[Pkg-sass-devel] Bug#953048: Bug#953048: ruby-sass: sass --watch does not work

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Wed Mar 4 16:48:05 GMT 2020

Quoting Werner Joss (2020-03-04 16:18:15)
> Am Dienstag, 3. März 2020, 21:38:00 CET schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
> > Quoting Werner Joss (2020-03-03 20:46:47)
> > > sass --watcg does not work - I get the following errors:
> > 
> > You are right, that feature has been omitted from the Debian 
> > packaging of ruby-sass.  It should work if you install the Python 
> > module sass-watch locally.
> But unfortunately, I can't find any package with this name (via 
> aptitude and pip/pip3) - installed pysass and python-libsass instead 
> but no change.

I deliberately wrote "should" because it is outside Debian: I don't 
really know if and how it might maybe perhaps work and if so then for 
how long before it maybe perhaps crashes in weird ways.

I know about Debian, and I chose to avoid that feature because it became 
difficult to package for Debian and I considered it a low-priority 
feature (read: I found it more important to ship sass wihtout that 
feature than to not ship sass at all with Debian).

Beware: Ruby-based sass is dead upstream.  I recommend to use sassc 

For the --watch feature, I suggest you consider generic tools like 
fswatch inotify-tools iwatch

Kind regards,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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