[Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#462045: Bug#462045: samba: automagically add initial set of domain groups

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Wed Jan 14 17:33:29 UTC 2009

Quoting Steve Langasek (vorlon at debian.org):

> > (medium-priority debconf question, etc.)
> What reason is there to ask the user at all about this?  If the user wants
> to map these NT groups to different Unix groups, then it's still
> straightforward to do that, AFAIK.  Is there some reason that it's wrong
> (== insecure) to always map these groups by default, even if they'll be
> changed later?

I'd say "mostly to avoid being 'accused' to do things in the back of
our users without warning them".

Also because it might add some complication to our maintainer scripts
in order to first check if there are already existing group mappings,
preserve them, etc, etc.

It's more a general feeling I have that packages shouldn't maybe try
to do too many 'nice' things when installed. Something I haven't been
always thinking but am more and more convinced of as the time goes on.

The counter argument is that you seem to feel this is acceptable and
that you're generally the conservative person in the team, Steve....

(/me already laughs out loud imagining that I will point folks to a
mail where I say that vorlon is conservative)

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