Package sdl-sound1.2 ready to fly

Dominique Dumont dod at
Wed Feb 8 07:53:20 UTC 2012

Le Tuesday 7 February 2012 23:40:10, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo a écrit :
> Now it's fixed, can you please try again?


Unfortunately, lintian is not happy:

E: libsdl-sound1.2: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision 
on symbol ExitMP3 at Base and 99 others
N:    Debian revisions should be stripped from versions in symbols files. Not
N:    doing so leads to dependencies unsatisfiable by backports (1.0-1~bpo <<
N:    1.0-1 while 1.0-1~bpo >= 1.0). If the debian revision can't be stripped
N:    because the symbol really appeared between two specific Debian
N:    revisions, you should postfix the version with a single "~" (example:
N:    1.0-3~ if the symbol appeared in 1.0-3).
N:    This problem normally means that the symbols were added automatically by
N:    dpkg-gensymbols. dpkg-gensymbols uses the full version number for the
N:    dependency associated to any new symbol that it detects. The maintainer
N:    must update the debian/<package>.symbols file by adding the new symbols
N:    with the corresponding upstream version.

Can you fix this ?

All the best

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