[Pkg-sass-devel] Bug#1037736: Bug#1037736: libsass: ftbfs with GCC-13

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Sun Jul 30 18:05:50 BST 2023

Hi Bo,

Quoting Bo YU (2023-07-30 18:40:01)
> I have updated the symbols file to fix the issue, could you apply it on
> next upload?

Thanks a lot.  I will apply now.

If you are generally interested in SASS tools and want to help maintain
them in Debian, then you are very welcome to join the team (which is
effectively only me at the moment).

If you just wanted to help fix this one issue, then that is fine too, of

> BTW, The issue should be the same with #1042201

Agreed, that is same issue.

Kind regards,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
 * Sponsorship: https://ko-fi.com/drjones

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