[Pkg-samba-maint] Show stopper with samba 3.5 Is there an easy way to build 3.6 packages?

Alex King alex at king.net.nz
Wed Feb 16 20:47:04 UTC 2011

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 06:35:41PM +0100, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Alex King (alex at king.net.nz):
> >  Samba Bugzilla Bug 7481 is a show stopper for me.  I have lots of
> > "workgroup" servers where other services auth against samba running
> > as PDC on the samba box, and they all break after an upgrade to
> > squeeze.
> > 
> > Is there source of 3.6 debian packages, or a straightforward way to
> > build them?
> 3.6 is still a pre-release. IIRC, I worked to package it, in
> experimental (I can't remember if that was uploaded, though)
> > I'll probably downgrade in the mean time.
> Upstream #7481 probably qualifies for an update in stable. My plan
> was, however, to wait for the release of 3.5.7 and then see if I can
> convince RM that it's a good option to have it in stable, instead of
> cherrypicking fixes one by one. Upstream policy is strict enough for
> me to be confident they won't introduce regressions...but the RM
> advice may vary.

Thanks for your quick response.  That sounds like a good plan.

I found the debian bug (612049) and added a me-too to it.

After downgrading to the lenny version, I was getting errors about unknown tdb version.  I suppose the squeeze samba had upgraded the tdb files, and the lenny version can no longer read them.  Since my server is running as PDC, it has many details stored in the tdb files, it would be a pain to loose that data.  So I used http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20100201T042505Z/ and re-upgraded to 2:3.4.5~dfsg-1  This got me working again, if not totally ideal.

There do not seem to be good dump/restore utilities for tdb files.

I think until the stable update, it would be a good idea to publicise a workaround for those that need it, ie a link to packages that don't have this problem.  If there were a package in experimental that could be good, or failing that a link to a 3.4 package in snapshot, like I used.

I will probably add another comment to the bug suggesting the workaround I used, if a better solution isn't posted beforehand.

If there is anything I can do to help (testing, documenting, package building etc), please let me know.

Thanks again,
Alex King

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