[Pkg-samba-maint] [Git][samba-team/samba][master] Improve samba-vfs-modules description (Closes: #776505)

Mathieu Parent gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Apr 9 19:30:18 UTC 2018

Mathieu Parent pushed to branch master at Debian Samba Team / samba

2e07ed4f by Mathieu Parent at 2018-04-09T21:29:42+02:00
Improve samba-vfs-modules description (Closes: #776505)

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- debian/control


--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -286,7 +286,14 @@ Description: Samba Virtual FileSystem plugins
  and other Unix systems.  Samba can also function as a domain controller
  or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory domains.
- This package contains plugins for the Samba server Virtual FileSystem.
+ Virtual FileSystem modules are stacked shared libraries extending the
+ functionality of Samba. Some examples are:
+ * vfs_acl_xattr: Save NTFS-ACLs in Extended Attributes
+ * vfs_audit: record selected Samba VFS operations in the system log
+ * vfs_readonly: Make a Samba share read only for a specified time period
+ * vfs_recycle: Give the same effect as the Recycle Bin on Windows computers
+ * vfs_shadow_copy2: Expose snapshots to Windows clients as shadow copies
+ * vfs_worm: Disallow writes for older file
  Note: The runtime dependencies of vfs_ceph, vfs_glusterfs and vfs_snapper are
  moved to Recommends.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba/commit/2e07ed4fe23d71b93d0600b06233c9cea5709f38

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba/commit/2e07ed4fe23d71b93d0600b06233c9cea5709f38
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