[Pkg-samba-maint] [Git][samba-team/samba][master] 4 commits: python3-ldb-dev: pyldb.h header is not python-version-dependent

Michael Tokarev (@mjt) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Apr 10 11:53:06 BST 2022

Michael Tokarev pushed to branch master at Debian Samba Team / samba

7dff259e by Michael Tokarev at 2022-04-09T17:54:35+03:00
python3-ldb-dev: pyldb.h header is not python-version-dependent

keep it in standard samba include dir (/usr/include/samba-NN)
instead of moving it to python-related place.  This way we don't
need to figure out the python include-dir too, python3-ldb-dev.install
becomes just a plain install file.

- - - - -
a8ff614c by Michael Tokarev at 2022-04-09T22:08:44+03:00
simplify usage of ${WAF} and its -j/-v flags; enable cache in configure

- - - - -
d8092205 by Michael Tokarev at 2022-04-09T22:15:33+03:00
d/rules: reformat debian/python3-ldb.symbols generation

- - - - -
8c1291cc by Michael Tokarev at 2022-04-10T13:52:20+03:00
d/control: libldb2: break sssd<<2.6.3-3 and samba-dsdb-modules<<4.16, cleanup

Add Breaks: ssssd<<2.6.3-3 for libldb2 since we moved ldb modules
when started building ldb from samba sources, and up until 2.6.3-3,
sssd had hardcoded --with-ldb-lib-dir instead of using our pkgconfig-
provided value.  Ditto for samba-dsdb-modules.

We can't move ldb modules freely because of this usage in other programs.

While at it, remove all existed Breaks/Replaces from there for packages
which are not relevant anymore (like libldb0).

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- debian/control
- debian/python3-ldb-dev.install
- debian/rules


@@ -481,13 +481,13 @@ Architecture: any
 Section: libs
 Depends: ${misc:Depends},
-Replaces: libldb0
 Breaks: ldb-tools (<<1.1.30~),
-        libldb0,
-        libldb1 (<< 2:2~),
-        python-samba (<< 2:4.7.0~),
+# sssd had --with-ldb-lib-dir hardcoded until 2.6.3-3
+# and we moved our modules when built from samba sources
+# samba-dsdb-modules is also broken by this move
+        sssd (<< 2.6.3-3~),
         samba (<<2:4.7.0~),
-        samba-dsdb-modules (<< 2:4.7.0~),
+        samba-dsdb-modules (<< 2:4.16.0~),
         samba-libs (<< 2:4.7.0~),
         samba-testsuite (<< 2:4.7.0~)
 Description: LDAP-like embedded database - shared library

@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-PY3_INCDIR=$(${PYTHON:-python3}-config --includes |
-             sed 's,^-I\([^ ]*\).*,\1,')
-echo "\
-usr/include/samba-4.0/pyldb.h $PY3_INCDIR

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all
 include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk
+include /usr/share/dpkg/buildopts.mk
 include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk
 include /usr/share/dpkg/vendor.mk
 # faster version of dpkg/architecture.mk defining only vars we actually need
@@ -22,12 +23,9 @@ LDB_DEB_VERSION := ${LDB_EPOCH}${LDB_VERSION}$(if $(filter ${LDB_VERSION},2.5.0)
 LDB_DEPENDS := libldb2 (= ${LDB_DEB_VERSION})
 V = 1
-WAF_CMD := PYTHONHASHSEED=1 ${PYTHON} ./buildtools/bin/waf
-WAF := ${WAF_CMD} $(if ${V},-v)
-ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
-    WAF += -j $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+WAF := PYTHONHASHSEED=1 ${PYTHON} ./buildtools/bin/waf \
+WAFv := ${WAF} $(if $V, -v)
 conf_args = \
 		--prefix=/usr \
@@ -120,7 +118,7 @@ clean install install-arch install-indep: %:
 configure: bin/configured.stamp
 .PHONY: configure
-	${WAF_CMD} -j 1 configure ${conf_args} || \
+	${WAF} -j1 configure -C ${conf_args} || \
 	  { $(if ${V},echo "==== contents of config.log:"; cat bin/config.log;) false; }
 	touch $@
@@ -138,8 +136,8 @@ bin/built.stamp: bin/configured.stamp
 # This will pefrorm unnecessary/extra install step (into d/tmp), which
 # we'll repeat during actual install stage, but this is definitely
 # better/faster than building whole thing for _not_ running from the build dir.
-	${WAF} --targets=compile_et,asn1_compile
-	${WAF} install --destdir="${CURDIR}/debian/tmp"
+	${WAFv} --targets=compile_et,asn1_compile
+	${WAFv} install --destdir="${CURDIR}/debian/tmp"
 	touch $@
 build: build-arch build-indep
@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@ testbuild/configured.stamp: testbuild/copied.stamp
 # (libsocket-wrapper &Co), but let's just build the bundled ones. There's no
 # good reason to use externally-packaged wrappers, they're small to build and
 # we don't use them for production build, and extra versioned build-dep hurts.
-	cd testbuild && ${WAF_CMD} -j 1 configure --enable-selftest -C \
+	cd testbuild && ${WAF} -j1 configure --enable-selftest -C \
 		$$(echo '${conf_args}' | \
 		   sed 's|--bundled-libraries=NONE|&,nss_wrapper,pam_wrapper,resolv_wrapper,socket_wrapper,uid_wrapper|')
 # FIXME: some tests fail for now, handle them later
@@ -280,11 +278,13 @@ execute_after_dh_fixperms-arch:
 	# generate symbols file with correct cpython suffix in there
-	pyext=$$(python3-config --extension-suffix | tr _ -); \
-	pyUP=$$(echo $${pyext%.so} | tr a-z- A-Z_); \
-	{ echo "libpyldb-util$${pyext}.2 python3-ldb #MINVER#"; \
-	  cat debian/python3-ldb.symbols.in; } > debian/python3-ldb.symbols
+	{ \
+	    suff=$$(python3-config --extension-suffix | tr _ -); \
+	    SUFF=$$(echo "$${suff%.so}" | tr a-z- A-Z_); \
+	    echo "libpyldb-util$${suff}.2 python3-ldb #MINVER#"; \
+	    cat debian/python3-ldb.symbols.in; \
+	} > debian/python3-ldb.symbols
 	# create symbols and shlibs files in separate wrapper script
 	# to deal with private libraries

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba/-/compare/0c7516d3403cc8957e71ce7849e16c7c8d25f8a5...8c1291ccd952009170f09e427775d20b9e31ad2d

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba/-/compare/0c7516d3403cc8957e71ce7849e16c7c8d25f8a5...8c1291ccd952009170f09e427775d20b9e31ad2d
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