[Pkg-samba-maint] [Git][samba-team/samba][master] d/rules: make configure non-verbose and output end of bin/config.log on error
Michael Tokarev (@mjt)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Apr 2 23:05:11 BST 2022
Michael Tokarev pushed to branch master at Debian Samba Team / samba
b1897627 by Michael Tokarev at 2022-04-03T01:01:45+03:00
d/rules: make configure non-verbose and output end of bin/config.log on error
waf -v is *too* verbose at least for configure, it just
makes whole errors nearly impossible to spot and the things
it prints aren't useful. On the other hand, it keeps
quite detailed bin/config.log file where actual useful
information is collected. So run configure in non-verbose
(and non-parallel) mode, and print last 20 errors from
bin/config.log if configure run failed. This makes things
*much* easier to debug.
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- debian/rules
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ debian/ldb-version.mk: lib/ldb/wscript
include debian/ldb-version.mk
V = 1
-WAF := PYTHONHASHSEED=1 $(PYTHON) ./buildtools/bin/waf $(if ${V},-v)
+WAF_CMD := PYTHONHASHSEED=1 ${PYTHON} ./buildtools/bin/waf
+WAF := ${WAF_CMD} $(if ${V},-v)
# wrapper around cups-config, to work around #726726
export PATH:=$(CURDIR)/debian/bin:$(PATH)
@@ -136,7 +136,8 @@ clean install install-arch install-indep: %:
dh $* --with python3 $(BUILD_PACKAGES)
- $(WAF_NO_PARALLEL) configure $(conf_args)
+ ${WAF_CMD} -j 1 configure ${conf_args} || \
+ { echo "== last 20 lines of config.log:"; tail -n20 bin/config.log; false; }
# samba build system is designed so that default build (what is produced
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