[Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#488275: samba and winbind: initscript miss 'status' option

Tim Stoop tim at kumina.nl
Sat Jun 28 08:34:37 UTC 2008

Hi Steve,

Op 28-jun-2008, om 8:36 heeft Steve Langasek het volgende geschreven:
> This is indeed most definitely a wishlist.

Which is of course why I set it to 'wishlist' :)

> I don't think this is a reasonable expectation of heartbeat on a  
> Debian
> system and believe this should be regarded as a bug if the Debian  
> heartbeat
> package does this.

This is an integral part of the heartbeat-2 workings. The 'status' of  
the init script is used to check, well, if the service is indeed up  
or down :) It allows for correct monitoring from within heartbeat's  
crm, the resource manager. Not a bug, a feature! ;-) Another way  
would be to create an OCF script, but I think this is a bit overkill,  
since the init script does 90% of what's needed. Only the status is  

At this time, support for Samba in failover with heartbeat-2 is  
unsupported "out of the box". Adding a 'status' that complies with  
the LSB spec would immediately enable this kind of setup out of the box.

> So I really don't believe we should be trying to pick init scripts off
> one-by-one with bugs asking to add the LSB status option when this  
> is not
> part of Debian policy; we should reach a consensus about whether  
> this is
> something that Debian should support, and get it added explicitly  
> to policy
> on its own merits.

Well that's okay, too, but I wasn't picking init scripts one-by-one,  
I came across this when trying to set up a Samba server in failover  
with heartbeat-2 on a Debian Etch system (well, two systems, of  
course). I don't think the case is all that unique, so I think more  
people would run into this, which is why I filed the wishlist-bugreport.

I hope you'll see it from that point of view. If so, I created a  
'status' function in my own samba init script. If you'd like, I can  
post it here. It's not very good (I'm using pidof...), but it seems  
to work and maybe can be a starting point for a proper implementation.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me and good luck with further  
development of this package!

Kind regards,
Met vriendelijke groet,

Tim Stoop

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