[Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#567095: Bug#567095: Bug#567095: Samba does not correctly set named ACL for owning group and user

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Fri Feb 5 06:16:29 UTC 2010

Quoting Christian PERRIER (bubulle at debian.org):

> However, while #4308 has a straightforward fix that we could consider
> backporting to 3.2.5 (the fix was done in 3.2.8), #6878 patch seems to

I started working to backport the fix for #4308. Actually the two
patches proposed by Jeremy in the bug log do apply cleanly, except one
chunk in the second, which I had to merge manually (the relevant code
apparently has some other modifications between 3.2.5 and 3.2.8).

FWIW, we (Onera) decided to move to 3.2.15 (with the unofficial
backported packages we have in http://pkg-samba.alioth.debian.org) to
have the fix immediately (otherwise, I'll be crucified by users).

Indeed, lenny would really deserve to have 3.2.15 instead of
3.2.5. Given the Samba Team release policy, this would be much less of
a problem for our users than sticking to 3.2.5 and manually select
what we do fix or not.

I wonder if I could somehow push for relaxing the "thou shalt not
increase upstream versions in stable" mantra...of course on a
package-per-package basis.

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