[Pkg-samba-maint] Problems with smbclient send netbios message

José Carlos Colzani jose.colzani at unifebe.edu.br
Tue Jan 15 17:07:18 UTC 2013


First, sorry by my bad english :)

I had a samba 3.0 and use a script with smbclient to send  messages to
30 computers in my laboratory. I upgrade to debian squeeze and samba 3.5
and now i dont use the same command.

root at escort:~# echo "Testando" | smbclient -NM LAB5-01 -I
Type your message, ending it with a Control-D
cli_message returned NT_STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN

I finding in samba bugzilla this:

When i test with RH 5 with samba 3.0 this work, only with Debian dont work.

[root at delorean ~]# smbclient --version
Version 3.0.33-3.39.el5_8
[root at delorean ~]# echo "Teste" | smbclient -M LAB5-01 -I
Connected. Type your message, ending it with a Control-D
sent 7 bytes

Please, can anyone helpme?

E-mail:jose.colzani at unifebe.edu.br
Telefone:47 3211-7200
Centro Universitário de Brusque - UNIFEBE
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