[Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#856463: Bug#856463: cifs-utils: Accessing files with length of 1067 bytes extremly slow

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 16:34:35 UTC 2017

"Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: tag -1 upstream

2017-03-01 10:54 GMT+01:00 Stephan Gampert | GIP <stephan.gampert at gip.com>:
> Subject: cifs-utils: Accessing files with length of 1067 bytes extremly slow
> we are using cifs-utils to access  Microsoft Windows 2012R2 File-Server
> shares from Debian-workstations.
> The windows shares are mounted using fstab:
> //fileserver/firstname.lastname  /home/firstname.lastname cifs
> uid=firstname.lastname,gid=users,file_mode=0700,dir_mode=0700,users,user=firstname.lastname,domain=DOMAINNAME,mfsymlinks,noauto,sec=krb5
> 0  0

> Accessing some of the files is extremly slow (about 3-20 seconds):

> All of the "slow files" have a length of 1067 bytes.
> As far as I know this is also the length of symlink files. Perhaps there is
> a problem with symlink handling.

It is because the complete file is parsed whien its size is 1067 bytes.

See https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/UNIX_Extensions#Minshall.2BFrench_symlinks
for more info.

If you don't need symlink emulation, remove the "mfsymlinks" option.

Otherwise, You should test with Debian jessie and Debian stretch.
However, the slowness is probably coming from the server side.


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