[Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#947245: more infos

Piviul piviul at riminilug.it
Wed Jan 8 09:16:46 GMT 2020

Hi, I add some more infos to the bug hoping will be useful to shoot the 
problem. Using wbinfo command line program in a pc joined to the domain 
and dist-upgraded to bullseye I can see that some parameters return 
correctly, other doesn't. For example --domain-info option or 
--dsgetdcname shows the correct return value but --getdcname doesn't:

$ wbinfo --getdcname DOMINIOCSA
Could not get dc name for DOMINIOCSA

But winbind service seems to be started correctly:

$ systemctl status winbind.service
● winbind.service - Samba Winbind Daemon
      Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/winbind.service; enabled; 
vendor prese>
      Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-01-08 08:41:40 CET; 20min ago
        Docs: man:winbindd(8)
    Main PID: 494 (winbindd)
      Status: "winbindd: ready to serve connections..."
       Tasks: 5 (limit: 1144)
      Memory: 16.3M
      CGroup: /system.slice/winbind.service
              ├─494 /usr/sbin/winbindd --foreground --no-process-group
              ├─510 winbindd: domain child [DEBIAN64BIT]
              ├─511 winbindd: idmap child
              ├─512 winbindd: domain child [BUILTIN]
              └─553 /usr/sbin/winbindd --foreground --no-process-group

I'm a little bit confused...

Have a great year


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