[Pkg-samba-maint] Upgrade question

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Thu Apr 9 04:50:33 UTC 2009

Quoting Terry McKenn (smckenna_debian at clanlineage.com):
> I am sincerely thankful to all maintainers at debian, so don't take this  
> as a gripe.  I am merely curious...What should I have done?

I'm not sure there is a good answer to that question.

Obviously, you were hit by an upstream behaviour change that we didn't
anticipate. The package changelog doesn't show any particular item
about this because we generally don't list upstream changes in our
changelog (that would make them too huge).

Would this have been detected during the development of lenny, we
would certainly have considered introducing a warning (probably not,
actually....imagine what would happen if all packages print warning
about potential behaviour change when doing a major upstream upgrade)
or an item in NEWS.Debian

I haven't upgraded my own major file servers yet but, when preparing
for it, I'll probably use a server mimicing the real server setup to
try identifying potential problems introduced by the upgrade.

I'm not even sure that I would be able to detect such problem with

I think that I will make upstream the suggesiton of keeping a full
changelog history instead of "just" providing WHATSNEW.txt which just
lists the *latest* changes. *This* is something that always annoys me
when I try tracking down what version introduced a given change.

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