libsdl2 copyright file revisited

Dominique Dumont dod at
Fri Aug 10 17:57:52 UTC 2012


Sorry for the long delay. Vacations happened and then it took me a while to 
resume normal(ish) activities...

Le Sunday 22 July 2012 04:01:09, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo a écrit :
> So I went though big pains in the last few hours to revisit this file
> [1], adapt it for the new zlib/libpng license upstream, convert it to
> the new copyright format and try to cover all issues (even if it's
> quite free-form in some parts at the moment, documenting it is
> hellish).
> Can you please give your opinion?


Assuming you want to respect the DEP-5 standard, there a some syntax issues to 
solve. Mainly the License fields is required in Files paragraph.

For instance, the "Files: SDL/src/libm/* " lacks such a field. I agree that 
the critical info is there, but it's not parsable.

Here's how I suggest to fix it:

  Files: SDL/src/libm/*
  Copyright: 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  License: permissive
    Developed at SunPro, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
    Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
    software is freely granted, provided that this notice
    is preserved.
  Comment: License text extracted from header

In Files SDL/src/main/windows/SDL_windows_main.c, the License keyword must
not contain space. i.e. you should do:

  Files: SDL/src/main/windows/SDL_windows_main.c
  Copyright: 1998 Sam Lantinga
  License: public
   SDL_main.c, placed in the public domain by Sam Lantinga  4/13/98
  Comment: extracted from header

mmx.h is more tricky. From the header, we can assume a rather permissive 
license. But more recent version of mmx.h are shipped with LGPL (in kino and 
xbmc) or without any statement (in ffmpeg)...

SDL/src/render/SDL_yuv_sw.c is a bsd_like license. You can use this as a 
License keyword (and keep the text in the License body).

Files: test/shapes/* is probably not needed. It should be covered by the 
"Files: *" paragraph.

For the altantis/* files (which looks like a MIT license) I would do:

  Files: Xcode/TemplatesForXcode*/*/atlantis/*
  Copyright: 1993, 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
  License: MIT-like

  Files: Xcode/TemplatesForXcode*/*/atlantis/atlantis.c
  Copyright: 1994 Mark J. Kilgard
           1993, 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
  License: MIT-like

  License: MIT-like
    [ blah-blah-blah from header ]

That's all for now. Note that I did not check if files were missed or not.

Note that you can check the syntax of the copyright file with this command:

  cme check dpkg-copyright

(provided by liconfig-model-perl)


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