Bug#668771: openarena: Does not restore desktop screen resolution on quit.

Sthu Deus sthu.deus at gmail.com
Sat Jun 23 04:11:28 UTC 2012

Good time of the day, Simon.

Thank You for Your time, work and answer.
You wrote among other:

> It might not help that SDL 1.2.15 turned off XRandR support upstream
> "because it causes desktop reconfiguring"[1], and in any case
> libsdl1.2 doesn't seem to be built against libxrandr-dev (so turning
> it on via SDL_VIDEO_X11_XRANDR=1 won't have any effect). I didn't
> have any more success in a dual-monitor setup with libsdl1.2 rebuilt
> and XRandR enabled, though.

What I did for a work around - was to run openarena from terminal
window w/ xrandr command at its endunited w/ && - that caught the
broken resolution and returned it to previous one. So, unless we are
speaking about different things/realization - I think that xrandr
capable of restoring resolution on multi-head.

May, You will call for the command directly from Arena code - as a work
around until the time that the stated function will be
rewritten/corrected to fix the problem.

> I'll work around this for new openarena installations by changing the
> default in ioquake3 to run in a window.

I do not think You should do this because it will not solve the problem
(read farther) and I suppose few people prefer that mode of playing.

> Sthu: if you configure your OpenArena to run in a window (Setup ->
> System -> Graphics -> Fullscreen), it should stop breaking your video
> mode after that. You can also select a higher resolution in the same
> menu.

As You have guessed right, it will bring performance to be exceedingly
low. :) Therefore, not acceptable.

As I said before, I have a work around for me, therefore no problem to
wait for a long time before the issue will be fixed in some future.

Thanks, for Your work, again!


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