return codes in smbtorture harness.
+    * Always lower-case usernames before handing it to AFS code.
+    * Add a German translation for SWAT.
+    * Fix a segfaults in winbindd.
+    * Fix the user's domain passed to register_vuid() from 
+      reply_spnego_Kerberos().
+    * Add NSS example code in nss_winbind to convert UNIX 
+      id's <-> Windows SIDs.
+    * Display more descriptive error messages for login via 'net'.
+    * Fix compiler warning in the net tool.
+    * Fix length bug when decoding base64 strings.
+    * Ensure we don't call getpwnam() inside a loop that is iterating 
+      over users with getpwent().  This broke on glibc 2.3.2.
+o   Herb Lewis <herb at samba.org>
+    * Fix bit rot in psec.
+o   Jianliang Lu <j.lu at tiesse.com>
+    * Ensure we delete the group mapping before calling the delete 
+      group script.
+    * Define well known RID for managing the  "Power Users" group.
+    * BUG 381: check builtin (not local) group SID when updating 
+      group membership.
+    * BUG 101: set the SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER flag in host announcement 
+      packet.
+o   John Klinger <john.klinger at lmco.com>
+    * Implement initgroups() call in nss_winbind on Solaris.
+o   Jim McDonough <jmcd at us.ibm.com>
+    * Fix regression in net rpc join caused by recent changes 
+      to cli_lsa_query_info_policy().
+    * BUG 964: Fix crash bug in 'net rpc join' using a preexisting
+      machine account.
+o   MORIYAMA Masayuki <moriyama at miraclelinux.com>
+    * BUG 570: Ensure that configure honors the LDFLAGS variable.
+o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org>
+    * Implement LDAP rebind sleep patch.
+    * Revert to 2.2 quota code because of so many broken quota files 
+      out there.
+                      XFS_USER_QUOTA -> USRQUOTA
+                      XFS_GROUP_QUOTA -> GRPQUOTA
+    * Fix disk_free calculation with group quotas.
+    * Add debug class 'quota' and a lot of DEBUG()'s 
+      to the quota code.
+    * Fix sys_chown() when no chown() is present.
+    * Add SIGABRT to fault handling in order to catch got a 
+      backtrace if an error occurs the OpenLDAP client libs.
+o   <ndb at theghet.to>
+    * Allow an existing LDAP machine account to be re-used when 
+      joining an AD domain.
+o   James Peach <jpeach at sgi.com>
+    * BUG 889: Change smbd to use pread/pwrite on platforms that 
+      support these calls. Can lead to a significant speed increase.
+o   Tim Potter <tpot at samba.org>
+    * BUG 905: Remove POBAD_CC to fix Solaris Forte compiles.
+    * BUG 924: Fix typo in RW2 torture test.
+o   Richard Sharpe <rsharpe at samba.org>
+    * Small fixes to torture.c to cleanup the error handling 
+      and prevent crashes.
+o   J. Tournier <jerome.tournier at IDEALX.com>
+    * Small fixes for the smbldap-tool scripts.
+o   Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>
+    * Fix src len check in pull_usc2().
+o   Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
+    * Put functions for generating SQL queries in pdb_sql.c
+    * Add pgSQL backend (based on patch by Hamish Friedlander)
+    * BUG 908: Fix -s option to smbcontrol.    
+    * Add smbget utility - a wget-clone for the SMB/CIFS protocol.
+    * Fix for libnss_wins on IRIX platforms.
+    * Fix swatdir for --with-fhs.
+        --------------------------------------------------
+                  =============================
+                  Release Notes for Samba 3.0.1
+                        December 15, 2003
+                  =============================
+Some of the more common bugs in 3.0.0 addressed in the release 
+  o Substitution problems with smb.conf variables.
+  o Errors in return codes which caused some applications
+    to fail to open files.
+  o General Protection Faults on Windows 2000/XP clients
+    using Samba point-n-print features.
+  o Several miscellaneous crash bugs.
+  o Access problems when enumerating group mappings are
+    stored in an LDAP Directory.
+  o Several common SWAT bugs when writing changes to
+    smb.conf.
+  o Internal inconsistencies when 'winbind use default
+    domain = yes'
+Changes since 3.0.0
+    Parameter Name              Action
+    --------------              ------
+    hide local users            Removed
+    mangled map                 Deprecated
+    mangled stack               Removed
+    passwd chat timeout         New
+o   Change the interface for init_unistr2 to not take a length 
+    but a flags field.  We were assuming that 
+    2*strlen(mb_string) == length of ucs2-le string.  (bug 480).
+o   Allow d_printf() to handle strings with escaped quotation 
+    marks since the msg file includes the escape character (bug 489).
+o   Fix bad html table row termination in SWAT wizard code (bug 413).
+o   Fix to parse the level-2 strings.
+o   Fix for "valid users = %S" in [homes].  Fix read/write 
+    list as well. 
+o   Change AC_CHECK_LIB_EXT to prepend libraries instead of append.  
+    This is the same way AC_CHECK_LIB works (bug 508).
+o   Testparm output fixes for clarity.
+o   Fix broken wins hook functionality -- i18n bug (bug 528).
+o   Take care of condition where DOS and NT error codes must differ.
+o   Default to using only built-in charsets when a working iconv 
+    implementation cannot be located.
+o   Wrap internals of sys_setgroups() so the sys_XX() call can 
+    be done unconditionally (bug 550).
+o   Remove duplicate smbspool link on SWAT's front page (bug 541).
+o   Save and restore CFLAGS before/after AC_PROG_CC.  Ensures that
+    --enable-debug=[yes|no] works correctly.
+o   Allow ^C to interrupt smbpasswd if using our getpass 
+    (e.g. smbpasswd command).
+o   Support signing only on RPC's (bug 167).
+o   Correct bug that prevented  Excel 2000 clients from opening 
+    files marked as read-only.
+o   Portability fix bugs 546 - 549).
+o   Explicitly initialize the value of AR for vendor makes that don't
+    do this (e.g. HPUX 11).  (bug 552).
+o   More i18n fixes for SWAT (bug 413).
+o   Change the cwd before the postexec script to ensure that a
+    umount will succeed.
+o   Correct double free that caused winbindd to crash when a DC 
+    is rebooted (bug 437).
+o   Fix incorrect mode sum (bug 562).
+o   Canonicalize SMB_INFO_ALLOCATION in the same was as
+o   Add script to generate *msg files.
+o   Add Dutch SWAT translation file.
+o   Make sure to call get_user_groups() with the full winbindd 
+    name for a user if he/she has one (bug 406).
+o   Fix up error code returns from Samba4 tester. Ensure invalid 
+    paths are validated the same way.  
+o   Allow Samba3 to pass the Samba4 RAW-READ tests.
+o   Refuse to configure if --with-expsam=$BACKEND was used but no 
+    libraries were found for $BACKEND.
+o   Move sysquotas autoconf tests to a separate file.
+o   Match W2K w.r.t. writelock and writeclose.  Samba4 torture 
+    tester
+o   Make sure that the files that contain the static_init_$subsystem; 
+    macro get recompiled after configure by removing the object 
+    files.
+o   Ensure canceling a blocking lock returns the correct error 
+    message.
+o   Match Samba 2.2 behavior; make ACB_NORMAL the default ACB value.
+o   Updated Japanese welcome file in SWAT.
+o   Fix to  nt-time <-> unix-time functions reversible.
+o   Ensure that winbindd uses the the escaped DN when querying
+    an AD ldap server.
+o   Fix portability issues when compiling (bug 505, 550)
+o   Compile fix for tdbbackup when Samba needs to override 
+    non-C99 compliant implementations of snprintf().
+o   Use @PICSUFFIX@ instead of .po in Makefile.in (bug 574).
+o   Make sure we break out of samsync loop on error.
+o   Ensure error code path doesn't free unmalloc()'d memory
+    (bug 628).
+o   Add configure test for krb5_keytab_entry keyblock vs key 
+    member (bug 636).
+o   Fixed spinlocks.
+o   Modified testparm so that all output so all debug output goes 
+    to stderr, and all file processing goes to stdout.
+o   Fix error return code for BUFFER_TOO_SMALL in smbcacls 
+    and smbcquotas.
+o   Fix "NULL dest in safe_strcpy()" log message by ensuring that 
+    we have a devmode before copying a string to the devicename.
+o   Support mapping REALM.COM\user to a local user account (without 
+    running winbindd)  for compatibility with 2.2.x release.
+o   Ensure we don't use mmap() on blacklisted systems.
+o   fixed a number of bugs and memory leaks in the AIX 
+    winbindd shim
+o   Call initgroups() in SWAT before becomming the user so that
+    secondary group permissions can be used when writing to 
+    smb.conf.
+o   Fix signing problems when reverse connecting back to a 
+    client for printer notify
+o   Fix signing problems caused by a miss-sequence bug.
+o   Missing map in errormap for ERROR_MORE_DATA -> ERRDOS, ERRmoredata.
+    Fixes NEXUS tools running on Win9x clients (bug 64).
+o   Don't leave the domain field uninitialized in cli_lsa.c if some 
+    SID could not be mapped.
+o   Fix segfault in mount.cifs helper when there is no options 
+    specified during mount.
+o   Change the \n after the password prompt to go to tty instead 
+    of stdout (bug 668).
+o   Stop net -P from prompting for machine account password (bug 451).
+o   Change in behavior to Not only change the effective uid but also
+    the real uid when becoming unprivileged.
+o   Cope with Exchange 5.5 cleartext pop password auth.
+o   New files for support of initshutdown pipe.  Win2k doesn't 
+    respond properly to all requests on the winreg pipe, so we need 
+    to handle this new pipe (bug 534).
+o   Added more va_copy() checks in configure.in.
+o   Include fixes for libsmbclient build problems.
+o   Missing UNIX -> DOS codepage conversion in lanman.c.
+o   Allow DFMS-S filenames can now have arbitrary case (bug 667).
+o   Parameterize the listen backlog in smbd and make it larger by
+    default. A backlog of 5 is way too small these days.
+o   Check for an invalid fid before dereferencing the fsp pointer
+    (bug 696).
+o   Remove invalid memory frees and return codes in pdb_ldap.c.
+o   Prompt for password when invoking --set-auth-user and no 
+    password is given.
+o   Bind the nmbd sending socket to the 'socket address'.
+o   Re-order link command for smbd, rpcclient and smbpasswd to ensure 
+    $LDFLAGS occurs before any library specification (bug 661).
+o   Fix large number of printf() calls for 64-bit size_t.
+o   Fix AC_CHECK_MEMBER so that SLES8 does correctly finds the 
+    keyblock in the krb5 structs.
+o   Remove #include <compat.h> in hopes to avoid problems with 
+    apache header files.
+o   Correct winbindd build problems on HP-UX 11.
+o   Lowercase netgroups lookups (bug 703).
+o   Use the actual size of the buffer in strftime instead of a made
+    up value which just happens to be less than sizeof(fstring).  
+    (bug 713).
+o   Add ldaplibs to pdbedit link line (bug 651).
+o   Fix crash bug in smbclient completion (bug 659).
+o   Fix packet length for browse list reply (bug 771).
+o   Fix coredump in cli_get_backup_list().
+o   Make sure that we expand %N (bug 612).
+o   Allow rpcclient adddriver command to specify printer driver 
+    version (bug 514).
+o   Compile tdbdump by default.
+o   Apply patches to fix iconv detection for FreeBSD.
+o   Do not allow the 'guest account' to be added to a passdb backend 
+    using smbpasswd or pdbedit (bug 624).
+o   Save LDFLAGS during iconv detection (bug 57).
+o   Run krb5 logins through the username map if the winbindd 
+    lookup fails (bug 698).
+o   Add const for lp_set_name_resolve_order() to avoid compiler 
+    warnings (bug 471).
+o   Add support for the %i macro in smb.conf to stand in for the for
+    the local IP address to which a client connected.
+o   Allow winbindd to match local accounts to domain SID when 
+    'winbind trusted domains only = yes' (bug 680).
+o   Remove code in idmap_ldap that searches the user suffix and group 
+    suffix.  It's not needed and provides inconsistent functionality 
+    from the tdb backend.
+o   Patch to handle munged dial string for Windows 2000 TSE.
+    Thanks to Gaz de France, Direction de la Recherche, Service 
+    Informatique Métier for their supporting this work by Aurelien 
+    Degrémont <adegremont at idealx.com>.
+o   Correct the "smbldap_open: cannot access when not root error"
+    messages when looking up group information (bug 281).
+o   Skip over the winbind separator when looking up a user.
+    This fixes the bug that prevented local users from
+    matching an AD user when not running winbindd (bug 698).
+o   Fix a problem with configure on *BSD systems. Make sure
+    we add -liconv etc to LDFLAGS.
+o   Fix core dump bug when "security = server" and the authentication
+    server goes away.
+o   Correct crash bug due to an empty munged dial string.
+o   Show files locked by a specific user (smbstatus -u 'user') 
+    (bug 590).
+o   Fix bug preventing print jobs from display in the queue
+    monitor used by Windows NT and later clients (bug 660).
+o   Fix several reported problems with point-n-print from
+    Windows 2000/XP clients due to a bug in the EnumPrinterDataEx()
+    reply (bug 338, 527 & 643).
+o   Fix a handful of potential memory leaks in the LDAP code used
+    by ldapsam[_compat] and the LDAP idmap backend.
+o   Fix for pdbedit error code returns (bug 763).
+o   Make sure we only enumerate group mapping entries  (not 
+    /etc/group) even when doing local aliases.
+o   Relax check on the pipe name in a dce/rpc bind response to work 
+    around issues with establishing trusts to a Windows 2003 domain.
+o   Ensure we mangle names ending in '.' in hash2 mangling method.
+o   Correct parsing issues with munged dial string.
+o   Fix bugs in quota support for XFS.
+o   Add a cleaner method for applications that need to provide 
+    name->SID mappings to do this via NSS rather than having to 
+    know the winbindd pipe protocol.
+o   Adds a variant of the winbindd_getgroups() call called 
+    winbindd_getusersids() that provides direct SID->SIDs listing of 
+    a users supplementary groups. This is enough to allow non-Samba 
+    applications to do ACL checking.
+o   Make sure we don't append the 'ldap suffix' when writing out the 
+    'ldap XXX suffix' values in SWAT (bug 328).
+o   Fix renames across file systems.
+o   Ensure that items in a list of strings containing whitespace are 
+    written out surrounded by single quotes.  This means that both 
+    double and single quotes are now used to surround strings in 
+    smb.conf (bug 481).
+o   Enable SWAT to correctly determine if winbindd is running (bug 
+    398).
+o   Include WWW-Authenticate field in 401 response for bad auth 
+    attempt (bug 629).
+o   Add support for NTLM2 (NTLMv2 session security).
+o   Add support for variable-length session keys.
+o   More privilege fixes for group enumeration in LDAP (bug 281).
+o   Use the dns name (or IP) as the originating client name when
+    using CUPS (bug 467).
+o   Fix various SMB signing bugs.
+o   Fix ACL propagation on a DFS root (bug 263).
+o   Disable NTLM2 for RPC pipes.
+o   Allow the client to specify the NTLM2 flags got NTLMSSP 
+    authentication.
+o   Change the name of the job passed off to cups from "Test Page" 
+    to "smbprn.00000033 Test Page" so that we can get the smb 
+    jobid back. This allow users to delete jobs with cups printing 
+    backend (partial work on bug 770).
+o   Fix build of winbindd with static pdb modules.
+o   Retrieve the correct ACL group bits if the file has an ACL 
+    (bug 802).
+o   Implement "net rpc group members": Get members of a domain group 
+    in human-readable format.
+o   Add MacOSX (Darwin) specific charset module code.
+o   Use samr_dispinfo(level == 1) for enumerating domain users so we 
+    can include the full name in gecos field (bug 587).
+o   Add support for winbind's NSS library on FeeeBSD 5.1 (bug 797).
+o   Implement 'net rpc group list [global|local|builtin]*' for a 
+    select listing of the respective user databases.
+o   Don't automatically set NT status code flag unless client tells 
+    us it can cope.
+o   Add 'net status [sessions|shares] [parseable]'.
+o   Don't mistake pre-existing UNIX jobs for smb jobs (remainder of  
+    bug 770).
+o   Add 'Replicator' and 'RAS Servers' to list of builtin SIDs 
+   (bug 608).
+o   Fix inverted logic in hosts allow/deny checks caused by 
+    s/strcmp/strequal/ (bug 846).
+o   Implement correct version SamrRemoveSidForeignDomain() (bug 252).
+o   Fix typo in 'hash' mangling algorithm.
+o   Support munged dial for ldapsam (bug 800).
+o   Fix process_incoming_data() to return the number of bytes handled 
+    this call whether we have a complete PDU or not; fixes bug 
+    with multiple PDU request rpc's broken over SMBwriteX calls 
+    each.
+o   Fix incorrect smb flags2 for connections to pre-NT servers 
+    (causes smbclient to fail to OS2 for example) (bug 821).
+o   Update version string in smbldap-tools Makefile to 0.8.2.
+o   Correct a problem with "net rpc vampire" mis-parsing the 
+    alias member info reply.
+o   Ensure the ${libdir} is created by the installclientlib script.
+o   Fix detection of Windows 2003 client architecture in the smb.conf
+    %a variable.
+o   Ensure that smbd calls the add user script for a missing UNIX 
+    user on Kerberos auth call (bug 445).
+o   Fix bugs in hosts allow/deny when using a mismatched 
+    network/netmask pair.
+o   Protect alloc_sub_basic() from crashing when the source string 
+    is NULL (partial work on bug 687).
+o   Fix spinlocks on IRIX.
+o   Corrected some bad destination paths when running "configure 
+    --with-fhs".
+o   Add packaging files for Fedora Core 1.
+o   Correct bug in SWAT install script for non-english languages.
+o   Support character set ISO-8859-1 internally (bug 558).
+o   Fixed more LDAP access errors when looking up group mappings 
+    (bug 281).
+o   Fix UNISTR2 length bug in LsaQueryInfo(3) that caused SID 
+    resolution to fail on local files on on domain members 
+    (bug 875).
+o   Fix uninitialized variable in passdb.c.
+o   Fix formal parameter type in get_static() in nsswitch/wins.c.
+o   Fix problem mounting directories when mount.cifs is installed 
+    with the setuid bit on.
+o   Fix bug that prevent --mandir from overriding the defaults
+    given in the --with-fhs macro.
+o   Fix bug in in-memory Kerberos keytab detection routines 
+    in configure.in
+              The original 3.0.0 release notes follow
+              =======================================
+                    WHATS NEW IN Samba 3.0.0
+                        September 24, 2003
+              =======================================
+Major new features:
+1)  Active Directory support.  Samba 3.0 is now able to  
+    join a ADS realm as a member server and authenticate 
+    users using LDAP/Kerberos.
+2)  Unicode support. Samba will now negotiate UNICODE on the wire 
+    and internally there is now a much better infrastructure for 
+    multi-byte and UNICODE character sets.
+3)  New authentication system. The internal authentication system 
+    has been almost completely rewritten. Most of the changes are 
+    internal, but the new auth system is also very configurable.
+4)  New default filename mangling system.
+5)  A new "net" command has been added. It is somewhat similar to 
+    the "net" command in windows. Eventually we plan to replace 
+    numerous other utilities (such as smbpasswd) with subcommands 
+    in "net".
+6)  Samba now negotiates NT-style status32 codes on the wire. This
+    improves error handling a lot.
+7)  Better Windows 2000/XP/2003 printing support including publishing
+    printer attributes in active directory.
+8)  New loadable module support for passdb backends and character 
+    sets.
+9)  New default dual-daemon winbindd support for better performance.
+10) Support for migrating from a Windows NT 4.0 domain to a Samba 
+    domain and maintaining user, group and domain SIDs.
+11) Support for establishing trust relationships with Windows NT 4.0
+    domain controllers.
+12) Initial support for a distributed Winbind architecture using
+    an LDAP directory for storing SID to uid/gid mappings.
+13) Major updates to the Samba documentation tree.
+14) Full support for client and server SMB signing to ensure
+    compatibility with default Windows 2003 security settings.
+15) Improvement of ACL mapping features based on code donated by
+    Andreas Grünbacher.
+Plus lots of other improvements!
+Additional Documentation
+Please refer to Samba documentation tree (included in the docs/ 
+subdirectory) for extensive explanations of installing, configuring
+and maintaining Samba 3.0 servers and clients.  It is advised to 
+begin with the Samba-HOWTO-Collection for overviews and specific 
+tasks (the current book is up to approximately 400 pages) and to 
+refer to the various man pages for information on individual options.
+We are very glad to be able to include the second edition of
+"Using Samba" by Jay Ts, Robert Eckstein, and David Collier-Brown
+(O'Reilly & Associates) in this release.  The book is available
+on-line at http://samba.org/samba/docs/ and is included with 
+the Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT).  Thanks to the authors and
+publisher for making "Using Samba" under the GNU Free Documentation 
+Upgrading from a previous Samba 3.0 beta
+Beginning with Samba 3.0.0beta3, the RID allocation functions
+have been moved into winbindd.  Previously these were handled
+by each passdb backend.  This means that winbindd must be running
+to automatically allocate RIDs for users and/or groups.  Otherwise,
+smbd will use the 2.2 algorithm for generating new RIDs.
+If you are using 'passdb backend = tdbsam' with a previous Samba 
+3.0 beta release (or possibly alpha), it may be necessary to 
+move the RID_COUNTER entry from /usr/local/samba/private/passdb.tdb
+to winbindd_idmap.tdb.  To do this:
+1)  Ensure that winbindd_idmap.tdb exists (launch winbindd at least 
+    once)
+2)  build tdbtool by executing 'make tdbtool' in the source/tdb/ 
+    directory
+3)  run: (note that 'tdb>' is the tool's prompt for input)
+       root# ./tdbtool /usr/local/samba/private/passdb.tdb
+       tdb> show RID_COUNTER
+       key 12 bytes
+       data 4 bytes
+       [000] 0A 52 00 00                                       .R.
+       tdb> move RID_COUNTER /usr/local/samba/var/locks/winbindd_idmap.tdb
+       ....
+       record moved
+If you are using 'passdb backend = ldapsam', it will be necessary to 
+store idmap entries in the LDAP directory as well (i.e. idmap backend 
+= ldap).  Refer to the 'net idmap' command for more information on 
+migrating SID<->UNIX id mappings from one backend to another.
+If the RID_COUNTER record does not exist, then these instructions are
+unneccessary and the new RID_COUNTER record will be correctly generated
+if needed.  
+Upgrading from Samba 2.2
+This section is provided to help administrators understand the details
+involved with upgrading a Samba 2.2 server to Samba 3.0.
+Many of the options to the GNU autoconf script have been modified 
+in the 3.0 release.  The most noticeable are:
+  * removal of --with-tdbsam (is now included by default; see section
+    on passdb backends and authentication for more details)
+  * --with-ldapsam is now on used to provided backward compatible
+    parameters for LDAP enabled Samba 2.2 servers.  Refer to the passdb 
+    backend and authentication section for more details
+  * inclusion of non-standard passdb modules may be enabled using
+    --with-expsam.  This includes an XML backend and a mysql backend.
+  * removal of --with-msdfs (is now enabled by default)
+  * removal of --with-ssl (no longer supported)
+  * --with-utmp now defaults to 'yes' on supported systems
+  * --with-sendfile-support is now enabled by default on supported 
+    systems
+This section contains a brief listing of changes to smb.conf options
+in the 3.0.0 release.  Please refer to the smb.conf(5) man page for
+complete descriptions of new or modified parameters.
+Removed Parameters (order alphabetically):
+  * admin log
+  * alternate permissions
+  * character set
+  * client codepage
+  * code page directory
+  * coding system
+  * domain admin group
+  * domain guest group
+  * force unknown acl user
+  * hide local users
+  * mangled stack
+  * nt smb support
+  * postscript
+  * printer driver
+  * printer driver file
+  * printer driver location
+  * read size
+  * source environment
+  * status
+  * strip dot
+  * total print jobs
+  * use rhosts
+  * valid chars
+  * vfs options
+New Parameters (new parameters have been grouped by function):
+  Remote management
+  -----------------
+  * abort shutdown script
+  * shutdown script
+  User and Group Account Management
+  ---------------------------------
+  * add group script
+  * add machine script
+  * add user to group script
+  * algorithmic rid base
+  * delete group script
+  * delete user from group script
+  * passdb backend
+  * set primary group script
+  Authentication
+  --------------
+  * auth methods
+  * realm
+  * passwd chat timeout
+  Protocol Options
+  ----------------
+  * client lanman auth
+  * client NTLMv2 auth
+  * client schannel
+  * client signing
+  * client use spnego
+  * disable netbios
+  * ntlm auth
+  * paranoid server security
+  * server schannel
+  * server signing
+  * smb ports
+  * use spnego
+  File Service
+  ------------
+  * get quota command
+  * hide special files
+  * hide unwriteable files
+  * hostname lookups
+  * kernel change notify
+  * mangle prefix
+  * map acl inherit
+  * msdfs proxy
+  * set quota command
+  * use sendfile
+  * vfs objects
+  Printing
+  --------
+  * max reported print jobs
+  UNICODE and Character Sets
+  --------------------------
+  * display charset
+  * dos charset
+  * unicode
+  * unix charset
+  SID to uid/gid Mappings
+  -----------------------
+  * idmap backend
+  * idmap gid
+  * idmap uid
+  * winbind enable local accounts
+  * winbind trusted domains only
+  * template primary group
+  * enable rid algorithm
+  ----
+  * ldap delete dn
+  * ldap group suffix
+  * ldap idmap suffix
+  * ldap machine suffix
+  * ldap passwd sync
+  * ldap replication sleep
+  * ldap user suffix
+  General Configuration
+  ---------------------
+  * preload modules
+  * private dir
+Modified Parameters (changes in behavior):
+  * encrypt passwords (enabled by default)
+  * mangling method (set to 'hash2' by default)
+  * passwd chat
+  * passwd program
+  * restrict anonymous (integer value)
+  * security (new 'ads' value)
+  * strict locking (enabled by default)
+  * unix extensions (enabled by default)
+  * winbind cache time (increased to 5 minutes)
+  * winbind uid (deprecated in favor of 'idmap uid')
+  * winbind gid (deprecated in favor of 'idmap gid')
+This section contains brief descriptions of any new databases 
+introduced in Samba 3.0.  Please remember to backup your existing 
+${lock directory}/*tdb before upgrading to Samba 3.0.  Samba will 
+upgrade databases as they are opened (if necessary), but downgrading 
+from 3.0 to 2.2 is an unsupported path.
+Name                    Description                             Backup?
+----                    -----------                             -------
+account_policy          User policy settings                    yes
+gencache                Generic caching db                      no
+group_mapping           Mapping table from Windows              yes
+                        groups/SID to unix groups        
+winbindd_idmap          ID map table from SIDS to UNIX          yes
+                        uids/gids.
+namecache               Name resolution cache entries           no
+netsamlogon_cache       Cache of NET_USER_INFO_3 structure      no
+                        returned as part of a successful
+                        net_sam_logon request 
+printing/*.tdb          Cached output from 'lpq                 no
+                        command' created on a per print 
+                        service basis
+registry                Read-only samba registry skeleton       no
+                        that provides support for exporting
+                        various db tables via the winreg RPCs
+Changes in Behavior
+The following issues are known changes in behavior between Samba 2.2 and 
+Samba 3.0 that may affect certain installations of Samba.
+  1)  When operating as a member of a Windows domain, Samba 2.2 would 
+      map any users authenticated by the remote DC to the 'guest account'
+      if a uid could not be obtained via the getpwnam() call.  Samba 3.0
+      rejects the connection as NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE.  There is no 
+      current work around to re-establish the 2.2 behavior.
+  2)  When adding machines to a Samba 2.2 controlled domain, the 
+      'add user script' was used to create the UNIX identity of the 
+      machine trust account.  Samba 3.0 introduces a new 'add machine 
+      script' that must be specified for this purpose.  Samba 3.0 will
+      not fall back to using the 'add user script' in the absence of 
+      an 'add machine script'
+Passdb Backends and Authentication
+There have been a few new changes that Samba administrators should be
+aware of when moving to Samba 3.0.
+  1) encrypted passwords have been enabled by default in order to 
+     inter-operate better with out-of-the-box Windows client 
+     installations.  This does mean that either (a) a samba account
+     must be created for each user, or (b) 'encrypt passwords = no'
+     must be explicitly defined in smb.conf.
+  2) Inclusion of new 'security = ads' option for integration 
+     with an Active Directory domain using the native Windows
+     Kerberos 5 and LDAP protocols.
+     MIT Kerberos 1.3.1 supports the ARCFOUR-HMAC-MD5 encryption 
+     type which is neccessary for servers on which the 
+     administrator password has not been changed, or Kerberos-enabled 
+     SMB connections to servers that require Kerberos SMB signing.
+     Besides this one difference, either MIT or Heimdal Kerberos
+     distributions are usable by Samba 3.0.
+Samba 3.0 also includes the possibility of setting up chains
+of authentication methods (auth methods) and account storage 
+backends (passdb backend).  Please refer to the smb.conf(5) 
+man page for details.  While both parameters assume sane default 
+values, it is likely that you will need to understand what the 
+values actually mean in order to ensure Samba operates correctly.
+The recommended passdb backends at this time are
+  * smbpasswd - 2.2 compatible flat file format
+  * tdbsam - attribute rich database intended as an smbpasswd
+    replacement for stand alone servers
+  * ldapsam - attribute rich account storage and retrieval 
+    backend utilizing an LDAP directory.  
+  * ldapsam_compat - a 2.2 backward compatible LDAP account 
+    backend
+Certain functions of the smbpasswd(8) tool have been split between the 
+new smbpasswd(8) utility, the net(8) tool, and the new pdbedit(8) 
+utility.  See the respective man pages for details.
+This section outlines the new features affecting Samba / LDAP 
+New Schema
+A new object class (sambaSamAccount) has been introduced to replace 
+the old sambaAccount.  This change aids us in the renaming of 
+attributes to prevent clashes with attributes from other vendors.  
+There is a conversion script (examples/LDAP/convertSambaAccount) to 
+modify and LDIF file to the new schema.
+  $ ldapsearch .... -b "ou=people,dc=..." > sambaAcct.ldif
+  $ convertSambaAccount --sid=<Domain SID> \
+    --input=sambaAcct.ldif --output=sambaSamAcct.ldif \
+    --changetype=[modify|add]
+The <DOM SID> can be obtained by running 'net getlocalsid 
+<DOMAINNAME>' on the Samba PDC as root.  The changetype determines 
+the format of the generated LDIF output--either create new entries 
+or modify existing entries.
+The old sambaAccount schema may still be used by specifying the 
+"ldapsam_compat" passdb backend.  However, the sambaAccount and
+associated attributes have been moved to the historical section of
+the schema file and must be uncommented before use if needed.
+The 2.2 object class declaration for a sambaAccount has not changed
+in the 3.0 samba.schema file. 
+Other new object classes and their uses include:
+  * sambaDomain - domain information used to allocate rids 
+    for users and groups as necessary.  The attributes are added
+    in 'ldap suffix' directory entry automatically if 
+    an idmap uid/gid range has been set and the 'ldapsam'
+    passdb backend has been selected.
+  * sambaGroupMapping - an object representing the 
+    relationship between a posixGroup and a Windows
+    group/SID.  These entries are stored in the 'ldap 
+    group suffix' and managed by the 'net groupmap' command.
+  * sambaUnixIdPool - created in the 'ldap idmap suffix' entry 
+    automatically and contains the next available 'idmap uid' and 
+    'idmap gid'
+  * sambaIdmapEntry - object storing a mapping between a 
+    SID and a UNIX uid/gid.  These objects are created by the 
+    idmap_ldap module as needed.
+  * sambaSidEntry - object representing a SID alone, as a Structural
+    class on which to build the sambaIdmapEntry.
+New Suffix for Searching
+The following new smb.conf parameters have been added to aid in directing
+certain LDAP queries when 'passdb backend = ldapsam://...' has been
+  * ldap suffix         - used to search for user and computer accounts
+  * ldap user suffix    - used to store user accounts
+  * ldap machine suffix - used to store machine trust accounts
+  * ldap group suffix   - location of posixGroup/sambaGroupMapping entries
+  * ldap idmap suffix   - location of sambaIdmapEntry objects
+If an 'ldap suffix' is defined, it will be appended to all of the 
+remaining sub-suffix parameters.  In this case, the order of the suffix
+listings in smb.conf is important.  Always place the 'ldap suffix' first
+in the list.  
+Due to a limitation in Samba's smb.conf parsing, you should not surround 
+the DN's with quotation marks.
+IdMap LDAP support
+Samba 3.0 supports an ldap backend for the idmap subsystem.  The 
+following options would inform Samba that the idmap table should be
+stored on the directory server onterose in the "ou=idmap,dc=plainjoe,
+dc=org" partition.
+ [global]
+    ...
+    idmap backend     = ldap:ldap://onterose/
+    ldap idmap suffix = ou=idmap,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
+    idmap uid         = 40000-50000
+    idmap gid         = 40000-50000
+This configuration allows winbind installations on multiple servers to
+share a uid/gid number space, thus avoiding the interoperability problems
+with NFS that were present in Samba 2.2.
+Trust Relationships and a Samba Domain
+Samba 3.0.0beta2 is able to utilize winbindd as the means of 
+allocating uids and gids to trusted users and groups.  More
+information regarding Samba's support for establishing trust 
+relationships can be found in the Samba-HOWTO-Collection included
+in the docs/ directory of this release.
+First create your Samba PDC and ensure that everything is 
+working correctly before moving on the trusts.
+To establish Samba as the trusting domain (named SAMBA) from a Windows NT
+4.0 domain named WINDOWS:
+  1) create the trust account for SAMBA in "User Manager for Domains"
+  2) connect the trust from the Samba domain using
+     'net rpc trustdom establish GLASS'
+To create a trustlationship with SAMBA as the trusted domain:
+  1) create the initial trust account for GLASS using
+     'smbpasswd -a -i GLASS'.  You may need to create a UNIX
+     account for GLASS$ prior to this step (depending on your
+     local configuration).
+  2) connect the trust from a WINDOWS DC using "User Manager
+     for Domains"
+Now join winbindd on the Samba PDC to the SAMBA domain using
+the normal steps for adding a Samba server to an NT4 domain:
+(note that smbd & nmbd must be running at this point)
+   root# net rpc join -U root
+   Password: <enter root password from smbpasswd file here>
+Start winbindd and test the join with 'wbinfo -t'.
+Now test the trust relationship by connecting to the SAMBA DC
+(e.g. POGO) as a user from the WINDOWS domain:
+   $ smbclient //pogo/netlogon -U Administrator -W WINDOWS
+   Password:
+Now connect to the WINDOWS DC (e.g. CRYSTAL) as a Samba user:
+   $ smbclient //crystal/netlogon -U root -W WINDOWS
+   Password:
+Changes in Winbind
+Beginning with Samba3.0.0beta3, winbindd has been given new account
+manage functionality equivalent to the 'add user script' family of
+smb.conf parameters.  The idmap design has also been changed to 
+centralize control of foreign SID lookups and matching to UNIX 
+uids and gids.
+Brief Description of Changes
+1) The sid_to_uid() family of functions (smbd/uid.c) have been 
+   reverted to the 2.2.x design.  This means that when resolving a 
+   SID to a UID or similar mapping:
+        a) First consult winbindd
+        b) perform a local lookup only if winbindd fails to
+           return a successful answer
+   There are some variations to this, but these two rules generally
+   apply.
+2) All idmap lookups have been moved into winbindd.  This means that
+   a server must run winbindd (and support NSS) in order to achieve
+   any mappings of SID to dynamically allocated UNIX ids.  This was
+   a conscious design choice.
+3) (OBSOLETE) New functions have been added to winbindd to emulate 
+   the 'add user script' family of smbd functions without requiring 
+   that external scripts be defined.  This functionality is controlled 
+   by the 'winbind  enable local accounts' smb.conf parameter (enabled 
+   by default).
+   However, this account management functionality is only supported 
+   in a local tdb (winbindd_idmap.tdb).  If these new UNIX accounts 
+   must be shared among multiple Samba servers (such as a PDC and BDCs), 
+   it will be necessary to define your own 'add user script', et. al.
+   programs that place the accounts/groups in some form of directory
+   such as NIS or LDAP.  This requirement was deemed beyond the scope
+   of winbind's account management functions.  Solutions for 
+   distributing UNIX system information have been deployed and tested 
+   for many years.  We saw no need to reinvent the wheel.
+4) A member of a Samba controlled domain running winbindd is now able 
+   to map domain users directly onto existing UNIX accounts while still
+   automatically creating accounts for trusted users and groups.  This
+   behavior is controlled by the 'winbind trusted domains only' smb.conf
+   parameter (disabled by default to provide 2.2.x winbind behavior).
+5) Group mapping support is wrapped in the local_XX_to_XX() functions
+   in smbd/uid.c.  The reason that group mappings are not included
+   in winbindd is because the purpose of Samba's group map is to
+   match any Windows SID with an existing UNIX group.  These UNIX
+   groups can be created by winbindd (see next section), but the
+   SID<->gid mapping is retreived by smbd, not winbindd.
+* security = server running winbindd to allocate accounts on demand
+* Samba PDC running winbindd to handle the automatic creation of UNIX
+  identities for machine trust accounts
+* Automtically creating UNIX user and groups when migrating a Windows NT
+  4.0 PDC to a Samba PDC.  Winbindd must be running when executing
+  'net rpc vampire' for this to work.
+Known Issues
+* There are several bugs currently logged against the 3.0 codebase
+  that affect the use of NT 4.0 GUI domain management tools when run
+  against a Samba 3.0 PDC.  This bugs should be released in an early 
+  3.0.x release.
+Please refer to https://bugzilla.samba.org/ for a current list of bugs 
+filed against the Samba 3.0 codebase.
+Reporting bugs & Development Discussion
+Please discuss this release on the samba-technical mailing list or by
+joining the #samba-technical IRC channel on irc.freenode.net.
+If you do report problems then please try to send high quality
+feedback. If you don't provide vital information to help us track down
+the problem then you will probably be ignored.  
+A new bugzilla installation has been established to help support the 
+Samba 3.0 community of users.  This server, located at 
+https://bugzilla.samba.org/, has replaced the older jitterbug server 
+previously located at http://bugs.samba.org/.

Copied: trunk/samba/docs (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/docs)

Copied: trunk/samba/examples (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/examples)

Copied: trunk/samba/packaging (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/packaging)

Copied: trunk/samba/pcp (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/pcp)

Copied: trunk/samba/source (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/source)

Copied: trunk/samba/swat (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/swat)

Copied: trunk/samba/testsuite (from rev 1585, branches/samba/upstream/testsuite)

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